remix - flexo - wash


remix - flexo - wash
Esu|!of PoIiśh
deleBenlcLExo.wAsrD |orcosmolighl
sev661 propeńiesw* evdu19d lor FLExo.wAsH sd conpaĘd with a deteĘ€lt Dlde i!
Ja9e (Ni*Ń sćld.@).lo ńis gxpgńn.n! cosnÓLigl Ns l70F Md NEo l?0! &g us€d'
(1) Benćft|
ills Mońt of foeinl jBr $ in'omed &on hn1 s!Ślgns'
rTho $rl.*ed
oor !€!t ofEliefae l€$ śicty ńd m@th
łsile pH vabe is Ela1ively hish Md altalińly is a hit loo hj8n(ńoE tbĄ l2) B.6 shornd
wd 8lov€s ed g'sms b oldB to Prlecl their5]'lofuadeyes'
*sj!e th€ rehout bnBh slips Biń the 8My touchof the detergeĄ brcb nel6 tąd to
dcp|! is liLeIyjo gets|rauowg'
alpfu @ the su|@ olńe lElief md Btc
*T!e d.tergeń vs no1ab1.10b9 tF'en vidr ńe E8ln& p.brc! @asdalio! nethod w e!ly'
łva.hout s!@d ed imce ĘPoducibilily m stisibctory'
.very ti'y houowsweŃ obseld o! slid eoa Ófth9 rclicf gffm' It mignt b€ dE 101oohbh
alkdiŃ @!tątŚ or śofulhjngconbided in ńe d.lerget' ou pd i'8 t.sls shoMd ltar the
hdlows eu*d less iŃ bu'td esp*ia]ly at a high pri in8 śped
*No !rcblm i! dislqśid ofdetelgńt'
.Broad iątitlde ń lrns ofd€telgńt @nMtration andt€E!.61W'
ov.BI' m !€błtabl. disodvmtag€ m obsryed łjth this detdg.ń!' Ąślolg a W6 !6y
ltlńdm ro th€ non6 we loided out, * believethis do16g9n1vo.t5 !.ry w€u for có@oligllj
witn l4s ibMilB md !obr6 stickir.s,
Phoio.Imction'l'' ToyobÓ cÓ'' lld

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