Welcome back to Beginners` English with Emma and Joanna


Welcome back to Beginners` English with Emma and Joanna
Welcome back to Beginners’ English with Emma and Joanna brought to you by Point Europa.
Witamy ponownie na lekcji angielskiego dla poczatkujacych z emma i Joanna.
Lesson 2: Shopping
lekcja 2: Zakupy
In this lesson, we are going to learn words associated with shopping and how to ask prices.
So remember to revise numbers from Lesson 1 to help you with shopping.
Na dzisiejszej lekcji nauczymy sie zwrotow laczacych sie z zakupami oraz jak spytac o cene,
wiec niezbednie przypomnij sobie liczby z lekcji 1 co bedzie niezbedne w dzisiejszej, czyli w
Useful phrases and questions
Niezbedne zwroty i pytania
Listen to the phrases and questions and use the pause at the end of each to repeat. Use the
transcript to check how they are written.
Posluchaj zwrotow i pytan-uzyj pauzy aby powtorzyc kade z nich. Uzyj podpowiedzi dla
sprawdzenia poprawnej pisowni.
ile kosztuje chleb? ………..............................................How much is the bread?
czy moge prosic pol kilograma bekonu?…….............…I would like ½ kilo of bacon?
poprosze 6jajek? ………………….……...............………Can I have 6 eggs?
ile sztuk kielbasek to kilogram?…..................................How many sausages in a kilo?
dziekuje…………………………........….………………....Thank you
poprosze rachunek?…………………….............…....... Can I have the bill please?
ile potrzebujesz? ……………….……...............…...........How many would you like?
czy sa spodnie w sprzedaz?……...................................Are the trousers in the sale?
potrzebuje wiekszy rozmiar………..............................…I need a bigger size
Think about things you might buy and use your dictionary to look up the English words. You
can use these questions and phrases to substitute your words.
Pomysl, co ty moglbys kupic -uzyj slownika aby odnalezc potrzebne ci angielskie slowa.
Confusing words.
Mylace slowa.
In English we have many confusing words. The first we are going to meet is Trousers,
because Trousers is ALWAYS plural (with an S on the end) even when you are talking about
one pair. If you use trouser without an S on the end it describes part of the pair of trousers.
W jezyku angielskim wystepuje wiele mylocych slow. Pierwsze kotore poznalismy to
SPODNIE,poniewaz SPODNIE to zawsze liczba mnoga (Z litrera S na koncu)nawet jesli
mowimy o jednej parze-podobnie jak w jezyku polskim.jesli wymawiamy trouser bez litery S
na koncu, ozacza to pare spodni-the pair of trousers.
For example:
Na przyklad:
Mam tylko jedna pare czarnych spodni ….........I only have 1 pair of black trousers
Mam 6 par spodni, ale wszystkie sa mi za male.......I have 6 pairs of trousers, but they are all
too small
Moje spodnie maja dziure w kieszeni …….........…My trouser pocket has a hole in it
Listen again to the questions and then to the answer. Use the pauses after each
sentence to repeat.
posluchaj jeszcze raz pytan i odpowiedzi. Uzyj pauzy aby powtorzyc kolejne zdania.
ile koszkuhe cheb? ……................……….....…How much is the bread?
1funt,25 pensow ……………………….…………£1.25
poprosze 6 jajek ………………............…………Can I have 6 eggs?
czy takie z chowu wolnego?……........……….…Do you want free range?
ile sztuk kielbasek to kilogram? ….........…….... How many sausages in a kilo?
zazwyczaj 6 ………………….…….....................About 6 usually
ile potrzebujesz? …….………............................How many would you like?
poprosze 8 ………………...................................Eight (8) please
czy sa spodnie w sprzedazy?……………….... .Are the trousers in the sale?
tak-dzisiaj sa o 50% tansze…………………... ..Yes – there is 50% off today
potrzebuje wiekszy rozmiar ………... .…….…...I need a bigger size
wjakim rozmiarze chcesz przymierzyc?…….….What size would you like to try?
dlugosc 34………..............…………….………. A 34 long.
Listen to the following dialogue and use the transcript to help you understand.
posluchaj dialogu-dla ulatwienia skozystaj z podpowiedzi.
Assistant: Good morning Madam.
Customer: Hello. Can I have some cheese please?
Assistant: Yes, how much would you like?
Customer: 400 grams please.
Assistant: Anything else?
Customer: Yes. A bag of sugar. How much is that?
Assistant: That’s £4.75. Thank you, here you are.
Customer: Thank you.
Assistant: You’re welcome. Have a nice day!
Some things to remember
Pay attention to: IS for single items and ARE for plural items or more than two items.
Money: only say pence when there are no pounds (for example, £0.90=ninety pence).
zwroc uwage: IS(jest)uzywamy dla liczby pojedynczej natomiast ARE (sa)uzywamy dla liczby
mnogiej lub gdy przedmiotow jest wiecej niz 2.
pieniadze:zawsze mowimy pence jesli w kwocie nie ma funtow (np.£0,90=90 pensow).
Ordering food at a café
jak zamowic jedzenie w kawiarni
Aneta: How much is a hamburger?
Waiter: A hamburger is £3.75 (three pounds seventy five)
Aneta: Does that include chips?
Waiter: No. Would you like some. A portion is £2.95 (two pounds ninety five)
Aneta: Yes please.
Waiter: Would you like any drinks?
Aneta: I would like a still water please.
Waiter: Thank you. Your meal will be about 15 minutes.
Aneta: Thank you.
Waiter: Thank you.
Lesson 2 Vocabulary
Lekjca 2 slowniczek
Sandwiches………………………... kanapki
Chips………………………............. frytki
Rice………………………... ........... ryz
Cheese……………………….......... ser
Milk……………………….............. mleko
Fish………………………............... ryba
Eggs……………………….............. jajka
Bread………………………............ cheb
Orange juice ………………….…... sok pomaranczowy
Chicken ………………………........ kurczak
Cake ……………………….........… ciasto
Meat …………………..…….…… mieso
Tea ……………………….............. herbata
Sugar ……………………........…... cukier
Biscuits ……………………..…… herbatnik
Coffee ………………………......... kawa
Cornflakes ………………………... platki kukurydzane
Chocolate…………………..……... czekolada

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