lista publikacji 2001 - Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań


lista publikacji 2001 - Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań
Instytut Niskich Temperatur
i Badań Strukturalnych PAN
Wrocław, 31 sierpnia 2007
Books, Monographs & Reviews
1. K. Durczewski,
Thermoelectric Power: Theoretical Concepts.
In: Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, ed. by K.H.J. Buschow et al., Vol. 10, Electrical
and Thermal Transport in Solids, Ch. 1, ed. by E. Gratz (Elsevier, Oxford 2001) § 1, pp. 9186–97.
2. A.Murasik, A. Czopnik, E.Clementyev,
Analysis of Crystal Field Splitting in TmIn3 by Means of Powder Neutron Spectroscopy.
In: Raport Instytutu Energii Atomowej, Otwock–Świerk (2001) pp. 1–16.
Articles in Scientific Journals
3. R.Acevedo, O.F.Hurtado, C.Portillo, W. Stręk,
Absorptions and Emissions for the TmCl3`
Ion in Cs2 NaTmCl6 .
Acta Phys. Pol. A 100 6 (2001) 829–44.
4. M.A.Augustyniak-Jabłokow, Y.V.Yablokov, K. Łukaszewicz, A. Pietraszko, V.E.Petrashen,
Continuous Changes of the Jahn–Teller Deformation of Cu(H2 O)6 Complex in Ferroelastic
Cs2 Cu(ZrF6 )2 ´ 6H2 O Crystal.
Chem. Phys. Lett. 344 3/4 (2001) 345–51. [DOI]
5. M.Ausloos, K. Durczewski, J. Ulner,
Coherent Description of Electrical and Thermal Impurity and Phonon Limited Transport in
Simple Metals.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 15 3 (2001) 237–57. [DOI]
6. H.Ban-Oganowska, J. Hanuza, M. Mączka, A. Waśkowska, J.H.van der Maas,
W. Oganowski, Z.Talik,
Vibrational Properties and X-ray Crystal Structure of 3-Iodo-2,6-Dimethyl-4-Nitropyridine
N -Oxide.
Vibr. Spectr. 26 1 (2001) 83–97. [DOI]
7. J. Baran, A.J.Barnes, J.Barycki, A. Pietraszko, H. Ratajczak,
Structural and Vibrational Studies of the Molecular Crystal Formed by Benzamine with
Trifluoroacetic Acid.
Bull. Pol. Ac. Chem. 49 2 (2001) 115–24.
8. J. Baran, A.J.Barnes, M. Drozd, J. Janczak, H. Ratajczak, M. Śledź,
Structural and Vibrational Studies of the Molecular Crystals Formed by 2,6-Diphenyl4-(2,4,6-Triphenyl-1-Pyridion) Phenolate with Nitric and Sulphuric Acids.
J. Mol. Struct. 598 2/3 (2001) 117–26. [DOI]
9. A.Basińska, R. Klimkiewicz, F.Domka,
Ru=Fe2 O3 Catalysts in n-Butanol Conversion.
Appl. Catal. A 2071/2 (2001) 287–94. [DOI]
10. A. Baszczuk, A. Zygmunt,
Searching of New High Temperature Superconductors in Ternary BaO–In2 O3 –CuO System.
Mol. Phys. Rept. 34 1 (2001) 220–6.
VIII Symp.n/t Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [8th Natl.Semin.on High-Temperature Superconductivity]
SOBIESZEWO (Gdańsk) PL, 1999.09 07–10
11. G.Bator, R.Jakubas, J. Baran,
Vibrational Study of the Structural Phase Transitions in the (CH3 ND3 )3 Sb2 Br9 Crystals by
Infrared Spectroscopy.
Vibr. Spectr. 25 1 (2001) 101–13. [DOI]
12. E.Bauer, S.Berger, A.Galatanu, M.Galli, H.Michor, G.Hilscher, C.Paul, B.Ni, M.M.Abd-Elmeguid,
V.H. Tran, A.Grytsiv, P.Rogl,
Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of Eu0:83 Fe4 Sb2 .
Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 22 4414 (7). [DOI]
13. E.Bauer, S.Berger, A.Galatanu, H.Michor, C.Paul, G.Hilscher, V.H. Tran, A.Grytsiv, P.Rogl,
Magnetic and Thermodynamic Properties of Eu-Filled Skutterudites.
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-30 (2001) 674–6 [pt I]. [DOI]
[15th] Int.Conf.on Magnetism, RECIFE, BR, 2000.08 06–11
14. W.Bażela, Ł.Gondek, B.Penc, A.Szytuła, N.Stüßer, A. Zygmunt,
Magnetic Structures and Magnetic Phase Transitions in RAuIn (R = Tb, Ho) Compounds.
Acta Phys. Pol. B 32 10 (2001) 3387–92.
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions & Critical Phenomena, LĄDEK Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
15. B.Bednarska-Bolek, R.Jakubas, G.Bator, A. Pietraszko,
Ferroelastic Phase Transitions in Triethylammonium and Piperidinium Chloroantimonate(V).
Ferroelectrics 264 1−4 (2001) 145–50 [Bk 1803–8]. [DOI]
3rd Asian Meet.on Ferroelectricity (AMF-3) HONG KONG, CN, 2000.12 12–15
16. M.Biasini, A. Czopnik, A. Jura, G. Kontrym-Sznajd, M.Monge,
A Positron Study of the Fermi Surface of TmGa3 .
Mater. Sci. Forum 363-5 (2001) 573–5.
12th Int.Conf.on Positron Annihilation, MÜNCHEN, DE, 2000.08 06–12
17. M.Biasini, G. Kontrym-Sznajd, M.A.Monge, M.Gemmi, A. Czopnik, A. Jura,
Fermi Surface and Magnetic Structure of TmGa3 .
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 20 (2001) 4616–9. [DOI]
18. M.Biasini, M.A.Monge, G. Kontrym-Sznajd, M.Gemmi, N.Sato,
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Fermi Surface of LaB6 .
Mater. Sci. Forum 363.5 (2001) 582–4.
12th Int.Conf.on Positron Annihilation, MÜNCHEN, DE, 2000.08 06–12
19. V.N.Bogomolov, L.S.Parfen~eva, I.A.Smirnov, H. Misiorek, A. Jeżowski,
Niskotemperaturnaffl teploemkost~ i teploprovodnost~ monokristallov sintetiqeskogo
opala. [Low-Temperature Heat Capacity and Heat Conductivity of Single-Crystal Synthetic Opals.]
Fiz. Tverd. Tela 43 1 (2001) 180–3 [in Russian].
Engl. in: Phys. Solid State 43 1 (2001) 190–3. [DOI]
20. E.Carlon, A. Drzewiński, J.M.J.van Leeuwen,
Crossover Behavior for Long Reptating Polymers.
Phys. Rev. E 64 (2001) 01 0801 (4) [pt 1]. [DOI]
21. G.Chełkowska, J.A.Morkowski, A.Szajek, R. Troć,
Electronic Structure and X-ray Photoemission Spectrum of Kondo Dense Compound UCu5 Al.
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 07 5119 (5). [DOI]
22. T. Cichorek, Z. Henkie, P.Gegenwart, M.Lang, A. Wojakowski, M.Dischner, F.Steglich,
A Non-Magnetic Kondo Effect in UAsSe Ferromagnet?
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-30 (2001) 189–90 [pt I]. [DOI]
[15th] Int.Conf.on Magnetism, RECIFE, BR, 2000.08 06–11
23. T. Cichorek, R.Michalak, F.Kromer, J.Müller, F.Steglich, A. Wojakowski, Z. Henkie,
Evidence for a Non-Magnetic Kondo Effect in the Structurally Disordered UAsSe Ferromagnet.
Acta Phys. Pol. B 32 10 (2001) 3399–403.
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions & Critical Phenomena, LĄDEK Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
24. E.Cordruwisch, D. Kaczorowski, P.Rogl, A.Saccone, R.Ferro,
Constitution, Structural Chemistry and Magnetism of the Ternary System Ce–Ag–Si.
J. Alloy. Compd. 320 2 (2001) 308–19. [DOI]
25. N.A.Davydova, V.I.Mel’nik, K.I.Nelipovitch, J. Baran,
Low-Frequency Raman Scattering from Glassy and Supercooled Liquid Benzophenone.
J. Mol. Struct. 563/564 (2001.05 28) 105–9 [pt A]. [DOI]
25th Eur.Congr.on Molecular Spectroscopy, COIMBRA, PT, 2000.09 27 –.09 01
26. N.A.Davydova, V.I.Mel~nik, K.I.Nelipovitq, J. Baran, M. Drozd,
Bozonny pik i nanostruktura stekloobraznogo benzofennona. [The Boson Peak
and Nanostructure of Vitreous Benzophenone.]
Fiz. Tverd. Tela 43 8 (2001) 1528–32 [in Russian].
Engl. in: Phys. Solid State 43 8 (2001) 1589–93. [DOI]
27. H. Drulis, L. Folcik, M. Drulis,
Magnetic Field Distribution around Superconducting Monofilamentary Bi-2223=Ag Tape.
J. Appl. Phys. 89 8 (2001) 4438–41. [DOI]
28. H. Drulis, L. Folcik, M. Drulis, N.M.Suleı̆manov,
Magnetic Field Distribution in the EPR Resonator Loaded with Nb Superconducting Ring.
Mol. Phys. Rept. 34 1 (2001) 116–20.
VIII Symp.n/t Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [8th Natl.Semin.on High-Temperature Superconductivity]
SOBIESZEWO (Gdańsk) PL, 1999.09 07–10
29. Z.Drzazga, D. Kaczorowski, A.Winiarska, A.Winiarski,
Coexistence of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Y1`x Dyx Ni2 B2 C Single Crystals.
J. Alloy. Compd. 323/324 (2001.07 12) 562–6. [DOI]
4th Int.Conf.on f-Elements, MADRID, ES, 2000.09 17–21
30. V.du Plessis, A.M.Strydom, R. Troć, L.Menon,
The Effect of Th Substitution and Magnetic Field on Kondo Semiconducting Behavior in
U2 Ru2 Sn.
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 13 36 (2001) 8375–87. [DOI]
31. I.Felner, U.Asaf, F.Ritter, P.W. Klamut, B.Dabrowski,
Crystal Structure and the Effect of Oxygen on the Superconductivity and Weak Magnetism in
RE1:5 Ce0:5 RuSr2 Cu2 O10 (RE = Eu, Gd).
Physica C 364/365 (2001.11) 368–72. [DOI]
3rd Int.Conf.on New Theories, Discoveries and Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials [New3 SC-3]
HONOLULU, HI, US, 2001.01 15–19
32. Yu.A.Freı̆man, A. Jeżowski, A.P.Brodyanski, V.V. Sumarokov, Z.Litwicki,
Magnetic Properties of Oxygen Clusters.
J. Low Temp. Phys. 122 3/4 (2001) 179–86. [DOI]
3rd Int.Conf.on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals, SZKLARSKA PORĘBA, PL, 2000.07 28 –.08 04
33. Yu.A.Freı̆man, S.M.Tretyak, A. Jeżowski, R.J.Hemley,
Self-Consistent Theory of Lattice Distortion in Solid p-H2 , o-D2 , and HD.
J. Low Temp. Phys. 122 3/4 (2001) 537–44. [DOI]
3rd Int.Conf.on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals, SZKLARSKA PORĘBA, PL, 2000.07 28 –.08 04
34. P. Gaczyński, F.G.Vagizov, W. Suski, B.Kotur, W. Iwasieczko, H. Drulis,
Magnetic and Hyperfine Interaction in RFe4 Al8 (R = Ce, Sc) Compounds.
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 225 3 (2001) 351–8. [DOI]
35. Z. Gajek, R. Lemański,
Correlated Hopping in the 1D Falicov–Kimball Model.
Acta Phys. Pol. B 32 10 (2001) 3473–6.
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions & Critical Phenomena, LĄDEK Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
36. P.Gegenwart, T. Cichorek, J.Custers, M.Lang, A.Aoki, A.Ochiai, F.Steglich,
Low-Temperature Resistivity and Susceptibility of the Low-Carrier Density, One-Dimensional
S = 1=2 Antiferromagnet Yb4 As3 .
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-30 (2001) 630–2 [pt I]. [DOI]
[15th] Int.Conf.on Magnetism, RECIFE, BR, 2000.08 06–11
37. S.S.Gerashchenko, O.V.Miloslavskaya, Yu.N.Kharchenko, V.I.Kut’ko, N.M.Nesterenko, L. Macalik,
K. Hermanowicz, J. Hanuza,
Spectroscopic Evidences of the Jahn–Teller Phase Transition in the Mixed Crystals
CsDy1`x Bix (MoO4 )2 .
J. Mol. Struct. 563/564 (2001.05 28) 359–64 [pt A]. [DOI]
25th Eur.Congr.on Molecular Spectroscopy, COIMBRA, PT, 2000.09 27 –.09 01
38. A.Gil, B.Penc, M.Hofmann, A.Szytuła, A. Zygmunt,
Magnetic Properties and Magnetic Structures of RPtGe2 and RIrGe2 (R = Gd–Er) Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 322 1/2 (2001) 21–36. [DOI]
39. K.Giza, W. Iwasieczko, H. Drulis, V.V.Pavlyuk, H.Bala,
Hydrogen Absorption Properties of ZrNi5`x Cox Alloys.
Mater. Sci. Eng. A 303 1/2 (2001) 158–62. [DOI]
40. T.Głowiak, S.Debrus, M.Mayd, A.J.Barnes, H. Ratajczak,
New Molecular Crystals with Nonlinear Optical Properties: 3-Aminophenol–H3 PO4 and
4-Aminophenol–H3 PO4 .
J. Mol. Struct. 596 (2001.09 26) 77–82. [DOI]
3rd Int.Conf.on Vibrational Spectroscopy in Materials Science, CRACOW, PL, 2000.09 23–26
41. V.V.Glukhyy, V.I.Zaremba, R. Troć, L.D.Gulay,
The Crystal Structure of UCu2 In Compound.
Visnyk Lviv. Univ. Khim. Nr 40 (2001) 81–4.
42. S. Gołąb, G. Dominiak-Dzik, P. Solarz, T.Łukasiewicz, M.Świrkowicz,
W. Ryba-Romanowski,
Relaxation Dynamics of Excited States of Er3+ in YVO4 Single Crystals.
Proc. SPIE 4412 (2001.08) 380–4. [DOI]
Int.Conf.on Solid State Crystals 2000, ZAKOPANE, PL, 2000.10 09–13
43. S. Gołąb, W. Ryba-Romanowski, G. Dominiak-Dzik, T.Łukasiewicz, M.Świrkowicz,
Effect of Temperature on Excitation Energy Transfer and Up-Conversion Phenomena in
Er:YVO4 Single Crystal.
J. Alloy. Compd. 323/324 (2001.07 12) 288–91. [DOI]
4th Int.Conf.on f-Elements, MADRID, ES, 2000.09 17–21
44. A.V.Golubkov, L.S.Parfen~eva, I.A.Smirnov, H. Misiorek, J. Mucha, A. Jeżowski,
Teploprovodnost~ tfflıelofermionnogo soedinenffl YbAgCu4 . [Heat Conductivity of the
Heavy-Fermion System YbAgCu4 .]
Fiz. Tverd. Tela 43 2 (2001) 210–4 [in Russian].
Engl. in: Phys. Solid State 43 2 (2001) 218–23. [DOI]
45. A.V.Golubkov, L.S.Parfen~eva, I.A.Smirnov, H. Misiorek, J. Mucha, A. Jeżowski,
Teploprovodnost~ <legkogo> tfflıelofermionnogo soedinenffl YbIn0:7 Ag0:3 Cu4 . [Thermal
Conductivity of the “Light” Heavy-Fermion Compound YbIn0.7 Ag0.3 Cu4 .]
Fiz. Tverd. Tela 43 10 (2001) 1739–43 [in Russian].
Engl. in: Phys. Solid State 43 10 (2001) 1811–5. [DOI]
46. K.R.Gorny, O.M.Vyaselev, C.H.Pennington, P.C.Hammel, W.L.Hults, J.L.Smith, J.Baumgartner,
T.R.Lemberger, P.W. Klamut, B.Dabrowski,
Magnetic Field Independence of Cu(2) NMR Spin–Lattice Relaxation Rate in the Normal State
of Optimally Doped YBa2 Cu3 O7`‹ .
Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 06 4513 (6). [DOI]
47. B.Ya.Gorodilov, V.V.Sumarokov, A. Jeżowski, H. Misiorek, J. Mucha, P. Stachowiak,
Thermal Conductivity of O2 - and N2 -Doped Solid CH4 .
J. Low Temp. Phys. 122 3/4 (2001) 187–93. [DOI]
3rd Int.Conf.on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals, SZKLARSKA PORĘBA, PL, 2000.07 28 –.08 04
48. H. Grabowska, W. Miśta, J.Trawczyński, J. Wrzyszcz, M. Zawadzki,
A Method for Obtaining Thymol by Gas Phase Catalytic Alkylation of m-Cresol over Zinc
Aluminate Spinel.
Appl. Catal. A 220 1/2 (2001) 207–13. [DOI]
49. H. Grabowska, W. Miśta, J.Trawczyński, J. Wrzyszcz, M. Zawadzki,
Catalytic Alkylation of Phenol with Methanol over Zinc Aluminate.
Res. Chem. Intermed. 273 (2001) 305–13. [DOI]
50. H. Grabowska, J. Wrzyszcz,
C-Alkylation of m-Cresol with n- and iso-Propanol over Iron Catalyst.
Res. Chem. Intermed. 273 (2001) 281–5. [DOI]
51. G.E.Grechnev, A.S.Panfilov, I.V.Svechkarev, D. Kaczorowski, A. Hackemer, O.Eriksson,
Magnetovolume Effect in UX3 (X = Si, Ge and Ga) Compounds.
Mater. Sci. Forum 373-6 (2001) 653–6.
8th Eur. Magnetic Materials and Applications Conf., KYIV, UA, 2000.06 07–10
52. L.D. Gulay,
Crystal Structure of RCu5`x Pbx (R = Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) Phases.
J. Alloy. Compd. 314 1/2 (2001) 206–8. [DOI]
53. L.D. Gulay,
Crystal Structure of RAgPb (R = Y, Er, Tm, Lu) Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 314 1/2 (2001) 219–23. [DOI]
54. L.D. Gulay, J. Stępień-Damm, M. Wołcyrz,
Investigation of the Phase Relations in the Dy–Cu–Pb System at 870 K.
J. Alloy. Compd. 314 1/2 (2001) 209–11. [DOI]
55. L.D. Gulay, J. Stępień-Damm, M. Wołcyrz,
Crystal Structure of RCuPb (R = Y, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 315 1/2 (2001) 169–73. [DOI]
56. L.D. Gulay, J. Stępień-Damm, M. Wołcyrz,
Crystal Structure of R5 CuPb3 (R = Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu)
J. Alloy. Compd. 319 1/2 (2001) 148–53. [DOI]
57. L.D. Gulay, M. Wołcyrz,
Crystal Structure of R6 Co2+x Pb1`y (R = Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) and R6 Ni2+x Pb1`y
(R = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 315 1/2 (2001) 164–8. [DOI]
58. L.D. Gulay, M. Wołcyrz,
Crystal Structure of RAgPb (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 316 1/2 (2001) 209–11. [DOI]
59. L.D. Gulay, M. Wołcyrz,
Crystal Structure of R(Ag,Pb)3 (R = Y, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm) Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 319 1/2 (2001) 218–20. [DOI]
60. L.D. Gulay, M. Wołcyrz,
Crystal Structure of R(Ag,Pb)2 (R = Y, Er, Tm) Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 325 1/2 (2001) 201–3. [DOI]
61. L.D. Gulay, M. Wołcyrz,
Crystal Structure of Nd2 Ni2 Pb and Nd5 NiPb5 Compounds.
Pol. J. Chem. 75 7 (2001) 1073–5.
62. A.Gupta, S.Chaudhuri, V.Ganesan, I.Das, H.Narayan, A.Kumar, A.J. Zaleski, A.V.Narlikar,
Er1`y Cay Ba2 Cu3`x (Fe,Zn)x O7`‹ Superconductors: A Study of Microstructure and Resistive
Transitions in a dc Magnetic Field.
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 14 11 (2001) 937–43. [DOI]
63. A.M.Gureviq, V.M.Dmitriev, V.N.Eropkin, B.“.Kotur, N.N.Prenclau, W. Suski,
A.V.Terehov, L.V.Xlyk,
Impedans i teploemkost~ RM4 Al8 i RAg6 In6 soedineni. [Impedance and Specific Heat of RM4 Al8
and RAg6 In6 Compounds.]
Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 2711 (2001) 1308–16 [in Russian].
Engl. in: Low Temp. Phys. 2711 (2000) 767–77. [DOI]
64. Z. Henkie, A. Pietraszko, A. Wojakowski, L. Kępiński, T. Cichorek,
Crystallochemistry and Kondo-Like Behavior of the Thorium and Uranium Arsenoselenides.
J. Alloy. Compd. 317/318 (2001.04 12) 52–9. [DOI]
13th Int.Conf.on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, STRESA, IT, 2000.04 04–07
65. Z. Henkie, A. Wojakowski, R. Wawryk, Z. Kletowski, T. Cichorek,
Is the Low Temperature Thermoelectric Power Behavior an Evidence for the Multi-Channel
Kondo Effect in UAs1`x Se2+x ?
Acta Phys. Pol. B 32 10 (2001) 3501–6.
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions & Critical Phenomena, LĄDEK Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
66. K. Hermanowicz, J. Hanuza, M. Maczka, P.J. Dereń, E. Mugeński, H. Drulis,
I. Sokólska, J.Sokolnicki,
Optical Properties of Chromium(III) in M I In(MoO4 )2 Hosts, where M I = Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs.
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 13 25 (2001) 5807–16. [DOI]
67. A.Hiess, F.Boudarot, S.Coad, P.J.Brown, P.Burlet, G.H.Lander, M.S.S.Brooks, D. Kaczorowski,
A. Czopnik, R. Troć,
Spin and Orbital Moments in Itinerant Magnets.
Europhys. Lett. 55 2 (2001) 267–72. [DOI]
68. T.A.Ivanova, I.Jacyna-Onyszkiewicz, J.Mroziński, R. Troć, Yu.V.Yablokov, V.V.Zelentsov,
The Cubic Type N3+ Centers in LaSr1`x Nix O4+d .
Physica B 304 1−4 (2001) 246–55. [DOI]
69. W. Iwasieczko, M. Drulis, H. Drulis,
Magnetic Properties of the ˛- and ˛ 0 -Ytterbium Hydride Phases.
J. Alloy. Compd. 3271/2 (2001) 11–6. [DOI]
70. L.Jäger, C.Wagner, M.Korabik, A. Zygmunt, J.Mroziński,
Crystal Structure, Magnetism and Spectroscopy of bis(Tetraphenylphosphonium)
Tetrakis(Dicyanamido)Cobaltate(II) with Bridging and Pendant Dicyanamide Ligands.
J. Mol. Struct. 570 1−3 (2001) 159–64. [DOI]
71. J. Janczak, Y.M.Idemori,
Iodo(phthalocyaninato(chromium(III))). [Cr(C32 H16 N8 )I]
Acta Cryst. C 578 (2001) 924–5. [DOI]
72. J. Janczak, Y.M.Idemori,
Synthesis, Characterization and Structural Investigation of Iodine-Doped Indium(III) and
Zirconium(IV) Diphthalocyanines: [InPc2 ]I2 and [ZrPc2 ]I2 .
Inorg. Chim. Acta 325 1/2 (2001) 85–93. [DOI]
73. J. Janczak, R. Kubiak,
[Phthalocyaninato(2–) Antimony(III) Chloride. [Sb(C32 H16 N8 )]Cl
Acta Cryst. C 571 (2001) 55–7. [DOI]
74. J. Janczak, R. Kubiak,
X-Ray Single Crystal Investigations of Magnesium Phthalocyanine. The 4+1 Coordination of the
Mg Ion and Its Consequence.
Polyhedron 20 24/25 (2001) 2901–9. [DOI]
75. J. Janczak, G.J.Perpétuo,
Melaminium Phthalate. [C3 H7 N+
6 · C8 H5 O4 ]
Acta Cryst. C 571 (2001) 123–25. [DOI]
76. J. Janczak, G.J.Perpétuo,
Melaminium bis(4-Hydroxybenzenesulfonate) Dihydrate. [C3 H8 N2+
6 · 2C6 H5 O4 S · 2H2 O]
Acta Cryst. C 577 (2001) 873–5. [DOI]
77. J. Janczak, G.J.Perpétuo,
Melaminium Chloride Hemihydrate. [C3 H7 N+
6 · Cl · 0.5H2 O]
Acta Cryst. C 579 (2001) 1120–2. [DOI]
78. J. Janczak, G.J.Perpétuo,
Bis(melaminium) Sulfate Dihydrate. [2C3 H7 N+
6 · SO4 · 2H2 O]
Acta Cryst. C 5712 (2001) 1431–3. [DOI]
79. M.Jaroszewski, J.Ziaja, S.Juchim, W. Miśta,
Properties of Thin Film Arresters Obtained by Metal Evaporation.
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158. W. Ryba-Romanowski, S. Gołąb, G. Dominiak-Dzik, P. Solarz, T.Łukasiewicz,
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159. W. Ryba-Romanowski, S. Gołąb, G. Dominiak-Dzik, M.Żelechower, J.Gabryś-Pisarska,
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162. A.Ślebarski, A.Jezierski, M.B.Maple, A. Zygmunt,
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163. M. Śledź, J. Janczak, R. Kubiak,
New Crystalline Modification of Terephthalic Acid.
J. Mol. Struct. 595 1−3 (2001) 77–82. [DOI]
164. I. Sokólska, S.Kück,
Observation of Photon Cascade Emission in Pr3+ -Doped KMgF3 .
Chem. Phys. 270 2 (2001) 355–62. [DOI]
165. I. Sokólska, S.Kück, M. Bałuka,
Investigation of High-Energetic Transitions in Some Pr3+ -Doped Fluoride and Oxide Crystals.
Proc. SPIE 4412 (2001.08) 236–41. [DOI]
Int.Conf.on Solid State Crystals 2000, ZAKOPANE, PL, 2000.10 09–13
166. I. Sokólska, S.Kück, G. Dominiak-Dzik, M.Baba,
The Up-Conversion Processes in Ho3+ -Doped LiTaO3 .
J. Alloy. Compd. 323/324 (2001.07 12) 273–8. [DOI]
4th Int.Conf.on f-Elements, MADRID, ES, 2000.09 17–21
167. H.Sormann, G. Kontrym-Sznajd, R.N.West,
On the Reliability of Various Enhancement Theories for a Description of Electron–Positron
Densities in Metals.
Mater. Sci. Forum 363-5 (2001) 609–11.
12th Int.Conf.on Positron Annihilation, MÜNCHEN, DE, 2000.08 06–12
168. H. Stachowiak, E. Boroński,
Screening of a Positron in an Inhomogeneous Electron Gas.
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 19 5116 (14). [DOI]
169. H. Stachowiak, E. Boroński, G. Banach,
Enhancement Factors for Electrons in Solids for Some Simple Cases.
Acta Phys. Pol. A 99 3/4 (2001) 503–13.
32nd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation, JARNOŁTÓWEK, PL, 2000.09 18–22
170. H. Stachowiak, E. Boroński, G. Banach,
First-Principles Calculations of Electron–Positron Interaction in Light Elements.
Mater. Sci. Forum 363-5 (2001) 615–7.
12th Int.Conf.on Positron Annihilation, MÜNCHEN, DE, 2000.08 06–12
171. H. Stachowiak, E. Boroński, G. Banach,
Description of the Distribution of Valence Electrons in Simple Metals by the Density Amplitude.
Physica B 305 3/4 (2001) 274–86. [DOI]
172. J. Stępień-Damm, D. Kaczorowski, K. Wochowski,
Crystal Structure of U2 Ni12 As7 .
J. Alloy. Compd. 315 1/2 (2001) L4–6. [DOI]
173. W. Stręk, A. Bednarkiewicz, P. Dereń,
Power Dependence Luminescence of Tb3+ -Doped KYb(WO4 )2 Crystal.
J. Lumin. 92 3 (2001) 229–35. [DOI]
174. W. Stręk, P. Dereń, E. Łukowiak, J. Hanuza, H. Drulis, A. Bednarkiewicz,
Spectroscopy Studies of Chromium-Doped Silica Sol–Gel Glasses.
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 288 1−3 (2001) 56–65. [DOI]
175. K.Sugiyama, A.Yamaguchi, M.Futoh, R.Settai, S.Araki, K.Miyake, T.Takeuchi, K.Kindo, Y.Onuki,
Z. Kletowski,
Magnetic Properties of the Dense Kondo Compound PrSn3 .
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-30 (2001) 142–4 [pt I]. [DOI]
[15th] Int.Conf.on Magnetism, RECIFE, BR, 2000.08 06–11
176. C. Sułkowski, A. Sikora, R. Horyń, D. Włosewicz, M. Matusiak,
Superconducting and Transport Properties of TmBa2 Cu3 O7`‹ .
Mol. Phys. Rept. 34 1 (2001) 172–4.
VIII Symp.n/t Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [8th Natl.Semin.on High-Temperature Superconductivity]
SOBIESZEWO (Gdańsk) PL, 1999.09 07–10
177. W. Suski,
Grzechotki termoelektryczne – związki o strukturze wypełnionego skutteruditu. [Thermoelectric
Rattlers – Compounds with [the] Structure of Filled Skutterudite.]
Wiadom. Chem. 55 7/8 (2001) 693–714 [in Polish].
178. W. Suski, K. Wochowski,
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of the UCu4`x Mnx Al8 Alloys.
J. Alloy. Compd. 317/318 (2001.04 12) 395–7. [DOI]
13th Int.Conf.on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, STRESA, IT, 2000.04 04–07
179. W. Suski, K. Wochowski, A.Gilewski, T.Mydlarz, B.Belan,
Magnetic Properties of LnMnx T12`x Alloys in High Magnetic Fields.
Physica B 294/295 (2001.01) 177–81. [DOI]
6th Int.Symp.on Research in High Magnetic Fields, PORTO, PT, 2000.07 30 –.08 03
180. M. Suszyńska, P.Grau, S.Enders, A.Ruffini,
Mechanical and Dielectric Characteristics of Quartz Doped with Some Anion Impurities.
Radiat. Eff. Def. Solids 156 1−4 (2001) 45–50. [DOI]
14th Int.Conf.on Defects in Insulating Materials, JOHANNESBURG, ZA, 2000.04 03–07
181. M. Suszyńska, B. Macalik,
Optical Studies in ‚-Irradiated Commercial Soda–Lime Silicate Glasses.
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 179 3 (2001) 383–8. [DOI]
182. M. Suszyńska, B. Macalik, T. M[orawska-]Kowal, E.Okuno, E.M.Yoshimura,
Radiation-Induced Effects in Soda–Lime Silicate Glasses of Different Origin.
Radiat. Eff. Def. Solids 156 1−4 (2001) 353–8. [DOI]
14th Int.Conf.on Defects in Insulating Materials, JOHANNESBURG, ZA, 2000.04 03–07
183. M. Suszyńska, M. Szmida, P.Grau,
Mechanical Characteristics of Mixed Soda–Lime Silicate Glasses.
Mater. Sci. Eng. A 319-21 (2001.12) 702–5. [DOI]
12th Int.Conf.on the Strength of Materials, ASILOMAR, CA, US, 2000.08 27 –.09 01
184. J. Sznajd,
Linear Renormalization Transformation for Weakly Interacting Spin Chains.
Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 18 4404 (7). [DOI]
185. J. Sznajd,
Field Dependence of the Susceptibility Maximum Temperature in Ferromagnets.
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 05 2401 (5). [DOI]
186. A.Szytuła, M.Hofmann, J.Leciejewicz, B.Penc, A. Zygmunt,
Magnetic Properties and Magnetic Structures of RIrSi (R = Rb–Er) Series of Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 316 1/2 (2001) 58–63. [DOI]
187. A.Szytuła, T.Jaworska-Gołąb, S.Baran, B.Penc, J.Leciejewicz, M.Hofmann, A. Zygmunt,
Magnetic Structure of HoPd2 Si2 Redefined on the Basis of New Neutron Diffraction Data.
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 13 25 (2001) 8007–14. [DOI]
188. E.Talik, A.Winiarski, B.Kotur, W. Suski,
ScFe4 Al8 : Technology and Properties of Single Crystal Samples.
Cryst. Res. Technol. 36 8−10 (2001) 1119–22. [DOI]
6th Polish Conf.on Crystal Growth, POZNAŃ, PL, 2001.05 20–23
189. T.Tayama, T.Sakakibara, K.Kitami, M.Yokoyama, K.Tenya, H.Amitsuka, D.Aoki, Y.Ōnuki,
Z. Kletowski,
Antiferro-Quadrupolar Ordering and Multipole Interactions in PrPb3 .
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190. M.B.Tchoula Tchokonté, V.du Plessis, A.M.Strydom, D. Kaczorowski,
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of the Kondo System CePt2 (Si1`x Gex )2 .
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-30 (2001) 173–5 [pt I]. [DOI]
[15th] Int.Conf.on Magnetism, RECIFE, BR, 2000.08 06–11
191. I.S.Tereshina, P. Gaczyński, V.S.Rusakov, H. Drulis, S.A.Nikitin, W. Suski, N.V.Tristan,
Magnetic Anisotropy and Mössbauer Effect Studies of YFe11Ti and YFe11 TiH.
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 13 35 (2001) 8161–70. [DOI]
192. I.S.Tereshina, S.A.Nikitin, J. Stępień-Damm, L.D.Gulay, N.Yu.Pankratov, A.A.Salamova,
V.N.Verbetsky, W. Suski,
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Lu2 Fe17 Hx (x = 0; 3) Single Crystals.
J. Alloy. Compd. 329 1/2 (2001) 31–6. [DOI]
193. H.Teterycz, R. Klimkiewicz, B.W.Licznerski,
A New Metal Oxide Catalyst in Alcohol Condensation.
Appl. Catal. A 214 2 (2001) 243–9. [DOI]
194. P.E. Tomaszewski,
Comment on “Thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction study on LiKSO4 : a new phase transition”.
J. Solid State Chem. 156 1 (2001) 253–4. [DOI]
195. V.H. Tran, H.Flandorfer, C.Godart, P.Rogl,
Non-Integer Ce Valency in Ce2 Ni22 C2:75 .
J. Solid State Chem. 161 1 (2001) 63–6. [DOI]
196. V.H. Tran, D. Kaczorowski, R. Troć, G.André, F.Bourée, V.Zaremba,
Magnetic Structure of the Kondo Compound UCu5 In.
Solid State Commun. 1179 (2001) 527–30. [DOI]
197. R. Troć, P.Rogl, V.H. Tran, A. Czopnik,
Magnetotransport and Heat Capacity in Ternary Compounds U3 M2 M30 , M = Al, Ga;
M 0 = Si, Ge.
J. Solid State Chem. 158 2 (2001) 227–35. [DOI]
198. R. Troć, V.H. Tran, B.Andraka, R.Pietri, T. Cichorek,
Effect of Th Substitution on Ferrimagnetic Transition in the Heavy Electron Compound UCu5 Sn.
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-30 (2001) 118–20 [pt I]. [DOI]
[15th] Int.Conf.on Magnetism, RECIFE, BR, 2000.08 06–11
199. J. Ulner,
Magnetic Field Dependence of the Sound Velocity in Paramagnets with Small Crystal-Field
phys. stat. sol. (b) 2272 (2001) R7–9. [DOI]
200. Y-X.Wang, T. Plackowski, A.Junod,
Specific Heat in the Superconducting and Normal State (2–300 K, 0–16 T), and Magnetic
Susceptibility of the 38 K Superconductor MgB2 : Evidence for a Multicomponent Gap.
Physica C 355 3/4 (2001) 179–93. [DOI]
201. A. Waśkowska, L.Gerward, J.Staun Olsen, S.Steenstrup, E.Talik,
CuMn2 O4 : Properties and the High-Pressure Induced Jahn–Teller Phase Transition.
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 13 11 (2001) 2549–62. [DOI]
202. R. Wawryk, Z. Henkie,
Low-Temperature Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power Controlled by Defects in the USb
Phil. Mag. B 81 2 (2001) 223–34. [DOI]
203. R. Wawryk, A. Wojakowski, C. Marucha, T. Cichorek, Z. Henkie,
Disorder Origin of Nonmagnetic Kondo-Like Behavior in Actinide Compounds.
Acta Phys. Pol. B 32 10 (2001) 3487–91.
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions & Critical Phenomena, LĄDEK Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
204. A.Wojakowska, E.Krzyżak, A. Wojakowski,
Phase Diagram for the RbBr–CuBr System.
J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 65 2 (2001) 491–5. [DOI]
205. A. Wojakowski, R. Wawryk, Z. Henkie,
Thermoelectric Power and Resistivity of UPS.
Acta Phys. Pol. B 32 10 (2001) 3493–6.
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions & Critical Phenomena, LĄDEK Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
206. A.Wojciechowska, Z.Staszak, W.Bronowska, A. Pietraszko, M.Cieślak-Golonka,
Spectroscopic and Structural Studies of Chromate Ions in Zinc Complexes with 2,2’-bipyridine.
Analysis of the Lowest Triplet States in the CrO2`
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207. J.Wojtkiewicz, R. Lemański,
2D Falicov–Kimball Model with Correlated Hopping in the Large U Limit.
Acta Phys. Pol. B 32 10 (2001) 3467–72.
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions & Critical Phenomena, LĄDEK Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
208. J.Wojtkiewicz, R. Lemański,
Ground States of the Falicov–Kimball Model with Correlated Hopping.
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209. P. Wróbel,
Interaction of Magnetic Polarons with Spin Waves in Doped Antiferromagnets.
Mol. Phys. Rept. 34 1 (2001) 80–6.
VIII Symp.n/t Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [8th Natl.Semin.on High-Temperature Superconductivity]
SOBIESZEWO (Gdańsk) PL, 1999.09 07–10
210. P. Wróbel, R.Eder,
Equivalence between Pairing and Staggered-Flux-Like Vorticity of the Current–Current
Correlation Function in Weakly Doped Antiferromagnets.
Acta Phys. Pol. B 32 10 (2001) 3477–80.
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions & Critical Phenomena, LĄDEK Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
211. P. Wróbel, R.Eder,
Relation between Flux Formation and Pairing in Doped Antiferromagnets.
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212. J. Wrzyszcz, M. Zawadzki, H. Grabowska, W. Miśta, J.Trawczyński,
Synthesis and Properties of Zinc Aluminate Catalyst.
Pol. J. Chem. 75 6 (2001) 899–904.
213. J. Wrzyszcz, M. Zawadzki, J.Trawczyński, H. Grabowska, W. Miśta,
Some Catalytic Properties of Hydrothermally Synthesized Zinc Aluminate Spinel.
Appl. Catal. A 210 1/2 (2001) 263–9. [DOI]
214. D.F.Xue, K.Betzler, H.Hesse, H. Ratajczak,
Theoretical Analysis of Chemical Bonding Behaviors and Dielectric Properties of Different
Phases of Ice.
Bull. Pol. Ac. Chem. 49 4 (2001) 289–98.
215. A.M.Yaremko, E.F.Venger, H. Ratajczak, E.V.Mozdor, A.Y.Piryatinski,
High Order Nonlinearities and Many Photon Effects in the Exciton Spectrum Region of Organic
Based Crystals.
Synth. Met. 121 1−3 (2001) 1763–4. [DOI]
16th Int.Conf.on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM2000) GASTEIN, AT, 2000.07 15–21
216. M.Yin, P.J. Dereń, M.-F.Joubert, J.-C.Krupa,
Green and Red Anti-Stokes Emission of U3+ :LaCl3 Produced by Infrared Laser.
Chin. J. Atom. Mol. Phys. 18 1 (2001) 4–6.
217. A.J. Zaleski, W. Iwasieczko, M.Tkacz, D. Kaczorowski, H. Drulis, O.J. Żogał,
J. Klamut,
The Influence of Hydrogenation on Superconducting Properties of MgB2 .
Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 279/10 (2001) 1056–9.
Also in: Low Temp. Phys. 279/10 (2001) 780–2. [DOI]
218. T.A. Zaleski, T.K. Kopeć,
Magnetic Correlation Functions in SO(5) Theory of High-Tc Superconductivity.
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 14 4522 (10). [DOI]
219. V.I.Zaremba, Y.V.Galadzhun, B.D.Belan, A. Pikul, J. Stępień-Damm, D. Kaczorowski,
Crystal Structure, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of New Ternary Indides RPtIn (R = Pr,
J. Alloy. Compd. 316 1/2 (2001) 64–9. [DOI]
220. V.Zaremba, V.Hlukhyy, J. Stępień-Damm, R. Troć,
Crystal Structure of the ThCu5 M (M = In, Sn) Compounds.
J. Alloy. Compd. 321 1 (2001) 97–101. [DOI]
221. M. Zawadzki, W. Miśta, L. Kępiński,
Metal–Support Effects of Platinum Supported on Zinc Aluminate.
Vacuum 63 1/2 (2001) 291–6. [DOI]
222. M. Zawadzki, J. Wrzyszcz, W. Stręk, D. Hreniak,
Preparation and Optical Properties of Nanocrystalline and Nanoporous Tb Doped Alumina and
Zinc Aluminate.
J. Alloy. Compd. 323/324 (2001.07 12) 279–82. [DOI]
4th Int.Conf.on f-Elements, MADRID, ES, 2000.09 17–21
223. V.Zlatić, J.K.Freericks, R. Lemański, G.Czycholl,
Exact Solution of the Multicomponent Falicov–Kimball Model in Infinite Dimensions.
Phil. Mag. B 81 10 (2001) 1443–67. [DOI]
2nd Int.Summ.Sch.on Strongly Correlated Systems, DEBRECEN, HU, 2000.09 04–09
224. O.J. Żogał, W.Wolf, P.Herzig, A.H.Vuorimäki, E.E.Ylinen, P.Vajda,
Probing the YD3 Structure by 2 H NMR Electric-Field Gradients: A Comparison with
First-Principles Calculations.
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 21 4110 (7). [DOI]
225. E.Zych, P.J. Dereń, W. Stręk, A.Meijerink, K.Domagała, W.Mielcarek,
Investigation of Nanostructured Lu2 O3 :Tb.
Proc. SPIE 4413 (2001.04) 176–81. [DOI]
Int.Conf.on Solid State Crystals 2000: Epilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology,
ZAKOPANE, PL, 2000.10 09–13
226. E.Zych, P. Dereń, W. Stręk, A.Meijerink, W.Mielcarek, K.Domagała,
Preparation, X-ray Analysis and Spectroscopic Investigation of Nanostructured Lu2 O3 :Tb.
J. Alloy. Compd. 323/324 (2001.07 12) 8–12. [DOI]
4th Int.Conf.on f-Elements, MADRID, ES, 2000.09 17–21
227. A. Zygmunt, A. Baszczuk, C. Sułkowski,
Resistivity and Thermoelectric Power of Hg1`x Ba2 CuO4+‹ (x = 0 ` 0:1) Superconductors.
Mol. Phys. Rept. 34 1 (2001) 213–19.
VIII Symp.n/t Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [8th Natl.Semin.on High-Temperature Superconductivity]
SOBIESZEWO (Gdańsk) PL, 1999.09 07–10
Publications in Conference Materials
228. M.A.Augustyniak-Jabłokow, Yu.V.Yablokov, K. Łukaszewicz, A. Pietraszko,
P.E. Tomaszewski, V.E.Petrashen,
EPR and X-ray Studies of the Vibronic Effects in Cs2 Cu(ZrF6 )2 ´ 6H2 O Crystal.
In: Vibronic Interactions: Jahn–Teller Effect in Crystals and Molecules, M.D.Kaplan &
G.O.Zimmerman (Kluwer, Dordrecht 2001) pp. 291–4.
15th Int.Symp.on Jahn–Teller Effect and NATO Adv.Res.Worksh., BOSTON, MA, US, 2000.08 16–22
229. E.Bauer, St.Berger, A.Galatanu, M.Galli, G.Hilscher, H.Michor, Ch.Paul, A.Grytsiv, P.Rogl,
V.H. Tran, D. Kaczorowski,
Large Magnetoresistance and Thermoelectric Properties of Eu-Filled Skutterudites.
In: Proc. 19th Int.Conf.on Thermoelectrics (ICT 2000) ed. by D.M. Rowe (Babrow Press, Wales, UK
2001) pp. 106–09.
19th Int.Conf.on Thermoelectrics, CARDIFF, Wales, UK, 2000.08 20–24
230. S.Berger, C.Paul, E.Bauer, A.Grytsiv, P.Rogl, D. Kaczorowski, A.Saccone, R.Ferro, C.Godart,
Physical Properties of Novel Thermoelectric Skutterudites: Euy Fe4`x Cox Sb12 and
Euy Fe4`x Nix Sb12 .
In: Proc. 20th Int.Conf.on Thermoelectrics (ICT’01) ed. by *** (IEEE, Piscataway, NJ 2001) pp. 77–80.
20th Int.Conf.on Thermoelectrics, BEIJING, CN, 2001.06 08–11
231. E. Boroński, H. Stachowiak,
Calculation of Positron Annihilation Characteristics for Metals by Finite Difference Method.
In: Proc. 33rd Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation, K.Jerie (Inst.of Phys., Univ.of Opole
& Inst.of Exp.Phys., Univ.of Wrocław 2001) pp. 1–6.
33rd Polish Semin.on Positron Annihilation, TURAWA, PL, 2001.06 11–15
232. E. Gałdecka,
The Choice of Options of the Data Processing of the X-ray Single-Crystal Data.
In: Applied Crystallography XVIII, H.Morawiec & D.Stróż (World Sci., Singapore 2001) pp. 101–3.
18th Conf.on Applied Crystallography, KATOWICE & WISŁA, PL, 2000.09 04–07
233. R. Klimkiewicz, H. Grabowska, A.Biskupski, L.Syper, E.Fabisz, I.Morawski,
Utylizacja tłuszczów technicznych i odpadowych kwasów karboksylowych przez ketonizację.
[Ketonization as a Way of Technical Fats and Waste Carboxylic Acids Utilization.]
In: Technologia chemiczna na przełomie wieków, K.Kiraga (Wydawn. SKKTCh, Gliwice 2000)
tom II, pp. 72–5 [printed in 2001; in Polish].
III Kongr.Technologii Chemicznej [3rd (Natl.)Conf.on Chemical Technology] GLIWICE, PL, 2000.09 05–08
234. R. Klimkiewicz, H.Teterycz, H. Grabowska, A.Biskupski,
Estry odpadowe: nowy katalizator ich przetwarzania. [Waste Esters: A New Catalyst for Their
In: Adsorpcja i Kataliza w Ochronie Środowiska, ed. by Z.Sarbak (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza,
Poznań 2000) pp. 91–3 [printed in 2001; in Polish].
VIII OPM Adsorpcja i kataliza w ochronie środowiska [8th All-Pol.Semin.on Adsorption and Catalysis in Environment
Protection] POZNAŃ, PL , 2000.06 **–**
235. L. Lipiński, H. Manuszkiewicz, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk,
Miniaturowa komórka rtęci do realizacji punktu potrójnego – stałego punktu Międzynarodowej
Skali Temperatury z 1990 r. [A Miniature Mercury Cell for Triple Point Realization – the Fixed Point
of ITS-90.]
In: Krajowy Kongres Metrologii 2001. Metrologia u progu trzeciego milenium, J.Dusza
& Z.Jabłoński (BEL Studio, Warszawa 2001) tom. I, pp. 211–4 [in Polish].
[II] Kraj.Kongr.Metrologii [2nd Natl.Congr.on Metrology] WARSAW, PL, 2001.06 24–27
236. S.Paschen, V.H. Tran, M.Baenitz, W.Carillo-Cabrela, R.Michalak, Yu.Grin, F.Steglich,
The New Clathrate Ba6 Ge25 .
In: Proc.19th Int.Conf.on Thermoelectrics (ICT2000) ed. by D.M. Rowe (Babrow Press, Wales UK
2001) pp. 374–**.
19th Int.Conf.on Thermoelectrics, CARDIFF, Wales, UK, 2000.08 20–24
237. H. Stachowiak, E. Boroński, A.A.Saad,
The Concept of a Heavy Positron and the Positron Annihilation Rate in a Lattice.
In: Proc. 33rd Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation, K.Jerie (Inst.of Phys., Univ.of Opole
& Inst.of Exp.Phys., Univ.of Wrocław 2001) pp. 107–15.
33rd Polish Semin.on Positron Annihilation, TURAWA, PL, 2001.06 11–15
238. A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, L. Lipiński, H. Manuszkiewicz,
Wzorzec jednostki miary temperatury dla zakresu niskich temperatur w INTiBS PAN.
[Temperature Measurement Unit Standard for Low Temperature Range in ILT&SR PAS.]
In: Krajowy Kongres Metrologii 2001. Metrologia u progu trzeciego milenium, J.Dusza
& Z.Jabłoński (BEL Studio, Warszawa 2001) tom. I, pp. 131–4 [in Polish].
[II] Kraj.Kongr.Metrologii [2nd Natl.Congr.on Metrology] WARSAW, PL, 2001.06 24–27
239. A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, L. Lipiński, H. Manuszkiewicz, A. Kowal,
Nowy wzorzec temperatury opracowywany w ramach projektu Unii Europejskiej – PR 5. [New
Standard of Temperature Elaborated in the Framework of EC Project PR 5.]
In: Krajowy Kongres Metrologii 2001. Metrologia u progu trzeciego milenium, J.Dusza
& Z.Jabłoński (BEL Studio, Warszawa 2001) tom. I, pp. 135–8 [in Polish].
II Kraj.Kongr.Metrologii [2nd Natl.Congr.on Metrology] WARSAW, PL, 2001.06 24–27
240. J.Ziaja, G.Witek, W. Miśta,
Influence of ZrO2 Doping in YBa2 Cu3 O7`x Ceramics on Its Critical Current Density.
In: Unconventional Electromechanical and Electrical Systems. V, ed. by P. Szymczak et al., Vol.3
(Technol. University Szczecin 2001) pp. 1147–52.
5th Int.Conf.on Unconventional Electromechanical and Electrical Systems, SZCZECIN & MIĘDZYDROJE, PL,
2001.09 05–08
1. R.Acevedo, T.Meruane, V.Poblete, W. Stręk,
Spectral Intensities in Cubic Systems. I. The Cs2 NaEuCl6 Elpasolite System. II. The
Cs2 NaSmCl6 Elpasolite System. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
2. T.K.Anh, N.Vu, Ch.Barthou, W. Stręk, L.Q.Minh,
Preparation and Energy Transfer of Y2 O3 :Tb,Eu Nanophosphors. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
3. H.Aoki, T. Cichorek, P.Gegenwart, J.Custers, M.Lang, A.Ochiai, F.Steglich,
Influence of Interchain-Coupling Effects on the Low-T Properties of the One-Dimensional
Sz = 1=2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Yb4 As3 . (P) 12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and
Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
4. H.Ban-Oganowska, P.Godlewska, L. Macalik, A. Waśkowska, J. Hanuza, W. Oganowski,
Synhesis, X-ray Structure and Spectroscopic Studies of New Praeseodymium(III) Six-Coordinate
Complexes with 3-halo-4-Methoxy-2,6-Lutidine-N Oxide: PrCl3 (XCH3 OC7 H7 NO)3 , where
X = Cl, BR, and I. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
5. H.Ban-Oganowska, J.Michalski, E.Kucharska, J. Hanuza, E. Mugeński,
Excited States of Some 4-Substituted Derivatives of 3-Chloro-2,6-Dimethylpyridine N -Oxide. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
6. J. Baran, T.Gavrilko, V.Krasnoholovets, B.Lev, G.Puchkovska,
Clustering Caused by the Crystal Lattice Interton Field. H-Clusters in the KIO3 ´HIO3 . (P)
15th Int.Sch.-Semin.on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals, Chernihiv, UA, 2001.06 23–30
7. J. Baran, M.K. Marchewka,
Vibrational Investigation of Phase Transitions in CsHSO4 Crystal. (L)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
8. A.Barla, O.Leupold, R.Rüffer, J.P.Sanchez, P.Vuillet, D. Kaczorowski, B.Ni, J.Plessel,
Moment Suppression in U(In0:6 Sn0:4 )3 at High Pressures. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
9. E.Bauer, St.Berger, A.Galatanu, Ch.Paul, H.Michor, G.Hilscher, A.Grytsiv, P.Rogl,
D. Kaczorowski, L.Keller, P.Fischer,
Magnetic Behavior of PrFe4 Sb12 and NdFe4 Sb12 Skutterudites. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
10. W.Bażela, Ł.Gondek, B.Penc., N.Stüßer, A.Szytuła, A. Zygmunt,
Neutron Diffraction Studies of the Crystal and Magnetic Structures of TbAuIn and HoAuIn
Compounds. (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
11. A. Bednarkiewicz, W. Stręk, P.J. Dereń, I.Pracka,
Power Dependence of Emission Spectra of Er and Yb Co-doped LiNbO2 . (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
12. A. Bednarkiewicz, W. Stręk, D. Hreniak, P.J. Dereń,
Anti-Stokes Emission in the Nd and Yb-Doped YAG Nanocrystaline Ceramics. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
13. B.Bednarska-Bolek, R.Jakubas, G.Bator, J. Baran,
Vibrational Study of the Structural Phase Transition in
bis(Pyrrolidinium) Chloride–Hexachloroantimonate(V) by Infrared Spectroscopy. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
14. A.Bentien, S.Paschen, W.Carrillo-Cabrera, M.Baenitz, V.H. Tran, Yu.Grin, F.Steglich,
Structural and Physical Properties of Eu8 Ga16 Ge30 . (L)
The Spring-Meet.of the German Physical Society, Hamburg, DE, 2001.03 26–30
15. St.Berger, Ch.Paul, E.Bauer, A.Grytsiv, P.Rogl, D. Kaczorowski, A.Saccone, R.Ferro, C.Godart,
Physical Properties of Novel Thermoelectrics Skutterudites: Euy Fe4`x Cox Sb12 and
Euy Fe4`x Nix Sb12 . (P)
20th Int.Conf.on Thermoelectrics, Beijing, CN, 2001.06 08–11
16. F.Beuneu, P.Vajda, O.J. Żogał,
Li Colloids Created by Electron Irradiation of LiF: A Great Wealth of Properties. (I)
11th Int.Conf.on Radiation Effects in Insulators, Lisbon, PT, 2001.09 03–07
17. T.Bezrodna, T.Gavrilko, G.Puchkovska, V.Shimanovska, J. Baran, M. Marchewka,
Spectroscopic Study of TiO2 (Rutile)–Benzophenone Heterogenous Systems. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
18. M.Biasini, G.Ferro, M.A.Monge, G. Kontrym-Sznajd, A. Czopnik, G.Satta, S.Massidda,
Positron Annihilation Studies of the Fermi Surface of Rare-Earth Intermetallic Compounds. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
19. M.Biasini, G.Ferro, M.Monge, M.Gemmi, G. Kontrym-Sznajd, A. Czopnik, S.Massidda,
G.Satta, P.Lejay, A.Continenza,
Positron Annihilation Studies of the Fermi Surface of Rare-Earth Intermetallic Compounds. (P)
Int.Conf.on the Physics of f-Electron Systems, Daresbury Lab., Warrington, E, UK, 2001.04 06–08
20. E. Boroński,
Obliczanie charakterystyk anihilacji pozytronu w metalach metodą różnic skończonych.
[Calculation of Positron Annihilation Characteristics for Metals by Finite Difference Method.] (L)
XXXIII Og.-pol.Semin. Anihilacji Pozytronów [33rd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation]
Turawa, PL, 2001.06 11–15
21. E. Boroński, H. Stachowiak,
Obliczanie charakterystyk anihilacyjnych pozytronów w metalach przy użyciu metody siatkowej.
[Calculation of Positron Annihilation Characteristics for Metals by Net Method.] (P)
XXXIII Og.-pol.Semin. Anihilacji Pozytronów [33rd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation]
Turawa, PL, 2001.06 11–15
22. M.Broschová, M.Mihalik, V.Kavečanský, M.Seberíni, W. Suski,
Structure and Magnetic Properties of Gadolinium Hexacyanoferrate Prussian Blue Analogue. (P)
11th Czech & Slovak Conf.on Magnetism, Košice, SK, 2001.08 20–23
23. E.Carlon, A. Drzewiński, J.M.J.van Leeuwen,
Crossover Behavior for Long Reptating Polymers. (P)
26th Meet.of Middle-European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO-26) Prague, CZ,
2001.03 08–10
24. G.Chełkowska, J.A.Morkowski, A.Szajek, R. Troć,
Kondo-Dense Compound UCu5 Sn – Electronic Structure and XPS. (L) 11th Czech & Slovak
Conf.on Magnetism, Košice, SK, 2001.08 20–23
25. T. Cichorek, Z. Henkie, A. Wojakowski, R.Michalak, F.Kromer, J.Miller, P.Gegenwart,
M.Lang, F.Steglich,
Evidence for a Non-Magnetic Kondo Effect in the Structurally Disordered UAsSe
Ferromagnet. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
26. T. Cichorek, C.Langhammer, P.Hinze, P.Gegenwart, H.Aoki, C.Geibel, M.Deppe, O.Trovarelli,
Systematic Study of the Low-Temperature Specific Heat of Slightly Off-Stoichiometric
CeNi2 Ge2 . (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
27. T. Cichorek, R.Michalak, Z. Henkie, A. Wojakowski, F.Steglich,
Evidence for Disorder in UAsSe.
Se and
As NMR Study. (P)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
28. H.Ciurla, J. Hanuza, T.Talik, Z.Talik, J.Mroziński,
Chemical and Magnetic Properties of the New Copper(II) Complexes with
Alkylaminoacetyloureas. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
29. N.A.Davydova, V.I.Mel’nik, K.I.Nelipovitch, L.M.Babkov, J. Baran,
Comparative Characteristics of Raman Spectra for Benzophenone and Benzopinacol
Crystals. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
30. N.A.Davydova, V.I.Melnik, K.I.Nelipovitch, J. Baran,
Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study on the Phase Transitions in Benzophenone. (P)
15th Int.Sch.-Semin.on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals, Chernihiv, UA, 2001.06 23–30
31. N.A.Davydova, V.I.Mel’nik, K.I.Nelipovitch, J. Baran,
The Structural Differences of Benzophenone Glasses According to Different Thermal History. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
32. S.Debrus, M.K. Marchewka, J. Janczak, J. Baran, H. Ratajczak,
Structure, Spectra and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Melamine–Selenic Acid Crystal. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
33. S.Debrus, H. Ratajczak, J.Venturini, N.Pinon, J. Baran, J.Barycki, T.Głowiak,
A. Pietraszko,
Novel Nonlinear Optical Crystals of Noncentrosymmetric Structure Based on Hydrogen Bonds
Interactions between Organic and Inorganic Molecules. (C)
E-MRS (European Materials Research Society) 2001 Spring Meet., Symp. R: Novel Organic Material
and Technological Advances for Photonics, Strasbourg, FR, 2001.06 05–08
34. P.J. Dereń, A.A.Demidovich, J.-C.Krupa, W. Stręk,
Spectroscopic Properties and Up-Conversion in KYb(WO4 )2 :Ho3+ . (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
35. P.J. Dereń, M.-F.Joubert, J.-C.Krupa, R.Mahiou, Y.Mine,
New Paths of Excitation of Up-Conversion Emission in LaCl3 :U3+ . (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
36. K.Domagała, E.Zych, D. Hreniak, W. Stręk, L. Kępiński,
Sintering Properties of Lu2 O3 -Based Luminophores for X-ray Detection. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
37. G. Dominiak-Dzik, A.Pajączkowska, S. Gołąb, M.Baba, W. Ryba-Romanowski,
Spectroscopic Investigation of the Ca4 GdO(BO3 )3 (GdCOB) Crystal Singly Doped with Eu3+
and Tb3+ . (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
38. G. Dominiak-Dzik, W. Ryba-Romanowski, S. Gołąb, M.Baba, A.Pajączkowska,
Vibrational Structure in Optical Spectra of the Ca4 GdO(BO3 )3 (GdCOB) Crystal Doped with
Re3+ (Eu, Tb, Yb). (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
39. M. Drozd, J. Baran, M.K. Marchewka, A. Pietraszko, J.H. van der Maas,
The Diguanidine Arsenate Monohydrate and its Deuterated Derivative. The New
Organic–Inorganic Compounds as Candidates for NLO. Vibrational, DSC and X-Ray
Investgations. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
40. H. Drulis, L. Folcik,
Magnetic Field Distribution around Nb Superconducting Ring. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
41. Z.Drzazga, A.Winiarska, D. Kaczorowski,
Magnetic Anisotropy of Y1`x Dyx Ni2 B2 C Single Crystals. (P)
Joint European Magnetic Symposia [JEMS’01: EMMA+MRM] Grenoble, FR, 2001.08 28 –.09 01
42. A. Drzewiński, A.Maciołek, R.Evans,
Influence of Capillary Condensation on the Near-Critical Solvation Force. (P)
26th Meet.of Middle-European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO-26) Prague, CZ,
2001.03 08–10
43. B.Engelen, T.Gavrilko, M.Panthofer, G.A.Puchkovskaya, J. Baran, H. Ratajczak,
Corporate Proton Dynamics in ‹-KIO3 ´HIO3 Crystal as Deduced from (OH) and ‹(OH) Band
Profiles. (P)
15th Int.Sch.-Semin.on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals, Chernihiv, UA, 2001.06 23–30
44. B.Fellmuth, Y.Hermier, F.Pavese, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, W.Tew,
Special Problems when Realizing the Triple Point of Hydrogen as a Defining Fixed Point of
the ITS-90. (L)
21st Meet.of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry [of] BIPM, Paris, FR, 2001.09 12–14
45. B.Fellmuth, Y.Hermier, F.Pavese, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, W.Tew,
Special Problems when Realizing the Triple Point of Hydrogen as a Defining Fixed Point of the
ITS-90. (C)
8th Int.Symp.on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science [TEMPMEKO 2001]
Berlin, DE, 2001.06 19–21
46. I.Felner, U.Asaf, F.Ritter, P.W. Klamut, B.Dabrowski,
Crystal Structure and the Effect of Oxygen on the Superconductivity and Weak Magnetism in
RE1:5 Ce0:5 RuSr2 Cu2 O10 (RE = Eu, Gd). (P)
3rd Int.Conf.on New Theories, Discoveries and Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials
[New3 SC-3] Honolulu, HI, US, 2001.01 15–19
47. S.P.Firsov, R.G.Zhbankov, P.T.Petrov, K.I.Shingel, V.M.Tsarenkov, M.K. Marchewka,
H. Ratajczak,
The Study of the Thermal Stability of Ovomucoid by the Methods of Vibrational
Spectroscopy. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
48. Yu.A.Freı̆man, S.Tret’yak, A. Jeżowski, R.Hemley,
Quantum Crystals under Pressure as a Probe of Many-Body Forces. (L)
Int.Symp.on Quantum Fluids and Solids, Konstanz, DE, 2001.07 22–27
49. V.E.Gaishun, O.I.Tulenkova, Y.A.Potapenok, I.M.Melnichenko, A.P.Khlebokazov, W. Stręk,
Sol–Gel Method Preparation and Properties of Colloidal Nano-size Silica Dioxide for Polishing of
Mono-crystalline Silicon Wafers. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
50. V.E.Gaishun, O.I.Tulenkova, Y.A.Potapenok, I.M.Melnichenko, G.E.Malashkevich, A.P.Khlebokazov,
W. Stręk,
Spherical Anhydrous Silica Particles Doped with RE 3+ -Ions as the Precursors for Silica Gel
Glass Preparation. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
51. E. Gałdecka,
Wpływ precyzji i dokładności redukcji danych pomiarowych na jakość wyznaczania struktury
kryształów. [Influence of Precision and Accuracy of Reduction of Measured Data on the Quality of Crystal
Structure Determination.] (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
52. M.Galli, E.Bauer, St.Berger, Ch.Dusek, M.Della Mea, H.Michor, D. Kaczorowski, F.Marabelli,
Evolution of Ground State Properties of YbCu5`x Aux . (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
53. M.Gazda, B.Kusz, T.Klimczuk, A.J. Zaleski,
The Influence of Heat Treatment on the Properties of La2`x Ndx CuO4+‹ Ceramic Samples. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
54. A.Gil, N.Kolenda, M.Hofmann, B.Penc, A.Oleś, A.Szytuła, A. Zygmunt,
Magnetic Phase Transitions in the TbT X2 Compounds (T = d-Electron Element,
X = Sb, Ge). (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
55. K.Giza, H. Drulis, W. Iwasieczko, V.Pavlyuk, H.Bala,
Absorpcja wodoru z fazy gazowej przez stopy typu ZrNi5`x Cox . [Gaseous Hydrogen Absorption by
ZrNi5−x Cox -Type Alloys.] (C)
Og.pol.Semin.Nauk. Wodór i Metale [All-Pol.Semin.on Hydrogen & Metals] Warsaw, PL,
2001.06 05–06
56. I.Gnatyuk, T.Gavrilko, G.Puchkovska, I.Chashechnikova, J. Baran, H. Ratajczak,
FTIR Spectroscopic Investigation of Surface Treatment Effect on Molecular Dynamics in Novel
Nanoporous Composite MeMCM-41 Loaded with 4-n-Alkyl-40 -Cyanobiphenyls. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
57. P.Godlewska, H.Ban-Oganowska, L. Macalik, J. Hanuza, W. Oganowski,
K. Hermanowicz, E. Mugeński,
Vibrational and Excited Electron States of Six-Coordinate Rare Earth Complexes with
3-Br-4-Methoxy Lutidine N -Oxide: [RE(3-Br-4-CH3 O-C7 H7 NO](ClO4 )3 ´H2 O, where RE = Pr,
Nd, Eu, Sm, Gd, Dy. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
58. S. Gołąb, W. Ryba-Romanowski, P. Solarz, G. Dominiak-Dzik, T.Łukasiewicz,
Optical Properties of YVO4 Single Crystals Doped with Er3+ , Ho3+ , Tm3+ . (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
59. A.Grytsiv, P.Rogl, St.Berger, C.Paul, E.Bauer, C.Godart, A.Saccone, R.Ferro, D. Kaczorowski,
Formation, Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of Novel Thermoelectric Skutterudites:
Euy Fe4`x Nix Sb12 . (C)
Materials Research Society Conf., Boston, MA, US, 2001.11 28 –.12 02
60. L.D. Gulay, J. Stępień-Damm, M. Wołcyrz,
Investigations of the R–Cu–Pb Ternary Systems (R – Rare Earth Elements). (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
61. J. Hanuza, J.Michalski, M. Mączka, A. Waśkowska, Z.Talik, J.H.van der Maas,
Crystal Structure and Polarized Vibrational Spectra of 2-Bromo-4-Nitro-Pyridine N -Oxide
Single Crystal. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
62. A.Haznar, M.K. Marchewka, A. Pietraszko, M. Drozd,
l-Sysine–l-Tartaric Acid: New Molecular Complex with Nonlinear Optical Properties. Structure
and Phase Transition. (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
63. Z. Henkie,
Nonmagnetic Kondo-Like Behavior in Actinides: Atomic Disorder versus Band Structure
Tuning Effect. (I)
Int.Conf.on The Physics of f-Electron Systems, Daresbury Lab., Warrington, Engl., UK,
2001.04 06–08
64. Z. Henkie, A. Wojakowski, R. Wawryk, Z. Kletowski, T. Cichorek,
Is the Low Temperature Thermoelectric Power Behavior an Evidence for the Multichannel
Kondo Effect in UAs1`x Se1+x ? (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
65. Z. Henkie, A. Wojakowski, R. Wawryk, Z. Kletowski, T. Cichorek,
A Kondo-Like Thermoelectric Power Behavior of UAsSe Ferromagnet. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
66. K. Hermanowicz,
Temperature-Dependent ESR Studies on the Cr3+ Ion Doped KAl(MoO4 )2 Crystal. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
67. R. Horyń, E. Bukowska, A. Sikora,
The Nature of Structure Defects in Rhombohedral Series of La1`x Ax MnO3 Type (A = Na, K).
Part I: La1`x Nax MnO3+d . (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
68. R. Horyń, E. Bukowska, A. Sikora,
Crystallochemical Nature of LaMnO3 Phase. Part II: Polymorphic Forms and Defect Structure
Formation at the 0.91:1 Stoichiometry. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
69. R. Horyń, A. Sikora, E. Bukowska,
The Nature of Structure Defects in Rhombohedral Series of La1`x Ax MnO3 Type (A = Na, K).
Part II: La1`x Kx MnO3+d . (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
70. R. Horyń, A. Sikora, E. Bukowska,
Crystallochemical Nature of LaMnO3 Phase. Part I: Polymorphic Forms and Defect Structure
Formation at the 1:1 Stoichiometry. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10-14
71. R. Horyń, A. Sikora, E. Bukowska,
Crystallochemical Nature of LaMnO3 Phase. Part III: Polymorphic Forms and Defect Structure
Formation at the 1:0.9 Stoichiometry. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10-14
72. D. Hreniak, M. Jasiorski, K. Maruszewski, W. Stręk,
Raman Spectra of Molecules Absorbed on Ag Centers in Sol–Gel Matrices. (P)
11th Int.Worksh.on Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites From Gel [SolGel2001] Abano
Terme, IT, 2001.09 16–21
73. D. Hreniak, E. Łukowiak, W. Stręk, Z.Czapla, K. Maruszewski,
Spectroscopy, Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of BaTiO3 :Eu3+ Nanocrystallites Prepared
by the Sol–Gel Route. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
74. D. Hreniak, W. Stręk,
Optical Properties of Nd3+ -Doped Y3 Al5 O12 Nanoceramics. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
75. D. Hreniak, W. Stręk, P.Mazur,
Preparation, Spectroscopy and Morphology of Nd:YAG Nanostructures. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
76. M.Jaroszewski, J.Ziaja, S.Juchim, W. Miśta,
Properties of Thin Film Arresters Obtained by Metal Evaporation. (P)
Int.Conf.on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials, Wrocław, PL,
2001.09 17-19
77. M. Jasiorski, D. Hreniak, K. Maruszewski, W. Stręk,
Emission Studies of Submicron Silica Spheres Doped with Eu3+ Ions Obtained by Sol–Gel
Method. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
78. M. Jasiorski, D. Hreniak, W. Stręk, A.Hreniak, K. Maruszewski,
Submicron SiO2 Spheres Doped with Nd3+ Ions and YAG:Nd3+ Nanocrystallites. (P)
11th Int.Worksh.on Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites From Gel [SolGel2001] Abano
Terme, IT, 2001.09 16–21
79. M. Jasiorski, K. Maruszewski, W. Stręk,
Optical Behavior of Sol–Gel Derived Photonic Structures Formed by Submicron Silica
Spheres. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
80. J.Jędrzejewski, R. Lemański,
Falicov–Kimball Models of Collective Phenomena in Solids – A Brief Review. (L)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
81. A. Jeżowski, H. Misiorek, J. Mucha, L.S.Parfen’eva, I.A.Smirnov,
Thermal Conductivity of Opals. (L)
Polish Science Days in Russia: Semin.on Investigation of Physical Properties of Matter in High
Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures] Moscow, RU, 2001.10 17–18
82. A. Jura,
Struktura elektronowa widziana przez pozytrony. [Electronic Structure Seen by Positrons.] (L)
XXXIII Og.-pol.Semin. Anihilacji Pozytronów [33rd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation]
Turawa, PL, 2001.06 11–15
83. D. Kaczorowski,
Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in UGa3 . (L)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
84. D. Kaczorowski, Z. Bukowski, R. Troć,
Single Crystal Study on UcuSb2 and UniSb2 . (P)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
85. D. Kaczorowski, A.Leithe-Jasper, T. Cichorek, Y.Grin,
Magnetic Behavior in Yb-Based Heusler Phases. (I)
FERLIN Worksh.on the Physics of Ytterbium Systems at Low Temperatures, Schloß KRUMBACH,
NOe, AT, 2001.11 29 –.12 02
86. D. Kaczorowski, R. Troć, T.Komatsubara, Cz. Sułkowski, H. Misiorek,
Single Crystal Study on a Dense Kondo Antiferromagnet UCu5 In. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
87. D. Kaczorowski, A.J. Zaleski, O.J. Żogał, J. Klamut,
Incipient Superconductivity in TaB2 . (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
88. E.Kalecińska, J. Kaleciński, M.Krowicka,
Procesy radiacyjno-chemiczne w ciekłych układach: woda–metanol–sulfoftalocyjaniny metali.
[Radiation-Chemical Processes in Liquid Systems of Water–Methanol–Sulphonated Metal-Phthalocyanines.] (C)
XII Zj. Polskiego Tow. Badan Radiacyjnych [12th Meet.of Polish Society for Radiation Research]
Cracow, PL, 2001.09 10–12
89. J. Kaleciński, E.Kalecińska,
Gamma-radioliza niektórych ftalocyjanin w układzie: dimetyloformamid–woda. [Gamma-Radiolysis
of Some Phthalocyanines in Dimethylformamide–Water Systems.] (P)
XII Zj. Polskiego Tow. Badan Radiacyjnych [12th Meet.of Polish Society for Radiation Research]
Cracow, PL, 2001.09 10–12
90. J. Kaleciński, E.Kalecińska, M.Krowicka,
Rola sulfoftalocyjanin metali w procesach zmiatania i fotowybielania elektronów w zamrożonych
szkliwach: chlorki–glikol etylenowy. [The Role of Metal Sulfophthalocyanines in Electron Scavenging and
Photobleaching in Frozen Glasses: Chlorides–Ethylene Glycol.] (C)
XII Zj. Polskiego Tow. Badan Radiacyjnych [12th Meet.of Polish Society for Radiation Research]
Cracow, PL, 2001.09 10–12
91. A.Kamińska, A.Suchocki, P.J. Dereń, W. Stręk,
High-Pressure Spectroscopy of Cr3+ -Doped Nonstoichiometric Green Spinel MgO–2.5Al2 O3 . (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
92. A.A.Kaminskiı̆, S.N.Bagaev, K.Ueda, H.J.Eichler, J. Hanuza, N.V.Kravtsov, Ya.V.Vasil’ev, J.Lu,
N.I.Ivannikova, P.Reiche, G.M.A.Gad,
New Laser and Nonlinear-Laser Properties of Undoped and Ln3+ -Doped Cubic Crystals
Bi4 Ge3 O12 and Bi4 Si3 O12 . (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
93. L. Kępiński, W. Stręk, D. Hreniak,
Microstructure and Luminescence Properties of Nanocrystalline Cerium Silicate. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
94. L.Kirpichnikova, V.Shakhmatov, A. Pietraszko, M.Połomska, B.Hilczer,
Optical Polarization and X-ray Study of High Temperature Transition in K2 Ba(NO2 )4 Crystals
and Theoretical Analysis. (P)
10th Int.Meet.on Ferroelectricity, Madrid, ES, 2001.09 03–07
95. P.W. Klamut, B.Dabrowski, S.M.Mini, S.Kolesnik, M.Maxwell, J.Mais, A.Shengelaya, R.Khazanov,
I.Savić, H.Keller, C. Sułkowski, D. Włosewicz, M. Matusiak, A.Wiśniewski, R.Puźniak,
Magnetism and Superconductivity in Ru1`x Sr2 RECu2+x O8`d (RE = Gd, Eu) and
RuSr2 Gd1`y Cey Cu2 O8 Compounds. (P)
Int.Conf.on Ruthenates and Ruthenocuprates: Theory and Experiment, VIETRI sui MARE,
Salerno, IT, 2001.10 25–27
96. P.W. Klamut, B.Dabrowski, S.M.Mini, S.Kolesnik, M.Maxwell, A.Shengelaya, R.Khazanov,
H.Keller, I.Savić, C. Sułkowski, M. Matusiak, A.Wiśniewski, R.Puźniak, I.Fita,
On the Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of Ru1`x Sr2 RECu2+x O8`d , RE = Gd, Eu
Compounds. (P)
46th Ann.Conf.on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, Seattle, WA, US, 2001.11 12–16
97. P.W. Klamut, B.Dabrowski, S.M.Mini, M.Maxwell, S.Kolesnik, J.Mais, A.Shengelaya, R.Khasanov,
I.Savic, H.Keller, T.Graber, J.Gebhardt, P.J.Viccaro, Y.Xiao,
Magnetic Properties of RuSr2 RECu2 O8 (RE = Gd, Eu) and Ru1`x Sr2 GdCu2+x O8`x
Superconductors. (P)
3rd Int.Conf.on New Theories, Discoveries and Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials
[New3 SC-3] Honolulu, HI, US, 2001.01 15–19
98. P.W. Klamut, B.Dabrowski, S.Mini, M.Maxwell, J.Mais, Cz. Sulkowski, M. Matusiak,
D. Włosewicz, A.Shengelaya, R.Khasanov, I.Savic, H.Keller,
Magnetism and Superconductivity in Ru1`x Sr2 GdCu2+x O8`d Compounds. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
99. Z. Kletowski, A.Tal,
De Haas – van Alphen Effect and Possible Magnetic Structure in GdIn3 . (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 1—24
100. R. Klimkiewicz, A.Biskupski, H. Grabowska, H.Teterycz, J.Rakoczy,
Frakcje alkoholowe z produkcji cykloheksanonu – zagospodarowanie przez ketonizację. [Waste
Fractions from Cyclohexanone Production – Utilization by Ketonization.] (P)
V Konf.: Technologie Bezodpadowe i Zagospodarowanie Odpadów w Przemyśle Chemicznym
i Rolnictwie [5th Conf.on Waste-Free Technologies and Waste Utilization in Industry and Agriculture]
Łukęcin, PL, 2001.05 29 –.06 01
101. R. Klimkiewicz, A.Biskupski, H. Grabowska, H.Teterycz, L.Syper, I.Morawski,
Waste Technical Fats – Their Transesterification and Ketonization. Application of a New
Zirconia Catalyst. (P)
27th Int.Semin.: Science-Industry-Technology-Marketing, ser.: Chemistry for Agriculture,
VELKÉ LOSINY, CZ, 2001.12 04–07
102. R. Klimkiewicz, H. Grabowska, L.Syper,
Metameric and Alicyclic Esters – Unequal Transformations over Heterogeneous Oxide
Catalyst. (P)
5th Eur.Congr.on Catalysis [EuropaCat-V] LIMERICK, IE, 2001.09 02–07
103. R. Klimkiewicz, H.Teterycz,
CeO2 and Zr–Mg–Y–O Superionic Conductors as Catalysts of First Order Alcohols
Transformations. (P)
5th Eur.Congr.on Catalysis [EuropaCat-V] LIMERICK, IE, 2001.09 02–07
104. G. Kontrym-Sznajd,
Fermi Surface and Magnetic Properties. (I)
14th Int.Summ.Sch.of Condensed Matter Physics: Electron and Spin Correlations in Solids,
SUPRAŚL, PL, 2001.07 01–08
105. G. Kontrym-Sznajd, M.Biasini, A. Czopnik,
Fermi Surface and Magnetic Properties Studied by Positrons. (P)
Int.Conf.on Inelastic X-ray Scattering [IXS2001] HAIKKO, SF, 2001.08 22–26
106. T.K. Kopeć,
Scaling Near the Quantum-Critical Point in the SO(5) Theory of High Temperature
Superconductivity. (L)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
107. E.A.Korolenko, E.V.Korolik, S.P.Firsov, R.G.Zhbankov, I.V.Semak, E.O.Korik, M.K. Marchewka,
H. Ratajczak,
Spectroscopic Investigation of the Structural-Functional State of the Main Transport Proteins of
the Blood Plasma of Rats in Norm and at Extrahepatic Cholestasis. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
108. A.Kotarba, R.Łapczyński, J.Dmytrzyk, R. Klimkiewicz, H. Grabowska,
Badania zmian powierzchni katalizatora Fe–Si–Cr–K–O w procesie alkilacji metodą analizy
zależności strumieni K, K+ , i e` od temperatury. [Surface Changes Investigation of the Fe–Si–Cr–K–O
Catalyst in the Alkylation Process with the Method of K, K+ and e− Streams Temperature Dependence.] (P)
XXXIII Og.-pol. Kolokwium Katalityczne [33rd All.-Pol.Coll.on Catalysis] Cracow, PL,
2001.03 21–23
109. J. Krawczyk, K. Łukaszewicz, A. Pietraszko,
Rozpraszanie dyfuzyjne i uporządkowanie bliskiego zasięgu w kryształach [YbPc2 ]I2 . [Diffusive
Scattering and Short-Range Order in [YbPc3 ]I2 Crystals.] (C)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
110. M.Krowicka, E.Kalecińska, J. Kaleciński,
Radicals and Solvated Electrons Generated by Ionizing Radiation in the System:
Water–Methanol–Sulphonated Metal Phthalocyanines. (P)
10th Int.Conf.on Bioinorganic Chemistry, Florence, IT, 2001.08 26–31
111. M.Krowicka, E.Kalecińska, J. Kaleciński,
Chemia radiacyjna sulfoftalocyjaniny Ni (II) w układach: woda–metanol. [Radiation Chemistry of
Nickel(II) Sulfophthalocyanine in Water–Methanol Systems.] (P)
XII Zj. Polskiego Tow. Badan Radiacyjnych [12th Meet.of Polish Society for Radiation Research]
Cracow, PL, 2001.09 10–12
112. T. Krzysztoń,
Flux Penetration and Flux Motion in High Temperature Antiferromagnetic Superconductor. (P)
6th Int.Worksh.of High Temperature Superconductors and Novel Inorganic Materials Engineering [MSU
HTSC-VI] Moscow & St Petersburg, RU, 2001.06 24–30
113. T. Krzysztoń,
Two-Step Penetration in DyMoS Antiferromagnetic Superconductor. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
114. T. Krzysztoń, K. Rogacki,
Two-Step Flux Penetration in DyMo6 S8 Antiferromagnetic Superconductor – Theory and
Experiment. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
115. R. Kubiak, J. Janczak,
Coordination Geometries of the Metal Ions in the Methalophthalocyaninato Complexes. (P)
6th Polish Conf.on Crystal Growth, Poznań, PL, 2001.05 20–23
116. R. Kubiak, J. Janczak,
Korelacje składu, struktury, aktywności chemicznej i katalitycznej ftalocyjaniny magnezu. [The
Correlation of Composition, Structure, Chemical and Catalytic Activity of Magnesium Phthalocyanine.] (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
117. A.N.Kuzmin, V.A.Orlovich, A.A.Demidovich, M.B.Danailov, A. Bednarkiewicz, W. Stręk,
H.J.Eichler, A.N.Titov,
Laser and Spectral Properties of Yb-Doped KYW Microchip Laser. (C)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
118. R. Lemański,
Fractal-Type Structure of the Phase Diagrams of a Correlated Electron System. (I)
[Int.Conf.on] Chaos in Dynamical Systems, Międzyzdroje, PL, 2001.05 17–20
119. R. Lemański, Z. Gajek,
Correlated Hopping in the 1D Falicov–Kimball Model: New Stable Arrangements of the
Ions. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
120. R. Lemański, J.Wojtkiewicz,
Ground States of the Falicov–Kimball Model with Correlated Hopping. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
121. L. Lipiński, H. Manuszkiewicz, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk,
Zastosowanie nadprzewodnictwa w termometrii. [Application of Superconductivity in Thermometry.] (L)
III Semin.: Zastosowanie nadprzewodników [3rd Natl.Semin.on Superconductor Application] Lublin &
NAŁĘCZÓW, PL, 2001.11 22–23
122. L. Lipiński, H. Manuszkiewicz, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk,
Miniaturowa komórka rtęci do realizacji punktu potrójnego. [Miniature Mercury Cell for Triple Point
Realization.] (L)
Krajowy Kongres Metrologii [Natl. Metrology Congr.: KKM 2001] Warsaw, PL, 2001.06 24–26
123. L. Lipiński, H. Manuszkiewicz, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, P.P.M.Steur, P.Marcarino,
Comparison of Temperature Values of the Mercury Triple Point Realized in Various Types of
Cell. (C)
8th Int.Symp.on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science [TEMPMEKO 2001]
Berlin, DE, 2001.06 19–21
124. J.Lorenc, E.Kucharska, J.Michalski, J. Hanuza, H.Chojnacki,
Electron Excited States of 3-Methylo- and 5-Methyloderivatives of 2-Ethylo-4-Nitropyridine. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
125. B. Macalik, T. Morawska-Kowal,
Coloration Processes in Soda–Lime Silicate Glasses. (P)
11th Int.Conf.on Radiation Effects in Insulators, Lisbon, PT, 2001.09 03–07
126. B. Macalik, T. Morawska-Kowal,
Gamma-Irradiation Induced Defects in Soda–Lime Silicate Glasses. (P)
20th Eur. Crystallographic Meet., Cracow, PL, 2001.08 25–31
127. L. Macalik,
Comparison of the Spectroscopic Data of Tm3+ in the Different Hosts: KLn(MoO4 )2 , where
Ln = Y, La, and Lu. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
128. T.Maksimova, J. Hanuza, K. Hermanowicz, A.Skvortsov,
IR-Luminescence and Absorption Spectra of MnO4 -Centers in Alkali Halides. (P)
32nd Conf.on Spectroscopy, ZVENIGOROD, RU, 2001.10 8—12
129. T.Maksimova, K. Hermanowicz, J. Hanuza, U.Happek,
Absorption and Luminescence Spectroscopy of the MnO4 -Centers in Alkali Halide Crystals. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
130. T.Maksimova, K. Hermanowicz, J. Hanuza, U.Happek, A.Klochikchin,
NIR-Luminescence of Alkali Halide Crystals Doped by MnO2`
and MnO`
4 Centers. (P)
11th Feofilov Symp.on Spectroscopy of Crystals Activated by Rare-Earth and Transition Metal Ions,
Kazan’, RU, 2001.09 24–28
131. G.E.Malashkevich, V.A.Boiko, V.E.Gaishun, I.M.Mel’nichenko, N.M.Mit’kina, E.N.Poddenezhny,
A.V.Semchenko, W. Stręk,
Spectral-Luminescent Properties of Dy-Containing Glasses Obtained by Direct and Non-Direct
Sol–Gel Methods. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
132. G.E.Malashkevich, N.V.Ovcharenko, T.V.Smirnova, G.I.Semkova, I.V.Prusova, W. Stręk,
“Spectroscopic Behavior” of Yb3+ Ions in Tellurite–Tungstate Glasses. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
133. G.E.Malashkevich, T.A.Pavich, G.I.Semkova, P.P.Pershukevich, W. Stręk,
Spectral-Luminescent Properties of Silicate Sol–Gel Films Doped with Xylenol Orange and
Ytterbium. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
134. G.E.Malashkevich, G.I.Semkova, A.A.Boiko, W. Stręk,
Influence of Preparation Redox Conditions and Composition of Ce-Containing Silica Gel–Glass
on Its Absorption Spectrum in Visible Region. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
135. G.E.Malashkevich, G.I.Semkova, E.N.Poddenezhny, W. Stręk,
Influence of Activators Concentration and Preparation Redox Conditions of Tb- and
Ce–Tb-Containing Silica Gel Glasses on Their Spectral-Luminescent Properties. (L)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
136. M.K. Marchewka,
Melamine Complexes. Search for New Materials with Interesting Physical Properties. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
137. K. Maruszewski,
Raman Spectra of Molecules Adsorbed on Ag Centers in Sol–Gel Matrices. (I)
2nd Worksh.of the Network of Centers of Excellence. Interfacial Effects in Nanostructured Materials,
ULM, DE, 2001.10 05–06
138. L.Q.Minh, N.T.Huong, Ch.Barthou, P.Benalloul, W. Stręk, T.K.Anh,
Sol–Gel Materials SiO2 –TiO2 :Eu,Er for Planar Waveguide. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
139. H. Misiorek, V.N.Bogomolov, L.S.Parfen’eva, I.A.Smirnov, J. Mucha, A. Jeżowski,
Thermal Conductivity of New Materials – Nanocomposites with 3D Regular Cluster Lattice
(Opals + Semiconductors, Metals, Insulators). (P)
6th Int.Worksh.of High Temperature Superconductors and Novel Inorganic Materials Engineering [MSU
HTSC-VI] Moscow & St Petersburg, RU, 2001.06 24–30
140. W. Miśta, J. Hanuza, L. Kępiński, L. Macalik,
Własności katalityczne roztworów stałych CeO2 –ZrO2 . [Catalytic Properties of CeO2 –ZrO2 Solid
Solution.] (P)
XXXIII Og.-pol. Kolokwium Katalityczne [33rd All.-Pol.Coll.on Catalysis] Cracow, PL,
2001.03 21–23
141. W. Miśta, J.Ziaja, M.Jaroszewski, R.Kacprzyk,
Influence of Reducing Atmosphere on Properties of Zn–Bi–O Thin Film Arresters. (P)
Int.Conf.on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials, Wrocław, PL,
2001.09 17–19
142. J. Mucha, M. Misiorek, Z. Kletowski, Y.Ōnuki,
Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity of PrSn3 . (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
143. B. Nowak,
Struktura elektronowa i 27 Al NMR w związkach międzymetalicznych ZrNiAl, ThNiAl i UNiAl.
[Electronic Structure and 27 Al NMR Study of ZrNiAl, ThNiAl and UniAl Intermetallics.] (L)
XXXIV Og.pol.semin.nt. Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jądrowego i jego zastosowań [34th
All-Pol.Semin.on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications] Cracow, PL, 2001.12 03–04
144. J. Okal, J. Baran, W.Tylus,
Characterization of Supported Rhenium Oxide Catalyst by Raman and XPS Spectroscopy. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
145. I.Okońska-Kozłowska, E.Malicka, E.Salwa, A. Waśkowska, T. Mydlarz,
Crystal Growth and Magnetic Properties of the Single Crystals Zn1`x Cdx Cr2 Se4 . (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
146. I.Okońska-Kozłowska, K.Szamocka, E.Malicka, A. Waśkowska, T.Mydlarz, J.Heimann, T.Groń,
Crystal Structure and Properties of Ga3`x Cr2`y Se5 , a Layered Ternary Selenide. (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
147. Y.Ōnuki, R.Settai, Y.Haga, Y.Tokiwa, M.Nakashima, D.Aoki, P. Wiśniewski, N.Watanabe,
H.Shishido, S.Ikeda, H.Harima,
Quasi-Two Dimensional Fermi Surfaces in Rare Earth and Uranium Compounds. (C)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
148. E.Osiac, I. Sokólska, S.Kück,
Avalanche-Like Mechanism and Up-Conversion Processes under Infrared Pumping in
Ho3+ ,Yb3+ :YalO3 . (P)
13th Int.Conf.on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids, VILLEURBANNE (Lyon) FR,
2001.07 01–04
149. C.Parks, N.S.Sullivan, P. Stachowiak,
Investigation of Multiple-Spin Exchange in 2d Films of 3 He: NMR Studies. (P)
4th Int.Conf.on Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields, Santa Fé, NM, US, 2001.10 19–25
150. S.Paschen, W.Carrillo-Cabrera, A.Bentien, V.H. Tran, M.Baenitz, R.Cardoso Gil, Yu.Grin,
Eu8 Ga16 Ge30 : The First Clathrate with Full Rare-Earth Occupation of the Guest Sites. (C)
American Physical Society March Meet. 2001, Seattle, WA, US, 2001.03 12–16
151. S.Paschen, W.Carrillo-Cabrera, V.H. Tran, M.Baenitz, R.Michalak, Yu.Grin, F.Steglich,
The New Clathrate Ba6 Ge25 . (C)
The Spring-Meet.of the German Physical Society, Hamburg, DE, 2001.03 26–30
152. F.Pavese, M.De Groot, B.Fellmuth, D.Head, Y.Hermier, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, L.Zanin,
The Project multicells for the Development of New Temperature Standards in the Cryogenic
Range down to 2.18 K by Means of Sealed Cells. (L)
21st Meet.of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry [of] BIPM, Paris, FR, 2001.09 12–14
153. F.Pavese, M.De Groot, B.Fellmuth, D.Head, Y.Hermier, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, L.Zanin,
The Project multicells for the Development of New Temperature Standards in the Cryogenic
Range down to 2.18 K by Means of Sealed Cells. (C)
8th Int.Symp.on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science [TEMPMEKO 2001]
Berlin, DE, 2001.06 19–21
154. F.Pavese, M.De Groot, B.Fellmuth, D.Head, Y.Hermier, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, L.Zanin,
The Project multicells for the Development of New Temperature Standards in the Cryogenic
Range down to 2.18 K by Means of Sealed Cells. (L)
Int.Congr.on Mètrologie, St Louis, FR, 2001.10 09–11
155. F.Pavese, M.De Groot, B.Fellmuth, D.Head, Y.Hermier, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, L.Zanin,
The Project multicells for the Development of New Temperature Standards in the Cryogenic
Range down to 2.18 K by Means of Sealed Cells. (C)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
Superconductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
156. F.Pavese, B.Fellmuth, D.Head, Y.Hermier, H.Sakurai, A.G.Steele, A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk,
Proposal of Amendment of the ITS-90 Definition Concerning the Triple Point of Equilibrium
Hydrogen. (L)
21st Meet.of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry [of] BIPM, Paris, FR, 2001.09 12–14
157. A. Pietraszko,
X-ray Study of the Jahn–Teller Distortion in Spinel and Tutton-Salt Crystals. (L)
3rd Natl.Conf.on the Application of X-ray, Synchrotron, Neutron and Electron Radiation to Studies of
Materials, Moscow, RU, 2001.05 20–24
158. A. Pietraszko, P.E. Tomaszewski, Y.Yablokov, M.Augustyniak-Jabłokow,
The Structural Phase Transitions and Jahn–Teller Switching by Temperature in
Cs2 CuZr2 F12 ´ 6H2 O. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
159. A. Pikul, D. Kaczorowski, P.Rogl,
Magnetic, Electrical Transport and Thermal Properties of Ce–Ni–Ge Compounds. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
160. A. Pikul, D. Kaczorowski, V.H. Tran, V.Zaremba, F.Steglich,
Heavy-Fermion Behavior in CePt2 In2 . (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
161. A.P. Pikul, A. Czopnik, H.Nol, R. Troć,
Low Temperature Specific Heat of Some Uranium Germanides and a New Compound
U6 Pt18 Ga11 . (P)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
162. T. Plackowski,
Magnetocaloric Effect in NdBa2 Cu3 O7 .
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
163. Y.A.Potapenok, V.E.Gaishun, O.I.Tulenkova, I.M.Melnichenko, A.V.Semchenko, W. Stręk,
Spectral-Luminescent Properties of Silica Gel-Glasses, Doped Sm-Ions Obtained by Sol–Gel
Method. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
164. Y.A.Potapenok, V.E.Gaishun, O.I.Tulenkova, I.M.Melnichenko, W. Stręk,
Preparation of RE 3+ -Doped Silica Glasses by Colloidal Sol–Gel Process. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
165. G.O.Puchkovska, S.P.Makarenko, V.D.Danchuk, A.P.Kravchuk, J. Baran, E.N.Kotelnikova,
Dynamics of Molecules and Phase Transitions in Crystals of Pure n-Paraffines and Their Binary
Mixtures. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
166. M.K.Ratajczak, S.Debrus, J. Baran, A. Pietraszko,
New Molecular Crystal with Nonlinear Optical Properties:
Selenate-bis(Protonated-2-Amino-5-Nitro-Pyridine). (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
167. H. Ratajczak,
Search for New Molecular Materials for Nonlinear Optics. (I)
15th Int.Sch.-Semin.on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals, Chernihiv, UA, 2001.06 23–30
168. K. Rogacki,
Unusual Vortex Dynamics in Classic and High Temperature Magnetic Superconductors. (P)
6th Int.Worksh.of High Temperature Superconductors and Novel Inorganic Materials Engineering [MSU
HTSC-VI] Moscow & St Petersburg, RU, 2001.06 24–30
169. K. Rogacki, B.Dabrowski, J.D.Jorgensen,
Evidence for Increased Critical Currents in Y123 Superconductors Substituted with Mo into the
CuO Chains. (P)
10th Int.Worksh.on Critical Currents [IWCC 2001] GOTTINGEN, DE, 2001.06 04–07
170. K. Rogacki, B.Dabrowski, J.D.Jorgensen,
Increasing of Irreversibility Fields and Critical Currents in High-Tc Superconductors with
Metallic Chains. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
171. P.Rogl, A.Gukasov, S.Matas, M.Mihalik, A. Czopnik, R. Troć, V.H. Tran, A.A.Menovsky,
Magnetic Order in U3 Al2 M3 Compounds. (L)
11th Czech & Slovak Conf.on Magnetism, Košice, SK, 2001.08 20–23
172. B.Rożdżyńska-Kiełbik, W. Iwasieczko, H. Drulis, V.Pavlyuk, H.Bala,
Ocena zdolności pochłaniania wodoru przez stopy typu LaNi5`x Znx . [Estimation of Hydrogen
Absorption Ability by LaNi5−x Znx -Type Alloys.] (C)
Og.pol.Semin.Nauk. Wodór i Metale [All-Pol.Semin.on Hydrogen & Metals] Warsaw, PL,
2001.06 05–06
173. A. Rubaszek,
Korelacje elektron–pozytron w metalach i półprzewodnikach. [Electron–Positron Correlations in
Metals and Semiconductors.] (L)
XXXIII Og.-pol.Semin. Anihilacji Pozytronów [33rd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation]
Turawa, PL, 2001.06 11–15
174. W. Ryba-Romanowski, S. Gołąb, G. Dominiak-Dzik, M.N.Palatnikov, N.V.Sidorow,
Optical Properties of Terbium-Doped LiNbO3 . (P)
4th Ann.Meet.of the COST Action P.2: Application of Nonlinear Optical Phenomena, Budapest, HU,
2001.05 16–19
175. U.K.Rössler, B.Idzikowski, K.Nenkov, D.Eckert, A.Handstein, K.-H.Müller, H. Drulis,
P. Gaczyński, F.G.Vagizov, J.-M.Grencche, M.Kopcewicz,
Magnetic Properties and Dynamics of Giant-Magnetoresistive Granular (CoFe)10 Cu90 .
Joint European Magnetic Symposia [JEMS’01: EMMA+MRM] Grenoble, FR, 2001.08 28 –.09 01
176. T.Sakakibara, T.Tayama, K.Tenya, M.Yokoyama, H.Amitsuka, D.Aoki, Y.Ōnuki, Z. Kletowski,
Multipole Ordering in f-Electron Systems. (P)
8th ISSP Int.Symp. (Kashiwa 2001) on Correlated Electrons, CHIBA, JP, 2001.10 02–05
177. M. Samsel-Czekała, S.Manninen, H.Sormann, G. Kontrym-Sznajd, S.Huotari,
K.Hämäläinen, J.Laukkanen, A.Kaprolat, W.Schülke, A. Pietraszko,
Electronic Structure of Yttrium. (P)
Int.Conf.on Inelastic X-ray Scattering [IXS2001] HAIKKO, SF, 2001.08 22–26
178. V.V.Shimanovska, T.V.Bezrodna, P.P.Pogoretskyi, J. Baran, T.S.Veblaya,
IR and Raman Spectra of TiO2 (Anatase, Rutile and Their Compositions). (P)
15th Int.Sch.-Semin.on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals, Chernihiv, UA, 2001.06 23–30
179. V.V.Shimanovskaya, T.A.Khalyavaka, T.V.Bezrodna, G.A.Puchkovska, T.A.Gavrilko, J. Baran,
Interactions of Polar Molecules with TiO2 Solid Surface by Spectroscopic Methods. (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
180. V.V.Shimanovskaya, T.A.Khalyavka, G.A.Puchkovskaya, T.V.Bezrodna, V.V.Strelko, T.S.Veblaya,
J. Baran, H. Ratajczak,
Vibrational Spectra and the Structure Peculiarity of TiO2 [in] Different Polycrystalline
Forms. (P)
15th Int.Sch.-Semin.on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals, Chernihiv, UA, 2001.06 23–30
181. A.Ślebarski, M.B.Maple, A.Jezierski, A. Zygmunt,
Hybridization Gap in Some Ternary d-Electron and f-Electron Intermetallics. (L)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
182. I. Sokólska,
Infrared-to-Visible Conversion of Radiation in Some Ho3+ -Doped Oxide and Fluoride
Crystals. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
183. I. Sokólska, G. Dominiak-Dzik, M.Baba, S.Kück,
Investigation of Spectroscopic Properties and Up-Conversion Processes in LiTaO3 :Ho3+
Crystals. (P)
4th Ann.Meet.of the COST Action P.2: Application of Nonlinear Optical Phenomena, Budapest, HU,
2001.05 16–19
184. I. Sokólska, E.Heumann, S.Kück, T.Łukasiewicz,
Er:YVO4 and Er,Yb:YVO4 Crystals as Laser Materials around 1.6 mm. (P)
Advanced Solid-State Lasers [ASSL’2001] Seattle, WA, US, 2001.01 28–31
185. P. Solarz, I. Sokólska, W. Ryba-Romanowski,
Photoluminescence of K5 Li2 LaF10 :Ho3+ and K5 Li2 LaF10 :Ho3+ ,Yb3+ . (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
186. H. Stachowiak,
Atomy i cząstki naładowane w gazie elektronowym w podejściu Kohna–Shama. [Charged Atoms
and Molecules in an Electron Gas in Kohn–Sham Approach.] (P)
XXXIII Og.-pol.Semin. Anihilacji Pozytronów [33rd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation]
Turawa, PL, 2001.06 11–15
187. H. Stachowiak,
Idea ciężkiego pozytronu i prędkości anihilacji pozytronu w sieci krystalicznej. [The Concept of
Heavy Positron and the Positron Annihilation Rate in a Lattice.] (I)
XXXIII Og.-pol.Semin. Anihilacji Pozytronów [33rd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation]
Turawa, PL, 2001.06 11–15
188. H. Stachowiak,
Struktura elektronowa atomu litu zanurzonego w gazie elektronowym. [Electronic Structure of an
Atom in Lithium Embedded in an Electron Gas.] (I)
XXXIII Og.-pol.Semin. Anihilacji Pozytronów [33rd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation]
Turawa, PL, 2001.06 11–15
189. H. Stachowiak, E. Boroński,
Idea ciężkiego pozytronu a prędkość anihilacji pozytronu w sieci krystalicznej. [The Concept of
Heavy Positron and the Positron Annihilation Rate in a Lattice.] (P)
XXXIII Og.-pol.Semin. Anihilacji Pozytronów [33rd Pol.Semin.on Positron Annihilation]
Turawa, PL, 2001.06 11–15
190. J. Stępień-Damm, V.Zaremba, R. Troć,
Crystal Structure, Magnetic and Transport Properties of U6 Pt18 Ga11 . (P)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
191. W. Stręk,
Rare Earth Doped Silica Glasses and Ceramics. (L)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
192. W. Stręk,
Scintillating Materials and Lasers Made of Bulk Nanocrystalline Ceramics. (I)
2nd Worksh.of the Network of Centers of Excellence. Interfacial Effects in Nanostructured Materials,
ULM, DE, 2001.10 05–06
193. W. Stręk,
Nanometric Luminophores Based on Eu- and Tb-Doped Compounds. (L)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
194. W. Stręk, E.Zych, D. Hreniak,
Size Effect on Optical Properties of Lu2 O3 :Eu3+ Nanocrystallites. (I)
17th Int.Conf.on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, Minsk, BY, 2001.06 26 –.07 01
195. W. Stręk, E.Zych, D. Hreniak,
Size Effects on Optical Properties of Lu2 O3 :Eu3+ Nanocrystallites. (P)
Rare Earths 2001 Brasil Conf., Campos do Jordao, SÃO PAULO, SP, BR, 2001.09 22–26
196. W. Suski,
Magnetic Phase Diagrams. (L)
6th Int.Sch.-Conf.on Phase Diagrams in Materials Science, Kiev, UA, 2001.10 14–20
197. W. Suski,
Structure and Properties of the UCu4 Al8 Derivatives. (I)
Worksh.on Chemical Physics of Emerging Materials, ROTTACH-EGERN, DE, 2001.05 28 –.06 01
198. W. Suski, A. Czopnik, K. Wochowski,
Magnetic, Electrical and Thermodynamic Properties of the UCu4`x Crx Al8 System. (L)
Int.Conf. Actinides ’01, HAYAMA, JP, 2001.11 04–09
199. W. Suski, B.Kotur, K. Wochowski,
Structure, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Yb1`x Scx Fe4 Al8 System. (P)
11th Czech & Slovak Conf.on Magnetism, Košice, SK, 2001.08 20–23
200. W. Suski, K. Wochowski, D. Badurski,
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of the UCu4`x Crx Al8 System. (P)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
201. W. Suski, K. Wochowski, D. Badurski,
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of the UCu4 Al8`x Gax . (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
202. A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, L. Lipiński, H. Manuszkiewicz,
Wzorzec jednostki temperatury dla zakresu niskich temperatur w INTiBS PAN. [Temperature
Standard Unit for Low Temperature Range in the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of
Polish Academy of Sciences.] (P)
Krajowy Kongres Metrologii [Natl. Metrology Congr.] [KKM 2001] Warsaw, PL, 2001.06 24–26
203. A. Szmyrka-Grzebyk, L. Lipiński, H. Manuszkiewicz, A. Kowal,
Nowy wzorzec jednostki temperatury opracowywany w ramach projektu Unii Europejskiej –
PR5. [A New Temperature Unit Standard Elaborated in the Framework of EC Project PR5.] (P)
Krajowy Kongres Metrologii [Natl. Metrology Congr.] [KKM 2001] Warsaw, PL, 2001.06 24–26
204. J. Sznajd,
Renormalization of the Weakly Interacting Spin Chains. (L)
21st Int.Conf.on Statistical Physics, Cancun, MX, 2001.07 15–20
205. J. Sznajd,
Renormalizacja słabo oddziaływujących łańcuchów spinowych. [Renormalization of Weakly Interacting
Spin Chains.] (L)
Mini-Symp. Fizyki Statystycznej Poznan–Wrocław, Poznań, PL, 2001.12 07–07
206. A.Szytuła, W.Bażela, Ł.Gondek, N.Stüßer, A. Zygmunt, B.Penc,
Magnetic Structures and Magnetic Phase Transitions in RAuIn (R = Tb, Ho) Compounds. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
207. K.Takeda, M.Tanaka, T.C.Kobayashi, T.Akazawa, K.Shimizu, K.Amaya, Y.Inada, P. Wiśniewski,
D.Aoki, E.Yamamoto, Y.Haga, Y.Ōnuki,
Magnetic–Nonmagnetic Transition of U3 P4 at High Pressures. (P)
Int.Conf. Actinides ’01, HAYAMA, JP, 2001.11 04–09
208. E.Talik, A.Winiarski, B.Kotur, W. Suski,
ScFe4 Al8 : Technology and Properties of Single Crystal Samples. (P)
6th Polish Conf.on Crystal Growth, Poznań, PL, 2001.05 20–23
209. J.Tarasiewicz, R.Jakubas, J. Baran,
Raman Studies of the Anionic Sublattice Vibrations in (C5 H5 NH)6 Bi4 Cl18 . (P)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
210. I.Tereshina, P. Gaczyński, N.Tristan, V.Rusakov, H. Drulis, W. Suski,
Structure, Magnetic Properties and Mössbauer Spectra of Hydrides ReFe11 TiH1`d . (C)
8th Eur.Conf.on Hydrogen Storage Materials [ECSSC-8] OSLO, NO, 2001.07 02–03
211. I.S.Tereshina, S.A.Nikitin, L.D.Gulay, J. Stępień-Damm, N.Yu.Pankratov, A.A.Salamova,
V.N.Verbetsky, W. Suski,
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Lu2 Fe17 Hx (x = 0; 3) Single Crystals. (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
212. H.Teterycz, A.Basińska, R. Klimkiewicz,
Reakcje złożone przemian alkoholi wobec katalizatorów tlenkowych i ich aktywność w reakcji
gazu wodnego. [Complex Reactions of Alcohols Transformations over Oxide Catalysts and Their Activity
in WGSR.] (P)
XXXIII Og.-pol. Kolokwium Katalityczne [33rd All.-Pol.Coll.on Catalysis] Cracow, PL,
2001.03 21–23
213. H.Teterycz, R. Klimkiewicz, H. Grabowska,
CeO2 i stabilizowany ZrO2 jako potencjalne katalizatory ketonizacji odpadowych alkoholi. [CeO2
and Stabilized ZrO2 as Potential Catalysts of Waste Alcohols Ketonization.] (P)
IX Og.-pol. Mikrosymp.: Adsorpcja i Kataliza w Ochronie Środowiska [9th All-Pol. Microsymp.on
Adsorption and Catalysis in Environment Protection] Poznań, PL, 2001.06 01
214. P.E. Tomaszewski,
Przełączenie Jahna–Tellera w solach Tuttona. [Jahn–Teller Switching in Tutton
Salts.] (C)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
215. V.H. Tran, S.Paschen, M.Baenitz, A.Rabis, F.Steglich, V.du Plessis, A.M.Strydom,
Evidence for the Formation of a Hybridization Gap in U2 Ru2 Sn. (P)
The Spring-Meet.of the German Physical Society, Hamburg, DE, 2001.03 26–30
216. V.H. Tran, S.Paschen, A.Rabis, M.Baenitz, F.Steglich, V.du Plessis, A.M.Strydom,
U2 Ru2 Sn: a Low Carrier Density System. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
217. V.H. Tran, S.Paschen, A.Rabis, M.Baenitz, F.Steglich, P.De V.Du Plessis, A.M.Strydom,
U2 Ru2 Sn: A Low Carrier Density System. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
218. V.H. Tran, R. Troć, R.Hauser, E.Bauer, F.Steglich, T.Komatsubara,
Transport Properties of the Dense Kondo Compound UCu5 Al. (P)
[7th] Int.Conf.on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, US, 2001.08 06–10
219. V.H. Tran, R. Troć, F.Steglich, R.Hauser, E.Bauer, T.Komatsubara,
Single Crystal Study on a Dense Kondo Compound UCu5 Al. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
220. V.H. Tran, R. Troć, F.Steglich, R.Hauser, E.Bauer, T.Komatsubara,
Single Crystal Study on a Dense Kondo Compound UCu5 Al. (P)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
221. R. Troć,
A New Family of Strongly Electron Correlated Systems of UCu5 M Type. (I)
Worksh.on Chemical Physics of Emerging Materials, ROTTACH-EGERN, DE, 2001.05 28 –.06 01
222. R. Troć, T.Komatsubara, J. Stępień-Damm, C. Sułkowski,
Bulk Properties of UPtGe Single Crystal. (C)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
223. R. Troć, H.Nol, P.Boulet, V.H. Tran,
Magnetotransport of the Compounds in the U–Ge System. (P)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
224. M.Trzeciak, J.J.Ziółkowski, J. Wrzyszcz, M. Zawadzki,
Rhodium Complexes Supported on Zinc Aluminate Spinel as Catalysts for Hydroformylation and
Hydrogenation. (P)
10th Int.Symp.on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Lyon, FR,
2001.07 02–06
225. J. Ulner, K. Durczewski,
Elastic Constants near Structural Phase Transition in Paramagnets. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
226. A. Waśkowska, Z.Czapla,
Crystal Structures of [NH3 C(CH2 OH)3 ]+ H2 PO`
4 and (NH2 )2 ´ H3 PO4 . (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
227. A. Waśkowska, L.Gerward, J.Staun Olsen, E.Malicka,
Crystal Lattice Dilatation in the System CdCr2`x Gax Se4 System (x = 0:0, 0.06 and 0.12). (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
228. A. Waśkowska, H.G.Krane, L.Gerward, J.Staun Olsen, E.Malicka,
Magnetostriction Effects in the System CdCr2`x Gax Se4 (x = 0:02 and 0.06). (P)
Int.Conf.on Synchrotron Crystallography, Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.08 31 –.09 04
229. R. Wawryk, A. Wojakowski, C. Marucha, T. Cichorek, Z. Henkie,
Disorder Origin of Nonmagnetic Kondo-Like Behavior in Actinides. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
230. A. Wojakowski, R. Wawryk, Z. Henkie,
Thermoelectric Power and Resistivity of UPS. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
231. A.Wojciechowska, A. Pietraszko, W.Bronowska, M.Cieślak-Golonka, Z.Staszak,
Molecular Structure of the Double Salt [Zn(bpy)3 ](CrO4 )0:5 –NO3 ´ 6:5H2 O. (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
232. J.Wojtkiewicz, R. Lemański,
Ground States of the Falicov–Kimball Model with Correlated Hopping. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
233. J.Wojtkiewicz, R. Lemański,
Ground States of the Falicov–Kimball Model with Correlated Hopping. (P)
26th Meet.of Middle-European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (MECO-26) Prague, CZ,
2001.03 08–10
234. M. Wołcyrz, R. Horyń, F.Bourée,
Models of the Unit Cell Occupation in the Off-Stoichiometric Lanthanum Maganites:
La1`x Mn1`y O3+‹ . (P)
20th Eur. Crystallographic Meet., Cracow, PL, 2001.08 25–31
235. P. Wróbel,
Equivalence between Pairing and Flux Formation in Weakly Doped Antiferromagnets. (P)
12th Sch.Mod.Phys.on Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 21–24
236. P. Wróbel,
Vorticity Correlations in the Weakly Doped t ` J Model. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
237. P. Wróbel,
String Phase and Pairing in Doped Antiferromagnets. (C)
Kolokw. Polsko–Holenderskie nt. Fizyki ciała stałego [Polish–Nederl. Coll.on Solid State Physics]
Leiden, NL, 2001.02 05–10
238. P. Wróbel,
String Phase and Pairing in Doped Antiferromagnets. (C)
Worksh.on Strongly Correlated Systems, BARCELONA, ES, 2001.05 10–17
239. J. Wrzyszcz,
Oczyszczanie spalin z silników wysokoprężnych. [Diesel Combustion Gases Purification.] (I)
IX Og.-pol. Mikrosymp.: Adsorpcja i Kataliza w Ochronie Środowiska [9th All-Pol. Microsymp.on
Adsorption and Catalysis in Environment Protection] Poznań, PL, 2001.06 01
240. J. Wrzyszcz, W. Miśta, D. Hreniak, W. Stręk, M. Zawadzki, H. Grabowska,
Preparation and Optical Properties of Nanostructured Europium-Doped ‚-Al2 O3 . (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
241. A.Yaremko, H. Ratajczak, J. Baran, E.Mozdor, B.Silvi,
Strong Anharmonism and Davydov Splitting Effects in the IR Spectra of h- and l-Adipic Acid
Crystals. (L)
1st Russian–Ukrainian–Polish Conf.on Molecular Interactions. School of Physical Organic Chemistry,
Gdańsk, PL, 2001.06 10–16
242. E.M.Yoshimura, E.Okuno, M. Suszyńska,
Gamma-Irradiated Soda–Lime Silicate Glasses of Different Origin: Isothermal Light
Emission. (C)
11th Int.Conf.on Radiation Effects in Insulators, Lisbon, PT, 2001.09 03–07
243. T.A. Zaleski,
Magnetic Correlation Functions in the SO(5) Theory of the High-Tc Superconductivity. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14
244. V.I.Zaremba, V.Hlukhyy, J. Stępień-Damm,
Crystal Structure of Th3 Ni4 In13 and Th4 Pd10 In21 . (P)
31èmes Journées des Actinides, Saint-Malo, FR, 2001.04 26–28
245. V.I.Zaremba, V.Hlukhyy, J. Stępień-Damm,
Crystal Structure of Th3 Ni4 In13 and Th4 Pd10 In21 . (P)
XLIII Konwers. Krystalograficzne [43rd Polish Crystallographic Meet.] Wrocław, PL, 2001.06 28–29
246. M. Zawadzki, J. Wrzyszcz, W. Miśta, H. Grabowska, J.Trawczyński,
Pt=ZnAl2 O4 jako katalizator pełnego utleniania węglowodorów. [Pt=ZnAl2 O4 as a Catalyst of
Complete Hydrocarbons Oxidation.] (P)
XXXIII Og.-pol. Kolokwium Katalityczne [33rd All.-Pol.Coll.on Catalysis] Cracow, PL,
2001.03 21–23
247. R.G.Zhbankov, S.P.Firsov, T.E.Kolosova, L.K.Prikhodchenko, D.D.Grinshpan, J. Baran,
M.K. Marchewka, H. Ratajczak,
Fourier Raman Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. (L)
6th Natl.Conf.on Molecular Spectroscopy [w.Int.Part.] Wrocław & Lądek-Zdrój, PL,
2001.09 29 –.10 03
248. J.Ziaja, G.Witek, W. Miśta,
Influence of ZrO2 Doping in Ba2 Cu3 O7`x Ceramics on Its Critical Density. (P)
5th Int.Conf.on Unconventional Electromechanical and Electrical Systems, Szczecin &
MIĘDZYZDROJE, PL, 2001.09 05–08
249. T.Znamierowska, W.Szuszkiewicz, J. Hanuza, L. Macalik, D. Hreniak, W. Stręk,
Ternary Orthophosphates of the Ba3 Y1`x Ndx (PO4 )3 Family as Possible Powder Laser
Materials. (P)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
250. O.J. Żogał, W.Wolf, P.Herzig, A.H.Vuorimäki, E.E.Ylinen, P.Vajda,
P 3̄c1 versus P6 3cm Structures for YD3 : an 2 H NMR Investigation. (P)
Gordon Res.Conf.on Hydrogen–Metal Systems, Connecticut College, New London, CT, US,
2001.07 08–13
251. V.Zolin, J.Sokolnicki, J.Legendziewicz, B.Keller, E.Zych, W. Stręk, V.Tsaryuk,
Nanometer-Range Media for Powder Lasers. (P)
11th Int.Worksh.on Glasses, Ceramics, Hybrids and Nanocomposites From Gel [SolGel2001] Abano
Terme, IT, 2001.09 16–21
252. V.Zolin, J.Sokolnicki, J.Legendziewicz, B.Keller, E.Zych, W. Stręk, V.Tsaryuk,
Nanometer-Range Media for Powder Lasers. (P)
[1st] Int.Conf.on Sol–Gel Materials, Rokosowo (Wrocław) PL, 2001.06 13–16
253. E.Zych, P.J. Dereń, D. Hreniak, W. Stręk,
Rare Earth-Doped Lu2 O3 -Based X-ray Phosphors. (C)
5th Int.Sch.on Excited States of Transition Elements, Lądek-Zdrój, PL, 2001.06 06–11
254. A. Zygmunt, A. Baszczuk,
Structure, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of a Low-Resistive Phase in Pb–Ag–O–C
System. (P)
IX Szkoła Nadprzewodnictwa Wysokotemperaturowego [9th Natl.Symp.on High-Temperature
SuperConductivity] Krynica – Czarny Potok, PL, 2001.06 10–14