MUZYKAbezGranic Annelie de Man Roderik de


MUZYKAbezGranic Annelie de Man Roderik de
10 LISTOPA DA 2001
18:00 Akademia Muzyczna (ul. œw. Tomasza 43)
Annelie de Man
Roderik de Man
Gilius van Bergeijk
Ma³gorzata Isphording
klawesyn, elektronika
Annelie de Man urodzi³a siê w Hadze (Holandia), gdzie
studiowa³a klawesyn pod kierunkiem Janny van Wering
i Boba van Asperen. Po ukoñczeniu studiów skoncentrowa³a siê na wykonawstwie repertuaru wspó³czesnego. Pierwszym poœród wielu twórców z Holandii i innych krajów, którzy
dla niej komponowali by³ Louis Andriessen („Overture to
Orpheus” 1982). W jej repertuarze znajduj¹ siê zarówno
utwory solowe jak i na klawesyn z taœm¹, gitar¹, waltorni¹, klarnetem basowym i fletem. Annelie de Man wystêpowa³a w Holandii (Holland Festival, International Gaudeamus Music Week, Dutch Music Days, 2d International Harpsichord Week w IJsbreker/Amsterdam), bra³a równie¿ udzia³
w koncertach orkiestrowych (np. Z Royal Concertgebouw
Orchestra, Nieuw Sinfonietta z Amsterdamu, the Schönberg
Ensemble, the ASKO Ensemble the Radio Philharmonic
Orchestra). Koncertowa³a w Austrii (Festival Aspekte Salzburg), Belgii, Niemczech, Hiszpanii, Szkocji, Irlandii, Norwegii
(World Music Days/Oslo 1990), Francji (Festival de Musique Electro-acoustique de Bourges 1992), Finlandii (Festival Time of Music/Viitasaari 1994), na Ukrainie (Festival of New Music/Odessa 1996), w Polsce (Festival AudioArt
1999) i Japonii (2000/ Milenniumtour with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra). Ostatnio wystêpowa³a w Winnipeg,
Edmonton i Calgary razem z Harry Sparnaay'em. Annelie
de Man wystepuje z klarnecist¹ basowym Harry Sparnaay'em (duo Double-Action). Jest profesorem w Konserwatorium w Amsterdamie (klasa klawesynu wspó³czesnego).
Annelie de Man was born in The Hague (The Netherlands)
where she studied harpsichord with Janny van Wering and
Bob van Asperen. After taking her degree she concentrated on the development of contemporary repertoire, until that
moment a virtually undeveloped area in The Netherlands.
Louis Andriessen was the first to write for her („Overture to
Orpheus” 1982) and many composers followed him from The
Netherlands and from abroad. Her repertoire now includes
solo works as well as works with tape, guitar, French horn,
bass clarinet and flute. Annelie de Man performed in The
Netherlands (Holland Festival, International Gaudeamus Music
Week, Dutch Music Days, 2d International Harpsichord Week
in the IJsbreker/Amsterdam) and contributed to concerts by
a.o. the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Nieuw Sinfonietta Amsterdam, the Schönberg Ensemble, the ASKO Ensemble
and the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra. She toured Austria
(Festival Aspekte Salzburg), Belgium, Germany, Spain,
Scotland, Ireland, Norway (World Music Days/Oslo 1990),
France (Festival de Musique Electro-acoustique de Bourges
1992), Finland (Festival Time of Music/Viitasaari 1994), Ukraine
(Festival of New Music/Odessa 1996), Poland (Festival AudioArt
1999) and Japan (2000/ Milenniumtour with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra). Last month she performed in Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary together with Harry Sparnaay. Annelie de Man performs with bass clarinettist Harry Sparnaay as the duo Double-Action and is professor of contemporary harpsichord music at the Conservatorium of Amsterdam.
Roderik de Man urodzi³ siê w 1941 r. w Bandun (Jawa).
Holenderski kompozytor urodzony w Indonezji, twórca muzyki
orkiestrowej, kameralnej, chóralnej, fortepianowej i elektroakustycznej, wykonywanej z powodzeniem na czterech
kontynentach. Studiowa³ perkusjê pod kierunkiem Fransa
van der Kraan i teoriê muzyki w Royal Conservatory w Hadze.
Studiowa³ tak¿e kompozycjê u Kees'a van Baarena i pracowa³ w studio muzyki elektronicznej jako student Dicka
Raaijmakersa. Od 1972 uczy przedmiotów teoretycznych
i kompozycji w tej samej instytucji. W latach 1993–1997 by³
cz³onkiem Dutch Composers Society (GENECO), a od 1997
Artistic Committee of Donemus, holenderskiej firmy wydawniczej zajmuj¹cej siê muzyk¹ wspó³czesn¹. Od 1998 by³
tak¿e w zarz¹dzie CEM (Centre of Electronic Music). W 2001
by³ cz³onkiem jury w International Gaudeamus Music Week
Roderik de Man was born in Bandung, Java, on May 1941.
Dutch composer of Indonesian birth; he has composed orchestral, chamber, choral, piano, and electroacoustic works that
have been performed on four continents and that have received much acclaim. Roderik de Man studied percussion with
Frans van der Kraan and music theory at the Royal Conservatory of Den Haag. At the same time he studied composition with
Kees van Baaren and worked in the electronic studio as a student of Dick Raaijmakers. Since 1972 he has taught theoretical subjects and composition to young composers at the same
institute. Between 1993–97 he was on the board of the Dutch
Composers Society (GENECO) and since 1997 he has been
a member of the Artistic Committee of Donemus, the Dutch
publishing house for contemporary music. Since 1998 he has
also been on the board of CEM, the Centre of Electronic Mu-
koncert jest wspierany przez:
Urz¹d Miasta Krakowa, Gaudeamus Foundation Amsterdam, Dziennik Polski, Radio Kraków, Music Info Ltd. / Mackie Kraków, Studio4
Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne „Muzyka Centrum”, ul. Starowiœlna 3, 31-038 Kraków, tel/fax +48.12.2676195, email: [email protected]
razem z Fredericem Rzewskim i Vladimirem Tarnopolskim.
Otrzyma³ wiele zamówieñ od Foundation for the Creation
of Music, Amsterdam Art Fund i Johan Wagenaar Foundation. Komponuje muzykê czysto instrumentaln¹ oraz instrumentalno-electroniczn¹. Jego utwory cztery razy zosta³y
wybrane przez miêdzynarodowe jury ISCM do wykonania
podczas World Music Days (Oslo, 1991; Mexico, 1993; Seoul,
1997; Bucharest, 1998). W 1991 r. utwór „Chordis Canam”
na klawesyn i taœmê zdoby³ drug¹ nagrodê w konkursie International de Musique Electroacoustique w Bourges, w latach
1996–98 jego kompozycje znajdowa³y siê tak¿e w finale
konkursu. W 1999 za „Air to Air” na flet, klarnet altowy, trabkê
i taœmê otrzyma³ drug¹ nagrodê na tym festiwalu (tak¿e drug¹
nagrodê na konkursie kompozytorskim w Torino, 2000). Utwór
„Écoute, écoute” na klarnet basowy i taœmê (dedykowany
Silvii i Harry Sparnaay'owi) znalaz³ siê w finale konkursu
w roku 2000. Muzyka Roderika de Man by³a wykonywana
w wielu krajach Europy, a tak¿e w USA, Brazylii, Indonezji
i Japonii. Jego ¿on¹ jest klawesynistka Annelie de Man,
dla której napisa³ wiele utworów. Komponowa³ tak¿e
dla Arnhem Society for Chamber Music, barytona Sigur'ura
Gu'mundssona, dla Orkest de Volharding, Osiris Trio, pianisty Jana van Dijk, Mingusproject Erica van der Westen
i Ensemble Brisk. Jego kompozycja „Silhouette” zosta³a wybrana do IAMIC's 2001. Utwór „Vanishing Points” wykonano
podczas Warszawskiej Jesieni 25 wrzeœnia 2001, a premiera „Arry” zamówionego przez Amsterdam Nieuw Sinfonietta odby³a siê 25 paŸdziernika w Concertgebouw w Amsterdamie.
Gilius van Bergeijk, urodzony w 1946, studiowa³ obój
i kompozycjê w Royal Conservatory w Hadze pod kierunkiem Keesa van Baarena i Dicka Raaijmakersa. Obecnie jest
profesorem kompozycji w tej samej instytucji. Tworzy muzykê symfoniczn¹, kameraln¹, wszystkie rodzaje muzyki elektronicznej, a tak¿e instrumentalno-elektronicznej, szczególnie
du¿o utworów napisa³ na katarynkê. W latach siedemdziesi¹tych by³ cz³onkiem wielu zespo³ów specjalizuj¹cych siê
w wykonawstwie nowej muzyki. Wystêpowa³ jako muzyk
improwizuj¹cy, tak¿e jazzowy; jest dyrygentem w³asnej orkiestry „Gilius' Haagsche Hofje”. Niektóre z jego kompozycji: „D.E.S.” (muzyka elektroniczna); B.A.C, „Het Leven van
Rosa Luxemburg” na fortepian, czelestê, „4 melody-instruments and tape” (1971), zamówi³a Rotterdam Arts Foundation. Pisze tak¿e piosenki, muzykê jazzow¹, baletow¹, filmow¹ i teatraln¹. Od 1980 g³ównie zajmuje siê komponowaniem i nauczaniem. W latach 1990–94 by³ prezesem Dutch
Union of Composers (Geneco).
Ma³gorzata Isphording (ur. 1973, Lublin) ukoñczy³a Akademiê Muzyczn¹ w Krakowie w klasie klawesynu prof. Zofii
Moszumañskiej, nastêpnie otrzyma³a dyplom Royal Conseravtory w Hadze, w klasie prof. Patricka Ayrtona. Od 1999
roku specjalizuje siê w wykonawstwie i technikach wspó³czesnej muzyki klawesynowej pod kierunkiem prof. Annelie de Man w Sweelinck Conservatory w Amsterdamie. Jest
cz³onkiem wielu zespo³ów muzyki dawnej i wspó³czesnej.
Bra³a udzia³ w festiwalach w wielu krajach Europy. Dokona³a wielu premierowych wykonañ wspó³czesnej muzyki klawesynowej.
sic. In 2001 he was a member of the composers jury for the
International Gaudeamus Music Week together with Frederic
Rzewski and Vladimir Tarnopolski. He has received many commissions from the Foundation for the Creation of Music, the
Amsterdam Art Fund and the Johan Wagenaar Foundation, among
others. He composes purely instrumental as well as instrumental/
electronic music. On four occasions, his compositions have been
selected by the international jury of the ISCM to be performed
during the World Music Days (Oslo, 1991; Mexico, 1993; Seoul, 1997; Bucharest, 1998). In 1991 Chordis Canam for harpsichord and tape won Second Prize in the competition of the
Concours International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, where he was among the finalists consecutively from
1996–98. In 1999 „Air to Air” for flute, basset horn, trumpet, and
tape received the Second Prize in the same festival (and also
received Second Prize at the Concorso di composizione di Torino,
2000). „Écoute, écoute” for bass clarinet and tape (dedicated
to Silvia and Harry Sparnaay) was among the finalists in the
competition of 2000. Roderik de Man's music has been performed and broadcast in most European countries as well as
in the United States, Brazil, Indonesia, and Japan. He is married to the eminent harpsichordist Annelie de Man, and has written
many pieces for her. He has also written pieces for the Arnhem Society for Chamber Music, baritone Sigur'ur Gu'mundsson, Orkest de Volharding, the Osiris Trio, pianist Jan van Dijk,
the Mingusproject of Eric van der Westen, and Ensemble Brisk,
among others. His „Silhouette” was selected for IAMIC's 2001
Annual List. His „Vanishing Points” was performed during the
Warsaw Autumn Festival on September 25, 2001. „Arry”, commissioned by string orchestra Amsterdam Nieuw Sinfonietta
had its first performance last October 25th in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.
Giliius van Bergeijk (1946) studied oboe and composition
at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, Holland, with a.o. Kees
van Baaren and Dick Raaijmakers. Currently he is a professor
of composition himself at this institute. As a composer he is active in almost every possible area: symfonic and chambermusic, all kinds of electronic music as well as combinations of instrumental and electronic music, he even wrote a large amount of pieces for barrel-organ. During the 70s he was a member of several ensembles specializing in the performance of modern
music and was also active as an improviser. He is also a jazzmusician; he is conductor of his own orchestra „Gilius' Haagsche Hofje”. Some of his compositions: „D.E.S.” (electronic music);
„B.A.C.” for street organ; „Het Leven van Rosa Luxemburg”, for
piano, celesta, „4 melody-instruments and tape” (1971), commissionedbytheRotterdamArtsFoundation;„Opwaartschewegen”
for small orchestra (1972). He also wrote songs, jazz music and
music for ballet, film and theatre. Since 1980 composing and
teaching are his main occupations. From 1990–94 he was the
chairman of the Dutch Union of Composers (Geneco).
Malgorzata Isphording (b. 1973, Lublin) studied with prof.
Zofia Moszumañska at the Krakow Academy of Music. She
has got diploma at the Royal Conservatory in Hague (class
of prof. Patrick Ayrton). Since 1999 she specialized in performing of contemporary harpsichord music with prof. Annelie
de Man at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam. She
is a member of many old and contemporary music ensembles. She played at festivals in many countries in Europe. She
performed many premieres of contemporary harpsichord music.

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