(course title) (course code) (type of course) (level of course) (year of


(course title) (course code) (type of course) (level of course) (year of
Nazwa przedmiotu
(course title)
Theory and rudiments of architectural designing
Kod przedmiotu
(course code)
Typ przedmiotu
• compulsory
(type of course)
Poziom przedmiotu
(level of course)
Rok studiów, semestr
(year of study, semester/trimester)
Understanding what architecture and its theory
serve: what it was like, what it is like and what it
should be like, in accordance with the principles of
description, regulation and explanation; with
reference to questions: where, when and why.
Understanding the role of theory for practice, that
is designing and carrying out projects.
Understanding the role of theory in positive
feedback with practice.
Social competences (attitudes)
Understanding the sense and contents included in
the theory of architecture as spatial surroundings
of society while working as an architect, in its
basic scopes: designing, managing, teaching
architectural profession, science, in the context of
widely understood spectrum of man’s spatial
semester 01 + semester 02
Liczba punktów
semester 01 – 45h – 2ECTS
(numer of credits)
semester 02 – 30h - 2ECTS
Metody nauczania
(teaching methods)
Język wykładowy
(language of instruction)
Lecture: talk with the lecturer’s own
illustrative material (photographs),
attempts of discussion + brief declared
and prepared speeches on a discussed
occasional film show on an issue in
conformity with the syllabus.
Imię i nazwisko wykładowcy
(name of lecturer)
Wymagania wstępne
A. Formal requirements, resulting from
introductory arrangements, presented
during the first lecture, with a discussion
about classes and formal requirements
B. Prerequisites, knowledge of the
rudiments of history, history of arts, logic,
geography acquired at high school.
Cele przedmiotu (wskazane jest określenie
celów jako efektów kształcenia i kompetencji)
(objectives of the course, preferably expressed in
terms of learning outcomes and competences)
Treści merytoryczne przedmiotu
(course contents)
Metody oceny
(assessment methods)
Objective 1. To understand what is architecture,
architectural profession, designing and carrying
out an architectural object. Sense of architecture:
what it was like, what it is like, what it should be
Objective 2. To understand relations between
theory and practice , methods of designing,
relations among form, function and structure.
Lecture issues, general: science and
culture/civilization and nature; architecture and
urban planning in our culture: ancient, Christian,
European; architectural profession in a narrow
aspect: specialist’s (technique) and wide aspect:
dilettante-amateur’s (responsibility for all spatial
activities); architecture in a utility aspect – family
life (housing) and social life (public buildings): a
town and its milestones of development, from
antiquity to modernism in direct connection with
A. Method of getting credits:
• examination after 2 semesters, winter and
• credit with a grade, after 1 semester, winter
B. Forms of getting credits:
• exam with open questions (problems) /
longer written work
C. Basic criterions:
grades and examination requirements are
established on the grounds of knowledge
acquired at lectures or/and thanks to the
Spis zalecanych lektur
(recommended reading)
A. Reading required for getting final
credits (passing an exam):
A.1. used during classes
Janusz A. Włodarczyk. Architektura
szkoły. Arkady, Warszawa 1992
Janusz A. Włodarczyk. Żyć znaczy
mieszkać. PWN, Warszawa-Kraków 1997, Śląskie
Wydawnictwo Naukowe 2004
Janusz A. Włodarczyk. Oblicza
architektury. Politechnika Białostocka, 2000
(chapters 1-6)
Janusz A. Włodarczyk. Około architektury.
Politechnika Białostocka, 2003 (chapters
Janusz A. Włodarczyk. Archinotatnik. WST,
Katowice, 2006 (chapters 14 and 15)
Janusz A. Włodarczyk. Literacki słownik
architektury, WST, Katowice 2007 (essays in
chapters 1- 17)
Janusz A. Włodarczyk. Prawda i kłamstwa
architektury. Politechnika Białostocka 2009
(chapters 1-4, 8, 13, 15)
Janusz A. Włodarczyk. Drogi i ścieżki do
architektury. WST, Katowice 2010 (chapters I, 1,
4, VI, VII, IX)
B. Supplementary reading
A.2. studied by each student individually
Sigfried Giedion. Przestrzeń, czas i
architektury. PWN, Warszawa 1968
- Charles Jencks. Ruch Nowoczesny w
architekturze. WAiF, Warszawa 1987
- Christopher Alexander i inni. Gdańskie
Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne, Gdańsk
- Kevin Lynch. Obraz miasta. Archivolta,
Kraków 2011
Richard Weston. 100 idei, które zmieniły
architekturę. TCM, Raszyn 2011