test 6 - Mlodojewo.republika.pl


test 6 - Mlodojewo.republika.pl
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowość, data
I. TEST WYBORU. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź. Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest
prawidłowa. (30 punktów)
1. Does she ___________at school?
a. work
b. works
c. worked
d. working
c. do
d. don’t
c. wenting
d. go
c. is
d. are
2. I like English but Damian ___________ like it.
a. does
b. doesn’t
3. They ___________ to school on Monday.
a. goes
b. going
4. Mr Green ___________ brown eyes and dark hair.
a. has got
b. has
5. These are my friends. ___________ names are Peter and Derek.
a. They
b. Their
c. Our
d. Them
c. tooths
d. teeths
c. ox
d. oxes
c. engineer
d. vet
c. by
d. at
c. ride a bike
d. skate
b. a lot of
c. no
c. a lot of
d. most
6. Every man has got many ___________.
a. tooth
b. teeth
7. 300 years ago people used ___________ at farms.
a. oxygen
b. oxen
8. My mother is an ___________.
a. hairdresser
b. scientist
9. I get to school ___________ bus.
a. with
b. on
10. ___________ is my favourite sport.
a. ripe
b. hang-gliding
11. Is there___________ sugar left?
a. any
a. some
12. There are ___________ cherries on the tree.
a. much
b. any
13. You should ___________in bed when you have got a cold.
a. stay
b. wake up
c. go to
d. be
14. You ___________ have cold drinks when you have got a sore throat.
a. shouldn’t
b. should
c. must
d. mustn’t
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowość, data
15. You ___________ be quiet in classroom.
a. should
b. shouldn’t
c. can
d. mustn’t
16. “The Sims” are ___________ than “Prince of Persia”.
a. more popular
b. popularer
c. popular
d. the most popular
c. was
d. are
17. Toby ___________ very noisy when he was young.
a. is
b. were
18. We ___________ in the cinema yesterday, we were in church.
a. were
b. weren’t
c. was
d. wasn’t
c. has be
d. have seen
c. Has
d. Have
c. weeks
d. last
c. five
d. twenty-five
c. sometimes
d. usually
c. on
d. with
c. did
d. had
c. wore
d. weared
d. trip
c. write
d. drive
c. lake
d. eat
c. drink
d. have cookers
19. I ___________ to France.
a. have never been
b. has never been
20. ___________ you ever seen a ghost?
a. Did
b. Does
21. I phoned my uncle two days ___________.
a. ago
b. yesterday
22. My grandmother is ___________years old.
a. fifteen
b. fifty
23. I haven’t washed the floor ___________.
a. already
b. yet
24. The fire brigade have put ___________ the fire .
a. out
b. in
25. What ___________ you eat for lunch two days ago?
a. do
b. does
26. Ancient Greeks___________ togas.
a. wear
b. had
27. Rob ___________ to Paris by plane last weekend.
a. travelled
b. travel
28. People didn’t ___________ horses 300 years ago.
a. ride
b. rode
29. Did people ___________ in the lake 100 years ago?
a. swim
b. swam
30. People didn’t ___________pizza 200 years ago?
a. eat
b. ate
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowość, data
II CZYTANIE ZE ZROZUMIENIEM. Przeczytaj tekst i pełnym zdaniem (po
polsku) odpowiedz na pytania. (5 punktów)
Dear Tom,
We are having a surprise party for mum’s birthday on 18th of September. I hope you
can join us! The party starts at 6 o’clock. We are preparing delicious food: Brian is making
tuna salad and Ted is making lasagne and some pasta. Would you like to make the birthday
cake? Mum likes cherries and chocolate. Can you bring some photos of mum as a baby?
Please let me know before Saturday.
1. Do kogo adresowany jest list?
2. Kto jest nadawcą listu?
3. Co przygotuje Brian?
4. Co przygotuje Ted?
5. Czy Tom zrobi tort urodzinowy?
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca

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