Opinie i gratulacje


Opinie i gratulacje
Dear Dorota,
I would like to thank you very much for having organized this unforgettable 5th ESA. You and your team
have done an excellent job! You have found a perfect balance between efficiency and warm welcome,
which made from our stay a real pleasure and allowed us to concentrate on scientific and personal
exchanges. The deadlines were kept during the preparation and during the congress, and this is a great
challenge! Congratulations!
I wish you and the team all the best for finishing the works related to the symposium.
Kindest regards,
Dr. Bernard Clot
Head a.i. Bioenvironmental Applications
Federal Department of Home Affairs
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss
MeteoSwiss, Chemin de l‘Aérologie, P.O. Box 316, CH - 1530 Payerne, Switzerland
Dear Dorota
It was a real pleasure to be here and attend a fantastic meeting. It was well attended by friendly people,
food was great and the excursions and banquet was so well organized by you and the organizing
committee. Overall, one of the best meetings I attended. Thank you for everything. Hope my Keynote
talk was well received and useful.
Please visit us if you come to Canada. I leave Poznan and Poland tomorrow.
Dr. Dilantha Fernando
Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada
Szanowna Pani Doktor,
Chciałbym raz jeszcze serdecznie podziękować za zaproszenie do udziału w konferencji . Spotkanie było
cenną okazją do wymiany wiadomości między botanikami a alergologami. 5ESA odbywające się w
zawsze gościnnym i pięknym Krakowie doceniło osiągnięcia polskich paleobiologów . Uważam , że
należałoby pomyśleć nad zorganizowaniem sesji paleobiologicznej w czasie kolejnego Kongresu PTA.
Z serdecznymi pozdrowieniami
Radosław Gawlik
Dr hab. n. med. Radosław Gawlik
Sekretarz Polskiego Towarzystwa Alergologicznego, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Jeszcze raz gratulujemy i dziękujemy za gościnę!!! Było pięknie, ciekawie i wspaniale. Stworzyłaś ciepłą,
rodzinną atmosferę. Gorące pozdrowienia z Łodzi
Dr Barbara Majkowska - Wojciechowska
Klinika Immunologii, Reumatologii i Alergii, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Dear Dorota,
You have put together a wonderful meeting in which you managed to mix excellent science with a
lovely touch of human warmth, friendship and togetherness . We have all of us- enjoyed that and
appreciated very much. Hope to see you again somewhere, soon,
With my very best wishes,
Dr Carmi Geller-Bernstein
Kaplan Hospital, Israel
Dear Dorota,
Your congress was a great success. We loved the friendly atmosphere and fine program. We learnt to
know many
new people - especially Polish and I sincerely hope that there will be more co-operation between us.
I´m sure that you are pretty tired now - everything has been so exhausting that you might not have
noticed, how much energy you have to spend all the time. But we didn't really notice anything - you are
always fresh and happy.
Aerobiology is a nice field of science. Let it go on!
Our warmest thanks and congratulations to the local organizing group as a whole!!
All the best, Auli
Auli Rantio-Lehtimäki, adjunct prof.
Aerobiology Unit, CERUT, University of Turku, Finland
Chciałam serdecznie pogratulować organizacji konferencji. Myślę, że wszystko było jak na najwyższym
poziomie. Również z rozmów z uczestnikami łatwo było wywnioskować, że byli oni zadowoleni z samej
konferencji oraz bardzo bogatego programu social.
Jeszcze raz gratuluję Pani i wszystkim, którzy współuczestniczyli w organizacji tej konferencji.
Anna Włodarczyk
Jagiellonian University, Medical College
W imieniu całej "wrocławskiej ekipy" chciałam pogratulować wspaniałej organizacji i gorąco
podziękować za miłe przyjęcie i sympatyczną atmosferę na sympozjum. Nasze koleżanki z Instytutu
klimatologii i meteorologii były bardzo miło zaskoczone :-) .
Dr Małgorzata Malkiewicz
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Dear Dorota,
I am sorry, that we missed the opportunity, to thank you personally for the friendly welcome and the
support by all members of your team. We all were for the first time to Krakow, and I for the first time to
Poland at all. All together we were deeply impressed by the finding, that this country is without doubt a
part of Europe at any standard. We hope that our presentation of the aeroScope will make a future
contribution to aerobiology. The announcement to keep the interested persons informed about our
further progress, depends on valid contact data.
I hope you find time to recover from this busy meeting and enjoy the last days of summer, as we did in
Krakow. We are all sure that these days were not our last visit to Krakow.
Mit besten Grüßen aus Sassenberg,
Dr. Georg Meinardus-Hager
a.e.r.o.medi B.V.
Postfach 1153, D-48330 Sassenberg
Dear Dorota,
It is to us to thank YOU for giving us such a wonderful time in Krakow. I enjoyed the meeting very much
and all the pleasant extras around it! The excursion in Kazimierz , in the salt mine and the ceremony in
the old room of the Jagiellonian University were really great.
I also enjoyed the city of Krakow a lot! The nice places in Kazimierz (we had one of the nice breads on
the place in Kazimierz you recommended to us) and the central square in the city center!
So I really thank you for all the work you did to make it such a pleasant and interesting meeting!
Best regards,
Dr.L.A.de Weger
Department of Pulmonology
Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden, The Netherlands
Dear Dorota,
First of all thank you again for your invitation and hospitality. It was a very nice meeting both from a
social and scientific point of view.
Have a nice end of the meeting (and a bit of relax afterward..)
Dr Lorenco Cecchi
University of Florence

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