Wykaz dorobku opublikowanego w latach 2005


Wykaz dorobku opublikowanego w latach 2005
Wykaz dorobku opublikowanego w latach 2005-2012
dr inż. Marek Landowski
Rok 2012
M. Landowski, A. Piegat, Optimal estimator of hypothesis probability for data mining problems with small samples,
Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., Vol. 22, No. 3, 2012, s. 629-645.
summary: The paper presents a new (to the best of the authors’ knowledge) estimator of probability called the “Ep hsqrt2
completeness estimator” along with a theoretical derivation of its optimality. The estimator is especially suitable for a small
number of sample items, which is the feature of many real problems characterized by data insufficiency. The control
parameter of the estimator is not assumed in an a priori, subjective way, but was determined on the basis of an optimization
criterion (the least absolute errors).The estimator was compared with the universally used frequency estimator of probability
and with Cestnik’s m-estimator with respect to accuracy. The comparison was realized both theoretically and
experimentally. The results show the superiority of the Ephsqrt2 completeness estimator over the frequency estimator for the
probability interval ph ∈ (0.1, 0.9). The frequency estimator is better for ph ∈ [0, 0.1] and ph ∈ [0.9, 1].
słowa kluczowe:
key words: single-case problem, probability, probability estimation, frequency interpretation of probability, completeness
interpretation of probability, uncertainty theory.
M. Landowski, A. Piegat, Is the conventional interval arithmetic correct?, Journal of Theoretical and Applied
Computer Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2012, s. 27–44.
summary: Interval arithmetic as part of interval mathematics and Granular Computing is unusually important for
development of science and engineering in connection with necessity of taking into account uncertainty and
approximativeness of data occurring in almost all calculations. The mostly used conventional Moore-arithmetic has evident
weak-points. These weak-points are well known, but nonetheless it is further on frequently used. The paper presents basic
operations of RDM-arithmetic that does not possess faults of Moore-arithmetic. The RDM-arithmetic is based on multidimensional approach, the Moore-arithmetic on one-dimensional approach to interval calculations.
słowa kluczowe:
key words: interval arithmetic, RDM-interval arithmetic, multi-dimensional interval arithmetic, interval mathematics,
interval analysis, granular computing, artificial intelligence
M. Landowski, A. Landowska, Zastosowanie wybranych modeli optymalizacji dynamicznej struktury produkcji
roślinnej w przeciętnym gospodarstwie rolnym, Folia Pomer. Univ. Technol. Stetin., Oeconomica 297 (68), Szczecin
2012, s. 47-54.
summary: The article presents results of application of three decisions models for optimization of plants production structure
in typical agricultural farm. Conditions that connect every year of production include crop rotation. Correct crop rotation is
very important to obtain the highest crop.
słowa kluczowe: model produkcji roślinnej, optymalizacja dynamiczna, zasada optymalności.
key words: dynamic optimization, model of plants production, optimal rule.
Rok 2011
M. Landowski, A. Piegat, Nowy estymator prawdopodobieństwa hipotez Eph1 i wyniki badań jego dokładności,
Metody Informatyki stosowanej nr 1/2011(26), s. 93-106.
streszczenie: W nauce powszechnie stosowany jest częstościowy estymator prawdopodobieństwa fr h=nh/n. W literaturze
naukowej wykazano wiele wad tego estymatora. W artykule przedstawiona została nowy (wg. wiedzy autorów),
kompletnościowy estymator prawdopodobieństwa, który wstępnie oznaczono jako Ep h1. Przeprowadzone eksperymenty
porównujący nowy estymator z estymatorem częstościowym wykazały jego identyczną dokładność w zakresie dużej liczby
próbek oraz znacznie wyższą dokładność w zakresie małej liczby próbek n<25. Ponieważ z małą liczbą danych często
mamy do czynienia w problemach praktycznych, to stosowanie nowego estymatora wydaje się być bardzo korzystne.
summary: The frequency estimator of probability frh=nh/n is widely used in science. However, scientists discovered many
weak points of this estimator and therefore proposed a few other interpretations of probability that differ form the frequency
interpretation. In this paper a new (according to authors’ knowledge) completeness estimator of probability, denoted as Ep h1,
is proposed. Computer experiments realized by authors for comparative aims shown identical accuracy of the new estimator
Eph1 and frequency estimator frh for large numbers of samples and a considerably higher accuracy of Ep h1 estimator for
small numbers of samples n<25. Because with insufficient small number of samples we often have to do in practical
problems therefore application of the new estimator seems very useful and recommendable.
słowa kluczowe: prawdopodobieństwo, estymator prawdopodobieństwa, interpretacja częstościowa prawdopodobieństwa,
interpretacja kompletnościowa prawdopodobieństwa
key words: probability, probability estimator, frequency interpretation of probability, completeness interpretation of
Rok 2010
M. Landowski, A. Piegat, Should we use a uniform prior in probabilistic decision making?, Foundations of
Computing and Decision Sciences, Vol. 35 (2010), No. 1, s. 43-61.
summary: In probabilistic decision-making and diagnostics problems solved with the use of Bayes’ theorem and in Bayes’
networks if a priori distribution of probability density is not known the uniform distribution is assumed to determine the
working, approximate solution of the problem. However, in many practical problems experts possess some qualitative
knowledge about a priori distribution, e.g. the distribution is unimodal (one maximum) or it is unimodal right-asymmetric
one, etc. It was explained in the paper that in such cases we need not unconditionally use the uniform distribution but we
may use other types of distributions which better correspond to our qualitative knowledge and to the reality. However, to
determine a priori distribution compatible with our qualitative knowledge we have to calculate the approximate, average,
limit distribution the AAL-distribution of an infinitely large number of all possible distributions that possess the given
qualitative feature, e.g., which are unimodal and right-asymmetrical ones. Is it possible at all? In the paper it was shown that
it is possible if a special method conceived by one of the authors, the method of event-granulation diminution (GD-method)
is applied. With this method the Readers themselves can determine their own limit distribution of all possible distributions
which possess required qualitative features. The paper gives 3 such distributions determined by one of the authors that can
directly be used in problems. It was also shown that the uniform distribution itself is the average, limit distribution of an
infinite number of all possible distributions. According to the authors’ knowledge the presented concept of the average, safe
distribution is new in the scientific literature.
słowa kluczowe:
key words: probability theory, decision-making, diagnostic problems, artificial intelligence, Bayes’ theorem, Bayes’
networks, uniform a-priori distribution, automatic reasoning, uncertainty theory.
M. Landowski, A. Piegat, Average Prior Distribution of All Possible Probability Density, Advances in Intelligent and
Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010, rozdział w j. ang., s. 181-190.
summary: Bayes’ rule is universally applied in artificial intelligence and especially in Bayes reasoning, Bayes networks, in
decision–making, in generating rules for probabilistic knowledge bases. However, its application requires knowledge about
a priori distribution of probability or probability density that frequently is not given. Then, to find at least an approximate
solution to a problem, the uniform a priori distribution is used. Do we always have to use this distribution? The paper shows
that it is not true. The uniform prior should only be used if there is no knowledge about the real distribution. If however, we
possess certain qualitative knowledge, e.g. that the real distribution is the unimodal one, or that its expected value is less
than 0.5, then we can use this knowledge and apply a priori distribution being the average distribution of all possible
unimodal distributions, instead of the uniform distribution. As a result we will usually get better approximation of the
problem solution and will avoid large approximation errors. The paper explains the concept of average distributions and
shows how they can be determined with a special method of granulation diminution of elementary events and probability.
słowa kluczowe:
key words: data mining, automated reasoning, Bayes rule, probability theory
Rok 2009
Average Individual Classification Probability Function (Przeciętna indywidualna funkcja prawdopodobieństwa
klasyfikacji), Elektronika, nr 11/2009, Warszawa 2009, s. 12-15
streszczenie: Jednym z głównych zadań sztucznej inteligencji jest stworzenie sztucznego komputerowego mózgu
realizującego sztuczne myślenie bazujące na konceptach lingwistycznych. Podstawą realizacji tego zadania jest
opracowanie modelu ludzkich percepcji wyrażonego w formie kwantyfikatorów lingwistycznych. Artykuł prezentuje
metodę tworzenia przeciętnej indywidualnej funkcji prawdopodobieństwa klasyfikacji. Funkcja ta przedstawia funkcję
klasyfikacji przeciętnej indywidualnej osoby w grupie (populacji). Według wiedzy autorów przeciętna indywidualna
funkcja prawdopodobieństwa klasyfikacji jest nowością w literaturze światowej.
summary: One of the main tasks of artificial intelligence is the creation of artificial computer brain able to realize artificial
thinking based on linguistic concept. The basis of the realization of this task is the working out of models of human
perception expressed in the form of linguistic quantifiers. The article presents the method of finding average individual
classification probability function. The function is to present classification function of the average person in the group
(population). According to the authors’ knowledge average individual classification probability function are the novelty in
the word literature.
słowa kluczowe: teoria prawdopodobieństwa, model probabilistyczny, przeciętna indywidualna funkcja
prawdopodobieństwa klasyfikacji, koncept lingwistyczny
key words: probability theory, probabilistic model, average individual classification probability function, linguistic concept
Surmounting Information Gaps Using Average Probability Density Function (Pokonywanie luk informacyjnych za
pomocą przeciętnej funkcji gęstości prawdopodobieństwa), Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, Vol. 55, nr 10/2009,
Warszawa 2009, s. 793-795
summary: In many problems we come across the lack of complete data. The information gap causes that the task seems to
be unsolvable. In many cases where the Bayes’ networks or Bayes’ rule are used, we come across the information gap
which is the lack of a priori distribution. The article presents the methods of identifying the average probability density
distribution when we know the range of variable and we have some quality knowledge on the distribution. The obtained
average probability density distribution minimizes medium squared error. According to the authors’ knowledge the average
probability density distribution is the novelty in the word literature.
słowa kluczowe:
key words: Bayes' networks, information gaps, principle of indifference, uncertainty theory, artificial intelligence,
probability theory
Rok 2008
Bayes' Rule, Principle of Indifference, and Safe Distribution. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing – ICAISC
2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 5097, Germany 2008, p. 661-670
summary: Bayes' rule is basis of probabilistic reasoning. It enables to surmount information gaps. However, it requires
knowledge of prior distributions of probabilistic variables. If this distribution is not known then, according to the principle
of indifference, the uniform distribution has to be assumed. The uniform distribution is frequently and heavy criticized. The
paper presents a safe distribution of probability density that often can be used instead of the uniform distribution to
surmount information gaps. According to the authors' knowledge the concept of the safe distribution is new and unknown in
the literature.
słowa kluczowe:
key words: Bayes' rule, principle of indifference, prior probability distribution, Bayes' networks, automated reasoning
Wykłady z matematyki dla studentów studiów inżynieryjno-ekonomicznych (A Lecture on Mathematics for
Engineering and Economics Study), Wyd. AM, Szczecin 2008, 203 s.
streszczenie: Skrypt przeznaczony jest dla studentów studiów inżynieryjno-ekonomicznych dziennych i zaocznych,
a w szczególności studentów Wydziału Inżynieryjno-Ekonomicznego Transportu Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie. Zawiera
on podstawowe pojęcia z zakresu elementów matematyki wyższej, niezbędne do dalszego toku studiów. Celem autorów
było podanie wiadomości z wymienionego zakresu w formie jak najbardziej przystępnej i przystosowanej do samodzielnego
słowa kluczowe: matematyka, studia ekonomiczne, wykłady
key words: mathematics, economics study, lectures
Rok 2007
Artificial Neural Network for Identification of Qualification Probability Function of Linguistic Concept (Sztuczna
sieć neuronowa do identyfikacji funkcji prawdopodobieństwa zaklasyfikowania do konceptu lingwistycznego), 14th
International Conference on ACS 2007, Pol. J. of Envi. Stud., Vol. 16, No. 5B, 2007, s. 40-44
summary: One of the main tasks of the artificial intelligence is creating artificial computer brain able to carrying out
artificial thinking based on words. The basis of this task realization is working out of models of words. The creation of the
word model with the use of the function of qualification probability defining the proper concept on the basis of
experimentally gained empirical data is the subject of this article. The main focus is on description of proposed method of
creating the qualification function of linguistic quantifier based on the artificial neural network.
słowa kluczowe:
key words: qualification function, artificial neural networks, probability, artificial intelligence, automatic thinking
Rok 2006
Propozycja metody tworzenia funkcji przynależności. Roczniki Informatyki Stosowanej WI PS, nr 10, Szczecin 2006,
s. 273-278
streszczenie: Stworzenie modelu funkcji przynależności określającego odpowiednią wielkość na podstawie otrzymanych
danych empirycznych jest ważnym krokiem w wielu aplikacjach wykorzystujących teorię zbiorów rozmytych. W pracy
przedstawiono kilka najczęściej stosowanych funkcji przynależności. Głównie skupiono się na omówieniu zaproponowanej
funkcji przynależności powstałej z wielomianu stopnia trzeciego.
słowa kluczowe: funkcja przynależności, zbiór rozmyty, wielomian, aproksymacja
key words: