Parish Bulletin - Our Lady of Ostrabrama
Parish Bulletin - Our Lady of Ostrabrama
Parish Bulletin Rev. Joseph Staudt, Parish Administrator Rev. Piotr Narkiewicz, Associate Rev. Thomas Juniper Jones, Associate 3000 Depot Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 997, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Tel: 631 734 6446 • Fax: 631 734 4117 Parish website: Parish Email: [email protected] Music Director: Kelli Naugles , Tel: 631 603 5799 E-mail: [email protected] Rel. Ed. Director: Adrienne Dillingham, Tel: 631 369 7933 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Outreach: 69465 Main Rd., Greenport Tel: 631 477 6607 O/L of Mercy Regional School, Tel: 631 734 5166 Principal: Mrs. Alexandra Conlon CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST - MASS Weekdays: 8:30 am Monday through Saturday Saturday Evenings: 5:30 pm Sundays: 8:00 am, 9:30 am (Polish), 11:00 am Holy Days Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm Day: 8:30 am; 7:00 pm (Polish) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - PENANCE: Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 pm or at other times by appointment with a priest. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Baptisms are celebrated each Sunday at 12:00 noon. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Marriages are to be scheduled at least six months in advance by interview with a parish priest. Pre-Cana conferences are required. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK & VISITATION OF THE SICK: After the 8:30 am Mass on First Friday of the Month. Please call the Rectory to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick and Communion to be brought to the sick at home. DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday 9:00 am Lent - Stations of the Cross: Friday 6:30 pm (English) 7:30 pm (Polish) Rosary in community we pray before daily Mass and in October: Friday 7 pm (Polish), Saturday 5 pm (English) Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Friday, 9:00 am and 7 pm— 8 pm PARISH REGISTRATION: A census card can be obtained in the church entrance or in the Rectory. 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2015 You changed my mourning into dancing; O LORD, my God, forever will I give you thanks. — Psalm 30:13 To keep the faith alive for future generations, please consider remembering your parish Our Lady of Ostrabrama in your Will. MASSES FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, June 27 5:30pm +Elizabeth Simcik (Rosemarie Ryba) SUNDAY, June 28 8:00am +For Fr. Daniel Champoli on anniversary of ordination (Carolyn & Fred Lubanski) 9:30am (Polish) + Wladyslaw Szewczyk (Stanislaw & Danuta Pasko) 11:00am +Michael MacKenzie (Susan MacKenzie) MONDAY, June 29 Saint Peter & Paul 8:30am +Suzie De Olivera (Fred Markham) TUESDAY, June 30 8:30am + Janina Sysol (Madeline Miller) WEDNESDAY, July 1 8:30am +For Kaloski & Mulhall Families Living & Deceased (Dorothy Mulhall) THURSDAY, July 2 8:30am +For the Souls in Purgatory (Frances Kozlowsky) FRIDAY, July 3 8:30am +Holy Name Society Living and Deceased SATURDAY, July 4 8:30am +For Parishioners and Benefactors Living and Deceased +O Boze Blogoslawienstwo dla dzieci w czasie wakacji (Kolo Rozanca) 5:30pm + Kenny Chituk (Andre Cybulski) SUNDAY, July 5 8:00am +John Zuhoski (Dorothy Chituk) 9:30am (Polish) + Andrzej Moczulski (Beata & Pawel z Rodzina) 11:00am +Eileen, +Michael & +Martin McGreen (Matthew & Sheila McGreen) Financial Corner, June 21, 2015 Sunday Collection: $ 4150, THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY ! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! HAVE A GREAT TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. GOD BLESS AMERICA !!! Prayer for our Servicemen and Women. Lord, hold our troops in your loving Hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen! Dear Parishioners of Our Lady of Ostrabrama: As we know, we celebrate the birth of our nation on July 4th. As we pray for our country, let us also pray for the parish and one another. We thank God for sending Fr. Stan to Ostrabrama (we all wish it were for a much longer period of time!) because he has touched many hearts with his kindness, gentleness and love for God and people. I have been blessed with having gotten to know him too! He will go with our prayers. We know he will enrich the lives of the parishioners of St. Anne’s in Brentwood as he has done at Our Lady of Ostrabrama. Let us remember that we are all one family--all children of God. So please be patient with me and pray for me, remembering Jesus' words: “Love one another as I have loved you.” We need each other! God Bless, Fr. Joe Staudt The Sacred Heart Rosary Society will have a cake sale Fourth of July weekend Saturday, July 4 and Sunday, July 5. If a Society member is unable to bake, a monetary donation is appreciated. The Church Renovations and Elevator Project’s current balance is: $ 148,497.00 Donations may be made in memory of your loved ones. As you can see every week in the bulletin, we have a Mass dedicated for all parishioners and benefactors; both living and deceased. It is meant to assist with our prayers and the sacrifice of the Mass all who are entrusted to our care in life and in death so that we may be one in Our Heavenly Home. Thank you for your generosity! God Bless You!!! OUR ANNUAL OLO PARISH RAFFLE we will start the sale of tickets in the entrance of the church on the INDEPENDENCE WEEKEND 4th of July It will be 300 tickets for $ 100. 1st prize -$ 10.000.00 2nd prize-$ 2.000.00 3rd prize -$ 1.000.00 4th prize -$ 500.00 5th prize -$ 500.00 6th prize -$ 500.00 7th prize -$ 500.00 Drawing will be held on Sunday September 13. 2015 at Our Lady of Ostrabrama Church during PARISH PIGROST. Raffle donation is: $100.00 The seller of the winning ticket will receive $500.00 Dear Parents: Please register for 2015-2016 CCD by sending a registration form(s) with payment to Our Lady of Ostrabrama, P.O. Box 997, Cutchogue, NY 11935. Registration forms you will be able to download from the church’s website. Please consider volunteering to be a catechist or ask a friend to volunteer. The most important requirement is the desire to share your faith. The success of our parish’s CCD program depends on volunteers. The program needs catechists for 1st and 2nd grade along with substitute catechists. Thank you for making our program a successful one. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me (369-7933) or send me an email. Sincerely, Adrienne Dillingham CCD Director [email protected] Nabożeństwo do Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego skłania również do aktów pokutnych za grzechy innych, do naśladowania cnót tego Serca, a przede wszystkim do miłości we wszelkich jej przejawach. Coroczna uroczystość obchodzona jest w piątek po oktawie Bożego Ciała. Miesiąc czerwiec jest miesiącem Serca Jezusowego. Szczególnym orędownikiem tej formy kultu był papież Leon XIII (+ 1903) i jego następcy. Godzina święta wywodzi się od św. Małgorzaty Marii Alacoque. Pan Jezus wyraził życzenie, aby wierni w nocy z czwartku na pierwszy piątek miesiąca adorowali chociaż przez godzinę Najświętszy Sakrament dla uczczenia konania Chrystusa w Ogrodzie Oliwnym. Pan Jezus dał także św. Marii Małgorzacie obietnicę, że kto przez dziewięć kolejnych pierwszych piątków przystąpi do Komunii świętej i ofiaruje ją jako wynagrodzenie za grzechy własne i rodzaju ludzkiego, temu Boże Serce zapewni miłosierdzie w chwili zgonu, że nie umrze bez Jego łaski. Pierwsze litanie do Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego powstały w XVII wieku. Obecna pochodzi z wieku XIX. Jej początek miał miejsce w klasztorze sióstr francuskich wizytek. Zatwierdził ją do odmawiania publicznego papież Leon XIII 2 kwietnia 1889 roku. On też dołączył do Litanii akt poświęcenia rodzaju ludzkiego Najświętszemu Sercu Jezusowemu. Papież Pius XI dodał akt Wynagrodzenia Sercu Jezusowemu, który nakazał odmawiać co roku w uroczystość Serca Jezusowego.