Program konferencji - Poznańskie Konsorcjum RNA


Program konferencji - Poznańskie Konsorcjum RNA
Krajowy Naukowy środek Wiodący
Poznańskie Konsorcjum RNA – GO
Środa 16.09.2015
Program konferencji
Wyjazd autokaru z Poznania
Przyjazd do Obrzycka
1530 - 1600
1600 – 1605
Zakwaterowanie, kawa, herbata
Powitanie i otwarcie konferencji
Wykład zaproszonego gościa:
1705– 1715
1715 – 1725
„Post-transcriptional (co)regulation of innate
immunity and body fat"
Sprawozdanie z działalności KNOW - IChB
Sprawozdanie z działalności KNOW - UAM
Uroczysta kolacja
Wyjazd autokaru do Poznania
Collegium Minus, UAM, ul.
Wieniawskiego 1, Poznań
Dom Pracy Twórczej i Wypoczynku
UAM, Zamek 1, Obrzycko
M. Figlerowicz,
Z. Szweykowska-Kulińska
Prof. dr hab. R. Ciosk
Friedrich Miescher Institute for
Biomedical Research, Basel,
M. Figlerowicz
Z. Szweykowska-Kulińska
Czwartek 17.09.2015
Program konferencji
Wyjazd autokaru z Poznania
Przyjazd do Obrzycka
830 – 930
930 – 1030
Prowadzący sesję: Marek Figlerowicz
1030 – 1045
1045 – 1105
1105 – 1115
1115 – 1130
1130 – 1145
1145 – 1200
1200 – 1230
1230 – 1245
1245 - 1255
1255 – 1305
1305 – 1315
1315 – 1330
1330 – 1345
1345– 1400
Prowadzący sesję: Zofia Szweykowska-Kulińska
1400 – 1530
1530 – 1545
1545 – 1600
1600 – 1615
1615 – 1625
1625 –
1635 – 1645
1645 – 1700
Śniadanie, herbata, kawa
Wykład zaproszonego gościa:
„Human exoribonucleases in health and
Protein-protein interactions in the complexes
associated with the dynamic variability of plant
endomembrane system
Plant nucleases involved in programmed cell
Plant mitochondrial biogenesis in temperature
stress and recovery
Nucleotide sequence of miRNA precursor
contributes to cleavage site selection by Dicer
Sequence-non-specific effects generated by
various types of RNA interference triggers
Cooperation meets competition in microRNAmediated DMPK transcript regulation
Przerwa kawowa
The yeast S. cerevisiae as a model in therapeutic
factor research
The mitochondrial protein import machinery in
Amoebozoa representatives
Mitochondrial energy-dissipating systems
Mitochondria in hyperglycemic endothelial
Somatic copy number variation is an important
mechanism of regulation of miRNA and miRNA
biogenesis genes DICER1 and DROSHA in cancer
The role of DUF283 domain in the interactions
between human ribonuclease Dicer and short
RNA species
Dicer-like gene family in Medicago truncatula, a
model legume plant
Accumulation of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd)
and mechanism of defense in plants useful in
Functioning of the glutathione-phytochelatin
system in plants exposed to biotic and abiotic
Application of pertoleum degraders changes
the response of detoxification system in
rapeseed plants
RNA hybrid duplex-quadruplex structures with
dual functionality as a new tool for silencing of
gene expression
RNA hybrid duplex- and heteroduplexes with
parallel strand orientation – thermodynamics,
structure and potential implication for
antisense design
Structure of Ty1 RNA encoding p22 Gag isoform
that restricts retrotransposon movement
RNA 3D structure prediction: learning by
solving solved problems
Collegium Minus, UAM, ul.
Wieniawskiego 1, Poznań
Dom Pracy Twórczej i Wypoczynku
UAM, Zamek 1, Obrzycko
Prof. dr hab. A. Dziembowski
Institute of Biochemistry and
Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences
& Institute of Genetics and
Biotechnology, University of Warsaw
P. Wojtaszek
K. Leśniewicz
M. Rurek
J. Stęrega-Rosłan
M. Olejniczak
E. Kościańska
A. Karachitos
M. Wojtkowska
N. Antos-Krzemińska
A. Kozieł
P. Kozłowski
A. Kurzyńska-Kokorniak
A. Tworak
A. Małecka
A. Piechalak
J. Wojtera-Kwiczor
K. Czajczyńska
M. Szabat
L. Błaszczyk
K. Purzycka
Prowadzący sesję: Marek Figlerowicz
1700 – 1730
1730 – 1735
1735 – 1755
1755 – 1815
1815 – 1830
1830 – 1840
1840 – 1850
1850 – 1900
Przerwa kawowa
Functionning of signalisation in plants: forming
of protein complexes at levels of receptors, MAP
kinase cascade/protein phosphatases and
chromatin transcription regulation
The role of ABA-PYL/PYR-ABI1 PP2C| SnRK2
complex in regulation of Arabidopsis
MAPKKK18 kinase.
Elements of plant development regulation by
the acetylation of histone H4
The role of structural elements of the 5'terminal region of p53 mRNA in translation
under stress conditions assayed by the
antisense oligonucleotide approach
Length of the 5’-terminal region and structural
context of the AUG1 start codon influence the
ribosomal scanning and translation initiation of
p53 mRNA
Secondary structure of influenza virus segment
5 vRNA - a new target for therapeutic
Secondary structure of coxsackievirus B3 RNA
genome and its targeting with siRNA and helper
antisense oligonucleotides
Kolacja - ognisko
Wyjazd autokaru do Poznania
J. Sadowski
A. Ludwików
T. Bieluszewski
A. Świątkowska
P. Żydowicz
P. Michalak
A. Stachowiak
Piątek 18.09.2015
Program konferencji
Wyjazd autokaru z Poznania
Przyjazd do Obrzycka
Prowadzący sesję: Zofia Szweykowska-Kulińska
830 – 930
930 – 1000
1000 – 1010
1010 – 1025
1025 – 1035
1035 – 1045
1045 – 1100
1100 – 1110
1110 – 1120
1120 – 1130
Prowadzący sesję: Marek Figlerowicz
1130 – 1200
1200 – 1215
1215 – 1225
1225 – 1235
1235 – 1245
1245 – 1255
1255 – 1310
1310 – 1320
1320 – 1330
1340 – 1500
Śniadanie, kawa, herbata
Wykład zaproszonego gościa:
“In reSearch for Philosopher’s Stone’
Molecular characterization of clear cell renal
cell carcinoma (ccRCC)”
Transcriptomics of clear cell renal cell
carcinoma tumors
Mutations and chromosomal aberrations in
sporadic ccRCC tumors
ccRCC – new prognostic markers and
monitoring of disease progression by
molecular methods
miRNAs as regulators of the extracellular
matrix (ECM) proteins expression in brain
Secondary structure of mature miRNAs
suggests their functions
Insights into the tRNA-derived fragments’
function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Crystallization and structural studies of
modified RNA duplexes containing 2'-5'
internucleotide bonds and 6-methyl adenine
Przerwa kawowa
Combinatorial association and abundance of
ISGF3 components dictate selectivity and
kinetics of interferon responses.
Identification of novel biomarkers for
development and progression of
In silico structural and functional analysis of
STAT and IRF proteins - novel approach for
finding specific inhibitors.
Targeted inhibition of STATs and IRFs as a
novel treatment strategy in cardiovascular
Deamination of modified and non-modified
cytidines by human AID
The histone demethylase JMJD3 coordinates
cellular senescence
Maize response to herbicidal stress
Huntington disease iPSCs show early
molecular changes in intracellular signaling,
the expression of oxidative stress proteins
and the p53 pathway
Wyjazd autokaru do Poznania
Collegium Minus, UAM, ul.
Wieniawskiego 1, Poznań
Dom Pracy Twórczej i Wypoczynku
UAM, Zamek 1, Obrzycko
Prof. dr hab. J. Hoffmann
Studio for Transdisciplinary
Projects & Research, University of
Arts in Poznań
J. Wesoły
T. Wrzesiński
K. Kluzek
W. Majer
K. Rolle
A. Belter
K. Żywicka
P. Dożdżal
K. Błaszczyk
A. Piaszyk-Borychowska
M. Szeląg
H. Bluijssen
L. Budzko
P. Perrigue
A. Tyczewska
M. Figiel
Wi-Fi dostępne podczas trwania konferencji.
Hasło: palacUAM