Andrzej Adamczyk, Dorota Góral Makroekonomiczne


Andrzej Adamczyk, Dorota Góral Makroekonomiczne
Andrzej Adamczyk, Dorota Góral
Makroekonomiczne uwarunkowania przedsiębiorczości po przystąpieniu Polski
do Unii Europejskiej
Macroeconomic conditions of enterprises after Polish accession to the
European Union
The authors of this paper attempt at describing the great significance that the
enterprises have at present. The development of enterprises plays crucial role
in success of the economy of the whole country. The realization of new activities,
both by new enterprises and those undergoing restructurization, leads to the growth
of productivity and competitiveness on the market. This in turn forces other
enterprises to carry out initiatives improving their effectiveness or to reorientate
their scope of activities. Polish accession to the EU has brought a lot
of changes. Regardless of their size, the enterprises should be ready to
participate in the Single European Market. That is why, the interest
in entrepreneurship should be growing. It is the most precious value of our times as it
promotes economic growth. By becoming an EU member Poland can make use of the
European financial funds. This .funds put particular emphasis on the development
of Small and Medium Enterprises. This sector has significant effect on the
development of business in general.
Marcin Buczek
Analiza sektora edukacyjno-szkoleniowego w powiązaniu z nowymi technikami
zarządzania wiedzą
The role of education and training sector in process of increasing enterprises'
Rapid changes in last 20 years have changed and still are changing living
conditions for millions of people as well as companies all over the world. Keeping
market share requires from enterprise to demonstrate flexibility, understand as
ability to see and even foreseen market changes and to adapt to the new conditions in
a way that build competitive advantage. Training and education sector is the one that
is expected to lead companies and individuals through this. ,,Preparing Europeans
for information society is a must. Education and training play crucial role in this
process "[1]. Therefore, training and education sector's condition and changes
within it should be area of interests for all current and prospective stakeholders.
Monika Dobrowolska-Hajderek
Pomoc publiczna jako element konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw
State aid as an instrument of enterprise competitiveness
The problem of public aid, that is the aid given to enterprises by the state, has raised
emotions and widespread discussion for several years. On one side of the discussion
there is free market i. e. protection of competitiveness and restriction of state aid;
on the other side - some industries which indisputably need aid. Questions arise,
whether the forms of state aid applied do not in some cases infringe free market
competition and whether they conform the principles of equity of all market
participants; whether the state should use this aid? It seems that there is no obvious
answer to theses questions.
Dorota Dziedzic
Metody pomiaru zadowolenia klientów
Methods of measuring customer satisfaction
Methods used in measuring customer satisfaction concern quality and use of the
product or service, calculating costs, logistic services and lasting relations
between a customer and a supplier. Using customer satisfaction surveys companies
study the effects that can be achieved by efficient policies towards a buyer. The
general ideas of. customer service and "customer care" mean all the actions aiming
at the increase of buyers' satisfaction and loyalty.
Dorota Dziedzic
Przewaga komparatywna, konkurencyjność i szanse Polski w Unii Europejskiej
Comparative advantage, competitiveness and Poland's chances in the European
The European Union is one of the most competitive markets in the world. As
a matter of principle this market involves competition among companies from
different countries that represent different levels of the use of the production means
and sources available to them. Each of the companies functioning on the common
European market that wants to survive on the market has to be (regardless of the
fact whether it operates locally or regionally) competitive in comparison with
other businesses (players) operating not only Opt local or regional markets but also
on foreign markets. Real competitiveness of a company is always evaluated in
comparison with a particular group of its competitors. This group is not
constant, but it changes depending on the intensity in which the market is being
entered by new players and left by the old ones.
Zbigniew Jędrzejczyk Stanisław Kowalski
Analiza efektów implementacji systemów jakości w PZZ S.A. w Krakowie
The analysis of effects of quality systems implementation in PZZ S.A.
in Cracow
In the paper, we analyze quality costs in PZZ" S.A.. in Cracow in three stages
of system implementation: before implementation (2002); during the process
of implementation (2003) and after implementation (2004). On the base of profit and
loss account analysis we discuss economic results of HACCP implementation.
Renata Kot, Joanna Kulczycka
Wzrost konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw krajowych poprzez wykorzystanie funduszy
Improvement of Competitiveness of Domestic Enterprises by Using Structural
The point of this paper is to present, how assistance funds can influence on
improvement of economy and enterprises in Poland due to European Union accession.
To realize this matter, following issues are shown:
— possibilities, advantages and threats related to applying for funding in Poland,
— way of improvement possible to achieve in single enterprises, economy branches
or at the regional scale.
Structural Funds are instruments related to EU Structural Policy. The target is to
support transformation and modernization of economy in EU countries. It's
a solution for ensuring social an economical coherence inside the EU - funds are
directed to sectors and/or regions that cannot compete without financial support.
In years 2004-2006 structural funds will be realized according to strategic
targets of National Development Plan (NDP) defined as "... evolution
of competitive economy, based on knowledge and initiatives, able to long-term,
sustainable development, that aims to ensure higher employment rate and
improvements in the area of social, economical and spatial coherence of EU
countries, at regional and national level... ".
Katarzyna Kowalska
Media relations jako istotny czynnik konkurencji marketingowej szkół wyŜszych
Media relations as a factor in creating marketing competitiveness among colleges
and universities
Nowadays high schools establish their own niche market in a very active way.
As the competition between them is fast growing, it has become very important
to promote a school effectively and create its significant image. Such activities
involve adequate and stimulating media interest to receive a lot of publicity. The
article presents the essence of high schools' mediarelations.
Marcin Kowalski
Analiza źródeł finansowania inwestycji przedsiębiorstw w Polsce
Sources of corporates' investment in Poland
Capital accumulation is considered to be the most important determinant of national
output and economy's comprehensiveness in the long run. Indeed, corporates may
reduce costs and thus increase their profits through constant innovations and
technological progress. In Poland, investment outlays ratio has never been
comparable with those of fast developing economies. In fact, at the moment we have
the lowest accumulation ratio of all developing countries, reaching 18.3 % of GDP.
In this paper, I examine sources of capital investment in Poland and discuss how they
have changed for the last 5 years. 1 also attempt to answer the question, whether
investment in Poland has demand or supply-side constraints.
Marcin Kowalski
Nowa umowa bazylejska — konsekwencje dla przedsiębiorstw
New Basel Capital Accord — consequences for corporations
Internanal risk-based (IRB) models are considered to be more accurate in reflecting
bank's vulnerability than previous solutions. Therefore The Basel Committee
suggests that capital requirement should refer to their results. This will encourage
banks to put more stress on internal risk measurement methods such as credit
ratings. Financial markets expect that in the long run banks will be more effective
in determining risk premiums. Corporations with better internal ratings will be
offered capital of lower cost, whereas those with worse ratings will have to pay
higher provisions. Besides, according to new regulations banks are obliged
to publish their credit rating procedures, which mean that clients will be more aware
of their financial standing.
Janusz Nesterak
Ocena skonsolidowanych sprawozdań finansowych
The evaluation of consolidated financial statements
Presently capital coherence between economic units is common. The limitation
of operative and capital risk, winning of new markets and technologies as well
as consolidation of enterprises are the main motives for creating capital
groups. Along with their strong influence on economy emerges a special need for
standardization the consolidated financial statements that enables to estimate the
economic activity. This article discusses the economic and legal reasons for
enterprises' connection, as well as it presents the most important aspects
of preparing and analysis the consolidated financial statements of a capital group.