acknowledgements - Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis


acknowledgements - Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
Acta Neurobiol Exp 2011, 71: 182
Changes in the editorship of Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
We acknowledge resignation of Dr Paweł Boguszewski from the position of Editor of Acta Neurobiologiae
Experimentalis and welcome him as a member of the Board of Refeeres.
We acknowledge with regret the death of Professors Włodzimierz Kozak, Olgierd Narkiewicz, Piotr Jaśkowski
and Robert W. Doty, past and current members of the Board of Referees of ANE. Their obituaries are going to
appear in this and next issue of ANE.
Acknowledgement of Reviewers
We extend our gratitude to the following colleagues who, while not being members of the Board of Editors,
were so kind as to review manuscripts sent to Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis in the year 2010.
Antkiewicz-Michalak Lucyna
Araujo Ines
Arrida Ricardo Maria
Austin David
Członkowska Anna
Czuczwar Stanisław Jerzy
Dołowy Krzysztof
Domańska-Janik Krystyna
Ellert Aleksandra
Fike John
Filipkowski Robert K.
Fischer Andre
French Ed
Friedmann Andrzej
Gander Bruno
Gendelin Jan
Golańska Ewa
Hashizume Tsutomu
Ho Sesji
Hranilovic Dubrawka
Hunt Mark
Janowski Mirosław
Jaworski Jacek
Jóźkowicz Alicja
Jurkowlaniec Edyta
Kaleta Teresa
Kamińska-Kaczmarek Bożena
Kharatishvili Irina
Klejman Agata
Knapska Ewelina
Kofalvi Atilla
Konopacki Jan
Kulczycki Jerzy
Kung Kyung-Sun
Kuźniar-Kołodziejska Ewa
Luguz-Lęcznar Monika
Łęski Szymon
Łojek-Osiejuk Emilia
Madaliński Kazimierz
Majak Katarzyna
Majczyński Henryk
Majewska Maria Dorota
Matyja Ewa
Mochol Gabriela
Mogil Jeff
Mortola Jacopo
Motyl Tomasz
Mrukowicz Jacek
Muter J.
Niewiadomska Grażyna
Nieznański Krzysztof
Pawłowski Krzysztof
Pisula Ewa
Popik Piotr
Przewłocka Barbara
Raphael Yehoash
Sadowski Bogdan
Sarnowska Anna
Schroeder Nadja
Schulz Stephen
Setkowicz Zuzanna
Shastiy Padma
Skup Małgorzata
Smith Mark
Sypecka Joanna
Szatkowska Iwona
Szutowicz Andrzej
Tabakow Paweł
Toldi Jozef
Torres Anthony R.
Toth Geza
Urbańska Ewa M.
Vlajkowic Srdjan
Waleszczyk Wioletta
Węsierska Małgorzata
Wierzba-Bobrowicz Teresa
Wójcik Daniel
Wójcik Sławomir
Ysuda Hitoshi
Zabłocka Barbara
Zawilska Jolanta
We are very grateful to them and to the members of the Board for their help in improving the quality of papers
printed in ANE.
© 2011 by Polish Neuroscience Society - PTBUN, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
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2011-04-01 13:00:49