Dr Jens Berdermann ,,Space Wheather and its influence on the


Dr Jens Berdermann ,,Space Wheather and its influence on the
Na kolejnym posiedzeniu
Oddziału Wrocławskiego
Polskiego Towarzystwa Fizycznego
połączonym z Seminarium Instytutów Fizyki
Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego,
które odbędzie się
w piątek 6 marca 2015 r.
o godz. 12:15
w Sali im. Jana Rzewuskiego
przy Placu Maksa Borna 9
Dr Jens Berdermann
Institute for Communication and Navigation,
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Neustrelitz, Niemcy
wygłosi wykład pt.:
,,Space Wheather and its influence
on the ionosphere”
The ionosphere is a significant error source of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems and can
induce range errors from a few meters to tens of meters at the zenith or during strong geomagne-tic
storm conditions. Therefore a very large amount of ionospheric data covering high, medium and
low solar activity periods over the globe has been captured, processed as well as archived since
1995 at DLR Neustrelitz. This talk provides an overview of DLR’s ongoing ionospheric research
activities also giving an introduction to related measurement facilities at DLR, like the high rate
GPS receiver scintillation network, the reception antenna and the high-resolution ionospheric realtime detector setup for solar flares. Starting in 2004 DLR has developed the Space Weather
Application Center Ionosphere in order to provide relevant space weather information, in
particular now- and forecast of the ionospheric state to the public.
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Przewodniczący Zarządu Oddziału Wrocławskiego PTF
dr hab. Bernard Jancewicz