2012 Annual Report U C


2012 Annual Report U C
Annual Report
• C A N A DA •
Ukrainian Catholic
Education Foundation
Educating Leaders for Church & Society
His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk/
Блаженніший Святослав Шевчук
Head of the UGCC/Глава УГКЦ
His Beatitude Lubomyr Cardinal Husar/
Блаженніший Любомир Гузар
Board of Directors 2012
Рада Директорів
Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski/
о. Михайло Квятковський
Ihor P. Komarnicky/Ігор Комарницький
Marta Lewycky/Марта Левицька
Guy Camarata/Ґай Камарата
Jurij Darewych/Юрій Даревич
Rev. Roman Galadza/о. Роман Ґаладза
Bp. Borys Gudziak/вл. Борис Ґудзяк
Rev. Michael Loza/о. Михайло Лоза
Advisory Committees 2012
Дорадчі Ради
Calgary Friends of UCU/
Приятелі УКУ - Калґарі
Andrew Ilnycky/Андрій Ільницький
Chair/ Голова
Montreal Friends of UCU/
Приятелі УКУ - Монтреаль
Yury Monczak/Юрій Мончак
Chair/ Голова
Mission of UCEF in Canada
he Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation teaches Canadians
about the academic and financial needs of Ukrainian Catholic
educational institutions in Ukraine. In a sincere commitment
to personal involvement and high standards, UCEF works with
these institutions hands-on to meet present needs and develop
resources for the future. Through grant and endowment programs,
distribution of books and teaching materials, and collaborative
volunteer projects, emphasizing foreign exchange of students
and faculty, we foster the communion of Ukrainian Canadians with
the Ukrainian nation and of Roman Catholics in the West with the
largest Eastern Catholic Church.
UCU’s Mission
he Ukrainian Catholic University is an open academic
community living the Eastern Christian tradition and forming
leaders to serve with professional excellence in Ukraine and
internationally - for the glory of God, the common good, and the
dignity of the human person
2012 Financial Highlights
Management & Staff 2012
Управління і Працівники
Lada Darewych/Лада Даревич
Administrative Director/
Адміністративний Директор
Oksana Kulynych/Оксана Кулинич
Coordinator, Administration and
Координатор Адміністрації і Розвитку
Alexander Kuzma/Олександр Кузьма
Chief Development Officer/
Головний Директор Розвитку
Christine Kuzyk/Христина Кузик
Development Associate/Керівник Розвитку
For the Year Ended December 31, 2012
Olena Petryn/Олена Петрин
Coordinator, Donor Relations/
Координатор зв’язків з жертводавцями
Joseph Solimini/Йосиф Соліміні
Chief Operating Officer/
Головний Операційний Директор
Endowed funds received................................................................. $1,380,000
General donations received............................................................... $410,000
Awards and programs sponsored....................................................... $307,000
Endowed funds at the end of the year............................................ $2,296,000
Fundraising and administration expenses.......................................... $231,000
UCEF is a registered Canadian charity
#82224 5098 RR0001
2 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation
From the Chief Development Officer
Dear Friends in Christ:
hanks to your donations,
the students and staff
of the Ukrainian Catholic
University continue to move
mountains. They continue to
astound us with their creative
vision, commitment to
excellence and determination
to create a brighter future for Ukraine.
As you turn the pages of the 2012 UCEF Report, you
will see the many programs that UCU has launched or
strengthened, thanks to your generous support. You will see
the bright but needy students who could not otherwise afford
to attend UCU, even with its minimal tuition, were it not for
your financial support.
You will see some of the prominent Canadians who
visited UCU in 2012 to witness the growth of our new
campus and to meet some of the remarkable young people
that are forging this historic institution. We are also pleased
to offer you a glimpse into some of the inspiring events we
have held here in Canada in support of UCU.
Дорогі Друзі у Христі!
авдяки Вашим пожертвам, студенти, професори
і працівники Українського Католицького
Університету продовжують обертати гори. Вони
продовжують дивувати нас своєю творчою візією,
прагненням до досконалості і рішучістю творити
краще майбутнє для України.
Перегортаючи сторінки Звіту УКОФ за 2012 рік,
Ви дізнаєтеся про різні програми, які УКУ розпочав
або зміцнив, дякуючи Вашій щедрій підтримці.
Ви прочитаєте про талановитих, але потребуючих
студентів, які б не мали можливості навчатися в УКУ,
якби не було Вашої фінансової підтримки.
Ви також дізнаєтеся про визначних канадійців,
які відвідали університет у 2012 році, щоб побачити
розбудову нового кампусу і зустріти чудових молодих
людей, які творять цей історичний заклад. Ми
з приємністю пропонуємо до Вашої уваги огляд
успішних подій і заходів, які відбулися в Канаді на
підтримку УКУ.
З смутком хочемо відзначити відхід у вічність
нашого Директора-засновника Романа Мельника і
надзвичайно щедрого мецената Д-р. Марії Фішер-
With sadness we note the passing of our Founding
Director Roman Melnyk and our very generous supporter
Dr. Maria Fischer-Slysh. Each of them left a lasting legacy
to UCU. As a respected mentor to many professionals at
the CBC and CTV, Mr. Melnyk helped to set the highest
standards for a whole generation of Canadian journalists,
news anchors and commentators. We are very grateful to
his family for creating a scholarship in his memory that
will support aspiring and courageous young journalists in
our new Master’s Program. Through her bequest and her
lifetime gifts, Dr. Fisher-Slysh will help countless Ukrainian
students fulfill their dreams (her dreams!) for a Ukraine that
honors human dignity, restores high ethical standards and
guarantees religious and academic freedom.
We are deeply grateful for your trust, for your willingness
to share in this vision. We hope you will continue to support
our Foundation with your prayers, your talents, and your
May God bless you!
Alexander B. Kuzma, Chief Development Officer
Слиж. Кожен з них залишив тривалу спадщину для
УКУ. Як високоповажаний ментор для багатьох
професіоналів при телемережах "CBC" i "CTV" Роман
Мельник допоміг закласти найвищі професійні
стандарти для цілої ґенерації канадських журналістів,
репортерів і коментаторів. Ми надзвичайно вдячні
його родині за створення стипендії в його пам’ять
для талановитих і відважних молодих журналістів на
новій магістерській програмі УКУ. Через свій заповіт і
щедрі пожертви за життя, Др. Фішер-Слиж допоможе
численним українським студентам реалізовувати їхні
мрії (її мрії!) заради України, яка поважає людську
гідність, відновлює високі етичні стандарти і гарантує
релігійну і академічну свободу.
Ми глибоко вдячні за Вашу довіру і готовність
бути учасниками цієї візії. Маємо надію, що
Ви продовжите підтримувати Фундацію своїми
молитвами, талантами і пожертвами.
Нехай Господь Вас благословить!
Олександр Кузьма, Головний директор розвитку
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 3
UCEF Canada 2012 Projects
Course Projects
Modern and Contemporary History of the World; and
Modern and Contemporary History of Ukraine. A
total of 96 students specialize in the History of CentralEastern Europe of the Early Modern and Modern Area,
Modern and Contemporary History of Ukraine, and
Medieval Studies.
Icon Painting Summer School
Supported by a gift from Mr. Josyf Bilaniuk
Certificate Programme in Bioethics
Supported by gifts from Yury Monczak and by the
Monczak Family Endowment
The goal is to humanize medicine and foster respect for
the dignity of human life from conception to natural
death. This is the only such programme in Ukraine
based on Christian moral principles.
The Icon-Painting Summer School at the Ukrainian
Catholic University is an intensive three-week practice
of icon-painting in the western Ukrainian tradition and
includes daily icon painting workshops and classes in
sacred art theory and theology of the icon, study trips
and excursions to local museums and monuments of
sacred art.
Conflict Studies
The center for Conflict Studies, launched in 2011 and
headed by Dr. Christina Hantel-Fraser, Professor Emeritus
of Human and Social Development at the Institute for
Dispute Resolution of the University of Victoria, Canada,
offers courses aimed at examining the key elements of
conflict and how their interactions are responsible for the
development and escalation of conflict.
Institute of Liturgical Studies
Supported by a gift from Mrs. Stella Koros
The purpose of the ILS is to analyze, interpret and
foster the liturgical tradition of churches of the
Byzantine Tradition.
History Programme
Supported by bequests from the Estates of Michael
Machij and Nadia Shypka, and a gift from Mr. Wasyl
Support of the History Programme’s three Departments:
Classical, Byzantine and Medieval Studies (CLAVIS);
4 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation
Bishop Venedykt, a frequent visitor to UCU
UCEF Canada 2012 Projects
Course Projects continued
and East European history. The start-up costs involved
covering the salaries of the three appointed UCU
professors, expenses related to hosting visiting professors
from Israel, and the hosting of related conferences,
seminars, round-tables, etc.
Social Pedagogy – launch of Master’s
Degree programme
Supported by a gift from Mr. Wasyl Mykolynskyj
The Department of Social Pedagogy is training young
people to address the social problems of post-Soviet
Ukraine. The students come from various parts of the
country, including eastern and central Ukraine where
the Soviet approach to social services emphasizing
institutionalization and maintenance rather than
rehabilitation is still prevalent.
Ukrainian-Jewish Studies Programme
Start-up costs supported by The Dopomoha Ukraini
Foundation and the Wrzesnewskyj family
2012 saw the establishment of the Temerty Family
Endowment to finance three professorships in
Ukrainian-Jewish Studies at UCU in the fields of: Old
Testament Studies; contemporary Ukrainian-Jewish
history and relations; and the history of East European
Jews and Gentiles in the broader context of Central
Theology–Philosophy Faculty
Supported by a Bequest of Dr. Teodor Bohdan
UCU’s Faculty of Theology and Philosophy has four
departments and 245 students, including 142 young men
from Holy Spirit Seminary studying for the priesthood.
More than 40 well-qualified professors are responsible
for the educational process and scholarly, methodological
and organizational work.
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 5
UCEF Canada 2012 Projects
Publication Projects
The Order of Sunday Matins, Irena Kholoniuk
Supported by a gift from St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic
Church, Toronto
The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church does not yet have a
single translation of the complete book for liturgical services.
Instead, it uses texts either from the prayer book Come Let
Us Worship (“Pryidite Poklonimsia”) or the “Molytvoslov”
prayer book published by the Basilian Fathers. This new
book combines both translations. In addition to its practical
usefulness, such an approach will foster deep reflection on
liturgical texts and stimulate the creation of a single
translation of them.
Endowed Chairs/Professorships
Rev. Basil Galarnyk Visiting Professor
Supported by a Bequest of Rev. Basil Galarnyk
Rev. Dr. Myroslav Tataryn, a professor of religious studies
and theology at St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo,
Ontario, was chosen as the Galarnyk Visiting Professor at
UCU for 2012, where he taught courses at the PhilosophyTheology Faculty of UCU, and delivered two public
lectures on the Eastern Catholic Churches and Vatican II.
Other Projects
“Light of Justice” Moral Leadership Award
Supported by Dr. Anastasia Shkilnyk
Awarded annually to a citizen of Ukraine who has proved to have attained
distinguished leadership and achievements, and who provides the best possible
example of successful leadership to the students of UCU. Larysa Zalyvna
was the 2012 laureate. She founded and for many years has directed the civic
human-rights organization Chaika (“Seagull”), which for more than 10 years
has fought for the rights of coal miners in the Luhansk Region.
UCU–St. Mary’s University Exchange Programme
Supported by the Calgary Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University
In 2012, UCU and St. Mary’s University College (StMU) in Calgary, Alberta,
developed the terms of an exchange agreement for undergraduate students
of the two universities. A portion of the funds raised for the program were
disbursed to StMU in support of the exchange scheduled to commence in
2013, with two StMU students attending UCU in the spring and two UCU
students attending StMU in the fall.
6 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation
Larysa Zalyvna, human rights leader
UCEF Canada 2012 Projects
Chapel and Iconography Projects
The creation and/or preservation of religious art and artifacts for the churches and
chapels of UCU, which play a key role in the education and spiritual formation of
UCU students.
Theology-Philosophy Faculty Chapel
Supported by a gift from Josyf Bilaniuk.
Completion of the iconostasis, cupola, lighting and items for the
sanctuary including the altar, tetrapod, and table of oblation.
St. Sophia Cathedral
Supported by donations to the St. Sophia
Restoration of St. Sophia Cathedral at UCU
in Rome and its premises, including the
elaborate mosaic icons.
Canadians at UCU
• Gregory Lemermeyer,
counsellor at the Embassy of
Canada in Kyiv, lectured to UCU
• Dr. Yury Monczak of McGill
University is both a financial
supporter of UCU and a regularly
visiting professor. In April he
delivered open lectures on
bioethical problems in genetics and
molecular biology.
• The book A History of Ukraine: The
Land and Its Peoples by historian
Prof. Paul Robert Magocsi
of the University of Toronto was
presented at UCU.
• Canadian philosopher Dr.
Charles Taylor spoke at UCU’s
commencement ceremonies.
• Numerous Canadian guests
attended the August events in Lviv:
the Plast centennial, ordination of
Bishop Borys, and blessing of the
Collegium (residential college).
Dr. A. Shkilnyk and Dr. C. Hantel-Fraser
Events in Canada in support of UCU
• The director of UCU’s Institute
of Leadership and Management
spoke at UCEF’s ‘Leadership
and Management of NonProfit Organizations’ event in
• UCEF took part in the Ukrainian
Festivals in Montreal, Toronto,
and Calgary.
• Calgary Friends of UCU and
St. Mary’s University College
celebrated the UCU-StMU
Exchange Agreement at St.
Stephen Protomartyr Church.
• The Montreal Friends of UCU
organized a ‘Tale of Tango’
• Bishop Borys Gudziak spoke at
‘Icons Unite Us’, an Icon exhibit
and sale co-sponsored by UCEF
and St. Vladimir Institute in
• UCU volunteer and donor
Borys Wrzesnewskyj hosted a
reception in honour of UCU’s
rector to launch UCEF’s 10th
anniversary celebrations.
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 7
2012 Scholarship Recipients
Yearly tuition sponsorship
Bequest of Maria Sawchyn
» Bohdan Demkovych,
2nd yr, Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs.
Marko & Lori Horb
Yearly tuition scholarships
Ongoing full tuition scholarship
Yearly tuition sponsorship+
Ongoing full scholarship including
room and board
Full tuition scholarship
» Nataliya Aniol,
1st yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by the Ukrainian
Canadian Benevolent Society of
» Khrystyna Bondarieva,
» Oksana Zhadvizak,
1st yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty
4th yr., History, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Mrs. Olga
Sponsored by Mrs. Oksana
Veryha in memory of Dr. Wasyl
Veryha, & by Bequest of Lydia
» Oleh Budzinskyy,
Marie Kaluzhna
1st yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Mrs. Olga
Yearly tuition scholarships+
Full scholarship including room and
» Nadiya Kalachova,
1st yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Rt. Rev. Mitrat
Gregory Oucharyk
» Olha Kolesnyk,
5th yr., History, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs.
Eugene & Renata O. Roman
» Solomon Shapiro,
2nd yr., History, Humanities Faculty
» Yaroslav Charkovsky,
» Maksym Lysak,
» Veronika Savruk
» Stepan Veselovskyy,
MA in Innovation & Entrepreneurship,
Lviv Business School
Sponsored by Bequest of Lydia
Marie Kaluzhna
» Yuriy Demianchuk,
6th yr. Seminarian, Faculty of TheologyPhilosophy
8 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation
Sponsored by the Bohdan &
Alexandra Bulchak Endowment
» Ivanna Diman,
3rd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities
Sponsored by Mr. Zenon
» Mariya Hupalo,
3rd yr., Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
Sponsored by Ms. Sonia
» Vasylyna Hlukha,
2nd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities
Sponsored by Mr. Eugene S.
» Oksana Kruk,
3rd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Ms. Maria
Malecka Czajkiwska
» Yuriy Martynovych,
4th yr., History, Humanities Faculty
In honour of Rev. Peter and
Mrs. Irene Iwachiv’s 60th
wedding anniversary
2012 Scholarship Recipients
» Yuriy Opoka,
Semester tuition
1st yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by the Daria Mucak- Tuition scholarship for one semester
Kowalsky Endowment Fund
» Brian Butcher,
Ukrainian Summer School
» Anna Panova,
Sponsored by Mr. Josyf
4th yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities
Sponsored by Dr. Nadia
Boruch & Mrs. Olga Jamison in
memory of parents, Jennie &
Nick Boruch
» Yaroslav Pavlyuchok,
5th yr., History, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Dr. & Mrs.
George & Marta Jaciw
» Nazariy Petriv,
5th yr., Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
Sponsored by Mr. John
» Sr. Mariya Smetaniak,
4th yr., Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
Sponsored in memory of
Mrs. Iwanna Zelska
» Viktoriya Feshak,
3rd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities
Sponsored by Mrs. Maria
Malecka Czajkiwska
» Yuliya Zadorozhna,
2nd yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Paul Chumak in
memory of Akhil Chreptowsky
and Jaroslaw & Olha Chumak
» Ihor Feshchenko,
4th yr., History, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Borys
Chartchenko & Lydia Ruzycky
Moral leadership scholarship
» Oleksandr Hordiychuk,
2nd yr., History, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Mr. John
Moskalyk & Mr. Markian
» Olha Stoliarova,
Silecky, Carling Energy Inc.
3rd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by the Bohdan &
Alexandra Bulchak Endowment » Iryna Kosovska,
2nd yr., History, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. Zenon
& Zorianna Kohut
» Yulia Zadorozhnia,
1st yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by the Mykhailo
Kowalsky and Daria
Mucak-Kowalsky Endowment
» Iryna Naumets,
1st yr., Journalism, Humanities Faculty
Sponsored by Mr. Oleh Luciw
» Mariya Marushchak,
2nd yr., Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs.
George & Chrystyna Kolos
Awarded annually to a student who
has shown spiritual, moral, and ethical
initiatives and achievements
» Ivanka Zkharevych,
3rd yr., History, Humanities Faculty
In memory of Mykhailo
Dr. Wolodymyr Bolubash
initiative bursaries
Cash stipend, awarded annually
» Vasil Balyta,
3rd yr., Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
» Nazar Boychuk,
4th yr., History, Humanities Faculty
» Taras Dovbeniuk,
2nd yr., Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
» Volodymyr Harmatiuk,
2nd yr., History, Humanities Faculty
» Nadiya Ivanyk,
5th yr., Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
» Nadiya Kocherhan,
1st yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty
» Ivan Kostyk,
4th yr., Faculty of Theology-Philosophy
» Khrystyna Kuzinska,
3rd yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty
» Olexandr Makhanets,
4th yr., History, Humanities Faculty
» Lyubov Pidlozhevych,
4th yr., Social Pedagogy, Humanities Faculty
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 9
Donor Generosity
e thank all of our donors for helping rebuild the
Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine. In 2012,
over 700 people contributed to programs benefiting
seminarians, students, and the faithful throughout
Ukraine. If anyone was inadvertently omitted from the
list below, please notify us so that we may update our
records. For a complete list of donors, please visit
Patriarch’s Circle
($100,000 and over)
The Temerty Family Foundation
Cardinal’s Club
($25,000 - $99,999)
Estate of Ms. Lydia Kaluzhna
Mr. Vasil Mikolyskyj
Estate of Mr. Wasyl Petriw
Dr. Anastasia Shkilnyk-Kingham
Dopomoha Ukraini Foundation and the
Wrzesnewskyj Family
President’s Cabinet
($10,000 to $24,999)
Mr. Ihor Walter Bardyn
Dr. & Mrs. George & Anya
Mr. Erast Huculak+ & Mrs. Yarmila
Katedra Foundation
Mrs. Tania Melnyk
Mrs. Bohdanna Monczak
Dr. Yury Monczak
Foundation Club
($5,000 to $9,999)
Mr. Josyf Bilaniuk
Dr. Christina Hantel-Fraser
Olzhych Foundation
Mrs. Iryna Patten
Bishop’s Club
($1,500 - $4,999)
Dr. Marie Therese Bilaniuk
Mrs. Lidia Bobownyk
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Marcy Bobyn
Mrs. Roxanne Chabursky
Rev. & Dobr. Wolodymyr & Maria Dacko
Mr. & Mrs. Omelan & Melanie
Mr. & Mrs. Orest & Tetiana Dzulynsky
Carling Energy Inc.
Mr. John Iwaniura
Dr. & Mrs. George & Marta Jaciw
Mr. & Mrs. Ihor & Oksana Komarnicky
Mrs. Marta Lewycky
Mrs. Maria Malecka Czajkiwska
Mr. Russell Plawiuk
Dr. Walter Silecky
St. Mary’s University College
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church,
Mr. Eugene S. Struminsky
Ukrainian Canadian Benevolent Society
of Edmonton
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto
and Eastern Canada
Ukrainian Credit Union Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton & Linda Woitas
Mr. B. & Mrs. M. Workun
Millennium Circle
($1,000 - $1,499)
Ms. Larissa A. Blavatska
Ms. Dana Boyko
Buduchnist Credit Union
Dr. Michael Danyluk
Prof. & Dr. Jurij and Daria Darewych
Dr. & Mrs. Steve & Marichka Duncan
Mr. Mark J Freiman
Rev. Archpriest & Dobr. Roman & Irena
Mr. Paul Grod
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Petrusia Hantzsch
Rev. Theodore Harasymchuk
The Homenko Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Marko and Lori Horb
Rev. Brian Hubka
Ian Ihnatowycz Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Zenon & Zorianna Kohut
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan & Chrystyna Kolos
Ms. Christine Kuzyk
Mr. Ivan Markiw
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan & Juliana Olenych
Dr. & Mrs. Allan & Sharon Oryschak
10 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation
Calgary Friends of UCU visited the university in May 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Taras & Ulana Pidzamecky
Plast Ukrainian Youth Organization,
Mr. Zenon Potichny
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene & Renata O. Roman
Mrs. Helen Rypan
UCWLC, St. Volodymyr Parish, Thornhill
Ukrainian Women’s Organization of
Ms. Ruslana Wrzesnewska
Mr. Roman Wynnyckyj & Mrs. Marika
Acolyte’s Circle
($500 - $999)
Mr. Raymond Blasetti
Mr. Gerard Charanduk
Mr. Walter & Mrs. Gloria Chayka
Clear Water Academy
Mr. Danylo Darewych
Mr. & Mrs. Roman & Olena Darewych
Dr. Ian Ihnatowycz
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Anne Ilnycky
Ms. Olga Kizluk-Scarpari
Dr. & Mrs. Edward & Myrna Krakiwsky
Mrs. Patricia Kreklewetz
Mr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw & Maria Kret
Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Christina Kudryk
La Caisse Populaire Ukrainienne de
Rev. & Dobr. Roman & Lubomyra Lahola
Mr. & Mrs. William & Theresa Lewchuk
Dr. & Mrs. Walter & Svitlana Medwidsky
Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Luba Olenych
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Angie Reshitnyk
Mr. & Mrs. Reg & Lana+ Robertson
Mrs. Alexandra Schur
Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Maria Shysh
Ms. Sonia Solomon
Mrs. Christina Stodilka-Curkowskyj
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan & Oksana Szewczyk
Rt. Rev. John Tataryn
Mrs. Terry Tonkovich
UCWLC, St. Josaphat’s Parish, Toronto
Ukrainian Canadian Professional &
Business Club of Calgary
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of
Ms. Olena Wynnycky
Prof. Adonis Yatchew & Ms. Sophia M.
Mrs. Oksana Zolkewych
Sheptytsky Society
We recognize donors who have
made major lifetime contributions
to assure the glorious future of the
Church in Ukraine foreseen by
Andrey Sheptytsky.
Over $1,000,000
The Temerty Family Foundation
$100,000 to 500,000
Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan & Alexandra Bulchak
Estate of Dr. Teodor Bohdan
Estate of Rev. Basil Galarnyk
Estate of Ms. Lydia Kaluzhna
Estate of Mr. Wolodymyr Lech
Mr. Vasil Mikolyskyj
Mrs. Bohdanna Monczak
Dr. Yury Monczak
Mrs. Daria Mucak Kowalsky
Dopomoha Ukraini Foundation and the
Wrzesnewskyj Family
$50,000 to $99,999
Dr. & Mrs. George & Anya
Thanks to our Organizational Supporters
Brassaii Restaurant
Calgary Friends of UCU
Golden Lion Restaurant
Montreal Friends of UCU
Shevchenko Foundation
St. Mary’s University College,
St. Vladimir Institute, Toronto
UCBC St. Nicholas Church,
Ukrainian Canadian Social
Services, Toronto
Ukrainian Credit Union Ltd. and Wealth
Strategies Group
We graciously acknowledge the
gifts received in loving memory
of the following people
Mr. Ivan Bobak
Mr. Alex Broda
Mr. Wasyl Dacko
Ms. Mary Theressa Darewych
Dr. Maria Fischer-Slysh
Fr. Stephan Hrynkiv
Mr. Walter Huk
Mr. Paul Humniski
Mrs. A. Kalymon
Fr. Lutoslaw Kussy
Mrs. Maria Malecka Czajkiwska
Estate of Mr. Wasyl Petriw
Dr. Anastasia Shkilnyk-Kingham
$25,000 to $49,999
Mr. & Mrs. Teodor and Anna Besz+
Mr. Josyf Bilaniuk
Rev. Marian & Dr. Roman Curkowskyj
Mr. Myron Monczak+
Mrs. Oksana Veryha
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr. Ihor Walter Bardyn
Mr. Joseph J. Barnicke
Mrs. Lidia Bobownyk
Estate of Mr. Teodor Butrej
Mr. Erast Huculak+ & Mrs. Yarmila
Mr. Michael Kalimin
Katedra Foundation
Knights of Columbus - Bishop Budka
Estate of Mr. Bohdan Kowch
Mrs. Tania Melnyk
Rt. Rev. Mitrat Gregory Oucharyk
Mr. Karl Pidzamecky
Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese
of Calgary, Mission Council
Estate of Ms. Maria Sawchyn
Mrs. Maria Sembrat
Estate of Ms. Nadia Shypka
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church,
St. Stephen’s Byzantine Ukrainian
Catholic Church, Calgary
Mr. & Mrs. Hryhorij & Kathryna Swerhun
Mrs. Olga Tomkiw
Mrs. Sofia Wojtyna
Mrs. Mary Yacyshyn+
Have you considered including
UCEF in your will?
A will is an expression of your commitment to the people and groups
that you cherish here on earth. As a supporter of the Ukrainian Catholic
University, a bequest in your will ensures that the training of young
leaders in Ukraine will continue into the future.
n Suggested wording for a bequest:
“I give and bequeath to the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation,
of Toronto, ON, _______% of the residue of my estate [or: the sum
of $___________] for its charitable, educational and religious
Mr. Orest Kuzma
Ms. Wolodymyra Latyszewskyj
Mr. Klym Lazurko
Mr. Petro Leshchyshyn
Nestor Oleksandr Severyn Lewycky
Mr. and Mrs. Roman & Lubomyra
Dr. Alexander Malycky
Prof. Vasyl Markus
Mr. Roman Melnyk
Mr. Mykola Plawiuk
Ms. Halyna Popowych
Fr. I. Syrotynsky
Please contact Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation (UCEF) in Canada.
Call us today at (416) 239-2495
Thanks to Alexandra
Khraplyvyj Schur and
her late husband Orest
Schur for including a
living bequest to UCEF
in their estate plan.
Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 11
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Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation
263 Bering Ave. Toronto, ON M8Z 3A5, Canada
phone: (416) 239-2495 | toll free: 1 (866) 871-8007
fax: (416) 239-2496 | e-mail: [email protected]
2247 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60622, USA
phone: (773) 235-8462 | fax: (773) 235-8464
e-mail: [email protected] | website: www.ucef.org