EA - Zadania SP klasa 6


EA - Zadania SP klasa 6
WILCZYN ul. Dębowa 2
tel./fax 71-310-48-17; tel. 501-101-866
www.mat.edu.pl [email protected]
JASKÓŁKA – klasa 6 szkoły podstawowej
Czas trwania konkursu: 45 minut
Witamy Cię. Otrzymujesz od nas 100 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną
odpowiedź dopisujemy Ci jeszcze 1 punkt, za błędną zabieramy dany punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz,
zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być fałszywa lub
prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno używać słowników, notatek, podręczników itp.
Życzymy przyjemnej pracy. Powodzenia!
1. I have lived in London … I was born.
A) for
B) from
C) when
D) since
2. If you … every day, you … a great basketball player.
A) will practice/will be
B) practice/will be
C) practice/are
D) will practice/are
3. What does a tiger have?
A) stripes
C) whiskers
D) a tail
B) spots
4. I … TV when you … me.
A) have watched/texted
C) watch/were texting
5. Susan’s least favourite vegetables are … .
A) radishes
B) beets
B) was watching/ texted
D) watched/were texting
C) potatoes
D) strawberries
6. It was … best date ever! We ate … dinner in a lovely restaurant and took a romantic walk.
A) -/B) the/the
C) -/a
D) the/7. In the future I … in London.
A) am living
B) lived
C) will live
D) live
8. When I was a child I … short hair, but now my hair is long.
A) used to have
B) was having
C) had
D) have had
9. - Are you ready to go out?
- No. I still have to …
A) do the cleaning
B) do my bed
D) do the dishes
C) make my homework
10. My best friend is a great person who has only good personal qualities. She is … and … .
A) generous/patient
B) polite/bossy
C) responsible /honest
D) selfish/rude
11. He usually plays computer games in the evenings, …?
A) is he
B) doesn’t he
C) does he
D) can he
12. Have you … seen this action film…?
A) ever/B) still/-
D) -/yet
C) never/-
13. Where can people live?
A) In a cottage.
B) In a nest.
C) In a flat.
D) In an apartment.
14. Which word rhymes with rain?
A) plane
B) hair
C) pear
D) chain
15. - My printer isn’t working.
- That’s impossible! Did you … ?
A) switch it on
B) plug it in
C) try it on
D) press it
16. - When shall we meet next time?
- Let’s meet ... .
A) at Christmas
B) on Friday
C) on 10 am
D) in July
17. You … see the new James Bond film. It’s amazing!
A) mustn’t
B) have to
C) must
D) need
18. To make this salad you need … tomatoes.
A) a little
B) a few
C) some
D) few
19. – When were you born?
- I was born in 1987. = …
A) one thousand nine hundreds eighty-seven
B) ninety eighty-seven
C) nineteen eighty-seven
D) one thousand nine hundred eighty-seven
20. Julie is … intelligent … her sister Victoria.
A) as/like
B) more/than
C) as/than
D) as/as
21. Can I … your car for the weekend?
A) lend
B) borrow
C) take
D) receive
22. It’s cold outside. Don’t forget your … .
A) scarf
B) jacket
C) swimsuit
D) gloves
23. My favourite winter sport is … .
A) skating
B) skiing
C) skateboarding
D) snowboarding
24. Which of the following can be found in New York City?
A) Times Square
B) The White House
C) The Metropolitan Museum of Art
D) Piccadilly Circus
25. Which book was written by J.R.R. Tolkien?
A) The Lord of The Rings B) The Hobbit
C) The Silmarillion
D) The Chronicles of Narnia
© Copyright by ŁOWCY TALENTÓW – JERSZ & FunEnglish.pl sp. z o.o., Wrocław 2012