Gdańsk University of Technology SPIE Students Chapter „Soliton


Gdańsk University of Technology SPIE Students Chapter „Soliton
Gdańsk University of Technology
SPIE Students Chapter „Soliton”
Annual Activity Report (2010)
written by Maciej Kraszewski
Gdańsk, 31st Jan 2011
Date of establishment: 1st February 2008
Current number of members: 14
For the full, updated list of members please see appendix A. The list
also contains the current email addresses of the chapter members.
The board of management for the 2009/2010 semesters:
Advisor: Dr hab. inż. Bogdan Kosmowski prof. nadzw. PG ,
e-mail: [email protected]
President: Łukasz Piasek, e-mail: [email protected]
Vice president: Maciej Kraszewski, e-mail: [email protected]
Secretary: Piotr Żółtowski, e-mail: [email protected]
Treasurer: Grzegorz Muszyński, e-mail: [email protected]
The board of management for the 2010/2011 semesters:
Advisor: Dr hab. inż. Bogdan Kosmowski prof. nadzw. PG ,
e-mail: [email protected]
President: Maciej Kraszewski, e-mail: [email protected]
Vice president: Łukasz Piasek, e-mail: [email protected]
Secretary: Kamil Tatuśko, e-mail: [email protected]
Treasurer: Bartosz Nowakowski, e-mail: [email protected]
Due to the complete change of the chapter members in October 2009
we have had some serious difficulties with the organization of our
activities. The new Chapter Board had no experience in running the
In May 2010, three members of our chapter participated in
conference OPTO Meetings for Young Researchers on Nicolaus
Copernicus University in Torun. The participation in the conference gave
rise to some ideas concerning the chapter’s new activities.
In June 2010, three chapter members took part in Baltic Festival of
In October 2010, we focused on promoting our chapter. We have
prepared a presentation on students organizations “open door” on Gdansk
University of Technology. As a result, the chapter recruited three new
Planned activities:
• First of all, we aim to increase the number of chapter members
mainly by recruiting the second- and third-year students. This will
allow us to avoid future problems with the complete change of the
roster of members and perform more activities.
• Preparing parts of students’ educational laboratory concerning
colorimetry of liquid crystal displays.
• Creating an electronic module for measuring and controlling closed
rooms illumination.
• Organizing workshop for high school and elementary school students
that will promote optoelectronics and photonics.
Financial information 2010:
Budget item
Beginning balance on 01.02.2010
Sum in PLN/Sum in USD
0.0 zł/ 0.0$
Funds raised (indicate amount raised from each project/function) --------------------------------------Rector‟s donation
0.0 zł/ 0.0$
Deputy Rectors‟ donation
0.0 zł/ 0.0$
SPIE founding
Member fee
Funds expended (indicate how it was spent)
Excursions, conferences
Details of SPIE grants, scholarship and donations received
0.0 zł/ 0.0$
Other (please specify)
0.0 zł/ 0.0$
Planning expenses in the next fiscal year:
Promotion of the Chapter
Member fee
Ending balance on 01.01.2011
Appendix A
2009/2010 roster of members:
1. Piasek Lukasz ( [email protected] )
2. Kraszewski Maciej ( [email protected] )
3. Zoltowski Piotr ( [email protected] )
4. Muszynski Grzegorz ( [email protected] )
5. Kordowski Mariusz ( [email protected] )
6. Kot Kordian ( [email protected] )
7. Luszcz Karol ( [email protected] )
8. Niezbecki Lukasz ( [email protected] )
9. Olszewski Pawel ( [email protected] )
10. Onoszko Karol ( [email protected] )
11. Piatek Radoslaw ( [email protected] )
12. Krystian Ernest ( [email protected] )
2010/2011 roster of members:
1. Piasek Lukasz ( [email protected] )
2. Kraszewski Maciej ( [email protected] )
3. Zoltowski Piotr ( [email protected] )
4. Kordowski Mariusz ( [email protected] )
5. Kot Kordian ( [email protected] )
6. Luszcz Karol ( [email protected] )
7. Niezbecki Lukasz ( [email protected] )
8. Olszewski Pawel ( [email protected] )
9. Onoszko Karol ( [email protected] )
10. Piatek Radoslaw ( [email protected] )
11. Krystian Ernest ( [email protected] )
12. Tatuśko Kamil ([email protected])
13. Nowakowski Bartosz ([email protected])
14. Kruczkowski Michał ([email protected])