2011 Pub-SL-3.2.Koncowe


2011 Pub-SL-3.2.Koncowe
SL. 3. 2
1. A. Hochreiner, T. Schwarzl, M. Eibelhuber, W. Heiss, G. Springholz, V. Kolkovsky, G. Karczewski,
and T. Wojtowicz, „Midinfrared electroluminescence from PbTe/CdTe quantum dot light-emitting
diodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 021106 (2011). 3/8
2. P. Wojnar, E. Janik, L. Baczewski, S. Kret, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, T. Kazimierczuk,
M. Goryca, and P. Kossacki, „Growth and optical properties of CdTe quantum dots in ZnTe
nanowires”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 113109 (2011). 6/9
3. K. Kukliński, Ł. Kłopotowski, K. Fronc, M. Wiater, P. Wojnar, P. Rutkowski, V. Voliotis,
R. Grousson, G. Karczewski, J. Kossut, and T. Wojtowicz, „Tuning the inter-shell splitting in selfassembled CdTe quantum dots”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 141906 (2011). 8/11
4. Ł. Kłopotowski, Ł. Cywiński, P. Wojnar, V. Voliotis, K. Fronc, T. Kazimierczuk, A. Golnik,
M. Ravaro, R. Grousson, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „Magnetic polaron formation and
exciton spin relaxation in single Cd1-xMnxTe quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. B 83, 081306 (2011). 6/11
5. A. Łusakowski, P. Bogusławski, and T. Radzyński, „Calculated electronic structure of Pb1-xMnxTe (0
≤ x < 11%): The role of L and Σ valence band maxima”, Phys. Rev. B 83, 115206 (2011). 3/3
6. C. Aku-Lech, F. Perez, B. Jusserand, D. Richards, and G. Karczewski, „Dynamical corrections to
spin-wave excitations in quantum wells due to Coulomb interactions and magnetic ions”, Phys. Rev. B
83, 035323 (2011). 1/5
7. O. Volnianska, and P. Bogusławski, „High-spin states of cation vacancies in GaP, GaN,AIN, BN,
ZnO, and BeO: A first-principles study”, Phys. Rev. B 83, 205205 (2011). 2/2
8. G. Bartsch, M. Gerbracht, D. R. Yakovlev, J. H. Blokland, P. C. M. Christianen, E. A. Zhukov,
A. B. Dzyubenko, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, J. C. Maan, and M. Bayer, „Positively
versus negatively charged excitons: A high magnetic field study of CdTe/Cd1-xMgxTe quantum wells”,
Phys. Rev. B 83, 235317 (2011). 3/12
9. Ł. Kłopotowski, V. Voliotis, A. Kudelski, A. I. Tartakovskii, P. Wojnar, K. Fronc, R. Grousson,
O. Krebs, M. S. Skolnick, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „Stark spectroscopy and radiative
lifetimes in single self-assembled CdTe quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. B 83, 155319 (2011). 5/11
10. A. A. Klochikhin, V. P. Kochereshko, L. Besombes, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, and J. Kossut,
„Plasmon mechanism of the trion emission band broadening in quantum wells”, Phys. Rev. B 83,
235329 (2011). 3/6
11. T. Kazimierczuk, T. Smoleński, M. Goryca, Ł. Kłopotowski, P. Wojnar, K. Fronc, A. Golnik,
M. Nawrocki, J. A. Gaj, and P. Kossaki, „Magnetophotoluminescence study of intershell exchange
interaction in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 165319 (2011). 3/10
12. E. Zielony, E. Płaczek-Popko, P. Dyba, Z. Gumienny, J. Szatkowski, L. Dobaczewski, and
G. Karczewski, „Deep level transient spectroscopy of hole traps related to CdTe self-assembled
quantum dots embedded in ZnTe matrix”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 11, 6830 (2011). 3/7
13. K. Olender, T. Wosiński, A. Mąkosa, S. Kret, V. Kolkovsky, and G. Karczewski, „Capture kinetics at
deep-level defects in MBE-grown CdTe layers”, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 26, 045008 (2011). 6/6
14. T. N. Zavaritskaya, I. V. Kucherenko, G. Karczewski, N. N. Mel’nik, V. S. Vinogradov, and
W. Zaleszczyk, „Manifestation of the composition inhomogeneity of Zn1-xMgxTe quantum wires in
Raman spectra”, Phys. Solid State 53, 407 (2011).
15. V. F. Agekyan, P. O. Holz, G. Karczewski, V. N. Katz, E. S. Moskalenko, A. Yu. Serov, and N. G.
Filosofov, „Magnetoluminescence of CdTe/MnTe/CdMgTe heterostructures with ultrathin MnTe
layers”, Semiconductors 45, 1301 (2011). 1/7
16. K. Gas, E. Janik, W. Zaleszczyk, I. Pasternak, E. Dynowska, K. Fronc, V. Kolkovsky, S. Kret,
J. F. Morhange, A. Reszka, M. Wiater, W. Caliebe, G. Karczewski, B. J. Kowalski, W. Szuszkiewicz,
and T. Wojtowicz, „Morphology and selected properties of core/shell ZnTe-based nanowire structures
containing ZnO”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 119, 612 (2011). 12/16
17. E. Płaczek-Popko, J. Szatkowski, E. Zielony, Z. Gumienny, L. Dobaczewski, and G. Karczewski,
„Capacitance-voltage studies of Ti / p-ZnTe schottky barrier structures containing CdTe quantum
dots”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 119, 621 (2011). 2/6
18. S. V. Khusnutdinov, E. Dynowska, W. Zaleszczyk, V. P. Makhiniy, A.Wysmółek, and K. P. Korona,
„Anharmonic optical photon effects in ZnO nanocrystals”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 119, 678 (2011). 3/6
19. M. A. Borysiewicz, I. Pasternak, E. Dynowska, R. Jakieła, V. Kolkovsky, A. DuŜyńska, E. Kamińska,
and A. Piotrowska, „ZnO thin films deposited on sapphire by high vacuum high temperature
sputtering”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 119, 686 (2011). 4/8
20. Ł. Kłopotowski „Charging effects in delf assembled CdTe quantum dots”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 120, 819
(2011). 1/1
21. K. Kukliński, Ł. Kłopotowski, K. Fronc, P. Wojnar, T. Wojciechowski, M. Czapkiewicz, J. Kossut,
G. Karczewski and T. Wojtowicz, „Spectroscopy of Indirect Excitons in Vertically Stacked CdTe
Quantum Dot Structures, ”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 120, 856 (2011). 9/9
22. K. Olender, T. Wosiński, A. Mąkosa, P. DłuŜewski, V. Kolkovsky, and G. Karczewski, „Native deeplevel defects in MBE – grown p – type CdTe”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 120, 946 (2011). 6/6
23. V. P. Makhniy, S. V. Khusnutdinov, and R. Jakieła, "Mechanism of ZnO Heterolayer Formation on
ZnSe Substrates", Inorganic Mater. 47, 746. (2011). 2/3
1. P. Wojnar, G. Karczewski, J. Suffczyński, M. Goryca, A. Golnik, K. Kowalik, and J. Kossut,
„Growth and micro-luminescence from diluted magnetic quantum dots”, Phys. Stat. Sol. C. 8,
2515. (2011). 3/7
2. V. P. Kochereshko, J. J. Davies, L. C. Smith, D. Wolverson, H. Mariette, H. Boukari,
M. Wiater, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „Effects of motion on exciton magnetic
properties”, Phys. Stat. Sol. C 8, 1173 (2011). 3/9
1. B. A. Piot, J. Kunc, K. Kowalik, F. J. Teran, P. Płochocka, D. K. Maude, M. Potemski,
C. Betthausen, A. Vogl, D. Weiss, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „High quality 2D electron
gas in CdTe quantum wells for the physics of the quantum Hall effect", 15th International
Conference on II-VI Compounds, Mayan Riviera, Mexico, August 21-26, 2011. 2/12
2. G. Karczewski, „How nano-hairs (nono-whiskers) grow and what they are useful for?”,
Conference “ How Science Spies on and Technology Imitates Nature”, 25-28 September 2011,
Gdańsk, Poland. p. 17. 1/1
3. G. Karczewski, „CdTe-based photovoltaice”, Advances in Appllied Physics and Materials Science
Congress, Maj 12 -15, 2011, Antalya, Turkey. 1/1
4. G. Karczewski, „CdTe-based solar cells”, E-MRS Fall Meeting, September 19 – 23, 2011,
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. 1/1
5. T. Schwarzl, M. Eibelhuber, A. Hochreiner, H. Groiss, V. Kolkovsky, G. Karczewski,
T. Wojtowicz, W. Heiss and G. Springholz, „Epitaxial IV-VI quantum dots for mid-infrared
devices”, XIII International Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and
Nanostructures (ICPTTFN-XIII), Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, May 16 – 21, 2011. 3/9
6. M. Eibelhuber, A. Hochreiner, T. Schwarzl, H. Groiss, W. Heiss, G. Springholz, V. Kolkovsky,
G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „MBE growth of IV-VI quantum dots for MIR devices”, 16th
European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop (Euro-MBE 2011), L’Alpe d’Huez, France, March
20 - 23, 2011. 3/9
7. A. Baranowska-Korczyc, K. Fronc, B. Sikora, I. Kamińska, K. Sobczak, A. Reszka,
Ł. Kłopotowski, K. Dybko, W. Paszkowicz, P. DłuŜewski, B. Kowalski, and D. Elbaum,
„Electrospun ZnO nanofibres – charakterization and applications”, E-MRS Fall Meeting,
September 19 – 23, 2011, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. 11/11
8. Ł. Kłopotowski „Charging effects in delf assembled CdTe quantum dots”, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“
2011 International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. 1/1
1. A. Hochreiner, M. Eibelhuber, T. Schwarzl, H. Groiss, V. Kolkovsky, G. Karczewski,
T. Wojtowicz, W. Heiss, and G. Springholz, „Mid-infrared device applications of epitaxial
PbTe quantum dots in a CdTe matrix” 7th International Conference on Low Dimensional
Structures and Devices (LDSD-2011), Telchac, Mexico, May 22 - 27, 2011. 3/9
2. A. Hochreiner, T. Schwarzl, M. Eibelhuber, V. Kolkovsky, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, W.
Heiss, and G. Springholz, “Mid-infrared device applications of epitaxial PbTe quantum dots
embedded in CdTe”, E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting, Nizza, France, May 9 - 13, 2011. 3/8
3. P. Wojnar, E. Janik, S. Kret, A. Petroutchik, M. Goryca, T. Kazimierczuk, P. Kossacki,
G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „Growth of optically active CdTe quantum nanowires“,
Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and Conference on the Physics of
Semiconductors. p. 37. 6/9
4. J. Debus, D. Dunker, V.F. Sapega, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, and M.
Bayer, „Variety of exchange interactions providing spin-flip raman scattering in
CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells", 15th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Mayan
Riviera, Mexico, August 21-26, 2011, p. 51. 2/7
5. Ł. Kłopotowski, M. Goryca, V. Voliotis, K. Fronc, P. Wojnar, P. Kossacki, R. Grousson,
G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „Charge control and storage in self-assembled CdTe
quantum dots", 15th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Mayan Riviera, Mexico,
August 21-26, 2011, p. 56. 5/9
6. P. Wojnar, E. Janik, S. Kret, E. Dynowska, L. T. Baczewski, G. Karczewski, and
T. Wojtowicz, „Near band edge emission of Te-based nanowire heterostructures", 15th
International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Mayan Riviera, Mexico, August 21-26, 2011,
p. 34. 7/7
7. B. A. Piot, J. Kunc, K. Kowalik, F. J. Teran, P. Płochocka, D. K. Maude, M. Potemski,
C. Betthausen, A. Vogl, D. Weiss, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „High quality 2D
electron gas in CdTe quantum well for the physics of quantum hall effect”, 15th International
Conference on II-VI Compounds, Mayan Riviera, Mexico, August 21-26, 2011, p. 6. 2/12
1. K. A. Kolwas, G. Grabecki, S. Trushkin, Ł. Cywiński, M. Aleszkiewicz, T. Dietl,
G. Springholz, and G. Bauer, „Nonlocal transport in PbTe/PbEuTe microstructures“, Proc. 40th
„Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 39.
2. M. A. Borysiewicz, E. Dynowska, V. Kolkovsky, J. Dyczewski, E. Kamińska, and
A. Piotrowska, „ZnO thin films of different crystalline structures grown on Si (100) subsstrates
by reactive DC sputter deposition“, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and
Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 54. 3/6
3. K. Olender, T. Wosiński, A. Mąkosa, P. DłuŜewski, V. Kolkovsky, and G. Karczewski, „Native
deep-level defects in MBE-grown p-type CdTe”, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International
School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 68. 6/6
4. K. Dybko, M. Szot, T. Story, G. Karczewski, S. Schreyeck, C, Schumacher, K. Brunner, and
L. W. Molenkamp, „Thermoelectric power in epitaxial Bi2Se3/Si (111) layers”, Proc. 40th
„Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 95.
5. M. Czapkiewicz, J. Wróbel, V. Kolkovski, P. Nowicki, M. Aleszkiewicz, M. Wiater, and T.
Wojtowicz, „Transport and spin properties of CdTe/CdMgTe quantum point contacts“, Proc.
40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p.
114. 7/7
6. M. Szymura, Ł. Kłopotowski, P. Wojnar, K. Fronc, T. Kazimierczuk, G. Karczewski, and
T. Wojtowicz, „Photoluminescence linewidth analysis of single CdMnTe quantum dots” Proc.
40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p.
116. 5/7
7. K. Kukliński, Ł. Kłopotowski, K. Fronc, P. Wojnar, T. Wojciechowski, M. Czapkiewicz,
J. Kossut, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „Spectroscopy of indirect excitons in vertically
stacked CdTe quantum dot structures“, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and
Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 121. 9/9
8. P. Łach, A. Reszka, G. Karczewski, P. Wojnar, T. Wojtowicz, A. Kamińska, and A. Suchocki,
„Cathodoluminescence studies of the II – VI semiconducting quantum dots grown by molecular
beam epitaxy”, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and Conference on the Physics
of Semiconductors. p. 127. 7/7
9. E. Zielony, E. Popko, Z. Gumienny, P. Kamyczek, A. Henrykowski, J. Jacak, and
G. Karczewski, „Raman spectroscopy of CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots”, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“
2011 International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 128. 1/7
10. E. Zielony, E. Popko, Z. Gumienny, and G. Karczewski, „Electro-optical characterization of
Ti/Au-ZnTe schottky diodes with CdTe quantum dots”, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International
School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 143. 1/4
11. A. Łusakowski, P. Bogusławski, W. Knoff, and T. Story, „Influence of crystal structure and hole
concentration on magnetic anisotropy of GeMnTe”, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International
School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 180. 4/4
12. K. Kłosek, M. Sobańska, Z. śytkiewicz, H. Teisseyre, E. Łusakowska, A. Wierzbicka,
P. Nowakowski, and Ł. Kłopotowski, „Influence of nitrogen plasma parameters on growth of
GaN by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy”, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International
School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. p. 205. 8/8
13. T. Zakrzewski, and P. Bogusłwski, „Ab initio calculations of transition metalimpurity levels in III
– V semiconductors”, Proc. 40th „Jaszowiec“ 2011 International School and Conference on the
Physics of Semiconductors. p. 208. 2/2
14. A. Baranowska-Korczyc, K. Fronc, B. Sikora, I. Kamińska, A. Reszka, K. Sobczak,
Ł. Kłopotowski, K. Dybko, W. Paszkowicz, P. DłuŜewski, B. J. Kowalski, and D. Elbaum,
„Field-effect transistor based on electrospun ZnO nanofibres", The 13th International Conference
on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-13), Prague, July 3-8, 2011. 12/12
15. A. Baranowska-Korczuyc, K. Fronc, B. Sikora, I. Kamińska, K. Sobczak, A. Reszka,
Ł. Kłopotowski, K. Dybko, W. Paszkowicz, P. DłuŜewski, B. J. Kowalski, and S. Elbaum,
„Structure and properties of electrospun ZnO and core/shell ZnO/ZnS nanofibres”, Workshop on
Biomolecules and Nanostructures – Będlewo 3, Będlewo near Poznań, Poland September 4 – 8,
2011. 12/12
16. A. Baranowska-Korczyc, K. Fronc, B. Sikora, I. Kamińska, K. Sobczak, A. Reszka, K. Dybko,
Ł. Kłopotowski, W. Paszkowicz, P. DłuŜewski, B. J. Kowalski, and D. Elbaum, „ZnO and
core/shell ZnO/ZnS nanofibers:Characterization and applications”, IX Krajowe Sympozjum
UŜytkowników Promieniowania Synchrotronowego, Warszawa, 26 – 27 września 2011. 12/12
17. C. Rice, D. Wolverson, A. Moskalenko, S. J. Bending, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz,
„Towards spin-charge texture in magnetic semiconductors", 15th International Conference on IIVI Compounds, Mayan Riviera, Mexico, August 21-26, 2011, p. 111. 2/6
18. C. Rice, L.C. Smith, J. J. Davies, D. Wolverson, M. Wiater, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz,
„Investigation of exchange interactions between excitons and magnetic ions as a function of
translational wavevector in Cd1-xMnxTe quantum wells", 15th International Conference on II-VI
Compounds, Mayan Riviera, Mexico, August 21-26, 2011, p. 110. 3/7
19. A. Baranowska-Korczyc, K. Fronc, B. Sikora, I. Kamińska, A. Reszka, K. Sobczak,
Ł. Kłopotowski, K. Dybko, W. Paszkowicz, P. DłuŜewski, B. J. Kowalski, and D. Elbaum, „Field
effect transistors based on ZnO and core/shell ZnO/ZnS nanofibres”, 15th International
Conference on II-VI Compounds, Mayan Riviera, Mexico, August 21-26, 2011, p. 82. 11/11
20. A. Hochreiner, M. Eibelhuber, T. Schwarzl, H. Groiss, V. Kolkovsky, G. Karczewski,
T. Wojtowicz, W. Heiss, and G. Springholz, „Mid-infrared quantum dot LEDs and microdisc
laser grown by MBE”, 16th Europen Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop March 20 – 23, 2011,
Congress Center, Alpe d’Huez, France. 3/9
21. L. Gładczuk, and M. Aleszkiewicz, „Nucleation and growth of MgO films on hcp Co thin films: A
STM study”, E-MRS Fall Meeting, September 19 – 23, 2011, Warsaw University of Technology,
Poland. 2/2
22. K. A. Kolwas, G. Grabecki, S. Trushkin, Ł. Cywiński, M. Aleszkiewicz, T. Dietl, G. Springholz,
and G. Bauer, „Nonlocal transport in PbTe/PbEuTe structures” E-MRS Fall Meeting,
Symposium E (Topological materials I) September 19 – 23, 2011, Warsaw University of
Technology, Poland. 6/8
23. I. Abal’osheva, I. Zaytseva, M. Aleszkiewicz, Y. Syryanyy, P. Gierłowski, O. Abal’oshev, and
M. Z. Cieplak, „Properties of YBCO films deposited by laser ablation on CeO2-buffered sapphire
substrates”, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Symposium H, September 19 – 23, 2011, Warsaw University
of Technology, Poland. 6/8
24. E. Dynowska, V. P. Makhniy, V. V. Mel’nik, and S. Khusnutdinov, „Optical and structural
properties isovalent - substituted CdSe layer”, International Conference on the Physics and
Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems (ICPTTFN-XIII), Ivanо-Frankivsk, Ukraine, May 1621, 2011. 2/4
25. V. P. Makhniy, and S. Khusnutdinov, „Specific features of isovalent - substituted zinc oxide
layers”, Conference on the Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems (ICPTTFNXIII), Ivanо-Frankivsk, Ukraine, May 16-21, 2011. 1/2
26. Ł. Kłopotowski, Ł. Cywiński, P. Wojnar, K. Fronc, V. Voliotis, R. Grousson, T. Kazimierczuk,
A. Golnik, G. Karczewski, and T. Wojtowicz, „Formation of spontaneous magnetization In Cd1xMnxTe
quantum dots”, The International Conference on Iptics of Excitons in Confined Systems
(OECS12) , Paris, 12 – 16 September 2011, France. 6/10
27. K. Kukliński, Ł. Kłopotowski, K. Fronc, M. Wiater, P. Rutkowski, V. Voliotis, R. Grousson, and
G. Karczewski, „High excitation spectroscopy of single self-assembled CdTe quantum dots”, The
International Conference on Iptics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS12) , Paris, 12 – 16
September 2011. 8/10
28. T. Kazimierczuk, T. Smoleński, M. Gorycz, Ł. Kłopotowski, P. Wojnar, K. Fronc, A. Golnik,
M. Nawrocki, J. A. Gaj, and P. Kossacki, „Fine structure of x, x2- and xx- excitonic complexes in
CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots”, The International Conference on Iptics of Excitons in Confined
Systems (OECS12) , Paris, 12 – 16 September 2011, France. 3/10
29. T. Smoleński, T. Kazimierczuk, K. Fronc, Ł. Kłopotowski, P. Wojnar, J. A. Gaj, and P. Kossacki,
„Time resolved spectroscopy of P Shell excitons in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots”, The International
Conference on Iptics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS12) , Paris, 12 – 16 September
2011, France. 3/7
30. M. Molas, K. Gołasa, J. Łusakowski, T. Wojtowicz, and A. Babiński, „Optical transformation of
zero-dimensional confinement in the CdTe/CdMgTe multiple quantum wells”, The International
Conference on Iptics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS12) , Paris, 12 – 16 September
2011, France. 1/5
31. C. Betthausen, V. Kolkovsky, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, and D. Weiss, „Magnetotransport in
an artificial spin superstructure”, 19th Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures
(MSS 15), July 25 -29, 2011, Tallahassee, FL, USA. 3/5
32. J. Jaroszyński, T. Wojtowicz, and G. Karczewski, „quantum Hall ferromagnet at crossing of spin
subbands of the lowest Landau level”, 19th Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures
(MSS 15), July 25 -29, 2011, Tallahassee, FL, USA. 2/3
33. K. A. Kolwas, G. Grabecki, S. Trushikin, Ł. Cywiński, M. Aleszkiewicz, T. Dietl, G. Springholz,
and G. Bauer, „Nonlocal transport in PbTe/PbEuTe microstructures” 15th International
Conference on Narrow Gap systems (NGS15), August 1 – 5, 2011, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg,
USA. 6/8
34. A. Suchocki, P. Łach, G. Karczewski, P. Wojnar, T. Wojtowicz, M. G. Brik, A. Kamińska, and
M. Godlewski, „Pressure coefficients of the photoluminescence of the II-VI semiconducting
quantum dotsgrown by molecular beam epitaxy”, 16th International Conference on Luminescence
and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (ICL’11), 26 czerwca – 1 lipca 2011, Ann Arbor,
USA. 7/8
35. O. Volnianska, and P. Bogusławski, „Teoria domieszkowania ZnO na typ p przy uŜyciu Ag i N:
tworzenie wytrąceń i rola wodoru”, X Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki, 5 – 9 czerwca, 2011,
Darłówko Wschodnie, Polska. 2/2
1. A. Baranowska-Korczyc, A. Reszka, K. Sobczak, B. Sikora, P. Dziawa, M. Aleszkiewicz,
Ł. Kłopotowski, W. Paszkowicz, P. DłuŜewski, B. J. Kowalski, T. A. Kowalewski, M. Sawiczki,
D. Elbaum, and K. Fronc, „Magnetic Fe doped ZnO nanofibres obtained by electrospinning”, J. SolGel Sci. Technol. in press. 14/14