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Wybrane publikacje i strony internetowe
Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2014 roku
Wybrane publikacje i strony internetowe
stan na 3.07.2014
1. Berge van den. M.: The 2014 EP election campaign in the member states: national
debates, european elections ,"Tepsa report", Trans European Policy Studies
Association, 4 June 2014.
2. Bertoncini Y.: European Elections: less abstention, more populism?, "Notre Europe
Tribune", 14.11.2013.
3. Bertoncini Y., Chopin T.: Des visages sur des clivages : les élections européennes de
mai 2014, Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, 25.04.2014.
4. Bertoncini Y., Kreilinger V.: What political balance of power in the next European
Parliament?, "Notre Europe Policy Paper", 24.11.2013.
5. Bonvicini G.: Towards a new procedure for appointing the President of the European
Commission, Trans European Policy Studies Association, "TEPSA Policy Paper",
January 2014
6. Delors J., Vitorino A., Lamy P. i inn.: European elections: full steam ahead!, Notre
Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, "Tribune", 10.01.2014
7. Emmanouilidis J., Stratulat C.: Post-European Parliament Elections, European Policy
Centre, 27.05.2014
8. Emmanouilidis J., Stratulat C.: The European Parliament elections 2014 - Watershed
or, again, washed out?, European Policy Centre, „Discussion Paper", 09.09.2013.
9. The European Parliament: it has to do with you, "European Policy Briefs", EGMONT
– The Royal Institute for International Relations, 26.03.2014.
10. Fernandes S.: What are the economic and social issues of the European elections of
2014?, "Notre Europe Synthesis", 2.10.2013.
11. Formuszewicz R., Stormowska M.: Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2014 r.:
czy obywatele Unii Europejskiej się od niej odwrócą?, „Biuletyn PISM" nr 77 (1053),
12. Gostyńska A.: Kampania wyborcza do Parlamentu Europejskiego: ku „europeizacji"
wyborów?, „Biuletyn PISM nr 61 (1173)", Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych,
13. Gostyńska A., Parkes R.: The May 2014 Elections: Towards a Europe of Political
Party Family Competition, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, „Bulletin
PISM" no 137 (590), 16.12.2013.
14. Grabbe H., Lehne S.: The 2014 European elections: Why a partisan Commission
president would be bad for the EU, Center for European Reform, 14 October 2013
15. Gros D.: Europe is still standing, "CEPS Commentaries", Centre for European Policy
Studies, 06.06.2014.
16. Gros D., Piedrafita S.: Common Misconceptions about the European Parliamentary
Elections, "Commentary", Centre for European Policy Studies, 23.05.2014.
17. Hawkins O., Miller V.: European Parliament Elections 2014, "Research paper", no.
14/32, House of Commons, 11.06.2014.
18. Hix S.: Why the 2014 European Elections Matter: Ten Key Votes in the 2009–2013
European Parliament, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS),
„European Policy Analysis" 2013, iss. 15.
19. Incerti M.: Never mind the Spitzenkandidaten: It's all about politics, "CEPS
Commentaries",Centre for European Policy Studies, 06.06.2014.
20. Lehmann W.: The European Elections: EU Legislation, National Provisions and Civic
Participation, "Study", European Parliamnet - Directorate General For Internal
Policies, 14.03.2014.
21. Miller V.: The European Conservatives and Reformists in the European Parliament,
"Commons Library Standard Note", House of Commons, 16.06.2014.
22. Miller V.: European Parliament elections 2014, "Commons Library Standard Note",
House of Commons, 21.05.2014.
23. Piedrafita S.: Elections to the European Parliament and the trouble with vox populi,
"EPIN Commentary" no. 12/22, August 2013.
24. Piedrafita S., Lannoo K.: The new European Parliament: Workable but impaired?,
"CEPS Commentaries", Centre for European Policy Studies, 27.06.2014.
25. Piedrafita S., Lauenroth A.: Between Apathy and Anger: Challenges to the Union from
the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament, "EPIN Papers", European Policy
Institutes Network , 20.05.2014.
26. Piedrafita S., Renman V.: The 'Personalisation' of the European Elections: A halfhearted attempt to increase turnout and democratic legitimacy?, "EPIN Papers" no.
37, The European Policy Institutes Network, 11.04.2014.
27. Poptcheva E.:'Europeanisation' of the 2014 EP elections,"Library Briefing",Library of
the European Parliament, 27.06.2013.
28. Ruiz de Garibay D.: The 2014 elections to the European Parliament: towards truly
European elections?, "Analisis of the Real Instituto Elcano" no. 17/2014, Real
Instituto Elcano, 19.03.2014.
29. Rulka M.: Wybrane problemy wyborów do Parlamentu Europejskiego, "INFOS
Zagadnienia społeczno-gospodarcze" nr 8 (168), Biuro Analiz Sejmowych,
30. Salo S.: Eurosceptics in the 2014 EP Elections: Protest parties mobilized on national
cleavages between globalization winners and losers, "FIIA Briefing Paper ", no.159,
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, June 2014.
31. Szczepanik M.: The 2014 European Elections in Poland: Are we in for another
uninspiring campaign?, European Policy Institutes Network, „EPIN Commentaries",
32. Theys M.: Vingt-huit scrutins nationaux pour un Parlement en constante evolution,
"European Policy Briefs" no. 26, EGMONT – The Royal Institute for International
Relations, 22.03.2014.
33. Informacje ze strony PE
o Wyniki wyborów do PE w 2014 - strona internetowa PE
o Wybory 2014 - strona internetowa PE poświęcona wyborom w 2014 roku
o Parlament Europejski rozpoczyna kampanię informacyjną przed wyborami
europejskimi w 2014, Aktualności, 10.09.2013
o Wybory do PE - Maj 2014 - informacje ze strony Biura Informacyjnego PE w
European electoral reform – no change to the status quo, 13.03.2014,
informacja ze strony Biblioteki PE
The European Parliament’s election of the President of the European
Commission, 12.03.2014, informacja ze strony Biblioteki PE
Turnout in European elections, 12.03.2014, informacja ze strony Biblioteki PE
34. Badania Eurobarometru przed wyborami do PE w 2014 roku
o Rok przed wyborami europejskimi w 2014 r. - informacje na stronie PE
o Europejczycy na dwa lata przed wyborami w 2014 r. - informacje na stronie

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