logistics - Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania


logistics - Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania
Wrocław University of Technology
Specialisation: Organisational Management
Study level:
1st Level (BSc.), Full-time
Roman Pietroń, PhD, PWr., Department (Katedra) BOFiZI (K-4)
[email protected];
Internet: http://www.ioz.pwr.wroc.pl/pracownicy/pietron
Course Title:
Logistyka (pol.), Zarządzanie logistyką (pol.)
Course Forms and Code:
Lecture – ZMZ1247W (15 h), Exercises – ZMZ1247C (15 h)
Total Credit Points: 2 (1/1)
Course Pre-requisites:
The basic knowledge of business and enterprise management, financial and information
systems. The fundamentals of the economic theory and firm theory are also recommended.
Lecture Description:
The lecture enables students to learn the basic concepts of supply chains, logistics and
logistics management with its applications in management of economic and business
systems, particularly enterprises. It consists of the following parts: introduction to
logistics concepts (market-oriented, time-oriented, flow-oriented, and integrationoriented), logistics methodology and techniques, and an overview of logistics strategies
on case study examples. The course enables also understanding the issues related to
the area of logistics (including contemporary issues of IT applications in: JIT, ECR,
ERP, MRP, DRP, EPC) and ability to analyse the supply chain functioning.
Lecture Contents:
Introduction to logistics – origins, evolution, trends
Concepts of logistics, logistics strategies, methods, principles and systems
Areas and logistics activities in modern enterprises
Logistics processes, order processing, information systems and integration
Supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, green logistics
Fundamentals of purchasing, warehousing and transportation systems
Logistics systems’ requirements – forecasting, planning and decision making
Course summary - practical conclusions and assessment
Lecture Assessment:
FINAL ASSESSMENT (Test + attendance bonus points)
June 1st (first attempt: May 18th)
Exercises class Description:
The aim of this course is to provide an opportunity to develop skills of logistics problem
solving by application of models and discuss basic concepts, methodology and
problems of modern logistics. The students participate in group work problem solving
and case study analyses (exercises lists) and present reports based on their research
and studies (e.g. literature, web sites) on selected issues. The is focused on the
following topics: 1) basic approaches in logistics, 2) strategic management and supply
chain analysis, 3) application of OR optimisation, and simulation models in logistics
management (paradigms, procedures, optimisations, sensitivity analyses, examples);
4) basic features of contemporary global logistics systems.
Exercises class Assessment:
Attendance (25%); Course work (35%); Colloquium – test (40%)
Exercises class organisation:
Class (exercises) no 1.
Organisational matters: „Rules, assessment grade policy, class schedule”. First
(introductory) discussions: (What is a logistics?, What is a supply chain?, What trends
and tendencies are in contemporary logistics? What areas and activities are in
logistics management?, What are basic principles, rules, and strategies in modern
and efficient logistics systems?). Application of ABC/XYZ classification methods in
logistics. Basic solutions to the problem of logistics centres location. List no 1.
Class (exercises) no 2.
Application of ABC (Pareto) and XYZ (demand variation) classification methods in
logistics (inventory control, purchasing). Würth Group (distribution system) and WalMart (cross-docking strategy) case studies. An overview of logistics strategies in
enterprises. Basic solutions to the problem of logistics centres location (modal and
network of geographical logistics configuration). List no 1.
Class (exercises) no 3.
Supply chains and network logistics systems – examples of logistics structures.
Purchasing and material supply in logistics (application of optimization in EOQ, and
dynamic models). Inventory control – inventory control methods and models. List no
Class (exercises) no 4.
International transport systems and regulations. Case studies. Modal and intermodal
transport systems. Basic transportation decisions in logistics. Transport management
in logistics – fleet management, routing and scheduling. List no 3.
Class (exercises) no 5, 6, 7, 8 (1h).
Selected logistics issues presented by students (15 minutes/presentation), and group
discussions. See below a List of issues and topics to select.
Class (exercises) no 8 (1h).
Course summary and final remarks. Assessment. Colloquium (test).
List of issues and topics:
Logistics as a new knowledge domain or as a science discipline?
What is (in your opinion) a current state of logistics and what tendencies can be
observed in logistics development?
Supply chains, logistics chains and logistics networks – an overview of selected
Logistics management and management of logistics systems – comparisons.
Basic principles, rules and strategies in logistics.
Logistics and marketing management – similarities and differences.
Logistics and quality management – similarities and differences.
Logistics and controlling – similarities and differences.
Techniques and toolkits of modern logistics management.
10. „Trade off” and „trade up” effects in logistics management – facts and myths.
11. Enterprise organisation structure and logistics efficiency or effectiveness.
12. Principles, methods and practice of material supply planning in logistics.
13. Optimisation in integrated and global logistics – challenges and barriers.
14. Practice of ABC and XYZ classifications applications in logistics – examples.
15. Logistics systems modelling – approaches and methods.
16. Methods and models of inventory control in logistics – from theory to practice.
17. Methods and algorithms of suppliers’ evaluation in logistics.
18. Logistics systems design – approaches and methods.
19. Logistics warehousing and distribution centres’ design – approaches and methods.
20. EAN bar codes, RFID and EPC technologies in logistics.
21. Intermodal and multimodal transport systems – challenges and barriers for
22. Customer service in logistics and marketing – strategies and measurement.
23. ECR strategy, method and ECR systems in logistics.
24. CRM systems in logistics.
25. Configuration of physical distribution systems in logistics.
26. Centralisation vs. decentralisation problems and determinants in supply chains.
27. MRP, ERP systems in production logistics – generations and structures.
28. JIT (JIT II) and KANBAN systems in modern logistics – case studies.
29. Logistics supply management – cooperation with partners (e.g. QR, CR, VMI systems).
30. The role of purchasing in logistics management – strategies and methods.
31. City logistics – assumptions, development perspectives and barriers.
32. Regional logistics – assumptions, development perspectives and barriers.
33. Logistics auditing in enterprises – methods and examples.
34. Logistics centres in Poland (or in other country) – benefits.
35. Outsourcing in logistics management – strategy or restructuring method?
36. Logistics management and e-business.
37. Logistics and environmental protection – principles, strategies and management
38. Reference models for logistics supply chains (e.g. SCOR).
39. Benchmarking in logistics management – application in practice.
40. Green logistics – what does it really mean?
41. Logistics networks – examples and perspectives for development.
42. Cooperation forms in logistics management – supply chains and networks.
43. Law regulations for international transport (e.g. EU countries).
44. Law regulations for logistics to protect environment (green logistics).
45. Accounting, controlling and financial analysis in logistics.
46. Logistics management in specific branches – peculiarity, similarities and differences.
47. IT in logistics management – decision support systems and software tools.
48. International logistics in production and distribution – examples of systems.
49. Effectiveness of logistics chains – methods and instruments of measurement.
50. Logistics as a profession – education, certification, job requirements.
51. Individual proposal for logistics issue/topic.
Bibliography in English:
Bowersox D.J., Closs D.J., Bixby Cooper M., Supply Chain Logistics Management,
McGraw Hill Boston, …, 2002.
Dolgui A., Proth J.-M., Supply Chain Engineering. Useful Methods and Techniques,
Springer-Verlag, London, 2010.
Fertsch M., Grzybowska K. (eds.), Logistics in the Enterprises - Selected Aspects:
Monograph, Publishing House of Poznań University of Technology, 2010.
Grzybowska K., Golińska P. (eds.), Selected Logistics Problems and Solutions:
Monograph, Publishing House of Poznań University of Technology, 2011.
Harrison A., van Hoek R., Logistics Management and Strategy. Competing Through the
Supply Chain, FT Prentice Hall, Pearson Education, 3rd edition, 2008 (2002, 2005).
Pietroń R., Logistics. Lecture presentation, E-material, 2015.
Quayle M., Jones B., Logistics: an Integrated Approach, Liverpool Business Publishing,
Shapiro J.F., Modeling the Supply Chain, Duxbury – Thomson Learning, Pacific Grove,
USA, 2001.
Simchi-Levi D., Kaminsky Ph., Simchi-Levi E., Designing and Managing the Supply Chain.
Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies, McGraw Hill, 2000.
Journals in English (use PWr. BGł. Library open access):
Contemporary Logistics
International Journal of Logistics: Research and Application
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
International Journal of Transport & Logistics
Journal of Business Logistics
Logistics and Transportation Review
Logistics Information Management
The International Journal of Logistics Management
Journals in Polish:
Gospodarka Materiałowa & Logistyka (miesięcznik)
Logistyka (dwumiesięcznik)
Eurologistics. Logistyka w teorii i w praktyce (dwumiesięcznik)
Logistyka a jakość (dwumiesięcznik)
Bibliography in Polish:
Abt S., Systemy logistyczne w gospodarowaniu. Teoria i praktyka logistyki, Wyd. AE Poznań, wyd. 3,
Abt S., Zarządzanie logistyczne w ćwiczeniach, Wyd. AE Poznań, wyd. 2, 2001.
Abt S. (red.), Logistyka ponad granicami, Seria Biblioteka Logistyka, Wyd. ILiM Poznań, wyd. I,
Abt S., (red.), Zarządzanie logistyczne w praktyce, Wyd. AE Poznań, 2000.
Baraniecka A., ECR Efficient Consumer Response. Łańcuch dostaw zorientowany na klienta, Wyd.
ILiM Poznań, Seria: Biblioteka Logistyka, 2004.
Baraniecka A., Rodawski B., Skowrońska A., Logistyka. Ćwiczenia, Wyd. AE Wrocław, 2005.
Beier F.J., Rutkowski K., Logistyka. Wprowadzenie do logistyki. Podejmowanie menedżerskich
decyzji logistycznych. Studia przypadków logistycznych, Wyd. SGH Warszawa, 1993, 1995.
Bendkowski J., Pietrucha-Pacut M., Podstawy logistyki w dystrybucji, Wyd. PŚl. Gliwice, 2003.
Blaik P., Logistyka, PWE Warszawa, 1996.
Blaik P., Matwiejczuk R., Pokusa T., Integracja marketingu i lgistyki – wybrane problemy, Wyd. Polit.
Opolskiej, Opole, 2005.
Chaberek M., Makro- i mikroekonomiczne aspekty wsparcia logistycznego, Wyd. Uniw. Gdańskiego,
Gdańsk 2002.
Christopher M., Strategia zarządzania dystrybucją. Praktyka logistyki biznesu. Marketing a
dystrybucja, Agencja Wydawnicza Placet, Warszawa 1996.
Ciesielski M., Strategie logistyczne przedsiębiorstw, Wyd. AE Poznań, 1998.
Ciesielski M., Logistyka w strategiach firm, Wyd. PWN Warszawa - Poznań, 1999.
Ciesielski M. (red.), Logistyka w tworzeniu przewagi konkurencyjnej firmy, Wyd. AE Poznań, 2001.
Ciesielski M. (red.), Logistyka w praktyce. Studia przypadków firm polskich i obcych, Wyd. AE
Poznań, 2002.
Ciesielski M. (red.), Sieci logistyczne, Wyd. AE Poznań, 2002.
Ciesielski M. (red.), Rynek usług logistycznych, Wyd. Difin Warszawa, 2005.
Ciesielski M. (red.), Logistyka w biznesie, Wyd. PWE Warszawa, 2006.
Ciesielski M. (red.), Instrumenty zarządzania logistycznego, Wyd. PWE Warszawa, 2006.
Coyle J.J., Bardi E.J., Langley C.J.Jr., Zarządzanie logistyczne, PWE Warszawa 2002.
Dworecki S.E., Zarządzanie logistyczne, Wyd. Wyższej Szkoły Humanistycznej w Pułtusku, Pułtusk
Dworecki S.E., Zarządzanie logistyczne, Wyd. Wyższej Szkoły Humanistycznej w Pułtusku, Pułtusk
Fijałkowski J., Transport wewnętrzny w systemach logistycznych. Wybrane zagadnienia, Wyd. Polit.
Warszawskiej, Warszawa, 2003.
Gołembska E., Logistyka jako zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, Wyd. AE Poznań, 1994.
Gołembska E. (red.), Kompendium wiedzy o logistyce, PWN Warszawa-Poznań, 1999.
Gołembska E. (red.), Eurologistyka drogą do sukcesu firmy. III Ogólnopolskie Warsztaty Logistyczne,
Wyd. AE Poznań, 2001.
Gołembska E. (red.), Współczesne kierunki rozwoju logistyki, Wyd. PWE Warszawa, 2006.
Gołembska E., Mokrzyszczak H., Zarządzanie produktem w logistyce przedsiębiorstw, Wyd.
Zachodnie Centrum Organizacji, Poznań - Zielona Góra, 1997.
Gołembska E., Szymczak M., Logistyka międzynarodowa, Wyd. AE Poznań, 2000.
Kempny D., Zapasy w systemie logistycznym firmy, Wyd. AE Katowice, 1993.
Kempny D., Logistyczna obsługa klienta, PWE Warszawa, 2001.
Kisperska-Moroń D., Podstawy podejmowania decyzji logistycznych w przedsiębiorstwie, Wyd. AE
Katowice, 1995.
Kisperska-Moroń D., Benchmarking jako narzędzie zarządzania logistycznego, Wyd. AE Katowice,
Kisperska-Moroń D. (red.), Struktury organizacyjne dla potrzeb logistyki, Wyd. AE Katowice, 2000.
Kisperska-Moroń D. (red.), Pomiar funkcjonowania łańcuchów dostaw, Wyd. AE Katowice, 2006.
Kisperska-Moroń D., Sołtysik M., System logistyczny przedsiębiorstwa, Wyd. AE Katowice, 1993.
Kisperska-Moroń D., Płaczek E., Piniecki R., Koszty zewnętrzne logistyki w zarządzaniu łańcuchem
dostaw, Wyd. AE Katowice, 2002.
Kos B. (red.), Nowoczesne produkty na rynku usług transportowo-spedycyjno-logistycznym, Wyd. AE
Katowice, 2003.
Kowalska K., Controlling logistyczny, Wyd. AE Katowice, 1996.
Kowalska K., Logistyka zaopatrzenia, Wyd. AE Katowice, 2005.
Krawczyk S., Logistyka w zarządzaniu marketingiem, Wyd. AE Wrocław, 1999.
Krawczyk S., Zarządzanie procesami logistycznymi, Wyd. PWE Warszawa, 2001.
Krzyżaniak S., Podstawy zarządzania zapasami w przykłądach, Wyd. ILiM Poznań, Seria: Biblioteka
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Kubicki J., Kuriata A., Problemy logistyczne w modelowaniu systemów transportowych, Wyd.
Komunikacji i Łączności, Warszawa, 2000.
Latzko W.J., Saunders D.M., Cztery dni z dr. Demingiem. Nowoczesna teoria zarządzania, WNT
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Majewski J., Informatyka w magazynie, Wyd. ILiM Poznań , Seria: Biblioteka Logistyka, 2006.
Matulewski M., Konecka S., Fajfer P., Wojciechowski A., Systemy logistyczne. Komponenty,
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Piniecki R., Planowanie i sterowanie procesami logistycznymi, Wyd. AE Katowice, 1996.
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Rutkowski K. (red.), Logistyka dystrybucji, Wyd. Difin Warszawa, 2000.
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