Zestaw A 1


Zestaw A 1
Egzamin gimnazjalny
Zestaw egzaminacyjny A
Zadanie 1 (3 pkt)
01 Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie trzech dialogów i odpowiedz na pytania 1.1–1.3,
zakreślając literę A, B lub C.
1.1 Which girl is Jennifer’s sister?
1.2 Which is John’s favourite sport?
1.3 Where does Tracy like spending holidays?
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Zadanie 2 (3 pkt)
02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi trzech uczniów na temat zakazu
sprzedaży niezdrowej żywności w angielskich szkołach. Na podstawie
wysłuchanych informacji zdecyduj, który z nich popiera ten zakaz (FOR), a który
nie (AGAINST). Wstaw znak X w odpowiednią rubrykę tabeli.
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Zadanie 3 (4 pkt)
03 Wysłuchaj rozmowy Kuby z recepcjonistką w szkole językowej i uzupełnij
luki 3.1– 3.4 w jego notatce jednym słowem lub liczbą.
Course starts – 5th of 3.1 .
Classes per week – 3.2 .
Classes on 3.3 , Wednesday and Friday.
Price – 3.4 £ a month.
Zadanie 4 (4 pkt)
04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery krótkie wypowiedzi. Do każdej z nich
dopasuj właściwą reakcję (A–E). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w kratki 4.1−4.4.
Jedna reakcja nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
Yes, I’m free tonight. What’s the title of the film?
I don’t think she likes books.
I’m really sorry but I missed the train.
Only once, when I was in France.
Yes, she loves films.
Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny A
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Zadanie 5 (4 pkt)
Do każdej sytuacji (5.1–5.4) wybierz odpowiednią reakcję.
Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
5.1 Gościsz kolegę z zagranicy, który słabo zna polski i chce sam iść po zakupy.
Chcesz się upewnić, czy da sobie radę. Co mu powiesz?
A I’m sure you can go shopping.
B Are you sure you can manage?
C Are you sure you are going shopping?
5.2 Prosisz kolegę z Anglii, aby przeliterował swoje imię. Jak to zrobisz?
A Ask me to spell your name, please.
B I’d spell your name if I were you.
C Spell your name for me, please.
5.3 W sklepie z ubraniami chcesz przymierzyć T-shirt. Co powiesz?
A Excuse me, where is the changing room?
B Excuse me, does this T-shirt suit me?
C Excuse me, can I have this T-shirt?
5.4 Chcesz wyrazić niezadowolenie z powodu brzydkiej pogody. Co powiesz?
A Do you think it’s going to rain?
B Oh no, is it raining again?
C Don’t you like when it’s raining?
Zadanie 6 (4 pkt)
Dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (6.1–6.4) jedną z podanych reakcji językowych
(A–E). Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki obok wypowiedzi. Jedna reakcja
została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
I want to lose weight.
What’s the matter?
Aren’t you cold?
I’d like to be a vet when I grow up.
I think I’ve caught a cold.
A little. Close the window, please.
Me too. I like animals very much.
Really? I don’t think you should. You look good.
Don’t lose anything, please!
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Zadanie 7 (4 pkt)
Zapoznaj się ze zdjęciem. Odpowiedz po angielsku na pytania 7.1–7.2. Udziel
odpowiedzi pełnymi zdaniami.
7.1 What are the students in the picture doing?
7.2 Why shouldn’t students use their mobile phones during classes?
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Zadanie 8 (4 pkt)
Uzupełnij odpowiedź na poniższy e-mail, wpisując w każdą lukę (8.1–8.4) wyraz
z ramki w odpowiedniej formie.
Hi Anna,
I’m glad you are coming to London soon. I’ll meet you at the airport but
I don’t know what you look like. Could you send me a photo of you? Did
you remember to buy me that book about Poland I asked you for in my last
letter? When exactly are you coming? I’ll drive my car to the airport because
I’ve just passed my driving test.
Write soon,
buy • careful • three • long
Dear Monica,
Congratulations! So you’ve got your driving license now! Please, drive
8.1 . I’ve attached a photo of me but my hair is much
8.2 now. I 8.3 the book last week and it’s
already in my suitcase. I’m coming on the 8.4 of July at 10.30.
See you soon,
Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny A
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Zadanie 9 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i zdecyduj, które zdania 9.1– 9.4 są zgodne z jego
treścią (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę
w tabeli.
I remember the day we moved house. I was about fourteen
and we were living in London. I was really happy at school
and had a lot of friends. Then my dad got a new job in
Scotland and we had to move. I was really angry because I
didn’t want to leave.
My parents sold our house and found a new one. I didn’t
speak to them about it. I didn’t even look at any photos of
the new house.
We drove all the way to Scotland. It took hours and
hours. I pretended that I was reading a book because I
didn’t want to talk to my parents. I knew they were worried
about me, but I didn’t care.
At last we arrived in a village near the mountains.
While mum and dad were unpacking, I went out. I walked
around the village until I found a cafe. After a few minutes
a boy came in. He smiled at me and sat down at the table.
‘I’m Sam,’ he said in a Scottish accent. ‘Are you a
I smiled. He looked nice. The village looked nice. ‘No, I
live here, my name’s Alison’, I replied.
Suddenly I felt very happy.
The narrator was really happy that she was moving to Scotland
The narrator was interested in the new house in Scotland.
The narrator didn’t help her mum with unpacking.
Finally, the narrator’s feelings about moving to Scotland changed.
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Zadanie 10 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie do akapitów 10.1– 10.3 dopasuj tytuł
A–E, wpisując odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę. Dwa tytuły zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego akapitu. W punkcie 10.4 odpowiedz na
pytanie, zakreślając możliwość A, B lub C.
Being fit means eating well, doing a lot of exercise and
being/maintaining a healthy weight. If you’re fit, your
body works well, you feel good and you can do all the
things you want to do. So how easy is this?
Here’s some advice:
Spend less time sitting down watching TV, playing video
games and using the computer. Spend more time playing
sports you enjoy. Do other activities you like as well, such as
dancing and ice-skating. Walk to school or work.
Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. If you eat various foods,
you’re more likely to get all the vitamins and minerals your
body needs. Try new foods. Have at least five servings of
fruit and vegetables a day. Don’t have too much fat or sugar
in your diet.
Drink water and milk often. You need the calcium in milk for
strong bones and teeth. Have fruit juice too, but try not to
have too many fizzy drinks. Remember they’re full of sugar.
Sugar just adds calories to your diet.
Join a sports club
Have a lot of healthy drinks
Be active
Have different types of food
Remember that sugar is important
10.4 What is the main idea of the article?
A What to do to be healthy.
B What to do to lose weight.
C How to get to school or work.
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Zadanie 11 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższe wiadomości i odpowiedz na pytania 11.1– 11.4, zakreślając
literę A, B lub C.
11.1 What does Sue suggest doing?
A Going to the cinema.
B Riding a bike.
C Going to the beach.
You suggested going
to the beach or
riding a bike but the
weather is awful so
why don’t we go to
the cinema?
11.2 Why has Peter written this message?
A To ask Vicki to talk to him.
B To give Vicki some advice.
C To apologise to Vicki.
Hi Vicki
I think you should apologise to Jerry. It wasn’t nice to
talk about him this way.
Take care
11.3 When did Mark send the message?
A Before the party.
B After the party.
C During the party.
I really wanted to
come to help you
before the party but I
just couldn’t make it.
Sorry. Perhaps next
time I’ll manage.
Anyway, are you having
a good time? Has
everybody come?
11.4 Which of the following is difficult for Tracy?
A The biology project.
B The English essay.
C The maths task.
Have you finished your
homework yet? I’ve
already written the
English essay and done
the maths tasks but
the biology project is
awful. Perhaps we can
do it together?
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Zadanie 12 (4 pkt)
Przeczytaj poniższy list, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Uzupełnij luki
zdaniami A–E tak, aby list był spójny i logiczny. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w luki
12.1–12.4. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Hi Ben,
How are you? Are you enjoying your new school? Have you got exams this term?
Our first exam is tomorrow. 12.1 I am worried about history because that’s my worst
subject. Oh well, never mind. We’re having a party at the end of the exams. So, that’s good. Then we’re
doing the school show. 12.2 What are you doing in the holidays? We finish term on 21st July. I’m going on holiday to Italy for two
weeks with my family at the beginning of August. 12.3 Do you fancy going to the
beach for the weekend, or something? It would be great to see you again. I’ll ask Jack and Billy to come
too. 12.4 Good luck with your exams!
See you soon,
I’m playing in the band and I’m really looking forward to it.
I remember that you met them when you last visited me.
They had a school show last year, too.
It’s French, but French is my best subject, so I’m not too worried.
After that, I haven’t got any plans.
Zadanie 13 (4 pkt)
Do każdej tabliczki informacyjnej (13.1–13.4) dopasuj odpowiednie miejsce
A–F. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki. Dwa miejsca zostały podane dodatkowo
i nie pasują do żadnej tabliczki.
A A railway station
A special offer!
A farm
A national park
An airport
A greengrocer’s
A music shop
Four CDs for the
price of three.
Do not destroy
or remove plants,
flowers or rocks.
London – Edinburgh
Departure 10.30 Flight BA 354
All the fruit and
vegetables sold here come
from organic farms.
Egzamin gimnazjalny Zestaw egzaminacyjny A
© Oxford University Press Photocopiable

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