Plan kolokwium


Plan kolokwium
WyŜsza Szkoła Filologiczna
we Wrocławiu
ul. Sienkiewicza 32
50–335 Wrocław
Muzeum Miejskie
„Dom Gerharta Hauptmanna”
ul. Michałowicka 32
58–570 Jelenia Góra
Wydział Humanistyczny
w Jeleniej Górze
ul. Lwówecka 18
58–503 Jelenia Góra
tel./fax: (75) 64-53-304(303)
International Colloquium: In Search of Innovatory Subjects for Language and
Culture Courses, Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra, May 17, 2010
Das Internationale Kolloquium: In der Suche nach Innovatorischen Fächern für Sprach- und
Kulturkurse, Das Riesengebrige-Kollegium in Jelenia Góra, den 17 Mai 2010
Starptautiskais kolokvijs: Inovatīvu priekšmetu meklējumi valodas un kultūras programmām,
Milzkalnes kolēăija JeĜeĦa Gurā, 2010. gada 17. maijs
Międzynarodowe Kolokwium: W poszukiwaniu innowacyjnych przedmiotów dla kursów o
języku i kulturze, Kolegium Karkonoskie w Jeleniej Górze, dnia 17 maja 2010 roku
The Scientific Committee
PROF. DR. HABIL. HENRYK GRADKOWSKI (Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra, Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa))
PROF. DR. HABIL. ROLAND POSNER (Berlin University of Technology)
PROF. DR. PHIL. DAINA TETERS (Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga)
PROF. DR. HABIL. ZDZISŁAW WĄSIK (Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław,
The Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra & Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
PROF. DR. HABIL ING. TOMASZ WINNICKI (The Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra,
State Higher Professional School of Kalisz,
Wroclaw University of Economics in Jelenia Góra &
Wroclaw University of Technology)
The Organizing Committee
MGR JULITA ZAPRUCKA (State Museum “Gerhard Hauptmann House” in Jelenia Góra)
MGR GRAśYNA MALCZUK (The Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra)
MGR INś. RYSZARD OPALA (Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław)
DR. LESZEK ALBAŃSKI (Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra)
DR. JÓZEF ZAPRUCKI (Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra &
Philological School of Higher Education)
MGR KAMILA JELEŃSKA (Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra)
The Karkonosze College
Jelenia Góra,
room 110, Building no. 3
The Karkonosze College
Jelenia Góra,
room 12, Building no. 11
The Karkonosze College
Jelenia Góra, Rectorate
The Karkonosze College
Jelenia Góra, Rectorate
A working meeting on intensive courses of Erasmus
Lifelong Learning Program
The State Museum
„Gerhart Hauptmann House”
Discussion pertaining to the plans of scientific
cooperation between prospective program participants
Presentations for the English studies section
Presentations for the German studies section
The topic of the colloquium is addressed to students and faculty of The Karkonosze
College. The presentations lasting 20 – 30 minutes will be delivered in two separate
sessions for the students of English and German studies (in English and German
(1) Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Communicology by RICHARD L. LANIGAN, International
Communicology Institute, Washington, DC & Southern University at Carbondale, IL, USA
(2) The Self in Transactional Communication by ELZBIETA WASIK, Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznan; Poland;
(3) Language in Relation to Man: The Scope and Tasks of Anthropological Linguistics by
PIOTR P. CHRUSZCZEWSKI, University of Wrocław & Philological School of Higher Education
in Wrocław, Poland;
(4) Proxemics and Territoriality in Communicative Behavior of Man by MIKOLAJ SOBOCIŃSKI,
The Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz, Poland;
(5) The Discourse of Ecology: Bridging the Subject-Matter of Natural Sciences and
Humanities by TOMASZ WINNICKI, The Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra, State Higher
Professional School of Kalisz, Wroclaw University of Economics in Jelenia Góra & Wroclaw
University of Technology, Poland;
(1) Die Literaturinterpretation als Zeichenprozess (am Beispiel von Johann Wolfgang
Goethes Gedicht “An den Mond”) [Literary Interpretation as a Sign Process (as exemplified
by Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s Poem “An den Mond”)] by ROLAND POSNER, Technical
University of Berlin, Germany;
(2) Imaginative Architektur und Verbale Beschreibung der Leere: Wege und Strassen
[Imaginative Architecture and the Verbal Description of Emptiness: Ways and Roads] by
DAINA TETERS, Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga, Latvia;
(3) Semiotische Substrate und Interferenzen in der Formierung der Regionalen Identität (am
Beispiel des literarischen und kulturellen Erbes in Schlesien [Semiotic Substrates and
Interferences in the Formation of Regional Identity (on the Basis of Cultural and Literary
Heritage in Silesia)] by JOZEF ZAPRUCKI, The Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra &
Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław, Poland;
(4) Die diskursive Natur der zwischenmenschlichen Handlungen in sprachlichen und
kulturellen Ekosystemen [The Discursive Nature of Human Interactions in Linguistic and
Cultural Ecosystems] by ZDZISLAW WĄSIK, Philological School of Higher Education in
Wrocław, The Karkonosze College in Jelenia Góra & Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań,