The Parish Family of St. John Paul II


The Parish Family of St. John Paul II
The Parish Family of
St. John Paul II
39 East 22nd Street, Bayonne, NJ 07002-3753
Rectory 201- 339-2070; Fax 201-339-3676
Email: [email protected]
Served by:
Rev. Msgr. Ronald J. Marczewski, Administrator
Rev. Paul Dolinski, S.D.S., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Andrew Kujawa, S.D.S., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mark DeStephano, S.J., Ph.D., Weekend Assistant
Rev. James Tortora, Ph.D.; Weekend Assistant
Kerry G. Fryczynski
Anthony Ventrone
Marjorie Mierzejewski , Parish Secretary
Debra Czerwienski, Director of Religious Education
Dayle Vander Sande, Music Minister
February 28, 2016
St. Michael’s Church at 4:30 PM;
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church at 5:00 PM
7:00 AM (Polish); 8:15 AM; 9:30 AM; 10:45 AM (Polish) & 12:15 PM;
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
9:30 AM (Italian) - St. Michael’s Church
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Monday – Saturday: 7:00 AM (English) & 8:00 AM, (Polish) [except Thursday]
Tuesday 7:00 PM (English), Thursday 7:00 PM (Polish)
St. Michael’s Church
8:00 AM (English) Monday – Saturday
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Daily 7:30 AM, Saturday 4:00 PM
Parish Office Hours
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon; 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
4:30 PM (SM) + Adelaide Mikolajczak (Daughter Maryann)
5:00 PM + John Durak (Wife & Family)
SUNDAY, February 28, 2016
7:00 AM + Tadeusz Kasztelan
(Sławomir & Wanda Zambrowski)
3rd Sunday of
8:15 AM + Jim Nadolski (Wife, Paulette, & Son)
9:30 AM - OLMC Rosary Society
9:30 AM (SM) + Pietro Barberi (Jack Roda)
10:45 AM + Katarzyna Fołtyńska i zmarli z rodziny
12:15 PM + Thomas Pilovsky (Mom)
MONDAY, February 29, 2016
7:00 AM + Anna & Nancy Szynkelewski
(Terry Rogozenski)
8:00 AM + Catherine Cranwell (Bob Gasson)
8:00 AM (SM) + Elaine Bottino (Dolores & Ed Melega)
TUESDAY, March 1, 2016
7:00 AM - Blessings for the Oros Family
(Niece, Marion Oros)
8:00 AM + Myrtis Ross (Bob Gasson)
8:00 AM (SM) + Michael & Helen Grigaliunas
(Ellen Spotter)
7:00 PM + Angela Santosuosso (Castellon Family)
WEDNESDAY, March 2, 2016
7:00 AM + Barbara Magner (Al Fetchko)
8:00 AM + Helena Slicner (córka)
8:00 AM (SM) + Paul & Anna Yanichak & Family
(Daughters, Anna & Pauline)
THURSDAY, March 3, 2016
7:00 AM + Lillian & Charles Jakubowski
(Children & Grandchildren)
8:00 AM (SM) + Rose Fahad (Daughter)
7:00 PM + Ks. Robert Pachana w pierwszą rocznicę
śmierci (Regina Chmara & Family)
FRIDAY, March 4, 2016
7:00 AM + Mary Czachorowska
(Daughter, Terry Rogozenski)
8:00 AM + Anna Fesio (Wioletta & Wiesław Borawski)
8:00 AM (SM) + Joseph & Mary Merkovsky (Grandson)
SATURDAY, March 5, 2016
7:00 AM + Memorial Mass
(See listing on next page)
8:00 AM + Marta Szydłowska (Family)
8:00 AM (SM) + Frances Lancos (Donna Lancos)
Spiritual Offerings,
February 28—March 5, 2016
+ John P. Durak
(Wife, Clara)
+ Joseph & Mary Merkovsky
+ Joseph & Mary Merkovsky
+ Rev. Robert A. Pachana
+ Rev. Robert A. Pachana
(Chris Durak & Family)
+ Rev. Robert A. Pachana
(Pauline Rumian)
Birthday Blessings for Clara Durak
(Chris Durak & Family)
+ Rev. Robert A. Pachana (Pat Suckiel)
Special Intentions of the Oranchak & Miskura
+ Jan Blicharz (Son, Joseph)
4:30 PM (SM) + Michael & Helen Rusakowsky (Children)
5:00 PM + Rev. Robert A. Pachana
(M/M Reginald Skowronski)
+ Rev. Robert A. Pachana
(Dave & Eileen Ascough)
SUNDAY, March 6, 2016
+ Rev. Robert A. Pachana
(Barbara & Michael Lynch)
7:00 AM + Kazimierz Kłos (Sławomir & Wanda Zambrowski)
8:15 AM + Hee Won Park (Gosia)
9:30 AM + Rev. Robert A. Pachana (OLMC Rosary Society)
9:30 AM (SM) + Salvatore, Rosa & Vincent Calderone
(Daughter, Santina, & Gaspar Mangano)
10:45 AM + Edward Jedziniak (Ostaszewski Family)
12:15 PM + William “Bill” Leonard, 2nd Anniversary in
Heaven (Barbara, Denise & Family)
Our Grateful Tithe to God:
Feb. 21, 2016
Regular: $ 8,246.00
Thank You to all who donated to the AAA!
The Week Ahead
Saturday-Sunday, February 27-28, 2016:
Fuel Collection
Sunday, February 28, 2016:
St. John Paul II Rosary Society Meeting After 12:15 PM Mass: Parish Center,
St. John Paul II Room
Monday, February 29, 2016:
Family of Nazareth - 6:00 PM
Tuesday, March 1, 2016:
Seniors - 12:00 PM
Cub Scouts - 7:00 PM
Wednesday, March 2, 2016:
Eucharistic Adoration - 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM
at St. Michael’s Church
Thursday, March 3, 2016:
Youth Group - 6:30 PM
Confirmation Class - 7:00 PM at Madonna Hall
Boy Scouts - 7:30 PM
Friday, March 4, 2016:
Girl Scouts - 7:00 PM
All Night Eucharistic Adoration
at Mt. Carmel Church
Saturday-Sunday, March 5-6, 2016:
Maintenance Collection
Sunday, March 6, 2016:
Closing Forty Hours - 4:00 PM
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal
It is not too late to make a
Pledge or Gift!
Your Lenten Sacrifice will assist the
poor, educate our seminarians and provide needed services for our parishes.
Envelopes are found at church entrances
and in the pews.
Thank You to all who have
already responded!
+ Memorial Mass : Saturday, March 5 7:00 AM
+ Anna Łukaszewicz
+ Carol Zanisnik
+ Mary Konopka
+ Lucjan Slicner
+ George G. Papcun
+ Lou Nappi
+ Andrzej Rutkowski
+ Hanni Iwasiuta
+ Hieronim Czepielewski + Kazimierz Kłos
+ Irene Skowronski
+ John P. Durak
+ Henryk Stasiorek
+ Helen Sharp
+ Leokadia & Antoni Kurpiewski
+ Joseph & Hattie Merkovsky
Our Parish's annual
Eucharistic Days (40 hours)
take place next weekend.
The closing ceremony will be
Next Sunday, March 6
4:00 PM:
Vespers and Benediction.
There are many opportunities
for private prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament.
In particular, we will have
all night Adoration:
Friday night from 8:00 PM - 6:30 AM.
Please sign up this weekend for an hour during
that night or for one of the other adoration times.
The Blessed Sacrament will be present Saturday
after the 8:00 Mass unto 4:45 PM.
Come spend “an hour” with the Lord Jesus.
Religious Education Registration
As you are aware, the Parishes in
Bayonne have been realigned
starting this past January.
Part of the restructuring has been
to renew our Religious Education
Programs. This process is now
going on. It is the hope of all the
parishes to make the Religious
Education Programs uniform and more convenient
for our parishioners to use.
The registration most likely will be in April.
Make Wednesdays “Holy Days” in Lent!
Every Wednesday there is Eucharistic
Adoration in St. Michael’s Church from
8:30AM to 7:00 PM.
During the day, at 12:00 Noon and at the
closing , 7:00 PM, there are the
Miraculous Novena Prayers & Benediction.
Come spend some time with our Lord!
Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM, there
will be a “Holy Hour” at St. Mary’s Church.
Eucharistic Adoration, evening prayer, and an
opportunity for Confession.
Make Wednesdays : HOLY DAYS” in Lent!
In 2013 we began a new
The Easter Vigil Mass has
multiple intentions.
Everyone may list their
loved ones for prayer during
the Easter Vigil Mass.
There is a special envelope
in your envelope packets by which you may include
your loved ones for
Please deposit the envelope in the
March 13 collection (or at any Sunday
Collection); or forward it to the Parish Office.
Extra intention envelopes (Yellow color) are at the
church entrances.
Pragniemy zaproponować moż liwoś ć modlitwy podczas
Mszy Swiętej Wigilii Paschalnej
za osoby bliskie naszemu sercu.
Moż emy to uczynić poprzez
specjalne koperty wysłane w
pakiecie, któ re moż emy zwró cić podczas
niedzielnejkolekty,lubdostarczyć dokancelarii
para ialnej.Kopertyznajdująsięró wnież wprzy
wyjś ciachzkoś cioła.
Nel 2013 abbiamo iniziato un nuovo costume. La Messa della Vigilia della Pasqua ha intenzioni multipli.
Tutti possono elencare i Loro cari per la preghiera durante la Messa della Vigilia della Pasqua. C’è una busta
speciale nei loro pacchetti di buste attraverso delle quali possono Includere i nomi dei Loro cari per il ricordo
della nostra communità. Si prega di depositare le buste
nella colletta del 13 marzo (o in qualsiasi colletta di domenica); anche si può lasciare le buste nel ufficio parrochiale. Ci sono delle buste addizionali (di colore giallo) nelle entrate della chiesa.
Lenten Practices
Prayer: Each day this week, select a fr iend for
whom you will pray.
Alms Giving: Buy a ticket to the Cub Scouts’
Beefsteak dinner. (Even if you will not use it! Tell
them to give the ticket away!)
Self Denial: One day without your
favorite beverage.
Beefsteak Dinner
Pack 19 Cub Scouts
Saturday, March 5
7:00 PM
Madonna Hall
(Behind St. Michael’s Church)
Tickets: $ 45.00 (Adults only)
Beer, Soda, & Water included
Proceeds benefit Pack 19 Cub Scouts
Contact: 201-424-4548
Community Health Care
“Life Line Screening”
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Center
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Did you know: Atherosclerosis (clogged blood vessels)
is the leading killer of adults 55+ ?
70% of those aged 55+ have 2 or more risk factors and
many are unaware of them.
Using advanced ultrasound technology, “Life Line
Screening” can actually see inside your arteries to help
determine your risk of Atherosclerosis .
9 out of 10 cardiovascular doctors support preventative
health screenings for cardiovascular disease among
patients with key risk factors.
See the brochures at the church entrances for
information on how you may register for a
“Life Line Screening” on March 2.
It is not too Late !
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal
Your gift to the Archdiocese's Annual Appeal
is a part of your personal commitment to
Christian Stewardship:
Giving thanks to God by returning a portion of
the blessings God has given you.
Won’t you please take a moment to fill out a
pledge card? Your gift is a concrete example
of being a good steward of God’s gifts.
A Great Lenten Practice!
Adorazione Eucaristica
La nostra Adorazione Eucaristica annuale (40 Ore)
avrà luogo il prossimo weekend. La
cerimonia di chiusura sarà il 4 marzo alle 4 P.M.
con i vespri e la benedizione. Ci saranno molte
opportunità per la preghiera privata davanti il Santissimo.
In particolare, avremo l’adorazione durante
tutta la note del venerdì dalle 8:00 P.M. alle
6:30 A.M. del sabato.
Si prega di inscriversi per una ora di notte o per
altro tempo di adorazione.
Il Santissimo sarà presente il sabato doppo la Messa
delle 8:00 A.M. sino alle 4:45 P.M.
Sono invitati a passare “una ora” con il Signore
duszpasterzSalwatoriań skiegoOś rodkaPowołań zKrakowa.
Niedziela, 6 marca
7:00 AM - Msza św. z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym.
10:45 AM - Msza św. z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym.
4:00 PM - Zakończenie Nabożeństwa
Poniedziałek, 7 marca
8:00 AM - Msza św. z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym.
7:00 PM - Msza św. z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym.
Wtorek, 8 marca
8:00 AM - Msza św. z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym.
6:00 PM - Msza św. z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym.
Środa, 9 marca
8:00 AM - Msza św. z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym.
7:00 PM - Msza św. z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym.
W niedzielę, 6 marca 2016 r., o godz. 4:00 PM
w naszej parafii odbędzie się uroczyste zakończenie Czterdziestogodzinnego Nabożeństwa
z Nieszporami i procesją.
Zachęcamy do licznego udziału wszystkich
parafian, rodziny, przyjaciół oraz organizacje
Swoim uczestnictwem okażmy wierność
Chrystusowi utajonemu w Najświętszym Sakramencie, Kościołowi Chrystusowemu, Jego
Pasterzom oraz szacunek względem naszej
polskiej tradycji!!!
Zapraszamy również do wpisania się na listę osób adorujących Pana Jezusa w czasie dla siebie korzystnym, zarówno w dzień jak i w nocy. Przy wyjściu z kościoła znajdują
się listy do wpisania się na nocną adorację z piątku na
sobotę ( 4-5 marca).
Podczas rekolekcji będzie okazja do spowiedzi
przed Mszą Świętą rano
oraz przed i w trakcie Mszy Św. wieczornej.
Prosimy o zarezerwowanie sobie czasu i wzięcie
udziału w tym duchowym przygotowaniu na święta
Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego.
Piątki Wielkiego Postu o godzinie
7:00 PM.
Niedziele Wielkiego Postu
o godzinie 3:00 PM