Ogłoszenie o szkoleniu


Ogłoszenie o szkoleniu
Innovation, Cretivity and Talent Development for ICT SMEs
project partners now enroll for international course
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the first one-year international course on Innovation;
Creativity and Talent development designed specifically for aspiring individuals in small-to-medium
(SME) sized ICT companies situated within the European Union.
The course will be delivered in coordination with three European Universities – ESADE University in
Spain; Gdansk Technical University in Poland; and Vilnius University in Lithuania. It is sponsored by the
European Commission and will provide you with official certification that prepares you and your
company for qualifying grants relating to EU supported Horizon 2020 programmes in the coming five
The European Commission recognizes that Innovation; Creativity and Talent are vital to support the
growth of one of Europe’s most important sectors – Information and Communications Technologies.
Over the last year six European institutions1 have collaborated in preparing an advanced on-line learning
programme to equip professionals with the latest methods, techniques and skills relating to Innovation;
Creativity and Talent development.
This programme contains:
 a unique blend of on-line learning
 serious gaming
 face-to-face interactions with qualified mentors and coaches (see image).
Moreover, an e-platform will encourage constant communication and sharing across international
borders throughout the ten months course.
There are only a limited number of places for the inaugural course of 2013/14 so we request that you
respond immediately to our invitation for a FREE SPOT (sponsored by the European Commission through
the Lifelong Learning programme). The first edition is the only one free of charge.
If you are interested in joining the course please send your Application2 the latest November 22th to:
Joanna Pniewska, tel. 58 348 63 94, e-mail: [email protected]
Monika Radziszewska, tel. 58 32-68-317, e-mail: [email protected]
The project partners are: ESADE Business School, Gdansk University of technology, Office of Marshall of
Pomorskie Voievodship, International Business School at Vilnius University, Camrass & Company Ltd, Octrium BV.
(Formularz zgłoszeniowy) The candidates must be owners or employees of ICT SMEs and comply with the
conditions listed in Rules of the course (Regulamin szkolenia). For all the documentation go to
www.INNOpomorze.pl or www.ctwt.pg.gda.pl.
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
MY ICT Programme Framework
Section INTRODUCING in details
Scope of concepts Innovation, Creativity and Talent
Life cycle of ICT SMEs
The Innovation Framework and Process
The strategy of Open Innovation; OI in SMEs
Techniques on creativity
Collaboration to share knowledge (culture; values; tools); among
employees, with clients, with key stakeholders, with top managers
Leadership style to promote Innovation
Talent Management; organizational practices and politics to encourage
innovation through the whole organisation
Guidelines for coaching
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską

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