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original papers
Adv Clin Exp Med 2013, 22, 1, 93–100
ISSN 1899–5276
© Copyright by Wroclaw Medical University
Maciej Dzierżanowski1, A, C, D, F, Marcin Dzierżanowski1, B, C, Katarzyna Wrzecion1, A–C,
Witold Słomko1, B, C, Agnieszka Radzimińska2, B, C, Urszula Kaźmierczak2, B, C,
Katarzyna Strojek2, B, C, Grzegorz Srokowski2, B, C, Walery Żukow3, E, F
Discopathy of the Lumbar-Sacral Segment
and Its Influence on Sexual Dysfunction
Dyskopatia kręgosłupa w odcinku lędźwiowo-krzyżowym
a zaburzenia funkcji seksualnych
Department and Institute of Manual Therapy, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Collegium Medicum, Toruń/Bydgoszcz, Poland
Department and Institute of Kinesiotherapy and Therapeutic Massage, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Collegium Medicum, Toruń/Bydgoszcz, Poland
Department of Health and Tourism, University of Economy, Bydgoszcz, Poland
A – research concept and design; B – collection and/or assembly of data; C – data analysis and interpretation;
D – writing the article; E – critical revision of the article; F – final approval of article; G – other
Background. Intervertebral disc disease is a widespread medical and social problem. Degeneration of intervertebral discs can lead to disc disease, commonly known as discopathy. One of the consequences of discopathy is pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots that supply the genitals and sexual centers located in the core. In addition,
the accompanying pain and limitation of mobility can lead to the occurrence of sexual dysfunction.
Objectives. The goal of the study was to ascertain the influence of discopathy in the lumbosacral (L-S) segment on
the occurrence of sexual dysfunction.
Material and Methods. The study involved 50 hospitalized patients with discopathy in the L-S segment were asked
to complete a specially prepared questionnaire (11 questions). The goal of the survey was to compare the patients’
satisfaction with their sex life before and after the disease. The questions were constructed in a way that excluded
other indicators that could affect their sexual activity, i.e.: bad moods, bad family relations, or a lack of sexual activity due to age or the lack of a partner.
Results. Discopathy in the lumbar-sacral segment has an influence on sexual activity. A decrease in the assessment
of satisfaction with one’s sex life can be observed among patients with discopathy.
Conclusions. The pain and neurological symptoms associated with intervertebral disc disease reduce the patients’
satisfaction with their sex lives. Patients in the group surveyed noted a change in sexual performance, often resulting
in passivity, discouragement, weakness or a complete lack of interest in sex. The disorders also affect the emotional
state. The patients also noted a significant decrease in physical activity (Adv Clin Exp Med 2013, 22, 1, 93–100).
Key words: discopathy, lumbar-sacral segment, sexual dysfunction.
Wprowadzenie. Choroba krążka międzykręgowego jest powszechnym problemem społecznym. Gdy krążek międzykręgowy ulegnie zwyrodnieniu, prowadzi to do powstawania choroby dyskowej, powszechnie nazywanej dyskopatią.
Konsekwencją dyskopatii w odcinku lędźwiowo-krzyżowym może być ucisk na rdzeń kręgowy lub korzenie nerwowe
zaopatrujące narządy płciowe i ośrodki seksualne umiejscowione w rdzeniu. Dodatkowo towarzyszące dolegliwości
bólowe oraz ograniczenie sprawności ruchowej mogą prowadzić do wystąpienia zaburzeń funkcji seksualnych.
Cel pracy. W przeprowadzonych badaniach starano się dowieść wpływu dyskopatii w odcinku L-S na występowanie zaburzeń funkcji seksualnych.
Materiał i metody. Zbadano 50 pacjentów ze stwierdzoną dyskopatią L-S skierowanych na leczenie ambulatoryjne
lub szpitalne. Do badań wykorzystano własną ankietę składającą się z 11 pytań. Badania miały na celu porówna-
M. Dzierżanowski et al.
nie stanu zadowolenia z życia seksualnego z czasu przed wystąpieniem choroby oraz w czasie jej trwania, a także
wykluczenie innych czynników mogących mieć wpływ na pogorszenie życia intymnego, tj. zły stan emocjonalny,
złe relacje z rodziną lub całkowity brak życia seksualnego z powodu np. wieku czy braku partnera.
Wyniki. Dyskopatia na poziomie L-S kręgosłupa wpływa na występowanie zaburzeń seksualnych. Można zauważyć
spadek oceny satysfakcji z życia seksualnego sprzed choroby ze średniej wartości 4,5 pkt. do średniej wartości 3 pkt.
Objawy bólowe oraz neurologiczne towarzyszące chorobie krążka międzykręgowego zmniejszają stopień satysfakcji
z życia seksualnego pacjentów w grupie mężczyzn 92%, a w grupie 68% zauważyło zmianę w sprawności seksualnej,
najczęściej wywołując bierność, zniechęcenie, osłabienie lub całkowity brak zainteresowania seksem. Zaburzenia
wpływają również na stan emocjonalny, u 29 (58%) respondentów zmienił się, w tym kobiety wykazywały większą
skłonność do zmiany nastroju. Znaczny wpływ ujawnia się również w aktywności fizycznej, gdzie 80% kobiet i 78%
mężczyzn zauważyło jej ograniczenie.
Wnioski. Na podstawie analizy wyników badań ankietowych stwierdzono, że dyskopatia w odcinku lędźwiowokrzyżowym wywiera wpływ na życie seksualne pacjentów. U chorych z rozpoznaną dyskopatią L-S stopień satysfakcji z życia seksualnego w czasie choroby zmniejsza się, powodując negatywny wpływ na życie seksualne pacjentów. Dolegliwości wywołane dyskopatią w odcinku L-S kręgosłupa najczęściej powodują bierność, zniechęcenie lub
wycofanie się z życia intymnego. Choroba dyskowa wpływa negatywnie na jakość życia pacjentów. Zmniejsza ich
aktywność życiową, aktywność fizyczną oraz wpływa na stan emocjonalny pacjentów, powodując głównie rozdrażnienie i smutek (Adv Clin Exp Med 2013, 22, 1, 93–100).
Słowa kluczowe: dyskopatia, choroba krążka międzykręgowego L-S, zaburzenia seksualne.
Nowadays back pain has become one of the
so-called lifestyle diseases, affecting 50–80% of the
population [1]. One of the most recognizable causes of back pain is discopathy. This disease entails
gradual pathological changes in intervertebral disc
elements, such as annulus fibrosus damage and
nucleus pulposus transfer, finally leading to disc
hernia [2–4]. It results in pressure on the spinal
cord structures. Intervertebral disc damage most
frequently occurs in the lumbosacral (L-S) segment, as the lower parts of the spine are subjected
to bigger overloading forces. Characteristic symptoms of L-S segment discopathy include: pain radiating to the buttocks, the back surface of the thigh
and side surface of the shin; sense disorders, such
as paresthesia, burning, tightening in a lower limb;
perineum anesthesia; urination and defecation disorders; sexual function disorders, such as erection,
ejaculation and orgasm disorders [2, 4–6].
Frequent complications of discopathy include
neurological disorders, severe pain and limitations
to physical activity, which may often lead to lowering the person’s quality of life or result in apathy
or depression [7, 8].
All these factors may influence not only the
person’s social life but also his or her sex life and
relations with a partner.
Sexual disorders may appear in patients suffering from injuries and diseases of the peripheral
nerves, starting from the neurone and finishing at
the receptor. Sexual dysfunctions in motor nerve
diseases or injuries are rather rare. They may entail
difficulty moving during the sexual act, forcing the
subject into passivity [9].
More serious discomforts appear when sensory nerves are injured. These injuries generate
unpleasant feelings from nerveless skin or mucous
membranes, or even pain that makes sexual in-
tercourse impossible. A lack of stimulus from the
nerveless skin of the penis or vagina negatively influences the chain of sexual reactions. The most
serious disorders involve injuries to the autonomic
sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which
frequently completely hinder the sex act [5, 6, 10].
Diseases of the nervous system are often the
cause of sexual disorders. Problems with sexual
functions in patients who are neurologically ill,
particularly in patients with spinal cord and peripheral motor neurone injuries, include: erectile
disorder; ejaculation disorder; orgasm disorder;
movement disorder; weakening or lack of sexual
excitability [11–13].
Despite the common simultaneous occurrence
of intervertebral disc diseases and sexual disorders,
the phenomenon has not been widely discussed in
Polish literature. It may be that the problem of
sexual disorders is not perceived as an important
aspect of human existence that warrants inclusion
in the general course of treatment. The basic aim
of the survey is to show if L-S segment discopathy
has any influence on the occurrence of sexual disorders.
Material and Methods
The study was conducted in a group of patients
with diagnosed lumbar- or sacral-segment discopathy. The patients were being treated at the Reh-Med
Rheumatology and Rehabilitation Clinic in Bydgoszcz, Poland, and at the A. Korczak Lower Silesian
Rehabilitation Center in Kamienna Góra, Poland.
The examined group consisted of 50 patients,
including 25 women and 25 men, aged between
20 and 69 years. The study was conducted during
the period from January to June 2011.
L-S Discopathy and Sexual Dysfunction
Survey Tools
A questionnaire served as the survey tool. It
was created on the basis of the Satisfaction With
Life Scale (SWLS) and modified according to
the needs of the survey. The questionnaire form
consisted of two parts, one general and one more
detailed. The general part concerned information about the patient’s age, sex, marital status
and length of marriage, education, profession and
place of residence.
The detailed part required the patient to choose
the number reflecting their state on a scale from
1 to 6, where 1 meant “low” and 6 – “high”. The
patients were also asked to describe themselves in
terms of physical, intellectual, emotional, sexual
and social attributes. The form included questions
about their: satisfaction with their sex life; social
relations; family relations, mostly with the spouse.
The questions inquired about periods both before and during the occurrence of the symptoms of
the disease. Some of the questions examined the
patient’s social and family relations and aimed at
the exclusion of other aspects influencing sexual
The results of the questionnaire were recorded on a special Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The
statistical analysis was prepared with the use of
Statistica 9.0 PL software. A statistical conclusion
validation method was used for the verification of
the hypothesis. It was based on the chi-square tests
(c2) and the Wilcoxon test, and p = 0.05 was assumed as the level of statistical relevance.
The examined group consisted of 25 women
(50%) and 25 men (50%). The biggest group of
patients were those in the age range from 40 to 49
years (52%).
The analysis of questionnaire results shows
that: 34% of the respondents completed higher education, 46% – secondary and 20% primary; 82%
of respondents live in cities: 28% in big cities, 34%
Table 1. The age structure of the examined group
Tabela 1. Struktura wieku badanej grupys
Age – years
(Wiek – lata)
Number of patients
(Liczba pacjentów)
in medium-sized cities and 20% in small cities; 18%
of respondents live in the country; 70% of patients
are married, 22% are single, 6% are divorced, one
person lives with a long-term partner (2%).
The analysis of the questionnaire results shows
that the most popular professions performed by
the respondents were: medical professions (ten
patients); pensioners (nine patients); salespeople/
dealers (six patients); office workers (six patients);
industry workers (five patients).
The respondents generally assessed their social
position as good (giving an average rating of 4.38
out of a possible 6); their status in the family on an
average level of 4.26; and they assessed their position at work at an average level of 4.16. The analysis of the questionnaire shows that women assess
their status in the family higher than the men.
Table 2. Assessment of social position
Tabela 2. Ocena pozycji społecznej
Type of social
(Rodzaj roli
– average value
– wartość
Men –
– wartość
– average value
– wartość
In the family
At work
Among friends
The analysis of the results showed that married
people assess emotional support from their family,
relations with their partners and other family members as good. No significant differences were noticed
between the points of view of men and women.
Only four people (two women and two men)
assessed emotional support from their family as
bad (1 or 2 points on the scale of 6), and two people (one woman and one man) saw their relations
with their partners as unsatisfactory. However,
these data do not influence the relevance of the
study’s investigation of the impact of disc disease
on the subjects’ sex lives.
The statistical analysis showed a significant
difference in the patients’ assessment of their satisfaction with their sex lives in the periods before
the illness and during it.
The decrease in the patients’ assessment of
their satisfaction with their sex lives is apparent in
the average value of 4.5 point before the illness and
the average value of 3 points during the illness.
M. Dzierżanowski et al.
Table 3. Assessment of family relations
Tabela 3. Ocena relacji w rodzinie
Emotional support from their family
(Wsparcie emocjonalne ze strony
Relations with spouse
(Relacje ze współmałżonkiem)
Relations with other members
of the family
(Relacje z innymi członkami rodziny)
Table 4. Wilcoxon signed-rank test: Assessment of satisfaction with sex lives before and during the illness
Tabela 4. Test Wilcoxona: ocena satysfakcji z życia seksualnego przed i podczas choroby
Two variables
(2 zmienne)
Before and during
(Przed i podczas)
< 0001
Table 5. Satisfaction with sex lives
Tabela 5. Zadowolenie z życia seksualnego
All – average value
(Ogółem – wartość średnia)
Women – average value
(Kobiety – wartość średnia)
Men – average value
(Mężczyźni – wartość średnia)
Before the illness
(Przed chorobą)
During the illness
(Podczas choroby)
Table 6. Mann-Whitney U test on sex life satisfaction
Tabela 6. Test U Manna-Whitneya – zadowolenie z życia
Comparing the group of men and women we
can notice that men assess their sexual satisfaction
during their illness on a much lower level than the
women. Women on the average rate their satisfaction as a 5 before their illness and 4 during their
illness, which means that their sex lives are still on
a satisfactory level. On the other hand, men on the
average rate their satisfaction as a 5 before their
illness and 2 during their illness, which means that
their sex lives become unsatisfactory because of the
A reduction in sex life satisfaction was observed
in each age group. The most noticeable decrease
was noted in the group of men aged between 40 and
49 years. The average assessment in this group
changed from a satisfactory level of 4.5 points to
an unsatisfactory level of 2.77. The women aged
40 to 49 also reported a significant drop in satisfaction with their sex lives.
The men in every age group reported a similar
difference in their levels of sexual satisfaction before and during their illness: a reduction of 2 points
on the scale. However, male sexual satisfaction before illness decreased with age.
The quantitative analysis of the results showed
that most respondents assessed their sex lives as
satisfying before their illness and as unsatisfying
during their illness. This tendency was the same
for men and women.
When asked about the state of their physical health, approximately half of the respondents
(close to 52%) answered that they felt more healthy
than ill. More women than men described their
state as healthy (59% and 44% respectively).
L-S Discopathy and Sexual Dysfunction
Table 7. Self-assessment of satisfaction with sex life compared by gender and age
Tabela 7. Samoocena satysfakcji z życia seksualnego wg płci i wieku
Age – years
(Wiek – lata)
Before the illness assessment
(Ocena przed chorobą)
During the illness assessment
(Ocena podczas choroby)
Table 8. Patients’ assessments of their state of health
Tabela 8. Ocena pacjenta ich stanu zdrowia
(Zdrowi) %
(Chorzy) %
59.2 Men
Table 9. Comparison of two dependent variables for the
examined group: Wilcoxon’s test (Patients’ assessments of
their state of health)
Tabela 9. Porównanie dwóch zmiennych zależnych w grupie badanej: test Wilcoxona (ocena pacjentów ich stanu
41.2 Two variables
(2 zmienne)
Before and during
(Przed i podczas)
The difference between the genders appears in the
quantitative analysis of the results. Only two men stated that their sex lives did not change during the course
of disc disease. Twelve men assessed their sexual abilities as worse or restricted, and eleven men assumed
a passive role or refrained from engaging in sex.
In the group of women, eight patients did not
note any change in their sex lives; eight stated that
they were less active, five were passive and reluctant and four lost interest in sex.
Over half of the examined patients (56%) noted
that disc disease had a negative influence on their
physical activity. In the course of the disease the
respondents felt less active, restricted and in pain.
The analysis of the patients’ assessment of
their emotional state before and during their illness shows that 21 respondents (42%) did not notice any change and 29 (58%) did note a change in
their emotional state. Women reported more noticeable changes in their mood. The most frequent
changes noted by the respondents were sorrow,
anger, irritation, dissatisfaction and gloom.
An analysis of the available medical documentation and the results of the survey presented
above show that intervertebral disc disease af-
M. Dzierżanowski et al.
Table 10. Men’s assessment of their sexual activity
Tabela 10. Samoocena aktywności seksualnej mężczyzn
of men
of men
(Odsetek) %
I haven’t noticed any changes
(Nie zauważyłem żadnych
I feel restricted
(Czuję się ograniczony)
I assess my abilities as weak
(Oceniam swoje
umiejętności jako słabe)
I’m passive, not interested,
in pain, scared
(Jestem pasywny, nie interesuję się tym, czuję ból, strach)
Table 11. Women’s assessment of their sexual activity
Tabela 11. Samoocena aktywności seksualnej kobiet
of women
of women
(Odsetek) %
I haven’t noticed any
(Nie zauważyłam żadnych
I’m less active
(Jestem mniej aktywna)
I’m passive, reluctant
(Jestem bierna, niechętna)
I’m not interested in sex
(Nie jestem zainteresowana seksem)
fects large numbers of patients whose age level is
steadily dropping. On the basis of the analysis of
the group examined, it can be stated that 40% of
the respondents are in the age range from 20 to 39
years, and that 52% are aged between 40 and 49
years, which conforms with reports in the literature that the patients suffering from discopathy is
lowering and that the problem is spreading in the
form of a so-called lifestyle disease.
Spine diseases are problematic, as they influence many aspects of the patient’s life. Disorders
accompanying L-S segment discopathy may lead to
activity impairment, worsening the patient’s quality of life [1, 7, 14]. Chronic pain makes everyday
activities difficult. It is not easy to dress, to wash
and to fulfill physiological needs [4, 5, 8, 15]. Since
disc disease results in limited capacity or total inca-
Table 12. Patients’ assessment of their physical activity
before and during illness
Tabela 12. Ocena pacjentów aktywności fizycznej przed
i podczas choroby
no change
(brak zmian)
I’m less fit/active
(jestem mniej aktywna)
I feel restricted/in pain
(ból mnie ogranicza)
I feel lazy/tired
(czuję się leniwa/
no change
(brak zmian)
I feel weaker
(czuję się słabszy)
I feel passive/restricted/
in pain
(czuję, że jestem
bierny/ból mnie
Number of
of respondents
(Odsetek) %
pacity for work, it is becoming a serious economic
problem [16].
According to an earlier survey conducted by
Pytel and Wrzosek, 55% of the patients suffering
from L-S segment discopathy describe the pain accompanying going upstairs and bending as unbearable. Pain, discomfort and neurological disorders
may last up to 11 months. Such a long period of
discomfort, the nature and the degree of pain during the performance of everyday activities, means
that these patients’ quality of life is worsened and
that they are forced into passivity in many aspects
of life [4].
In the survey presented above, only 52% of
the respondents described their state as healthy.
In an earlier survey by Jabłońska et al., all the respondents noted the impact of the disease on their
quality of life, and approximately 87% of them described the impact as significant [17].
One of the most important factors reducing
the quality of life is the presence of pain. This factor is described as significant by 96.6% of the respondents interviewed by the authors mentioned
above [4, 17].
The pain accompanying discopathy is very
often chronic, and it may lead to depression. The
L-S Discopathy and Sexual Dysfunction
Table 13. Patients’ assessment of their emotional state
Tabela 13. Ocena pacjentów ich stanu emocjonalnego
no change
(brak zmian)
I’m impatient
(jestem niecierpliwa)
I feel dissatisfied,
nervous, angry, uptight
(czuję niezadowolona,
nerwowa, zła, spięta)
I’m sad, gloomy,
(jestem smutna, ponu ra, zmartwiona)
Ii’m apathetic, with drawn
(jestem apatyczna,
no change
(brak zmian)
I’m nervous
(jestem nerwowy)
I feel frustrated
(czuję frustrację)
I feel calmer
(czuję się spokojniejszy)
Number of
of respondents
(Odsetek) %
most frequent symptoms of depression are sleeping disorders, eating disorders, low self-esteem,
low libido, irritability, a lower need for socializing,
low physical and professional activity [7]. All of
these factors influence the quality of life and sex
life considered as a part of patient’s quality of life.
A survey conducted by Lew-Starowicz between
2002 and 2005 among sexually active Poles showed
that when assessing their sex lives the respondents
take the following aspects into account: emotions
(such as love, friendship, fondness) toward the
partner (91%), their partner’s faithfulness (82%)
and their own state of health (77%). The survey
showed that sex is an important aspect of life and
that sexual disorders have a negative influence on
the respondents’ quality of life [11–13].
Diseases of the nervous system are a frequent
source of sexual disorders, but such disorders are
rarely the only symptom of the disease. In neurology, therefore, this type of disorder is rarely taken
into consideration, and may even be ignored during examinations. The available Polish literature
on sexual disorders is rather poor and the problem
is not widely given attention in medical practice
[5, 6].
Diseases of the central nervous system may be
accompanied by all types of sexual disorders, including both organic and functional disorders. They may
be divided into three groups: 1) disorders that make
sexual intercourse difficult or impossible (erectile
disorders, ejaculation disorders, orgasm disorders
and movement disorders); 2) sexual excitability
disorders (increase, decrease or lack of excitability,
sexual deviations); 3) paroxysmal sex sensations.
The first group of disorders affects patients
with spinal cord injuries and peripheral motor
neuron injuries. These disorders may affect people
suffering from discopathy. The second group of
disorders are usually consequences of injuries or
diseases of the upper segments of nervous system,
particularly the limbic system and cortex. The third
group consists of disorders associated with different types of epilepsy and are often connected with
injuries to the parietal and temporal lobes. The last
group refers to extensive changes in diseases of the
brain, pituitary gland or hypothalamus [5, 11, 12].
The most frequent disorders caused by L-S segment discopathy are erection disorders in men and
orgasm disorders in women. These disorders were
taken into consideration while comparing the results of the current survey with those from the
available medical literature.
Impotence can coexist with almost all diseases
in men of all age groups. Patients with injured spinal cords or with other L-S segment diseases usually suffer from erection disorders. Earlier surveys
showed that:
– a good state of health has a positive impact
on sexual ability;
– chronic diseases correlate with impotence;
– penile vascular reactivity depends on the
proper reaction of the erection center in the spinal
cord located in L-S segment, the activity of nerve
routes (e.g. the pudendal nerve, the autonomic
nervous system) and the efficiency of the pelvis;
– neurological disorders are recognized as
the most frequent causes of impotence, affecting
approximately 18.1% of patients, whereas disorders of a psychogenic nature affect approximately
10.4% [10, 11].
The survey described in this study showed that
94% of the male respondents noticed decreased
sexual activity or refrained from sexual activity. In
addition, 56.36% of the male respondents assessed
their state of health as unwell. The analysis of the
survey results led to the conclusion that discopathy
impairs sexual activity, which confirms the results
of earlier surveys.
The statistical analysis of the survey conducted
by Lew-Starowicz showed that women’s orgasm is
M. Dzierżanowski et al.
positively influenced by: a satisfying relationship,
an optimal period of foreplay and intercourse,
a higher level of education, activity and erotic
imagination, self-acceptance and the acceptance
of one’s own social role [10, 12].
The analysis of the survey presented in the
current paper showed that the female respondents’ level of satisfaction with their sexual lives
decreased from an average value of 5 prior to the
onset of disc disease to 4 during the course of the
illness. The change is aggravated by a passive attitude, a feeling of discouragement and feelings of
frustration, anger, sorrow and depression.
The available literature on intervertebral disc
diseases confirms the scale and common occurrence of a correlation between L-S segment discopathy and sex-life disorders. The authors concluded that the analysis of the conducted survey
showed that L-S segment discopathy influences the
patients’ sex lives to a large degree. The answers to
the questionnaire indicate that patients diagnosed
with L-S segment discopathy notice a reduction in
their level of sexual satisfaction and negative effects
on their sex lives. Discomfort in the L-S segment
caused by discopathy frequently results in feelings
of passiveness and discouragement, or withdrawal
from sexual activity.
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Address for correspondence:
Walery Żukow
Department of Health and Tourism
University of Economy in Bydgoszcz
Garbary 2
85-229 Bydgoszcz
E-mail: [email protected]
Conflict of interest: None declared
Received: 23.07.2011
Revised: 20.06.2012
Accepted: 11.02.2013