(course title) (course code) (type of course) (level of course) (year of


(course title) (course code) (type of course) (level of course) (year of
Nazwa przedmiotu
(course title)
Computer graphics - semester 05
Kod przedmiotu
(course code)
Typ przedmiotu
(type of course)
Poziom przedmiotu
(level of course)
Rok studiów, semestr
(year of study, semester/trimester)
Liczba punktów
(numer of credits)
Metody nauczania
(teaching methods)
1. Assimilating knowledge concerning the
rudiments of lettering and typography.
2. Assimilating the rules of composition in
creating two-dimensional works and using
appropriate tools to describe and express
assumed contents.
3. Assimilating basic knowledge of creating a
company and one’s own firm image.
4. Assimilating basic knowledge concerning
the psychology of visual perception.
1. Getting skilled at independent supplementing
knowledge of the range recommended by the
2. Acquiring capabilities of easy and independent
creation of image - text compositions using
the Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop programs
together with artistic forming by appropriate
tools of particular objects located in this
composition to realize any task and message.
3. Getting practical abilities to prepare and emit
those compositions.
4. Getting skilled at self-assessing artistic level of
one’s own works and agreement between the
result and intended message.
Social competences (attitudes)
1. Stimulating creativity in solving assigned
2. No fears of self-assessing one’s own
3. Cooperation in a team at exchanging
experiences and getting new abilities.
4. Being receptive to suggestions, new
information and knowledge going beyond
narrow interests connected with studies.
5. Adjusting the form of a message to an
semester 05
Lecture combined with a presentation of
examples, analysis of model professional
designing solutions , consultations and individual
corrections during classes and on-line, midsemester analyses of current exercises paying
special attention to the realization of a credit
work, presentation of out-student works and
professional designing solutions.
Język wykładowy
(language of instruction)
Imię i nazwisko wykładowcy
(name of lecturer)
A. Formal requirements – none
Wymagania wstępne
Cele przedmiotu (wskazane jest określenie
celów jako efektów kształcenia i kompetencji)
(objectives of the course, preferably expressed in
terms of learning outcomes and competences)
B. Prerequisites – basic skills concerning
communication between computer applications
and a user, knowledge of graphical and text
computer interface, basic knowledge of using
Microsoft Office programs.
Objectives of the course
1. Acquiring practical knowledge rudiments
of vector and raster graphics with Corel
Draw and Adobe Photoshop programs to
create and convert an image as a twodimensional composition.
2. Applying the above mentioned knowledge
and acquired abilities to create utilitarian
transfers made to present one’s own work
by means of digital productions on the
Internet or in printed form.
3. Stimulating and developing technical skills
and enriching experiences enabling
conscious, original solutions of designing
tasks considering the essential matter of
translating verbal information into
visual language, and also paying special
attention to the rule of connection between the
precision of formulated transfer
and its final artistic interpretation.
4. Developing the abilities to define a
problem, analyze a task and the
awareness of using available graphical
programs and solutions as well as taking
advantage of one’s own creative
predispositions to achieve intended
effects – as a result obtaining a full visual
expression while working on two-dimensional
Treści merytoryczne przedmiotu
(course contents)
Course contents
A. Mini – lectures issues
Familiarizing students with the objectives
of classes and in consequence tasks to
make and tools to carry them out,
providing the subject reading, explaining
rules and conditions of getting a credit
and organization of classes.
Getting familiarized with functions and
tools of the Corel Draw program and its
derivatives (e.g. Corel Trace, Morel Photo
– Paint).
Getting familiarized with functions and
tools of the Adobe Photoshop program.
Passing down basic knowledge of
typography and typographical
B. Classes issues
1. Practical exercises with the use of particular
groups of tools for the Corel Draw program
(Model subject matter:
combining a graphical form and a text,
formatting of texts and forming graphical
objects, using graphical effects
available in the program, editing and
2. Practical exercises with the use of
particular tools for the Adobe Photoshop program
(work on layers,
composition of an image, work with color,
filters and deformations, work with a text).
3. Working on the elements of the „Logobook”
credit task – System of Visual Identification of
one’s own firm – corrections
and consultations.
4. Working on the elements of the „Me & my
life” credit task – picturing the aging process of
a human face – corrections
and consultations.
5. Summary and presentation of works.
Metody oceny
(assessment methods)
A. Method of getting credits:
• examination
• credit with a grade*
* mark the appropriate
B. Forms of getting credits:
• written exam: test / with open questions
(problems) / longer written work
• oral exam
• oral credit / test
• final work: making a project or a
presentation / doing research work and
presenting the results (written / oral
form) / preparing a specified practical
• establishing a credit grade on the grounds of
partial grades received during the semester*
* mark the appropriate
C. Basic criterions of assessment
1. Learning basic functions of Corel Draw and
Adobe Photoshop programs.
2. Creativity in using acquired abilities, originality,
level of reaching professionalism.
3. Artistic expression of creations.
4. Realizing the assumptions of problems and
5. Taking active part in consultations /corrections.
6. Achieved progress.
A. Reading required for getting final
credits (passing an exam):
A.1. used during classes:
1.Roland Zimek – „Corel Draw Graphics
Suite X 3 PL” publishing house Helion 2008
2.Witold Wrotek - “Po prostu CorelDraw
Graphics Suite X4” publishing house Helion 2008
3.Elaine Weiman , Peter Lourekas – “ Po
prostu CS4/CS4 PL photoshop” publishing house
Helion 2009
A.2. studied by each student
1. Anna Owczarz-Dadan „CS4 PL PL
Photoshop Ilustrowany Przewodnik” – publishing
house Helion 2010
2. Roland Zimek – „Corel Draw X4 PL –
Ćwiczenia praktyczne” publishing house Helion
3. Roland Zimek – „ ABC Corel Draw X4
PL” publishing house Helion 2008
Spis zalecanych lektur
(recommended reading)
B. Supplementary reading
1. Quentin Newark „Design i grafika
dzisiaj” publ.: ABE Dom Wydawniczy, 2006
2. Czasopisma, magazyny : American
photo, Art, Art & Business, Art in America, Art
News, Art Forum, Flash Art,
Form + Communication Arts, Form,
Format, Form + Function, Foto, Photo, Publishers
Graphis, Imago, Magazyn
Sztuki, National Geographic, Nature,
Novum, Pokaz, Print
3. Anna Nikodemska - Wołowik, Tadeusz P.
Górski, Mirosław Wołowik „Nie tylko
logotyp wyróżnienie i przynależność w
biznesie” publ.:Branta, Bydgoszcz 2004
4. Quentin Newark „Design i grafika dzisiaj”
publ.: ABE Dom Wydawniczy, 2006
5. Krzysztof Tyczkowski „Lettera Magica”,
Polski Drukarz, Łódź 2005
6. Listowniki i wizytówki 1, publ.: Vers, 2002
7. Joanna Sarzyńska - Putowska
„Komunikacja wizualna,,

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