Transhumanism Content - Ethics in Progress Quarterly


Transhumanism Content - Ethics in Progress Quarterly
Ethics in Progress (ISSN 2084-9257). Vol. 6 (2015). No. 1. 05-06
Part I. The Idea of Transhumanism and Its Discontests
1. Julian Huxley, Transhumanism (original version) 2. Julian Huxley, Transhumanizm (trans. by Marta Soniewicka) 3. Adriana Warmbier (Jagiellonian University, Cracow), Moral Perfection and the Demand for Human Enhancement [Doskonałość moralna a wymóg ulepszania człowieka] 4. Marta Soniewicka (Jagiellonian University, Cracow), Transhumanizm: kilka uwag na temat filozoficznych źródeł sporu o ideę biomedycznego ulepszania moralnego [Transhumanism: Some Remarks on the Philosophical Sources of the Debate over the Idea of Biomedical Moral Enhancement] 5. Ivars Neiders, Can There Be Post-­‐Persons and What We Can Learn From Considering Their Possibility? 6. Wojciech Lewandowski (Catholic University of Lublin), Biokonserwatyzm i preferencja status quo [Bio-­‐conservatism and the Preference for Status Quo] 7. Urszula Kosielińska-­‐Grabowska & Justyna Holocher (University of Education, Cracow), Dopuszczalność ulepszania natury ludzkiej (enhancement) [Admissibility of Human Enhancement] Part II. Contemporary Challenges of the Biotechnological Age
8. Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa), The Heuristics of Fear: Can the Ambivalence of Fear Teach Us Anything in the Technological Age? 9. Aiden Sisler (Technische Universität Berlin), Co-­‐Emergence in Ecological Continuum: Educating Democratic Capacities Through Posthumanism as Praxis 10. Błażej Kmieciak (Medical University, Łódź): W stronę chirurgii zarodka: Socjoprawne aspekty innowacyjnych technik wspomaganego rozrodu [Toward Embryo Surgery: The Socio-­‐Legal Aspects of the Innovative Techniques for Assisted Reproduction] Spis treści / Table of Contents
11. Beata Płonka (Jagiellonian University, Cracow), Cechy psychiczne człowieka a idee transumanizmu [Man's Mental Features and the Idea of Transhumanism] 12. Julia Stanek (Jagiellonian University, Cracow), Techniczne ulepszanie ludzkich możliwości. Interfejs mózg-­‐komputer a »inteligentne okulary« [Human Enhancement Technologies. Brain-­‐Computer Interface and »Smart Glasses«] Reviews
Marta Soniewicka (Jagiellonian University, Cracow), Searching for Bioethical Prescriptions in a Moral Lab. Review of the book: F. M. Kamm (2013). Bioethical Prescriptions: To Create, End, Choose, and Improve Lives, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 590 [W poszukiwaniu bioetycznych recept w laboratorium moralnym, recenzja książki: F. M. Kamm (2013). Bioethical Prescriptions: To Create, End, Choose, and Improve Lives, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 590] Krystian Szadkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań), Społeczne konstruowanie doskonałości w warunkach kapitalizmu akademickiego Recenzja książki R. Müncha (2014): Academic Capitalism. Universities in the Global Struggle for Excellence, New York, London: Routledge, pp. 298 [Socially Constructing Excellence in the Conditions of Academic Capitalism. Book review of Richard Münch (2014), Academic Capitalism. Universities in the Global Struggle for Excellence. New York, London: Routledge, pp. 298] 6

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