Edycja 4.


Edycja 4.
Angielska Liga Zadaniowa
rok szk. 2005 / 2 0 0 6
Edycja 4.
Termin wykonania: do 15 lutego (?roda).
1. Match festivities with their dates. Where are they celebrated?
(Po??cz nazwy ni?ej podanych ?wi?t z ich datami. Napisz, gdzie s? obchodzone. Podaj polskie
t?umaczenia tych ?wi?t.)
20 January
25 January
27 January
14 February
Burns Night
Martin Luther King Jr Day
Valentine’s Day
World War II Genocide Memorial Day
2. What’s the name of the festivity which description is given below? Write
the missing words/letters.
(Podaj nazw? ?wi?ta, którego opis podany jest ni?ej. Uzupe?nij tekst.)
The annual tribu te to the life, works and spirit of the great Sc…… poet, Robert ….….
(1759 - 1796). Celebrated on, or about, the Bard's birt hday, January ……. th. Burns
Suppers are sort of time honored form which includes the eating of a tradit ional Sc……
meal, the drinki n g of Scotch whisky, and the recitat ion of works by, about, and in the
spiri t of the Bard.
3. Match the lines to make Valentine rhymes.
Try to translate them into Polish. [10pkt.]
(Po??cz wersy, by utworzy? walentynkowe wiersze. Spróbuj poda? ich polsk?
Valentine’s Day Rhymes
... What you get
Is Cupid Kisses
... Take this to
My blue eyed beauty
Roses are red
Violets are blue ...
Postie Postie
Do not tarry …
… Take this to
The one I’ll marry
… Sugar is sweet
And so are you
When Cupid
Shoots and misses …
Postie Postie
Do your duty …
4. Now your turn to come up with your own three Valentine verses. These
can be romantic or humorous. (Napisz trzy 4- wersowe wiersze walentynkowe.)
W sumie mo?ecie otrzyma? 28 punktów.
Zadania z tej serii oddajecie swojemu nauczycielowi j?zyka angielskiego.
Good Luck!
A. Kowalewska - Wójcik
5. Valentine’s Crossword - Zadanie Bonusowe.
2. What day does this issue celebrate?
4. often very old, handmade, white, very delicate
6. a card is ........... when it is not
8. what you send through the mail to friends on holidays
10. oh so sweet!
12. a person who is divinely good
1. mixed red and white
3. blossoms from a plant
5. what keeps you ticking
7. get hit by his arrow and you'll fall in love!
9. what you give to someone you love
11. when will you ........ ? You're almost 35 yrs. old, you know!!

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