Lesson plan - How old are you?


Lesson plan - How old are you?
Lesson plan - How old are you?
Teacher: Edyta Augustyn
Class details:
School: Public primary school - Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 w Dębicy
Level: elementary
Grade: First class
Age: 7 - year old students
Book: Hocus Pocus 1. Podręcznik do języka angielskiego dla szkoły podstawowej. Appel
Magdalena. Zarańska Joanna
The lesson lasts 45 minutes.
How old are you?
Lesson Aims:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
• Use the numbers from 1-10
• Ask about the age and provide the answer
Teaching aids:
textbook: Hocus Pocus 1. Podręcznik do języka angielskiego dla szkoły podstawowej.
Appel Magdalena. Zarańska Joanna
supplementary materials: CD, tennis ball, flashcards: mouse, bee, cat and cards with
numbers 1 - 10
Lesson stages:
1. Introduction:
- the teacher greets students, checks the attendance (3 minutes)
2. Warm up:
- the teacher invites students to make a circle, singing the entry song "Hello to you".
She gives children "the magic hats" and starts the lesson by saying "Hocus Pocus,
tricky trick, put on your hats and look at me". (5 minutes)
3. Presentation:
- the teacher asks students to listen to a recording and point to the pictures (ex.2 p. 10
student's book) (8 minutes)
- the teacher asks children to play a game. She chooses ten students who will be bees
and one child who will be a cat. She says: You are a bee, you are a bee... etc. and you
are a cat. The teacher draws a beehive on the blackboard. The cat stands in the middle
of the class and the bees are supposed to (according with the recording) one by one fly
off the hive and make a circle around the cat. After the last bee enters the circle the cat
says "help" and tries to escape from the circle. The bees should not let him get out.
The rest of the students count with the recording. Play the game twice. (10 minutes)
4. Practice:
- the teacher makes students listen the recording from ex. 3 p. 10 (student's book).
They have to match age with the correct person. Then, the teacher asks some students
to read the good answers. (4 minutes)
- the teacher gives students the cards with different numbers (1-10). She explains that
each child is as old as the card shows. Then she asks them about their "temporary
age". (7 minutes)
- the students do ex. 4 p.l 1 (student's book). On a shirt they have to draw as many bees
as they are old. (8 minutes)
5. Homework:
- the students are supposed to do an additional exercise from their books (book -p.87).
Additional activity:
- ex. 5 p.l 1 (student's book). The students have to guess what numbers they can see in
the picture. The teacher asks some students to read the good answers.

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