karta pracy przysłowia


karta pracy przysłowia
Zadanie 1 Wybór polskiego odpowiednika przysłowia angielskiego.
Choose the Polish equivalent for the English proverb. There is only one possibly answer.
1.Every cloud has a silver lining.
a) Co z oczu to z serca.
b) Nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło.
c) Kradzione nie tuczy.
2. Every dog has its day.
a) Trafiło się ślepej kurze ziarno.
b) Nie ma jak w domu.
c) Dobry zwyczaj - nie pożyczaj.
3.It never rains but it pours.
a) Jak się nie ma 3 co się lubi, to się lubi co się ma.
b) Mowa jest srebrem, milczenie złotem.
c) Nieszczęścia chodzą parami.
4. Never buy a pig in a poke.
a) Dla chcącego nic trudnego.
b) Nie kupuj kota w worku.
c) Niedaleko pada jabłko od jabłoni.
5. When In Rome, do as the Romans do.
a) Jeśli wlazłeś między wrony, musisz krakać jak i one.
b) Czym skorupka za młodu nasiąknie, tym na starość trąci.
c) Nie od razu Kraków zbudowano.
Zadanie 2A Łączenie zdań.
You have 7 proverbs but each of them is divided into two parts. Try to match the parts and create correct
1. Many hands
X) the mice will play.
2. A bad workman
Y) into one basket.
3. There is no smoke
Z) without fire.
4. Too many cooks
S) by its cover.
5. When the cat is away
T) make light work.
6. Don't put all your eggs
P) blames his tools
7. Never judge a book
R) spoil the broth.
Zadanie 2 B. Dobór znaczenia.
Match the proverbs from part A with their explanations. This time the explanation is given in English.
A. People will take advantage of someone's else absence to behave more freely.
B. A person who has done something badly will seek to lay the blame on their equipment rather than admit
their own lack of skill.
C. Gossips are usually based on some degree of truth.
D. Too many people interfering is a bad way of doing things.
E. A lot of people helping makes a job easier.
F. Don't judge people/things by their appearance.
G. Don't invest all your efforts or your attention in just one thing.
Ćwiczenie 4. Komentowanie sytuacji.
Lista przykładowych sytuacji:
A. Someone says that have just been offered a free two-week holiday, but are hesitating whether to take up
the offer.
B. Someone thanks you and your friends for helping to load heavy boxes into a van.
C. Someone says that can't be bothered applying to different universities and will apply to one.
D. Three different people have made different arrangements for the same meeting and so everyone comes at
different times and the result is total confusion.
E. John has cleaned his room for the first time since last holidays. I think that he has changed and understood
that living in a clean room is pleasant.
Proverbs are often used to comment on a different situation .Each group has got the same list of proverbs.
Try to find the most suitable one for the situation given to your group.
1. Don't put all your eggs into one basket.
2. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
3. Many hands make light work.
4. Never look a gift-horse in the mouth.
5. One swallow doesn't make a summer.
Zadanie 5. Uzupełnianie zdań.
Check if you can complete the following English proverbs:
Too many cooks...............................................................
Many hands......................................................................
Every dog has...................................................................
It never rains.....................................................................
Never judge a book...........................................................

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