New A Acquisitions Books s – August 20 015


New A Acquisitions Books s – August 20 015
New A
Acquisitionss – August 20
015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐7 p. 8 Books C
Call No Author 41604 opher, John ; McCutcheon, Christo
bell opher, John ; McCutcheon, Christo
bell opher, John ; McCutcheon, Christo
bell opher, John ; McCutcheon, Christo
bell opher, John ; McCutcheon, Christo
bell opher, John ; McCutcheon, Christo
bell Bergin,, Joseph 41618 Janowsski, Maciej 41619 Jedlickii, Jerzy 41620 Micińskka, Magdalena 41643 41644 41645 41646 41647 41648 Title Date of publ.//Publisher 193
39 20
014 Amberley 9781445621821 9
40 : Britain standss alone 20
014 Amberley 9781445622071 9
41 : a Global Confflict 20
014 Amberley 9781445622095 9
42 : on the Offenssive 20
015 Amberley 9781445622118 9
44 : Liberation & V
Vengance 20
015 Amberley 9781445622149 9
45 : a Brave New W
World 20
015 Amberley 9781445622156 9
History of France
A h
history of the Polissh intelligentsia. V
Vol. 1, Birth of tthe intelligentsia, 1750‐1831 A h
history of the Polissh intelligentsia. V
Vol. 2, The viciious circle, 1832‐1
1864 A h
history of the Polissh intelligentsia. V
Vol. 3, At the cro
ossroads, 1865‐19
918 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137339041 9
014 Peter Lang Ed
dition 9783631623756 9
014 Peter Lang Ed
dition 9783631624029 9
014 Peter Lang Ed
dition 9783631623886 9
1 ISBN New A
Acquisitionss – August 20
015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry 41605 Pettiford, Lloyd (ed.) 41621 Bordino
o, Gianpiero 41635 Grant, Thomas D. 41652 Pikuła, Łukasz Jerzy 41622 Modzelewski, Karol 41653 Sochaccki, Szymon 41606 Auers, Daunis 41593 Buczko
owski, Konrad et aal. 41636 41654 Dupontt, Claire ; Oberthü
ür, Sebastiian (eds) Żołędowski, Cezary ; Ryssz‐
Kowalcczyk, Barbara ; Duszczyk, Maciej (red.) 41630 Aron, R
Raymond 41623 Somer,, Evren 41603 Savignyy, Heather ; Marsden, Lee 41539 Bellis, JJean‐François A N
New A‐Z of Internaational Relations T
Theory A n
new right for democracy and develo
opment in Eurrope : the European Citizens' Initiattive (ECI) Agggression against U
Ukraine : territoryy, responsibility, and in
nternational law
Akssjologia Unii Europejskiej w świetle
e źródeł, wykładni i instytucji
Barrbarian Europe Bośśnia i Hercegowin
na 1995‐2012 : stu
udium politologiczne Com
mparative politicss and governmentt of the Baltic states : Estonia, Latvia and Lithu
uania in the 21sst century Crim
minality and criminal justice in con
ntemporary Poland : sociopolitical perspectives Deccarbonization in tthe European Unio
on : Internal Policies and External Strategies Dekkada członkostwaa w Unii Europejskkiej : perrspektywa politykki społecznej Dem
mocracy and totaalitarianism : a the
eory of political systems Direct democracy in the Baltic states : insttitutions, procedu
ures and practice in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Doiing political science and international relations : th
heories in action Dro
oit européen de laa concurrence 2 20
015 I.B. Tauris 9781848855021 9
015 P.I.E. Peter Laang 20
9782875742476 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137514639 9
015 Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek M
015 Peter Lang 20
015 Wydawnictwo Adam M
Marszałek 9788380192034 9
9783631649800 9
9788380191877 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137369963 9
015 Ashgate 20
9781472451842 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137406828 9
015 Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa 9788380170452 9
990 University of Michigan Prress 0472064517 0
015 Peter Lang 9783631652985 9
011 Palgrave Maccmillan 9780230245877 9
014 Éditions Bruyylant 9782802737896 9
New A
Acquisitionss – August 20
015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry 41637 41594 41595 Kaweckki, Ireneusz ; Trusz, Sławomir ; Kwateera, Anna ; Majereek, Bożena Domingguez, Roberto Molchaanov, Mikhail A. James, Harold 41607 Borg, SStefan 41656 41609 üller, Börnerr, Stefanie ; Eigmü
Monikaa (ed.) McCormick, John 41624 Pigeonnier, Anne‐Sylvie 41631 41688 41683 41684 41685 41687 41686 O'Sullivvan, Noël Foster, Nigel G. Foster, Nigel G. Foster, Nigel G. Foster, Nigel G. Foster, Nigel G. Foster, Nigel G. 41602 Del Sarrto, Raffaella A. (eed.) 41638 Caton, Valerie 41608 watele Dzieci migrantów zarobkowych : obyw
Eurropy czy eurosiero
oty? EU foreign policy tow
wards Latin America Eurrasian regionalism
ms and Russian forreign policy Eurrope reborn : a hisstory, 1914‐2000
Eurropean integration and the problem
m of the state : a critique of tthe bordering of E
Europe Eurropean integration, processes of ch
hange and thee national experience Eurropean Union politics Eurropéanisation et d
démocratisation d
des États baltes dans la périod
de de préadhésion
n à l'UE : Le rôlee de la conditionn
nalité politique de
es orgganisations européennes Fasscism Fosster on EU Law Fosster on EU Law Fosster on EU Law Fosster on EU Law Fosster on EU Law Fosster on EU Law Fraagmented borderss, interdependencce and extternal relations : tthe Israel‐Palestine‐European Union triangle Fraance and the politics of European Economic and Mo
onetary Union 3 20
015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
015 Ashgate Publishing 20
014 Pearson Longgman 9788372719140 9
9781137321275 9
9781409435341 9
9780582215337 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137409324 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137411242 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137453389 9
015 Peter Lang 20
9782875742698 9
983 J.M. Dent & SSons 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 046011428X 0
9780198727590 9
9780198727590 9
9780198727590 9
9780198727590 9
9780198727590 9
9780198727590 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137504135 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137409164 9
New A
Acquisitionss – August 20
015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry 41545 41632 41538 41540 41556 41541 41557 41537 41544 41548 41547 41546 41610 Goo
odbye Poutine : U
Union européenne
e, Russie, Ukrraine Romsiccs, Ignác Hungary in the Twen
ntieth Century énocide des Juggement à Istanbul : Le procès du gé
n, Vahakn N. ; Akççam, Taner Arm
méniens La B
Banque centrale eeuropéenne et l'E
Eurosystème Adalid, Sébastien : Reecherches sur le rrenouvellement d'une mééthode d'intégration La ccrise de la protecttion sociale en Eu
urope : Turqueet, Pascale (dir.) Adaaptation ou refon
ndation protection des droits fondamentau
ux dans La p
Tinièree, Romain ; Vial, Claire (dir.) l'Un
nion européenne : Entre évolution et perrmanence La rrevanche du natio
onalisme : néopop
pulistes et Taguiefff, Pierre‐André xén
nophobes à l'assaut de l'Europe Chalian
nd, Gérard (dir.) Le ccrime de silence :: Le génocide des Arméniens Le ggénocide des Arm
méniens : Cent anss de Becker, Annette et al. reccherche 1915‐2015 Less sanctions internaationales : entre légalité et Berthelet, Pierre ; Hatem
m, Elie (dir.) réaalité L'esspace euro‐méditterranéen entre conflits et Lévêqu
ue, Laure et al. (dir.) méétissages : renconttres, échanges, rep
présentations L'Union européennee et les pays ACP : La fin d'une illusion ? L'accord dee Cotonou : bilan et Ebalé, Raymond perrspectives à l'horizon 2020 Galantiino, Maria Grazia ; Freire, Maanaging crises, maaking peace : towa
ards a Maria R
Raquel (ed.) straategic EU vision fo
or security and de
efense Blanc, Hélène (dir.) 4 20
015 Ginkgo Éditeu
ur 9782846792417 9
999 Osiris 963134830X 9
015 Éditions de l'A
Aube 9782815910538 9
015 Éditions Bruyylant 20
9782802744986 9
015 Presses Univeersitaires de Reennes 9782753536067 9
015 Éditions Bruyylant 9782802748076 9
015 Presses univeersitaires de Frrance 20
015 Éditions de L''Archipel 9782130653363 9
9782809816211 9
015 Armand Colin
n 9782200294427 9
015 L'Harmattan
9782343055909 9
015 L'Harmattan
9782343055145 9
015 L'Harmattan
9782343047713 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137442246 9
New A
Acquisitionss – August 20
015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry 41650 41649 Böhler,, Jochen Lamont, Christopher K. ;; Harst, J. van der (Jan) ; Gaenssmantel, Frank (ed.) Berré, Marie Dominiquee ; Hyacintthe, Simon ; Rhéttoré, Jacques Moorhouse, Roger 41611 Bouza G
Garcia, Luis 41625 Vayssièère Bertrand (dir.)) 41612 Bachmann, Veit ; Müllerr, Martin (ed.) 41613 Desai, Padma 41626 Jarosz, Dariusz ; Pasztor,, Maria 41639 Monierr, Elizabeth (ed.) 41640 Cadier,, David ; Light, Maargot (eds) 41600 41601 Jørgenssen, Knud Erik Jørgenssen, Knud Erik 41614 Martin, Natalie 41596 41543 41627 41633 Nodia, Gia ; Stefes, Chrisstoph H. (eds) Conqueest, Robert Najjazd 1939 : Niemccy przeciw Polsce
015 Znak 9788324034185 9
Non‐western encoun
nters with democcratization : imaagining democraccy after the Arab SSpring 015 Ashgate Publishing 20
9781472439710 9
ains, témoins Nous avons vu l'enfeer : Trois dominica
015 CERF direects du génocide des Arméniens Pakkt diabłów : sojuszz Hitlera i Stalina
Parrticipatory democcracy and civil society in the EU : agenda‐setting and institutionalisation Pen
nser les frontièress européennes au
u XXIe siècle : Réfflexion croisée dees sciences sociale
es Perrceptions of the EU in Eastern Euro
ope and Sub‐
haran Africa : lookking in from the outside Perrestroika in Perspective : The Desig
gn and Dileemmas of Soviet Reform Polish‐French Relatio
ons, 1944‐1989 Reggional insecurity aafter the Arab uprrisings : narrratives of security and threat Russsia's foreign policcy : ideas, domesttic politics and
d external relation
ns Sagge Handbook of European Foreign Policy. Vol. I Sagge Handbook of European Foreign Policy. Vol. II Seccurity and the Turrkey‐EU accession
n process : norrms, reforms and the Cyprus issue
Seccurity, Democracyy and Developmen
nt in the Sou
uthern Caucasus aand the Black Sea Region Stalin : Breaker of Naations 5 9782204104036 9
015 Znak 9788324030590 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137436832 9
015 Peter Lang 20
9782875742667 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137405463 9
989 Princeton University Press 9780691602226 9
015 Peter Lang 9783631627426 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137503961 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137468871 9
015 SAGE 20
015 SAGE 9781446276099 9
9781446276099 9
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137450029 9
015 Peter Lang 9783034313001 9
000 Phoenix Presss 1842124390 1
New A
Acquisitionss – August 20
015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry 41651 Dziedziic, Marcin ; Wójcik, Michał 41628 Marchii, Francesco 41597 Smith, Michael ; Keukeleeire, Stephan ; Vanhoonackerr, Sophie (eds.)
41615 Terraz '44 : Historie Thee Convention on tthe Future of Euro
ope : How States Behave in a N
New Institutional C
Context of Neggotiation 20
015 Wielka Litera 9788380320376 9
015 Peter Lang 9782875742483 9
Thee Diplomatic Systeem of the European Union : Evo
olution, Change an
nd Challenges 20
016 Routledge 9780415732284 9
Niţoiu, Cristian Thee EU foreign policy analysis : democratic legitimacy, media, and climate change 015 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137491978 9
41616 Peñalveer García, Nereo ;; Priestley, Julian
Thee making of a Euro
opean President
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137476739 9
41617 Germo
ond, Basil 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137017802 9
41641 Kamel, Amir M. 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137439796 9
41599 Morin, Jean‐Frédéric, ett al. (ed.) 20
015 Ashgate Publishing 9781472443649 9
41634 Suny, R
Ronald Grigor 19
998 Oxford Univeersity Press 0195081056 0
41578 Knock, Thomas J. 19
995 Princeton University Press 0691001502 0
41629 Neumaan, Marek 015 Peter Lang 20
9783631652060 9
41549 Nafti, H
Hatem 20
015 L'Harmattan
9782343057026 9
Thee Maritime Dimen
nsion of European
n Security : Seaapower and the European Union Thee political econom
my of EU ties with Iraq and Iran
n : an assessmentt of the trade‐peace relaationship gotiations : Thee politics of transaatlantic trade neg
TTIP in a globalized w
world Thee Soviet experimeent : Russia, the USSR, and the succcessor states To end all wars : Wo
oodrow Wilson and the quest for a new world ordeer Too
o small to make an impact? : the Czzech Rep
public's influence on the European Union's foreign policy Tun
nisie, dessine‐moii une révolution : Tém
moignages sur la ttransition démocrratique (20
011‐2014) 6 New A
Acquisitionss – August 20
015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry 41542 Menasse, Robert 41642 Weber, Eugen er contre les Un messager pour l'Europe : Plaidoye
nattionalismes Varrieties of fascism : doctrines of revo
olution in thee twentieth century 7 20
015 Buchet‐Chasttel 9782283028322 9
964 R.E. Krieger P
Pub. Co. 089874444X 0
New A
Acquisitionss – August 20
015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR
Olaf Cramme, Ariaan M
Meyer, Jo Ritzen Promise for Europ
pe [electronic reso
ource] : How A New P
the elecctions to the Euro
opean Parliament can stop Eurosion / Policy network paper Policy Netw
work, 2013. O
Ośrodek Studiów W
Wschodnich im. M
Marka K
Karpia nsowy w Rosji [eleectronic Kryzys ggospodarczo‐finan
resourcce] : uwarunkowania, przejawy, perrspektywy / Raport OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnicch im. Marka K
Karpia, 2015. Policy network (SSeries) Policy Netw
work, 2014. Euryopa v. 86 Institut eurropéen de l’Université
é de Genève, 2015
5. Raport OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnicch im. Marka K
Karpia, 2014. Lo
oukas Tsoukalis Federico Biasca Zsuzsanna Végh The Unh
happy State of thee Union [electron
nic resource] : Europe Needs a New Graand Bargain / Une ideentité postnationaale pour l'Union eeuropéenne [electro
onic resource] : paar‐delà le libéralisme et le communautarisme ? / Wyszeh
hradzka pomoc rozwojowa w obszaarze Partnerrstwa Wschodnieggo [electronic reso
ource] / 8 

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