CURRICULUM VITAE - Luxembourg Institute of Socio


CURRICULUM VITAE - Luxembourg Institute of Socio
PhD in geography
(2006 – 2012), co-tutelle international between the Institute of Geography
and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw) and
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris 1, UMR 7533 LADYSS, with
honours (09.03.2012), co-direction: Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węcławowicz,
Prof. Martine Berger
Dissertation: Changes in the social and spatial differentiations in chosen
districts in Warsaw and in Paris agglomeration: dynamics and actors
MSc in economic geography
(2003 – 2006), Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University
of Warsaw, Poland, with honours (26.09.2006).
MSc in spatial economy
(2003 – 2005), Centre for European Regional and Local Studies
(EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland (19.12.2005)
BA in geography
(2000 – 2003), Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University
of Warsaw, Poland (08.07.2003).
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Urban Development
and Mobility, Housing Unit, since November 2016 - Present
Invited research fellow
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), laboratory
Géographie-cités, Paris, France, since September 2013 – August 2016
Research fellow
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of
Sciences Warsaw, Poland, since July 2012 - Present
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, November 2011 – June 2012
urban and housing policies, urban renewal, housing market, social
inequalities in metropolitan areas, social mix, social segregation
Lectures in the Theory of spatial economy
University of Warsaw, undergraduate study (2012/2013)
Peer reviewed journal articles
Górczyńska M., 2016, Social and Housing Tenure Mix in Paris intra-muros, 1990-2010, Housing Studies,
published on-line 20 July 2016, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2016.1210099..
Górczyńska M., 2016, The property restitution in Warsaw: renaissance or decline of pre-war buildings?
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31, 2, pp. 367-386.
Górczyńska M., 2016, Métropole du Grand Paris 2016, realizacja polityki mieszkaniowej na obszarze
metropolii paryskiej [Métropole du Grand Paris 2016, housing policy in the Paris metropolitan area],
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 63, 1, pp. 108-128.
Górczyńska M., 2015, Gentryfikacja w polskim kontekście: krytyczny przegląd koncepcji wyjaśniających
[Gentrification in Polish context: a critical overview of explanatory concepts], Przegląd Geograficzny, 87,
4, pp. 589-611.
Górczyńska M., 2015, Polityka mieszkaniowa jako narzędzie różnicowania społecznego w Paryżu [Housing
policy as a tool for social mix in Paris], Przegląd Geograficzny, 87, 2, pp. 225-253.
Górczyńska M., 2014, Unique or universal? Mechanisms and processes of social change in post-socialist
Warsaw, Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 63, 3, pp. 255-277.
Bouloc C., Górczyńska M., 2014, L’accession à la propriété privée dans les villes polonaises : un défi de
transition post-socialiste, EchoGéo, 30,
Dymen C., Essig S., Ferenc M., Górczyńska M., Kaucic J., Konopski M., Lange Scherbenske S., Schuh B.,
2014, Accessible ESPON knowledge and its application in local and regional context, EUROPA XXI, 25,
pp. 51-68.
Górczyńska M., 2014, Odnowa miejska à la française: społeczny wymiar programów rewitalizacji [Urban
renewal à la française: social dimension of urban renewal schemes], Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 58,
pp. 70-87.
Górczyńska M., 2012, Specificity of gated neighbourhoods in Bielany district (Warsaw), Articulo – Journal of
Urban Research, 8,
Górczyńska M., 2008, Percepcja i waloryzacja osiedla mieszkaniowego (na podstawie badań prowadzonych
w Warszawie w ramach projektu RESTATE) [Perception and assessment of a housing estate (a Warsaw
case study within the RESTATE Project framework)], Przegląd Geograficzny, 80, 2, pp. 267-287.
Górczyńska M., 2014, Zmiany zróżnicowań społecznych i przestrzennych w wybranych dzielnicach Warszawy
i aglomeracji paryskiej: dynamika i aktorzy [Changes in the socio-spatial differentiations in selected
districts in Warsaw and agglomeration of Paris: dynamics and actors]. Prace Geograficzne IGiPZ PAN,
246, Warszawa: IGiPZ PAN.
Stępniak M., Węcławowicz G., Górczyńska M., Bierzyński A., 2009, Atlas Warszawy, Warszawa w świetle
Narodowego Spisu Powszechnego 2002 [Atlas of Warsaw, Warsaw in the National Population Census
2002], volume 11, Warszawa: IGiPZ PAN.
Book chapters
Górczyńska M., 2016, Quelle place pour le logement social intermédiaire au sein du parc de logements
sociaux franciliens, In: L. Cailly, F. Dureau (eds.), Les espaces du logement: pratiques habitantes et
politiques publiques, l’Harmattan, Paris, pp. 265-278.
Bouloc C., Górczyńska M., 2016, Habitat d’avant-guerre et position sociale à Varsovie, In: L. Cailly, F. Dureau
(eds.), Les espaces du logement: pratiques habitantes et politiques publiques, l’Harmattan, Paris, pp.
Górczyńska M., 2014, Enjeux entre acteurs publics et privés dans le secteur de l’habitat à Varsovie: le cas
des immeubles revendiqués. In: Logement et politique(s). Un couple encore d’actualité? F. Belmessous,
L. Bonneval, L. Coudroy de Lille, L. Ortar (eds), Paris: l'Harmattan, pp. 29-44.
Górczyńska M., 2013, Wskaźniki zagospodarowania i ładu przestrzennego w miastach i na obszarach silnie
zurbanizowanych [Indicators for the Assessment of Spatial Organization and Spatial Order in Cities
and in Urbanized Areas]. In: Wskaźniki zagospodarowania i ładu przestrzennego w gminach, P.
Śleszyński (Ed), Biuletyn KPZK PAN, 252, Warszawa: KPZK PAN, pp. 87-109.
Górczyńska M., 2012, Procesy zmian społecznych w przestrzeni Warszawy – gentryfikacja,
embourgeoisement czy redevelopment? [Processes of social change in Warsaw: gentrification,
embourgeoisement or redevelopment?] In: Procesy gentryfikacji w mieście. Cz. I. XXV Konwersatorium
Wiedzy o Mieście, J. Jakóbczyk-Gryszkiewicz, editor, Łódź: Wydaw. UŁ, pp. 245-255.
Górczyńska M., 2011, Neighbourhoods in transition: the case of Bielany in Warsaw, In: Changing Places,
Urbanity, Citizenship, and Ideology in the New European Neighbourhoods, M. Cremaschi, F. Eckardt
(eds), Rotterdam: Techne, pp. 175-198.
Planned differentiation of social composition vs social segregation. Policy of social mix in the
metropolitan area of Paris
Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, Principal Investigator (2014-2016)
Restitution of private property in pre-war buildings and revalorization of urban space in Warsaw:
mechanisms and effects
National Science Centre, Poland; Principal Investigator (2014-2016)
TOWN Small and Medium-Sized Towns
ESPON Programme 2007-2013, Principal Investigator in Polish team (2012-2013)
DeTeC Detecting Territorial Potentials and Challenges
ESPON Programme 2007-2013, team member; (2012-2014)
BEST METROPOLISES, Best Development Conditions in European Metropolises: Paris, Berlin and Warsaw
ESPON Programme 2007-2013, team member; (2010-2012)
Proposition of indexes for evaluation and control of land use in local communities with particular
attention to spatial order
Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy; team member; (2011-2012).
CesR Cooperatives of Employment and Services in Rural Areas
INTERREG IVC, team member; (2012-2014)
CONFERENCES (last 5 years)
Reprivatisation - one of the key challenges of housing policy in Warsaw
Housing policy in practice. Berlin, Paris and Warsaw Case Study, Faculty of Geography and Regional
Studies, University of Warsaw and Office of the City of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (2016).
Ownership structures and housing prices in Warsaw
Governance, territory and housing, European Network of Housing Research, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Housing market in Warsaw: pre-war buildings and private property restitution
Conflicts of urban transition in Central and Eastern Europe, Geographical Institute, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (2016).
Intermediate social housing in France as an option for middle class? A case study of Grand Paris
metropolitan area
Territorial uncertainty and vulnerability as a challenge for urban and regional policy, Warsaw Regional
Forum, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development,
Republic of Poland and Polish Geographical Society, Warsaw, Poland (2015).
Restitution process and real estate market in Warsaw
Territorial uncertainty and vulnerability as a challenge for urban and regional policy, Warsaw Regional
Forum, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development,
Republic of Poland and Polish Geographical Society, Warsaw, Poland (2015).
Quelle place pour le logement social intermédiaire au sein du parc de logements sociaux franciliens?
Journées d’étude « jeunes chercheurs » sur le logement et l’habitat du Réseau Français "RechercheHabitat-Logement", Tours, France (2015).
L'habitat d'avant-guerre comme révélateur du statut social à Varsovie?
Journées d’étude « jeunes chercheurs » sur le logement et l’habitat du Réseau Français "RechercheHabitat-Logement", (co-author C. Bouloc), Tours, France (2015).
Les effets spatiaux des politiques du logement: une comparaison franco-polonaise
2e Journée des Sciences Sociales: Ville et logement: dynamiques des inégalités spatiales et politiques
publiques, Paris, France (2014).
Towards social upgrading: conceptualization of social change in the post-socialist city (the case of
Warsaw, Poland)
IGU Regional Conference, Cracow, Poland (2014).
Changes in the social composition in pre-war housing in Warsaw
AAG Annual Meeting, American Association of Geographers, Los Angeles, USA (2013).
Universal or unique? Mechanisms and processes of social change in postsocialist cities (the case of
IV EUGEO Congress, Rome, Italy (2013).
What Perception of the East? Changes in the Image of the Eastern Part of Warsaw (Poland)
AAG Annual Meeting, American Association of Geographers, (co-author C. Bouloc), New York (2012).
Gated communities: sense of security versus spatial order
Les communautés fermées: entre innovation et fortification urbaines, Fondation Braillard Architectes,
Université de Genève, Université de Lausanne, Genève (2011).
Scholarship for doctoral
France, French Embassy in Poland, scholarship for PhD students preparing
dissertation in co-tutelle system, hosting institution: Université Panthéon-Sorbonne,
Paris 1 (15 months, 2009-2011).
SETCI Scholarship
doctoral students
France, (Cotutelle internationale SETCI), Region Île-de-France, scholarship to
strengthen the cooperation between Polish and French research institutes (2009–
Scientific traineeship
France, French Embassy in Poland, hosting institution: Université PanthéonSorbonne, Paris 1 (2 months, 2007).
Scientific Awards granted by Polish Weekly Magazine POLITYKA (2016),1,magdale
Foundation for Social Science in France, in the competition Ville et logement :
dynamiques des inégalités spatiales et politiques publiques (2014)
Dissertation award
Scientific Council of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization awarded a
prize for the dissertation: Changes in the social and spatial differentiations in chosen
districts in Warsaw and in Paris agglomeration: dynamics and actors (2012).
Second Award
Scientific Posters competition at the Forum des Doctorants in the Institut de
Géographie (Université Paris 1), poster entitled: Quelle mixité sociale dans le
XIVème arrondissement de Paris? (2011).
Doctoral Scholarship
granted by the Office of the Marshal of Mazovia Voivodeship in the Framework of
The Integrated Regional Operational Programme, Action 2.6 „Regional Innovative
Strategies and Knowledge Transfer” (2008-2009).
MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
GIS: MapInfo, ArcGIS
Graphics software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Statistical analyses: SPSS, SAS
Qualitative analysis: WordSmith
Polish: Native
English: Certificate in Advanced English
French: advanced (C1)

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