Tytuł szkolenia: Course 40372A: Microsoft .NET


Tytuł szkolenia: Course 40372A: Microsoft .NET
Tytuł szkolenia: Course 40372A: Microsoft .NET Fundamentals: MTA
Exam 98-372
Kod szkolenia: MS-40372
Info r m acje o kur s ie
T his thr ee-day MTA Tr aining co ur s e helps y o u pr epar e fo r Micr o s o ft Techno lo gy As s o ciate Ex am 9 8-372 , and b uild an
under s tanding o f thes e to pics : .N ET Fr am ewo r k C o ncepts , N am es paces and C las s es in the .N ET Fr am ewo r k, .N ET C o de
C o m pilatio n, I/O C las s es in the .N ET Fr am ewo r k, Secur ity , .N ET Languages , and Mem o r y Managem ent. T his co ur s e lev er ages
the s am e co ntent as fo und in the Micr o s o ft O fficial Academ ic C o ur s e (MO AC ) fo r this ex am .
Pr o fil o db io r có w
T he Micr o s o ft Techno lo gy As s o ciate (MTA) is Micr o s o ft’s newes t s uite o f techno lo gy cer tificatio n ex am s that v alidate
fundam ental kno wledge needed to b egin b uilding a car eer us ing Micr o s o ft techno lo gies . T his pr o gr am pr o v ides an
appr o pr iate entr y po int to a futur e car eer in techno lo gy and as s um es s o m e hands -o n ex per ience o r tr aining b ut do es no t
as s um e o n-the-jo b ex per ience.
Po z ako ńcz eniu kur s u
After co m pleting this co ur s e, s tudents will b e ab le to :
Understand .NET F ramework Concepts
Understand Namespaces and Classes in the .NET F ramework
Understand.NET Code Compilation
Understand I/O Classes in the .NET F ramework
Understand Security
Understand.NET L anguages
Understand Memory Management
Adresaci szkolenia
Czas i forma szkolenia
21 godz in (3 dni x 7 godz in), w tym wykłady i warsz taty praktycz ne.
Plan szkolenia
C o ur s e O utlineMo dule 1: Under s tanding O b ject-O r iented Pr o gr am m ing
Mo dule 2 : Under s tanding Data T y pes and C o llectio ns
Mo dule 3: Under s tanding Ev ents and Ex ceptio ns
Mo dule 4: Under s tanding C o de C o m pilatio n and Deplo y m ent
Mo dule 5: Under s tanding Input/O utput (I/O ) C las s es
Mo dule 6 : Under s tanding Secur ity
Vavatech Sp. z o.o., ul. Olesińska 21, 02-548 Warszawa, tel. (+48 22) 845 09 70, fax (+48 22) 213 81 27
e-mail: [email protected], www.vavatech.pl

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