test 5


test 5
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowośd, data
SŁOWNICTWO. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź. Tylko jedna
odpowiedź jest prawidłowa. (20 puntków)
1. I am from Poland so I am Polish. You are from Germany so you are ___________
a. Germany
b. German
c. Germanian
d. Germanish
c. meat
d. fur
c. fast
d. slow
c. butcher’s
d. hospital
c. Where’s
d. Who’s
2. Cows give us ___________ and milk.
a. vegetables
b. wool
3. Tigers are very ___________ animals.
a. safe
b. wool
4. You eat lunch in a ___________.
a. restaurant
b. bus stop
5. ___________ the matter?
a. What’s
b. What
6. You ___________go to school when you have a cold.
a. should
b. shouldn’t
c. can
d. must
c. go to
d. be
c. surf
d. surfing
c. baker’s
d. hotel
c. butcher’s
d. post office
c. six
d. twenty-six
7. You must ___________ when you are hungry.
a. eat
b. drink
8. We ___________ at the internet cafe.
a. play
b. play computer games
9. At ___________ you can buy fresh bread.
a. butcher’s
b. greengrocer’s
10. At ___________ you can buy fruit and vegetables.
a. baker’s
b. greengrocer’s
11. My grandfather is ___________years old.
a. sixteen
b. sixty
12. ___________ is the school subject about ancient times and the past.
a. English
b. Arts
c. PE
d. History
c. Polish
d. Arts
c. catch the bus
d. go jogging
c. living room
d. kitchen
13. In ___________ we learn about nature.
a. English
b. Science
14. Bedroom is the room where we ___________ .
a. go for a walk
b. sleep
15. Your mother cooks dinner in the ___________ .
a. bathroom
b. dining room
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowośd, data
16. You take a shower in the ___________ .
a. garage
b. bedroom
c. bathroom
d. living room
c. cry
d. happy
c. sink
d. desk
17. When you like a comedy you ___________ .
a. smile
b. laugh
18. We keep clothes in the ___________ .
a. wardrobe
b. cupboard
19. Your ___________ is the brother of your mother or father.
a. aunt
b. uncle
c. father
d. grandmother
20. I would like to win the ___________ place in this competition.
a. first
b. one
c. last
d. the best
GRAMATYKA. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź. Tylko jedna odpowiedź
jest prawidłowa. (20 puntków)
1. Do you ___________ to school on Wednesday?
a. go
b. goes
c. went
d. going
c. do
d. don’t
c. wenting
d. go
2. I like History but Derek ___________ like it.
a. does
b. doesn’t
3. She never ___________ to school on Sunday.
a. goes
b. going
4. I am from Poland so I am Polish. You are from Spain so you are ___________
b. Spain
b. Spanish
c. Spaninish
d. Spanian
5. These are my friends. ___________ names are Sam and Ted.
a. They
b. Their
c. Our
d. Them
c. the smallest
d. most biggest
6. Chicken is ___________ than hippo.
a. small
b. smaller
7. Cars are ___________ than bikes.
a. slower
b. smaller
c. more expensive d. popularer
8. The ___________ beautiful girl in the class is me!
a. more
b. moust
c. most
d. the most
9. You ___________ take medicine when you have a headache.
a. shouldn’t
b. should
c. can’t
d. mustn’t
c. must
d. mustn’t
10. You ___________ be quiet in classroom.
a. can
b. shouldn’t
11. We ___________ letters at the post office two days ago.
b. sented
b. sent
c. sending
d. sended
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowośd, data
12. Look over there! There is ___________ egg.
a. a
b. any
c. some
d. an
13. The boy who is sitting ___________ me is from Mlodojewo.
a. behind
b. under
c. on
d. between
c. week
d. last
c. brother’s
d. brothers
14. I phoned my uncle ___________ week.
a. ago
b. yesterday
15. Is that your schoolbag? No it’s my ___________
a. brother
b. brother’
16. Fifty years ago there ___________ a police station in Mlodojewo.
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. were
17. There ___________ no pencils left so I bought a pen.
a. was
b. were
c. is
d. be
c. play
d. played
18. Do you like ___________ football?
a. playing
b. to play
19. People ___________ water from rivers 500 years ago.
a. swim
b. drink
c. drank
d. drunk
c. drunk
d. cook
20. People didn’t ___________coffee 600 years ago.
a. drink
b. drank
IV. CZYTANIE ZE ZROZUMIENIEM. Przeczytaj tekst i pełnym zdaniem
odpowiedz na pytania. (5 punktów)
Tom is very busy on Saturdays. He always gets up early in the morning and goes jogging.
Then he tidies his house. He always has a big breakfast on Saturdays. After breakfast, he washes his
In the afternoon, Tom visits his friend, Sylvia, and they usually listen to music together.
Sometimes they play volleyball or go to the park together.
On Saturday evenings, Tom often goes ice-skating. He never stays at home on Saturday
evenings. Then he has supper with his parents. Tom always goes to bed before 11:30.
Saturdays are busy, but he enjoys them!
1. Is Tom busy on Sundays?
2. Does he eat breakfast after jogging?
3. When does he visit Sylvia?
4. Do they listen to music together?
5. Does Tom like Saturdays?
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca
Imię i Nazwisko
Miejscowośd, data
PISANIE. Opisz krótko swoje ostatnie wakacje. Napisz: gdzie byłeś;
co robiłeś; jak długo tam byłeś; czy Ci się podobało. (8 punktów)
Opracował Maciej Mrugalski nauczyciel języka angielskiego w SP. im. Jana Pawła II w Młodojewie, gm. Słupca

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