I etap VIII KONKURSU 2011 2012


I etap VIII KONKURSU 2011 2012
Kraków 05.12.2011r.
SZKOŁA : __________________________________________________
SUMA PUNKTÓW: ______/100
1. Wstaw czasowniki z nawiasów we właściwej formie czasu
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future
Simple, Present Perfect lub wyrażenia „to be going to.”
1. What ....................................................... (you/ do) this evening? Do you have any plans?
2. My neighbour is out of town for two more days so I ……………..…………………………
(feed) his cat at present.
3. George ………………………………...…..….. (decide) to buy a cat yesterday. He usually
………………..………………..……. (not/ make) quick decisions like that at all!
4. I don't think we ........................................................ (finish) this project today.
5. How long ........................................................ (you/ know) Mr. White?
6. Peter ....................................................... (wash) his hair twice a week.
7. I’ve known Mary since we ………………………………….……. (meet) at school.
8. Usually I love going to the cinema, but now I just ……………………………………….. (not/
feel) like going.
9. Nina: Hey! What ……………………………………….. (you/ do) at the moment?
10. Guy: Hi! I . …………………………………….. (clean) my room. I .
……………………………..………. (not/ clean) it since last month!
Nina: That’s nice. Listen, I ……………………………………… (have) a question.
………………………………………(your father/ work) in a bank?
Guy: Yes, he ……………………………………….
Nina: My brother …………………………..…………… (just/ finish) economy and he
………………..…………………….. (look for) a job in a bank now.
Guy: Eh, I ……………………………….………. (ask) my father if they need anybody.
Nina: That would be great!
2. Wstaw odpowiedni przyimek (at, on, in) lub (-) w miejscu,
gdzie przyimek jest niepotrzebny.
1. I am meeting her ……….. Wednesday.
2. I will go swimming ……..…. tomorrow.
3. I will be back .............. 10 minutes.
4. My birthday party will be ….......... 10th July.
5. I always feel tired .............. the evening.
6. Let's meet .............. 7.30 tomorrow evening.
7. Do you know, that in Australia they have winter ………. June?
8. Jane went home .............. yesterday.
9. Where will you be ............... New Year's Day?
10. There should be a lot of progress ............... the next century.
3. Wstaw brakujące czasowniki do odpowiednich zdań wpisując
je w odpowiednim czasie. Dwa czasowniki nigdzie nie pasują.
take off
make x 2
get out
go away
get off
take x 2
1. My mother always………………………. delicious cakes.
2. It …............................. me 15 min to get to school on Fridays.
3. We're going on holiday tomorrow. Our plane ….............................. at 5 p.m.
4. Take the bus number 20 and ….............................. at the third stop.
5. We …............................. of the car and walked along a path by the river.
6. Please …............................. - I don’t want you here.
7. My brother sometimes ………………………. me his new car.
8. Sheila usually ………………….…… money from her friends and never gives it back.
9. I hate when people ………………………. photos of people who are eating.
10. When I get up I ................................. my bed.
4. Przetłumacz na język angielski zwroty z nawiasów. Użyj
czasowników modalnych.
1. How ………………………………… (mogę) I help you?
2. She ………………………………… (powinna) go home if she is sick.
3. (Czy ona musi) .............................................. get up so early?
4. We (nie musieliśmy) ............................................... work last week.
5. We ……………………................. (musimy) go to the bank today.
6. I'm sorry but we ............................................... (nie możemy) come to you party next
7. He ………………………………… (nie umie) do this exercise. It’s too difficult.
8. People who have small children ………………………………… (nie powinni) smoke when
they are in the same room.
9. At our school girls ………………………………… (nie wolno) wear make-up.
10. It ............................................... (może) rain tomorrow.
5. Uzupełnij zdania pierwszym trybem warunkowym
1. …………………..…. (you/ help) me if I ……………………… (ask) you?
2. If it................................. (not/ be) cold tomorrow, we................................. (have) a short
3. She................................ (not/ get) any money if she................................ (not/ pass) her
4. Well, Jane ……………………… (pass) this test next week if she ……………………… (try)
hard enough.
5. If the weather ................................. (be) bad tomorrow, I ................................. (not/ go)
6. If everyone …………...…………. (go) to Sue’s party, Tom ………...................... (go) too.
7. If I ................................. (not feel) well tomorrow, I ................................ (stay) at home.
6. Ułóż pytania do podkreślonych części zdania.
1. ………………………………………………………….………….
They saw a strange man in front of them.
2. ……………………………………………………………………..
My parents have climbed twenty mountains in their lifetime.
3. ……………………………………………………………………..
We usually go camping once or twice in summer.
4. ..................................................................................................
He speaks three languages.
5. ...................................................................................................
They often start work at 6 a.m.
6. ..................................................................................................
Ted's brother woke up very early.
7. ………………………………………………………………..…….
She was painting a portrait of Mary.
8. ………………………………………………………………………
Mary’s car was stolen yesterday.
9. ..................................................................................................
I have met Julia Roberts.
10. ………………………………………………………..…………….
My father finishes work at 5 o'clock.
7. Przetłumacz wyrażenia.
1. Jake ………….......................…….. (wyłączył) his computer and went to sleep.
2. I tried to do this exercise but I ………………………………… (poddałem się) after
3. I (prawie nigdy) .............................................. go to the theatre.
4. I don't like (samolubnych) .............................................. people.
5. His trousers are (luźne) ............................................... .
6. I watched documentary programmes so I was ...............................................
(spoźniony) for work.
7. She has too much work and her room is ...............................................
(nieuporządkowany/ nieposprzątany).
8. Unfortunately, she didn’t …………………………………. (zdać) her exam.
9. Her new flat is quite big, so she can ….......................................... (zapraszać)
friends to stay.
8. Zakreśl prawidłową odpowiedź a, b lub c.
1. We like our English lessons. We …............................. the next one.
a) are looking at
b) are looking forward to
c) are looking after
2. I decided to learn German and French ................................. I don't have much time.
a) because
b) if
c) although
3. My camera is ................................. . I don’t know where it is.
a) lose
b) loose
c) lost
4. He is a very good ................................. .
a) cook
b) cooker
c) meal
5. Yesterday I ................................. and broke my leg.
a) fall
b) felt
c) fell
6. I would like a room ................................. a view of the sea.
a) with
b) of
c) for
7. Please be quick or we’ll …............................. the train.
a) catch
b) take
c) miss
8. Could you …............................. me the bread?
a) carry
b) pass
c) take
9. This book is different ……………………… many other books about animals.
a) to
b) from
c) than
9. Wstaw brakujące wyrazy do odpowiednich zdań. W
przypadku czasowników, wpisz je w odpowiednim czasie.
Każde słowo może być użyte tylko raz.
1. Janila doesn’t live in our country, she is a ……………………………….. .
2. Oh no, my ………………………………… broke down, I can’t make tea!
3. We will order chicken for our main …........................................... .
4. I only paid 30 zł for those shoes. It was a real ............................................. .
5. I need a bus ticket, I am going to go to the …........................................... .
6. If you want to make some tea you have to ….......................................... some water
7. I ………………………………… Economics.
8. He needs to ………………………………… hard unless he wants to fail the exam.
9. This is not a ………………………………… meal – it’s junk food!
10. The ………………………………… girl was rushed to the hospital.

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