St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church


St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church
St. Ferdinand Church
PHONE: 773/622-5900
Photo by Romuald Gluch
October 12, 2003
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Two
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2003
The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:
^Michael Mele
^Meile Family
MONDAY, Weekday
7:00 AM—People of St. Ferdinand
8:00 AM—Ann Dallmeier rq. Family
TUESDAY, Weekday/Callistus, pope, martyr
7:00 AM—George Woodward rq. Daughter
8:00 AM—Catherine Ingle
rq. St. Ferdinand Faculty & Parish Staff
7:00 PM—Marian Mass & Rosary in Polish
WEDNESDAY, Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor
7:00 AM—John J.Cortesi rq. Albert Logli
7:00 AM—(Chapel)Mass in Polish
8:00 AM—Claudio Clemente rq. Ladies of St. Anne
THURSDAY, Weekday/Hedwig, religious
Margaret Mary Alacoque, virtin
7:00 AM—Sophie E. Monikowski rq. Anastos Family
8:00 AM—Mary Gruber rq. Wreath 92—
Slovak Catholic School
7:00 PM—25th Anniversary of John Paul II’s Pontificate
FRIDAY, Ignatious of Antioch, bp., martyr
7:00 AM—Albert & Lucille Handschiegel rq. Grandchildren
8:00 AM—Bruno Polanski rq. Wife
SATURDAY, Luke, evangelist
7:00 AM—Mass in Polish
8:00 AM—Nick & Helen Donnawell rq. Family
11:00 AM—Wedding Liturgy
Arkadiusz Lech and Anna Magryta
1:00 PM—Wedding Liturgy
Marek Kolenda and Sylwia Kowalska
3:00 PM—Wedding Liturgy (Chapel)
Joseph L. Samansky and Julie Mazurowski
3:00 PM—Wedding Liturgy
Miros³aw Golonka and Laura M. Berkey
Sunday Anticipated Mass
5:00 PM—Albert Handschiegel rq. Daughter
SUNDAY, Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 AM—William B. Hester & Molly Culhane
rq. Rita Corcoran
7:30 AM—(Chapel)-dziêkczynna w 30 rocz. œlubu
Zbigniewa i Janiny z proœb¹ o dalsze b³og.
9:00 AM—Marjorie DeBortoli rq. Family
10:30 AM—(Chapel)Richard Ostrowski rq. Wife
10:45 AM—^Kazimierz Szef, Anna G³¹biñska
-dziêkczynna za otrzymane ³aski dla Ireny z
proœb¹ o dalsze b³. Bo¿e dla niej i jej rodziny
12:15 PM—(Chapel) Mass in Italian
12:30 PM—John J. Cortesi rq. St. Ferdinand Ushers Club
3:00 PM—Mass in Polish
5:00 PM—Theodore & Antoinette Jurczyk
rq. Donna & George Pinkiewicz
6:30 PM—w pewnej intencji
S. Buzinski
Our Blessed Lord has called home
our parishioner Adeline Eleanor
Lewandowski for whom we promise our
May she and all our other deceased
parishioners enjoy peace and happiness in
God’s Sacred Presence.
3rd publication Arkadiusz Lech and Anna Magryta
Marek Kolenda and Sylwia Kowalska
Joseph L. Samansky and Julie Mazurowski
Miros³aw Golonka and Laura M. Berkey
2nd publication Miros³aw Krupa and Agnieszka Dobosz
Dariusz Cichoñ and Alicja Kopala
1st publication Rafa³ Bulat and Urszula Starzyk
Congratulations and best wishes to the couples
who were married here last week:
¯aneta Wierucka and Henryk Semik
Aneta Gasiewska and Tomasz Gromski
We pray for God’s blessings on them as they begin
their new life together.
Dominick, son of S³awomir and Izabella
(Piotrowska) Duchnowski,
Sebastian Paul, son of S³awomir and
Wioletta (Dabros) Hoim;
David, son of Hubert and Agnieszka
(Koz³owska) Kakareko;
Oscar, son of Pawe³ and Ma³gorzata (Radzik) Kaplon;
Julia, daughter of Przemys³aw Kwiatkowski and Ma³gorzata
Patryk Zdzis³aw, son of Piotr Stêpieñ and Kinga Toman;
Victoria Helena, daughter of Marek and Katarzyna (Sikora)
Aleksandra Julia, daughter of Krzysztof and Marta
(Styrczula) Szettel;
Viktoria, daughter of Marek and Olga (Skiba) Turos.
Mass in Honor of
the 25th Anniversary of
Pope John Paul II’s Pontificate
Thursday, October 16, 2003
7:00 PM in Church
Mass will be celebrated
in three languages.
Everyone is encouraged to participate
in celebrating this great day.
October 12, 2003
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
After being here at
St. Ferdinand Parish for five years
I must say that this is a great parish
with so many great people. I’m
surely going to miss you and the
time I had here. I would like to say
a special thank you to Father Pastor
David Cortesi for the peace you
have and share. I wish to say thank
you to the priests and sisters I have
worked with, and the parish staff, as
well as all the parish groups and their leaders. I would
especially like to hug all the people from the St.
Ferdinand Polish Catholic Saturday School and the children of the choir “Kropeczki.”
I will remember all of you and all the good things
you did for me. I will keep you in my prayers hoping
that you will pray for me sometimes as well.
God bless you.
Sr. Katarzyna Ziemba
Missionary Sister of Christ the King
As members of the parish faith
community, it is our responsibility to
remember both in concrete and spiritual
ways those who cannot celebrate with
us each week because they are ill.
Those who are sick in turn, remember
all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We
experience many blessings because of their remembering
us. And so ... please remember in your prayers:
Joseph Balicki
Genevieve Lukes
Timothy Benson
Elizabeth Ann Maher
Albin Bilinski
Susan Maher
Stephanie Bosco
Francesco Mangialardo
Alba Jennie Burroughs
Gianni Marconi
Mary Butler
Mary Martin
Benito Cabanin
Estelle “Toots” McGuigan
Bishop Edwin Conway
Emilia Moreno
Anna Diks
Eleanor O’Donovan
Honor Draftz
Isagani Odulio
Lillian Dziedzic
Dan Oliver, Jr.
Fred Forte
Deborah L. Pawlak
Joseph Gagliano
Timothy Rajski
Fatima Gomez
Sophie Regner
Rocco Greco
James Rowe, Sr.
Ben Guttiula
Alicia Schippits
Mary Hain
Jack Schneider
Mary Ann Johansen
Sr. Roberta Sweitzer, BVM
Catherine Keeler
Infant Cameron Scott
Stanley Kochniarczyk
Robert Sierminski
Helen Kosirog
Lenore Simzyk
Tad Koziol
Raymundo Soriano, Sr.
June Landers
Tony Spano
James Lamberti
Estelle Stybur
Sam LoDolce
Ann Sullivan
Netta Lohrmann
Minerva Watson
Eleanor Loscuito
Alex Wegrzyn
Page Three
The Mass Intention Book for 2004 will be open on
Saturday, October 18th. If you wish to schedule Mass
intentions for next year, please come to the School
Cafeteria on that day from 9 AM until 11 AM.
Scheduling Masses is a responsibility that we take
very seriously because we know the devotion and concern
which our people have. We try to honor requests for certain anniversaries to the best of our ability. However,
there are disappointments and frustrations because the
days and times are limited.
To diminish disappointments, we urge you to observe
the following guidelines:
1) This year Mass intentions will be taken for the
English Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30
(Chapel), 12:30 and 5:00 p.m. as well as the weekday Masses. Only special wedding anniversaries
(25th, 40th, 50th) can be scheduled on Sundays.
If you are planning on celebrating one of these
anniversaries, please make the arrangements
for it on Saturday, October 18th to avoid the
disappointment of having your special date
already taken.
2) We encourage those who have a number of intentions to try to group them. This will enable more
of our parishioners to have Masses offered which
they wish to attend.
The offering for a Mass is $10.00.
Sanctuary Lamps may also be scheduled on or after
October 18th. The offering is $5 per candle. We can
accept no more than four candle requests from each
Thank you your cooperation.
Our Fall Blood Drive will be on
Sunday, November 9th. Please
mark your calendars and plan to be
with us! More information to follow.
Our Financial Support of St. Ferdinand Parish
For the weekend of October 4/5, 2003:
$ 9,165.50
Loose Cash:
$ 3,667.96
Amount over / (under) weekly budget: ($2,166.54)
Thank you for your stewardship in support of Christ’s
mission and ministry here at St. Ferdinand Church.
Page Four
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2003
Ministries and Roles within the Liturgical Assembly
Each time we come together as the
Body of Christ to celebrate the
Eucharist, we are doing what we
were baptized to do! Our baptism
gives us a share in the priesthood of
Christ, and this allows us to be one
with Christ in his self-offering to
God. The liturgy of this offering, the Mass, is not initiated by us
but by God. The liturgy is in fact a gift from God, who acts in
and through the Church, the Body of the risen Christ. It is our
action only to the extent that we give ourselves to this mystery
of redemptive worship. When we gather for the Eucharistic
liturgy, the center of the whole Christian life (General
Instruction, n. 16), we do so because our baptism calls us to it
and empowers us for it.
Different Roles, Indispensable Ministries
It is the whole community, the Body of Christ united with its
Head, that celebrates the liturgy (see Catechism of the Catholic
Church, n. 1140). As the Body of Christ, the Church, we each
and all have a very important and necessary role in the celebration of Mass. Saint Peter reminds us that we are “a chosen race,
a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people” (1 Peter
2:9–10). In the celebration of the Eucharist, the Church is her
truest self. Because God has redeemed the Church in Christ we
are able to come before God and offer our praise and thanksgiving in the Church’s liturgy.
All the baptized, the whole community, the holy People of God,
are united with Christ, but some members of the Church are
called to special service of Christ in the community of the
Church. Through the sacrament of Holy Orders, ordained
priests and bishops make present Christ as the head of the
Church. They are, as it were, “icons of Christ,” the one high
priest (see Hebrews 7:24), in the midst of the assembly.
Priests and deacons, gathered around the bishop, act always in
communion with him, the pastor of the local Church which is
the Diocese. The priest acts in the liturgy in the person of Christ
(see Lumen Gentium, n. 10), giving voice to the prayers of the
Church, presiding over the celebration of the mysteries of our
faith, preaching God’s word, and feeding God’s people by ministering the Body and Blood of Christ. The deacon assists the bishop and the priest, serves the poor and oppressed, and proclaims
the Gospel of Christ.
Other members of the Body of Christ, the Church, are also
called to service in duties of their own. Tasks not specifically
reserved to the ordained ministers should be fulfilled by the lay
faithful and exercised by them in conformity with their specific
lay vocation.
For example, lectors are called to proclaim the scriptures in the
first and second readings. Psalmists or cantors and musicians are
called to lead the assembly in lifting up their voices in sung
prayer and praise of God. Servers are called to assist and support
the bishop, priest, deacon, and other ministers. Extraordinary
ministers of Holy Communion are called to assist in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ when there are not
enough ordained ministers to do so in an orderly fashion. Ushers
and greeters help to assemble the congregation in their prayer
and worship.
These liturgical ministries and others that have not been mentioned are important; therefore, those who fill them have a
responsibility to be well prepared and to carry out their duties
with reverence, dignity, and understanding.
The Responsibility of All the Baptized
The General Instruction states that “all . . . whether they are
ordained ministers or lay Christian faithful, in fulfilling their
office or duty should carry out solely but completely that which
pertains to them” (n. 91).
The celebration of the Eucharist is the most important thing any
parish does during the entire week. Nothing in the life of the
parish should have a higher priority. Therefore, every parish
must give attention to the thoughtful, careful development of
these liturgical functions and ministries and to the proper training of those who exercise them.
But what about those of us who are not bishops or priests, deacons or lectors, extraordinary ministers of communion or cantors? What is our part in the liturgy? The General Instruction
reminds us that through our baptism, we are all responsible for
the worship of God by the Church. Therefore we ought to do so
to the best of our ability, with all our heart and mind and soul
and strength. We are called to participate in the liturgy with
deliberate and full attention and with conscious and active participation. The General Instruction makes it clear that as the
holy People of God, purchased by Christ’s blood, called together
by the Lord, nourished by his word, we nevertheless grow “continually in holiness by [our] conscious, active, and fruitful participation in the mystery of the Eucharist” (n. 5).
This means that we need to be fully engaged throughout the
whole liturgical celebration, not merely present, watching as if
at a performance. In our praise and thanksgiving, through song
and spoken word, posture and gesture, listening attentively to
God’s word, we exercise our baptismal priesthood by joining our
prayer to those spoken by the priest celebrant. Our part
expresses the “cohesion and hierarchical ordering” (see General
Instruction, n. 91) of the People of God in our different roles and
ministries. We mirror Christ who served by washing the feet of
his disciples, who is himself God’s word, who proclaimed the
kingdom, who faithfully and with love offered to God his very
life, who prayed to God on behalf of others, especially those who
had no one else to intercede for them. During the liturgy, in our
various ways, all of us who participate in the Mass unite ourselves in intention and love with Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
Those who exercise a particular function or ministry mirror
Christ who, in the end, instructed his followers to imitate,
always and everywhere, his example of love and service.
This insert has been created in preparation for the implementation of the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal, which will take place
in the Archdiocese of Chicago on the first Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2003. It is based on material provided by the Secretariat for the
Liturgy of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Inc., Washington, D.C. Copyright © 2002. Copyright © 2003 Archdiocese of
October 12, 2003
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
A Thank You for Steak Fry
The Steak Fry Committee would like to
thank everyone who attended Steak Fry
this year. We couldn’t have had such a
fine event without your support. The
evening was a great success, and the
weather cooperated so we could all enjoy
an evening in our beautiful courtyard or,
for those who enjoyed the music and
company of their friends, in the cafeteria.
Thank you to all who volunteered that
evening. Thank you to those who helped set up, to those
who helped in the kitchen, to our great grillers, and of
course those who helped on clean up. Thank you to Peter
Holod who helped with the raffle, and to Dan Costigan
and Joe Kummer for helping to serve everyone drinks at
the bar. We would just like to say Thank You!!! We hope
to see you all next year.
Bulletin reminder: All notices for the October 19th bulletin need to
be in the rectory no later than 9 a.m. on Monday, October 13th. You
may drop your bulletin notices off at the rectory in an envelope labeled
“bulletin” or you may fax them to 622-5903. The e-mail address for bulletin notices is [email protected].
Page Five
Attention All Women
All the ladies of the Parish are
invited to our Day of Reflection on
Thursday, October 23. Father Cyscon,
presently residing at Our Lady of
Victory Parish, will be our moderator.
The day will begin with 9:00 AM
Mass in the Chapel followed by free
coffee, tea and rolls in Canning Hall.
Please bring your own lunch. Coffee
and tea will be provided. The day will conclude about
2:00 PM. Please mark this day in your calendar and plan
to join us for an interesting and inspirational day of
Ladies of Saint Anne
Wednesday, October 15
11:30 AM
Reservation deadline is October 12, 2003.
Tickets are $8.00 and may be purchased by
calling Lorraine Scire at 773/283-6480.
There will be a delicious luncheon and wonderful raffle prizes. Come bring your friends for a very
relaxing afternoon. The meeting will take place in
Canning Hall.
St. Ferdinand Boy Scout Troop 51
will be holding their annual
"Holiday Wreath Sale" Oct 11 thru Oct 26
for more info or to place an order call
Cheryl Clark 773-467-9467 after 6p.m.
It may be an old coat to you... but it’s
welcome warmth to a homeless person. Did you know
there are over 50,000 homeless men, women, and children in the Chicago area? They need your help to stay
healthy this winter—both mentally and physically.
We’re collecting warm and clean used coats and other
warm garments for the 20th Annual Coat Drive for the
Homeless coordinated by the Mental Health Association
of Greater Chicago.
Check your closet for items you no longer need.
Donation Drop Off:
Saint Ferdinand Convent
5936 West Barry
Mondays and Wednesdays
10 AM to 3 PM
October 20, 2003 to January 7, 2004
Together we can make a difference!
Help. For When Life Hurts.SM
125 S. Clark St. • Suite 1820 • Chicago, IL 60603
• (312) 781-7780 • Fax: (312) 920-9569 e-mail: [email protected]
St. Ferdinand's Ushers / Men's Club
are serving up the best
Sunday, October 26, 2003
from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 Noon.
3131 North Mason Avenue
A complete menu:
Pancakes, Orange Juice, Fruit
Topping, Sausages, Butter, Syrup,
Coffee, Tea or Milk.
Door Prizes for Adults and Children.
Donation at the door: $5.00/Adults, $3.00/Children.
For tickets at a discount
($4.00/Adults; $2.00/Children)
see the Ushers
For information call Mike Bisceglie at
Page Six
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
PaŸdziernik miesi¹cem Ró¿añca œwiêtego.
Panie Bo¿e, chcemy wraz z ca³ym Koœcio³em
prosiæ Ciê o sprawy œwiata, Polski i nasze,
modlitw¹ ró¿añcow¹. Twoja Matka wiele razy
zachêca³a do tej modlitwy, wskazuj¹c j¹ jako
drogê ratunku dla œwiata.
„Niezrównane s¹ zas³ugi b³ogos³awionej
Dziewicy, a Jej nieustanne orêdownictwo za
nami ma wielk¹ moc w obliczu Pana. Wszystko
jest wiadome i ods³oniête przed oczami Stwórcy, a w tym
Boskim œwietle widzi Ona wszystkie gro¿¹ce nam niebezpieczeñstwa i lituje siê nad nami serce macierzyñskie tej
s³odkiej i ³askawej Pani...”
(Kazanie VIII b³. Amadeusza, biskupa Lozanny)
wtorek- Podhalanie i Mi³oœnicy Tatr
czwartek- Lektorzy
wtorek- Serduszka i Kropeczki
czwartek- Ministranci
wtorek-Grupa Laudamus
czwartek-Polska Szko³a Katolicka
Modlitewna grupa m³odzie¿owa,
“Laudamus” zaprasza wszystkich
chêtnych na czuwanie poœwiêcone
25 rocznicy Pontyfikatu Jana Paw³a
II. Czuwanie rozpocznie siê 18
paŸdziernika o godz. 8:00 wieczorem
w kaplicy.
Biuletynowe przypomnienie Wszystkie biuletynowe
og³oszenia na 19 paŸdziernika prosimy dostarczyæ do
parafii nie póŸniej jak na godzinê 9:00 rano w
poniedzia³ek 13 paŸdziernika. Og³oszenia te¿ mo¿na
dostarczyæ wczeœniej lub wys³aæ faxem na numer
773/622-5903, lub te¿ wys³aæ internetem [email protected]
18 paŸdziernik, 2003 (sobota)
- 8.00-13.30 bezp³atne badania piersi
(Gabinet Dr. Rudnickiego)
- 9:00-13:30 bezp³atne mammografie (Mammography
Center, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center)
- 14:00-15:30 bezp³atny udzia³ w Breast Forum (Olsen
Auditorium, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center)
W celu zapisania siê na badanie piersi, proszê dzwoniæ
miêdzy godz. 9am-5pm do gabinetu Dr. Rudnickiego:
Lekarze mówi¹cy po polsku bêd¹ wykonywali badania
bezp³atnie. Dla kwalifikuj¹cych siê kobiet, nie
posiadaj¹cych ubezpieczenia oferowane s¹ bezp³atne
mammografie (tego samego dnia lub w innym terminie)
Liczba jest ograniczona. Decyduje kolejnoϾ zapisania na
badania lekarskie.
Adres Gabinetu:
Advocate Illinois Masonic
Medical Office Center
3000 N. Halsted, Suite 500
Chicago, Il 60657
October 12, 2003
zaprasza na tradycyjne œniadanie Z³ote Placuszki
26 paŸdziernik, 2003
od godz. 8:00 rano do 12:00
w po³udnie
3131 N. Mason Avenue
Menu: Placuszki, Sok
pomarañczowy, kie³baski,
mas³o, syrop, kawa, herbata,
Po bilety ze zni¿k¹:
Doroœli: $4.00 - $1.00 mniej
Dzieci: $2.00 - $1.00 mniej
Bilety mo¿na zakupiæ u Panów Marsza³ków
w przedsionku koœcio³a.
Mamy zaszczyt zaprosiæ wszystkich
na tegoroczny 12-Festiwal Polskiej
Piosenki Religijnej, który odbêdzie
siê 26 paŸdziernika o godz. 3:30
w Copernicus Center, przy 5216 W. Lavrence.
Pragniemy by tegoroczny Festiwal by³ wspania³ym
œwiadectwem wiary dedykowanym Ojcu œw.
w 25 rocznicê Pontyfikatu.
Prosimy o kontakt z nami pod nr. tel 773/725-4001
Cecylia, lub 773/286-7142 ks. Mariusz.
Bilety: doroœli $16, ulgowe $12, dzieci do lat 7- wstêp
Cecylia Jab³oñska, Dyrektor Festiwalu,
Ks. Mariusz Nawalaniec, Opiekun Duchowy.
Rodzina Radia Maryja zaprasza Polaków do udzia³u
w spotkaniach z prof. dr hab. Piotrem Jaroszyñskim,
który odwiedzi Polaniê w Chicago w dniach 19-26
paŸdziernika br. Spotkanie z prof. P. Jaroszyñskim
w parafii œw. Ferdynanda odbêdzie siê w niedzielê 19
paŸdziernika po Mszy œw. o godz. 6:30pm.
Informacje o innych miejscach spotkañ w Centrali Radia
Maryja, tel. 773/385-8472
Tematyka spotkañ jest bardzo interesuj¹ca i ciekawa.
Zapraszamy Poloniê do licznego udzia³u.
4/5 paŸdziernik, 2003:
W Kopertkach
W Gotówce
$ 9,165.50
$ 3,667.96
Dziêkujemy wam za wsparcie i za wszystko co robicie na
rzecz parafii i misji Chrystysa w koœciele œw. Ferdynanda
Powy¿ej/(Poni¿ej) bud¿etu:
October 12, 2003
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Seven
Pos³ugi i Role w Zgromadzeniu Liturgicznym
Chrzest jest sakramentem, który
upowa¿nia nas aby siê gromadziæ
jako Cia³o Chrystusa, czyli Koœció³.
Przez Chrzest mamy udzia³
w kap³añstwie Chrystusa co pozwala
nam zjednoczyæ siê z Chrystusem
w Jego ofiarowaniu siê Bogu. To
dzia³anie, które le¿y w centrum ¿ycia chrzeœcijañskiego (GIRM,
n.16) nie zapocz¹tkowane przez nas, lecz przez Boga
dzia³aj¹cego w i przez Koœció³, który jest Cia³em zmartwychwsta³ego Chrystusa. Liturgia jest darem danym Koœcio³owi
przez Boga. Staje siê ona nasz¹ czynnoœci¹ tylko do pewnego
stopnia tj. gdy oddajemy siê tej zbawczej tajemnicy. Za
ka¿dym razem gdy gromadzimy siê w Koœciele, robimy to,
poniewa¿ nasz Chrzest wymaga tego od nas. Za ka¿dym razem
gdy gromadzimy siê na Eucharystii jako Cia³o Chrystusa, czynimy to do czego zostaliœmy ochrzczeni!
Ró¿ne role, niezbêdne pos³ugi
Ca³y zgromadzony lud, Cia³o Chrystusa, zjednoczone ze Swoj¹
G³ow¹, celebruje liturgiê (por. Katechizm Koœcio³a
Katolickiego, n. 1140). Bêd¹c Cia³em Chrystusa, Koœcio³em,
odgrywamy bardzo wa¿n¹ i konieczn¹ rolê w celebracji Mszy
œw. Œw. Piotr w swoim liœcie przypomina nam, i¿ jesteœmy
“Wybranym plemieniem, królewskim kap³añstwem, œwiêtym
narodem, ludem zbawionym.” Celebruj¹c Eucharystiê, Koœció³
jest prawdziwie sob¹. W³aœnie dlatego, ¿e Bóg zbawi³ Koœció³
w Chrystusie mo¿emy przyjœæ do Niego i oddaæ mu chwa³ê
i dziêkczynienie poprzez liturgiê Koœcio³a.
Wszyscy ochrzczeni, ca³a wspólnota, Œwiêty Lud Bo¿y, s¹
po³¹czone z Chrystusem, ale niektórzy cz³onkowie Koœcio³a
powo³ani s¹ do specjalnych pos³ug we wspólnocie. Przez sakrament Œwiêceñ Kap³añskich, wyœwiêceni kap³ani i biskupi uobecniaj¹ Chrystusa jako g³owê Koœcio³a, s¹ “ikon¹ Chrystusa”
jedynego i prawdziwego kap³ana (Heb. 7) poœród œwiêtego
Zgromadzeni wokó³ biskupa, kap³ani i diakoni zawsze dzia³aj¹
w zjednoczeniu z biskupem, który jest pasterzem lokalnego
koœcio³a, którym jest diecezja. Prezbiter w liturgii dzia³a w osobie samego Chrystusa, w imieniu ludu, nadaj¹c g³os modlitwom Koœcio³a, przewodnicz¹c celebracji tajemnic naszej wiary,
g³osz¹c s³owo Bo¿e i karmi¹c Lud Bo¿y przez udzielanie Mu
Cia³a i Krwi Chrystusa. Diakoni asystuj¹ biskupowi
i prezbiterom pos³uguj¹c ubogim i uciœnionym, i proklamuj¹c
Ewangeliê Chrustusa.
Inni cz³onkowie Cia³a Chrystusa, tj. Koœcio³a, s¹ równie¿
powo³ani aby s³u¿yæ wype³niaj¹c ich w³asne zadania. Zadania
nieodpowiadaj¹ce osobom wyœwiêconym powinny byæ
wype³nione przez wiernych œwieckich zgodnie z ich powo³aniem.
Na przyk³ad, lektorzy s¹ powo³ani do proklamowania Pisma
œwiêtego w pierwszym i drugim czytaniu. Psalmiœci oraz kantorzy powo³ani s¹ aby przewodniczyæ zgromadzeniu w wznoszeniu g³osów w modlitwie œpiewanej i chwaleniu Boga.
Ministranci powo³ani s¹, aby asystowaæ i pomagaæ biskupowi,
kap³anowi i innym osobom pos³uguj¹cym. Nadzwyczajni
Szafarze Komunii Œwiêtej s¹ powo³ani aby asystowaæ przy
udzielaniu Cia³a i Krwi Chrystusa gdy nie ma wystarczaj¹cej
liczby osób wyœwiêconych aby uczyniæ to w sposób szybki
i uporz¹dkowany. Porz¹dkowi i osoby witaj¹ce pomagaj¹ zgromadzonym wiernym w modlitwie i nabo¿eñstwie.
Zadania wszystkich ochrzczonych
Insturkcja Ogólna do Msza³u Rzymskiego wyraŸnie stwierdza,
¿e “wszyscy, czy to wyœwiêceni szafarze czy wierni Chrzeœcijanie,
przez ³askê ich funkcji lub urzêdu, powinni wykonywaæ tylko
te czynnoœci, które do nich nale¿¹.” Owe role i pos³ugi s¹ na tyle
wa¿ne, ¿e osoby wykonuj¹ce maj¹ obowi¹zek dobrze przygotowaæ siê do ich wykonania oraz musz¹ wiedzieæ jak wykonaæ
ich zadania ze czci¹, godnoœci¹ i zrozumieniem. Celebracja
Eucharystii jest najwa¿niejsz¹ rzecz¹ dokonywan¹ przez parafiê
w ci¹gu ca³ego tygodnia. Nic nie ma mieæ wiêkszego priorytetu w ¿yciu parafii. Z tego powodu, ka¿da parafia musi zadbaæ
o rozwój wspomnianych funkcji liturgicznych i pos³ug oraz
o odpowiednie przeszkolenie tych osób.
A co z tymi, którzy nie s¹ biskupami czy kap³anami, diakonami czy lektorami, nadzwyczajnymi szafarzami komunii czy
kantorami? Jak¹ rolê odgrywaj¹ te osoby? Instrukcja Ogólna
przypomina nam, ¿e przez Chrzest, wszyscy jesteœmy
odpowiedzialni za czeœæ oddawan¹ Bogu przez Koœció³. Dlatego
powinnœmy zrobiæ to tak dobrze jak tylko potrafimy z ca³ego
serca, myœli i si³y. Powo³ani jesteœmy do uczestnictwa w liturgii
œwiadomie, uwa¿nie i aktywnie. Instrukcja Ogólna stwierdza
wyraŸnie, ¿e Œwiêty Lud Bo¿y, odkupiony Krwi¹ Chrystusa,
powo³any przez Niego, nakarmiony Jego S³owem, ci¹gle
“Wzrasta w œwiêtoœci poprzez œwiadome, aktywne i owocne
uczestnictwo w tajemnicy Eucharystii” (n.5).
Oznacza to, ¿e musimy byæ w pe³ni zaanga¿owani w ca³ej celebracji liturgicznej. W oddawaniu chwa³y i dziêkczynienia, przez
pieœñ i s³owo mówione, s³uchaj¹c uwa¿nie S³owa Bo¿ego,
wype³niaj¹c kap³añstwo naszego Chrztu ³¹cz¹c nasze modlitwy
z tymi, które wypowiada kap³an celebruj¹cy. Nasza czêœæ
wyra¿a “jednoœæ i hierarchiczny porz¹dek” (por. GIRM n.9)
Ludu Bo¿ego w zró¿nicowanych rolach i pos³ugach.
Odzwierciedlamy Chrystusa, który pos³ugiwa³ umywaj¹c nogi
aposto³om, który sam jest S³owem Bo¿ym, który g³osi³
Królestwo, który wiernie i z mi³oœci¹ ofiarowa³ Bogu swoje
¿ycie, który modli³ siê do Boga w imieniu innych, szczególnie
zaœ za tych, którzy nie mieli nikogo kto by siê za nimi wstawi³.
Podczas liturgii, w ró¿ny sposób, wszyscy uczestnicz¹c we Mszy
³¹czymy siê w intencji i mi³oœci, z ofiar¹ Chrystusa na krzy¿u.
Ci, którzy wykonuj¹ funkcje lub szczególn¹ pos³ugê odzwierciedlaj¹ Chrystusa, który na koñcu kaza³ swym wyznawcom by
Go naœladowali zawsze i wszêdzie w mi³oœci i pos³udze.
Niniejsza wk³adka zosta³a przygotowana w celu przygotowania do wprowadzenia odnowionej instrukcji ogólnej do Msza³u Rzymskiego,
które rozpocznie siê w Archidiecezji Chicago od pierwszej niedzieli adwentu 30 listopada 2003. Zosta³a ona przygotowana na podstawie
materia³ów udostêpnionych przez Sekretatiat d/s Liturgii Amerykañskiej Konferencji Biskupów Katolickich, Inc. Prawa autorskie
zastrze¿one 2002.
Page Eight
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2003
the week at st. ferdinand parish
October 13-19, 2003
•Friendship Club — 10 AM-3 PM, Convent # 2
•Troop # 51 — 7-9:30 PM, Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Polish School Theater Group — 6-9 PM, McManus Hall
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Serduszka (Little Hearts Polish Children’s Choir) — 6:30-8:30
PM, Convent #s 2 & 3
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Craft Ladies — 9 AM-Noon, Rectory
•Ladies of St. Anne — 9 AM-2 PM, Rectory
•Jr. Legion of Mary — 2:30-4 PM, Convent # 2
•Kropeczki (Little Dots Polish Children’s Choir) —6-8 PM,
Music Room
•Webelos 3051— 6-9 PM, Convent #s 1, 2 & 3
•Troop 51 Committee Meeting — Convent # 1
•School Board Meeting — 7-10 PM, Heeney Hall
•Polish Adult Choir — 7:15 PM, Chapel
•Fijat — 7:30-9:30 PM, Church
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Child Find Program — 8 AM-3 PM, McManus Hall
•Jr. Legion of Mary - Rosary — 2:30 p.m., Church
•Girl Scout Troops 188, 1883 & 1733 — 5:30-9 PM, Convent #s
1, 2 & 3
•Polish School Theater Group — 6-9 PM, McManus Hall
•Legion of Mary — 6:30-8:30 PM, convent
•Laudamus Music Group — 8 PM, Heeney Hall
•Before & After School Care —6:30-7:40 AM & 1:30-5:30 PM,
McManus & Canning Halls
•Kids Fight — 8AM-2PM, McManus Hall
•Talent Show — 1 PM, Chapel
•Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend — All Halls
•Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend — All Halls
•Confession — 8:45-9:30 AM, Church
•2004 Mass Book Opens — 9-11 AM, Cafeteria
•Legion of Mary — 9-11 AM., Convent # 2
•Polish Catholic Saturday School — 9 AM-4 PM, School
•Adult Polish/English Classes — 9 AM - 4 PM, Music Room
•Holy Spirit Prayer Group — 4-10 PM, Convent # 2
•Polish Youth Vigil — 8 PM-Midnight, Chapel
•Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend — All Halls
•Polish Highlanders — 8:30-9:30 AM, Convent # 3
•Serduszka (Little Hearts) —9-10:30 AM, Convent #s 1 & 2
•Kropeczki (Little Dots) —9-10:30 AM, Music Room
•Chapel Choir Practice — 9:15 AM, Chapel
•Religious Education (C.C.D.) — 9-10:30 AM, School & 10:30
AM Mass, Chapel
•Baptism in Polish — 1:45PM, Church
•Christ Renews His Parish- Men —6-10 PM, Convent # 4
•Laudamus — 7:30 PM, Church
our neighbors want you to know . . .
•Calling all Italian Grandmothers & Their Grandchildren!
“Over the River and Through the Woods,” a classic ItalianAmerican comedy by Joe DiPietro will participate in Columbus
Day Parade, and they are looking for 500 Italian grandmothers
to march with their unit on Monday, October 12 at 10:30 PM
down Columbus Drive in Chicago. Grandmothers are asked to
bring their grandchildren to march along with them. Each
grandmother will receive a free ticket to the hit show for participating. Interested grandmothers can phone 773/477-7666.
•The 2003 U.S. Catholic Award will be presented on Thursday,
October 16 to noted human rights activist and torture survivor
Sister Dianna Ortiz. The program starts at 5:30 PM at Kasbeer
Hall (25 East Pearson, 15th Floor) on Loyola University of
Chicago’s Water Tower Campus and is open to the public. It
includes a reception, remarks by Sister Dianna, and a signing of
her award-winning book The Blindfold’s Eyes: My Journey from
Torture to Truth (Orbis). Please RSVP by calling 312/236-7782,
ext. 854.
•Saint Andrew Life Center, 7000 North Newark, Niles is seeking crafters for the 6th Annual Arts & Crafts Fair to be held on
Saturday, October 18, 2003 from 9 AM to 4 PM. If you would
like more details or to reserve your space (includes 8 foot table
& 2 chairs for a $25 non-refundable fee) please call 847/6478332.
•Mother Guerin High School, 8001 West Belmont Avenue in
River Grove, invites junior high girls and their families to an
Open House on Sunday, October 19. Tours will take place from
11 AM to 2 PM. This is a great opportunity to see the school,
meet the faculty and students and see all the great things Guerin
has to offer. For more information, call Mary Ann Bellazzini at
708/453-6233, ext. 19.
October 12, 2003
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page Nine
by Paul Turner
Our Sunday best used to represent the finest duds
we owned. Time was church was formal, and folks
dressed that way. Of course dinner was formal too.
So was theatre. So was photography. Now it’s different. People come to church wearing everything
from tuxedos to cutoffs, from formal gowns to
sandals. Society clings to few rules about dress.
Restaurants make you wear shoes and shirts. People laugh
at your bathrobe, curlers, and bunny slippers.
A backless dress may be elegant at a Saturday wedding,
but gauche on a Sunday morning. Under the roof of God’s
house, some dos and don’ts prevail, but there’s no telling
how the brothers and sisters will dress for the family faith
meal. The advance of casual wear has succeeded in many
parts of society, not just churches. What constitutes appropriate attire for business and leisure activities continues to
fluctuate. Even when invitations specify formal wear, business clothes, or casual dress, respondents may remain confused.
Expectations for Sunday dress vary from one worshiper to
the next. A young participant’s outfit reveals some flesh.
Some see no problem; others find it scandalous. Some cannot afford nice clothes; others are coming from work, or
stop on their way to play.
At its best, the variety of church dress displays the
universality of the call to worship. At its worst it
shows carelessness and confusion. The harrumpho-meter generally short circuits when a worshiper
who arrived expecting a place in the pew serves as
a eucharistic minister, reader, or songleader for a
short-handed celebration. Having communion
offered to you from someone dressed in shorts and a
grunge rock t-shirt may shake the most fervent worshiper's
belief in the body of Christ.
However, ministers generally prefer to dress right. When
duty calls them unprepared, they do their best with hearts
of faith, seeking to serve, not to offend. When we prepare
for church, charity demands consideration in our dress and
moderation in our judgement
Paul Turner, pastor of St. John Regis Parish in Kansas City, MO,
holds a doctorate in sacramental theology from Sant’ Anselmo
University in Rome. His e-mail address is Paul [email protected].
Copyright © 1996, Resource Publications, Inc.
St. Ferdinand Parish
Support Staff
Mrs. Aneta Koæma, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Wendy L. Braunsdorf, Communications Coordinator
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Sr. Gracjana Ziêba, Receptionist/Secretary
Daniel Lopez, Kevin Cawley, Robert Szarek
Evening Receptionists
Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director of Music and Liturgy
Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator
Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of
Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of Care
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of Ministers of Care
to the Homebound
Parish Council
Ralph Barnhart - President, Mary Bucaro, Terri Calcitrai,
Sophie Kass, Ken Presslak, Andrew Warzocha.
Rev. David J. Cortesi and Daniel P. Costigan, ex officio.
Parish Organizations
Boy Scout - Coordinator: Mr. Vince Clemente
Christ Renews His Parish: Lay Director: Mr. Ronald Pasko
Friendship Club - President: Mrs. Rosalie Anastos
Girl Scout - Coordinator: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss
Knights of Columbus - Tonti Council:
Tony Mangiaracina, past Grand Knight
Kropeczki - Sr. Catherine
Ladies of St. Anne - President: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio
Laudamus - Mr. Jaros³aw Buranicz
Legion of Mary - Presidents: Mr. Justo Evangelista
Mrs. Fely Mesina
Legion of Mary, Juniors - President: Emma Camara
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club - Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Market Day - Coordinator: Mrs. Tammy Sammarco
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd - Acting President: Henryk Mroczkowski
Polish Saturday School - Director: Mrs. Lucyna Olszewska
Polish School Board - Chairman: Mr. Stanis³aw Urban
Rosary Group - Mr. Wac³aw Wileczek
Serduszka - Music Teacher - Miss Iwona Raszyk
St. Ferdinand Athletic Board - Director: Mr. Len Bertolini
St. Ferdinand Family & School Association - President:
Mrs. Maureen Sobie
St. Ferdinand Parish Council - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club - President:
Mr. Stan Kowalkowski
St. Ferdinand School Board - Chairperson: Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart
St. Vincent DePaul Society - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
Ushers Club - President: Mr. Mike Bisceglie
St. Ferdinand Church
5900 West Barry Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634-5128
St. Ferdinand Parish
Rev. David J. Cortesi, Pastor
Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor
Rev. Marek Jurzyk, Associate Pastor
Rev. S³awomir Koz³owski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Roman Rataj, Associate Pastor
Rev. Joseph Kromenaker, Resident
Rev. Joseph Varkey, Resident
Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon
Ronald Weiner, Deacon
5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m
10:45 a.m. (Polish),
12:30 p.m.,
3:00 p.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. (Polish)
7:30 a.m. (Polish), 10:30 a.m., and 12:15 p.m. (Italian).
Saturday: 8:45-9:30 a.m. or by appointment in the
rectory. Sobota: 6:30 wieczorem.
St. Ferdinand School - 773/622-3022
Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal
Christian OutReach (COR) - 773/622-9732
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director
Religious Education Office - 773/622-3022 ext. 366
Mr. Joseph Kummer, D.R.E.
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773/889-7979
Sr. Katarzyna Zaremba, Superior
Business Manager - 773/622-5900 ext. 3
Mr. Daniel P. Costigan
To register please come to the rectory during
business hours:
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Baptism of children is celebrated at 1:45 p.m. in English
on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and in
Polish on the first and third Sundays of the month.
To register, please call the rectory.
Pre-Baptism class is required for baptism of the first child.
The class in English is held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory, and in Polish on the
Tuesday before the first Sunday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in
Church. Please call the rectory to reserve a place in the
Marriages must be arranged at least four months prior to
the ceremony. Please call the rectory.

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