journal 29.indb


journal 29.indb
(Pol. J. Ecol.)
Regular research paper
Department of Geoecology and Climatology, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation PAS,
Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
ABSTRACT: This research sought to indicate changes in the area of plant communities
designated for protection in part of the middle
Vistula river valley. The study concerned the 50year period 1949–2001, with the changes registered cartographically. The study area (about 905
km2) is located between the Sanna confluence
above Annopol and Góra Kalwaria (from km 295
to km 482 of the river course). The analysis of
changes determined the general trends of the natural environment transformation in the second
half of 20th century that helped to indicate areas
that should be protected additionally. Nineteen
types of habitats listed in legal statutes (Habitats
Directive etc.) were identified in the chosen part
of the valley. Over 50 years, grassland communities have undergone the most significant modifications. Vegetation changes reveal a tendency
of a lowering of the water level or a change in
the horizontal movement of water as well as of
aggradation (increased sediment accumulation)
in the river-channel. There are indications that
two specific areas should be protected additionally because of the definite presence of valuable
natural habitats.
KEY WORDS: changes in riverine vegetation, historical analysis, Natura 2000 habitats, digital maps of vegetation, the middle Vistula river
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Vegetation is one of the factors determining development of abiotic environments as
well as the most sensitive indicator of changes
occurring in ecosystems. Apart from natural
processes, changes in plant communities are
a result of different human activities (Ma tus z k i e w i c z 1974). Changes in type and
intensity of land-use contribute to a large
extent to habitat modification, plant community fragmentation and changes in landscape
structure (I hs e 1995, Powe r and C o op e r
1995, C ous i ns 2001, de Bl ois et al. 2001,
Hietel et al. 2004, B e nj ami n et al. 2005).
In some cases they cause loss of biodiversity
because they lead to spatial reduction or total extinction of rare and valuable natural
plant communities with special requirements
for methods of management and protection
(Bro oks et al. 2002, Po s ch l o d et al. 2005,
R o s e n and B a k ke r 2005, Fa l c ucci et al.
2007, Ka li gar i č et al. 2008).
The majority of large European river valleys have changed significantly over the last
few centuries due to human activities. Regulation of rivers have ensured fast runoff of
water, ice and sediments as well as enhanced
navigation. Dykes were built to protect settle-
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ments, infrastructure and other goods from
flooding. Most of the remaining floodplain
areas have been used for agriculture and at
some places sediments mining has been carried out (v an Dijk et al. 1995). The rate of
the modifications has been various in different European valleys. Generally, in NW
Europe it has been much more rapid than in
central and eastern parts, in which human impact has been more progressive through the
ages (D e c amps et al. 1988, B or nette and
Amoros 1991, D ei l l er et al. 2001, Bu ij s e
et al. 2002, G ei l en et al. 2004, Hohens i n ner et al. 2004, S cholten et al. 2005, D e á k
2007). The later situation has been observed
among others in the middle Vistula river
valley (Wisła środkowa... 1986). However,
in comparison to other valleys, introduced
changes have not been so destructive in case
of the environment and vegetation. A great
part of the valley has preserved nearly natural character (Kaj a k 1993, Gack a-Grz es i k i e w i c z 1995) and can serve as a potential reference pattern for restoration of west
European river systems (Krogu le c 2001).
Concerning vegetation, a large range of plant
communities modified to a greater or lesser
degree by man is observed (Matuszk ie w i cz
and R o o- Z iel ińsk a 2000). Next to almost
natural communities (forests, scrub) there
are many semi-natural (meadows, pastures,
rushes, moors, scrub) as well as synanthropic
communities (segetal and ruderal). Special
attention should be paid to the communities
listed in the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC, 1992) and by Polish law,
in the decree of the Minister of the Environment (2005). They are frequently noticed in
the valley, which is why a significant part of it
is under legal protection.
A proper understanding and assessment
of the state of present plant communities, as
well as predictions of their future changes, demands an intimate knowledge of past conditions and factors which have influenced their
transformation (Ki enast 1993, Marc ucci
2000, A l ard et al. 2005). Historical analysis
based on cartographical materials and other
archive documents enables us to reconstruct
past states, which is necessary to make plans
for restoration and protection activities
(Bürg i 1999, Wolfer t 2001, B apt ist et al.
2004, B e nd er et al. 2005, R omanow sk i et
al. 2005, Ant rop 2005, Hohe nsinner et al.
2004, 2008).
This research was addressed to the changes in the area of plant communities designated for protection in part of the middle Vistula
river valley and to confirm the unique character of the studied river valley, compared to
other European rivers. The study concerned
the 50-year period 1949–2001, with changes
registered cartographically. The study area
extends along the valley between Sanna confluence above Annopol and Góra Kalwaria
(from 295 km to 482 km of the river course).
Góra Kalwaria
Fig. 1. The study area as a fragment of Vistula river valley between Góra Kalwaria and Annopol.
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Changes in the area of protected plant communities
The analysis of changes determined what the
general directions of the natural environmental transformation in the second half of 20th
century were, and enables us to indicate areas
that should be additionally protected.
The study encompasses an area of about
905 km² in the Vistula river valley, between Sanna confluence above Annopol and
Góra Kalwaria (50.85–52.08N; 21.12–22.05E)
(Fig. 1). It is located within 2 mesoregions:
the Gap Vistula River Valley and the Middle
Vistula River Valley (Kond r a ck i 1994). The
analysed area consists of floodplains and a
part of upper terraces.
The river-bed is mostly regulated, but
hydro-engineering constructions are unevenly located (Kowa lsk i 1997). There
are embankments close to the whole stretch
studied. They were mostly built after the Second World War, but local dikes were already
heaped in 19th century (Ł aj cza k et al. 2006).
The lowest parts of floodplains, mainly
between dikes are the habitats of willow and
poplar alluvial forests (Salicetum albo-fragilis R. Tx. 1955 and Populetum albae Br.-Bl.
1931). Forests and scrub (partly wicker plantations) dominate there, but a significant part
is also used as grasslands – meadows and pastures. A small area is cultivated (quite often
orchards and gardens). Floodplains behind
embankments (habitats of riparian ash-elm
forests Ficario-Ulmetum Knapp 1942 em. J.
Mat. 1976) have rather agricultural character.
Fields, orchards and meadows predominate.
Numerous ox-bows and coppices create valuable, natural landscape elements.
Lower parts of upper terraces (habitats
of mixed oak-pine forest Querco roborisPinetum (W. Mat. 1981) J. Mat. 1988 and
lime-oak-hornbeam forest Tilio-Carpinetum
Tracz. 1962), are dominated by agriculture:
a part with alluvial soils is occupied by arable lands, while peated depressions (habitats
of alder-ash carrs Fraxino-Alnetum W. Mat.
1952 or wet alder forests Ribeso nigri-Alnetum
Sol.-Górn. (1975) 1987) by meadows. Higher
parts of upper terraces covered mostly with
aeolian sands are dominated by forests with a
majority of coniferous stands.
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The analysis of vegetation changes during
the 50-year period was based on:
• historical and present-day maps of
• a digital map of actual vegetation in
the middle Vistula river valley at scale
1:25000, based on materials collected
during fieldwork in the 1990s by a
team of geobotanists from the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences;
• an archive, manuscript map of vegetation in the middle Vistula river
valley at scale 1:25000, made during
fieldwork in 1948–1949;1
• topographical maps at scale 1:25000
and 1:100000 from the 1950s and the
Cartographical analysis was carried out
with ArcView 3.3 software, which proved useful in comparing all periods and indicating
changes in nature and distribution of plant
communities as well as in presenting these
changes in a cartographical form. The maps’
comparison demanded a digital form of the
archive maps. Its reconstruction was based on
manuscript and topographical maps from the
1950s. Both maps’ legends were standardised.
Former names of syntaxonomic units identified in 1949 (Kob e nd z a et al. 1949) were
replaced with proper terms (according to current terminology – Matus z k i e w i c z 2001)
from the legend of the present vegetation
map. Units’ identification and comparison
were based on the descriptions of their state
and structure, attached to the archive map as
well as fieldwork observations. Collected data
of vegetation changes made it possible to determine the general directions of the natural
environment transformation.
Digital map of actual vegetation in the middle Vistula
river valley, scale 1:25000, 2005, authors: A. Kozłowska,
J.M. Matuszkiewicz (ed.), J. Plit, E. Roo-Zielińska, J. Solon, unpublished.
Historical map of vegetation in the middle Vistula river
valley, scale 1:25000 – manuscript in the archive of the
Geoecology and Climatology Department (IG&SO
PAS), sheets: Zawichost-Solec, 1949 W. Sławiński (ed.),
Piotrawin-Kazimierz Dolny, 1948 W. Sławiński (ed.),
Kazimierz Dolny-Puławy, 1948 W. Sławiński (ed.),
Dęblin-Kozienice, 1949 S. Tołpa (ed.), Ryczywół-Góra
Kalwaria, 1949 R. Kobendza (ed.).
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Table 1. Habitats designated for protection, identified in the study area (habitat codes after Herbich
(ed.) 2004).
Habitat code
Habitat name
Inland dunes with open Corynephorus and Agrostis grasslands (Corynepherion canescentis, Spergulo-vernalis-Corynephoretum)
Natural eutrophic lakes with Nympheion, Potamion – type vegetation
Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation
European dry heaths (Calluno-Genistion, Calluno-Genistetum)
European dry heaths (Calluno-Arctostaphylion, Arctostaphylo-Callunetum)
Xeric sand calcareous grasslands (Koelerion glaucae)
Species-rich Nardus grasslands (Violion caninae)
Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae,
Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils (Molinion caeruleae,
Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains (Senecion fluviatilis, Convolvulion sepium)
Alluvial meadows of river valleys of the Cnidion dubii (Violo-Cnidietum dubii)
Lowland hay meadows (Arrhenatherion elatioris, Arrhenatheretum elatioris)
Lowland hay meadows (Arrhenatherion elatioris, Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra community)
Oak-hornbeam forests (Carpinion, Tilio-Carpinetum)
Salix alluvial forests and riverine scrub (Salicion albae, Salicetum albae, Salicetumtriandro-viminalis)
Populus alluvial forests (Salicion albae, Populetum albae)
Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Ulmion, FraxinoAlnetum)
Riparian mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus
excelsior along the great rivers (Alno-Ulmion, Ficario-Ulmetum typicum)
Mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus excelsior with
Chrysosplenium alternifolium (Alno-Ulmion, Ficario-Ulmetum chrysosplenietosum)
Nineteen types of habitats listed in abovementioned legal statutes were identified in the
chosen part of the middle Vistula river valley (Table 1). However, it should be emphasised that some of them were quite difficult
to recognise on the basis of the cartographical materials that were used. This is because, first of all, this concerned lowland hay
meadows (Arrhenatherion elatioris – 6510-1,
6510-2) and alluvial meadows (Cinidion dubii – 6440-1). Only extensively-used meadows
should be protected. It is not possible to find
out whether they are extensively or intensively
used on the basis of vegetation maps. Similarly, some doubts may occur concerning habitat
types (code 2330-1, 4030-1, 4030-3 6120-1,
6230-4, 6430-3) that comprise only a small
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part of complex vegetation units marked on
the maps. In some cases, the habitat identification carried out showed only the possibility
of its occurrence, not its real presence.
4.1. Changes in forest communities
A general increase in the forest communities area is noticeable. The increase in the area
of forest communities designated for protection (Table 2) has been caused above all by
the succession of vegetation. A process of succession is mainly observed in the lower part
of floodplain between dikes. Salix alluvial forests and scrub (91E0-1), and Populus alluvial
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Changes in the area of protected plant communities
forests (91E0-2) accompanied by herb fringe
communities (6430-3) has replaced alluvial
meadows and pastures, or rushes around
overgrown water-bodies and have appeared
on new sand bars in the river-bed (Fig. 2).
The area of alluvial forests with Alnus
glutinosa (L.) Geartn. and Fraxinus excelsior
L. (91E0-3) has also increased. They have
replaced drained wet alder forests (drainage
works activated horizontal water movement)
or wet meadows.
Similarly a slight increase is observed in the
area of other forest communities designated for
protection (oak-hornbeam forests – 9170-2 and
riparian mixed forests – 91F0-1, 91F0-2). However, this change is rather marginal in relation
to the potential area of both community types.
In all the forest communities mentioned
the processes of degeneration are noticeable
connected with the invasion of ruderal and
alien plant species (e.g. Acer negundo L., Solidago gigantea Aiton, Solidago canadensis L.).
Table 2. The area of plant communities designated for protection 1949–2001 (km2).
Scale of
(Δ km2)
Scale of
(Δ %)
Sand grasslands – 2330-1, 6120-1
Nardus grasslands and heaths – 4030-1, 4030-3, 6230-4
Molinia meadows – 6410-1, 6410-2
Lowland hay meadows – 6510-1, 6510-2
Alluvial meadows and pastures – 6440-1
Chenopodion rubri and Bidention communities – 3270-1
Vegetation type and code (see Table 1)
Deciduous forests (alder-ash carrs, riparian ash-elm forests,
oak-hornbeam forests) – 9170-2, 91E0-3, 91F0-1, 91F0-2
Willow-poplar alluvial forests and willow scrub – 91E0-1,
91E0-2, 6430-3
Water bodies and macrophyte communities – 3150-2
Fig. 2. Changes in forest and scrub communities (the middle part of the study area – 905 km2)
1 – no change (39.69 km2); 2 – increase in area/or regeneration (50.18 km2); 3 – decrease in area/or
degeneration (29.52 km2); 4 – waters; 5 – borders of the study area.
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4.2. Changes in grassland communities
The area of grassland communities has
increased in the study period. New grasslands
have appeared between embankments as a
result of the alluvial forests and scrub elimination, or replaced fields and various forests
communities in other parts of the study area
(Fig. 3). Most of them have anthropogenic
origins (sowing, fertilisation); only a part has
a natural character and has developed spontaneously as a result of secondary succession.
There is a significant increase in the area of
lowland hay meadows and alluvial meadows
and pastures. Unfortunately, the majority of
them are not extensively used communities
designated for protection.
A reduction in the area of grassland communities is rather rare, and concerns Corynephorus canescens (L.) P. Beauv. and Agrostis
capillaries L. grasslands (2330-1) as well as
xeric sand calcareous grasslands (6120-1).
The decrease in the area of these habitats has
been caused by reductions in grazing and by
forest or ruderal vegetation succession. There
are very significant changes in the nature of
grassland communities. The biggest transformation has taken place in case of Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench meadows (6410-1, 6410-2).
About 4/5 of their area has diminished over
the 50-year period. Most of them, as a result
of intensive cultivation (fertilisation, sowing
of fodder grass, more frequent mowing) have
changed into other grassland communities
(e.g. Arrhenatheretum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. ex
J. Presl et C. Presl meadows, Caltha palustris
L. meadows, Cynosurus cristatus L. pastures).
The rest has been abandoned and overgrown
with rushes, scrub and trees, or after drainage,
changed into fields. Molinia caerulea meadows are often found together with Nardus
stricta L. grasslands (6230-4). Reduction of
grazing and groundwater level lowering has
caused a large decrease in the area of these
communities. Abandoned pastures have
changed into scrub and forest communities.
4.3. Changes in freshwater habitats
Another habitat area which has been
greatly reduced is that of natural eutrophic
lakes with Nympheion, Potamion (3150-2).
Disappearance of these habitats has been
caused by the cutting off of ox-bows from
flooding (through the construction of dikes),
as a consequence of which they have dried up
and overgrown with vegetation (Fig. 4). This
has been additionally accelerated by eutrophication processes caused by fertilisers flows.
By contrast, the area of Chenopodion
rubri and Bidention habitats (3270-1) has
slightly increased, encouraged by aggradation
(increased sediment accumulation) in the
river-bed caused by intensified sedimentation
in littoral zones of unregulated river reaches,
or rarely, of the regulated stretches (between
hydro-engineering constructions or within a
regulation route during lower stages).
Fig. 3. Changes in grassland communities (the middle part of the study area – 905 km2)
1 – no change (43.94 km2); 2 – increase in area (70.25 km2); 3 – decrease in area (35.78 km2); 4 – waters;
5 – borders of the study area.
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Changes in the area of protected plant communities
Fig. 4. Changes in freshwater habitats (the middle part of the study area – 905 km2)
1 – no change (91.35 km2); 2 – increase in area (11.77 km2); 3 – decrease in area (39.67 km2); 4 – borders
of the study area.
Over a period of 50 years grassland communities have undergone the most significant modifications caused by changes in the
management of agricultural land-use. On the
one hand, an intensification of meadow and
pasture use has led to the decline or even disappearance of extensively-used meadows, and
on the other, many abandoned grasslands
have been overgrown by shrubs and trees (see
Woz n i a k et al. 2009). Similar processes have
been observed also in other parts of Poland
by Herbich (1994) and Kucharsk i (1999,
2000). It is also worth emphasising that both,
the intensification of land-use as well as the
abandonment of meadows and pastures have
been influenced by economical considerations
and have been connected with habitat fertility. Analogous changes have been noticed in
many other European countries (Gre v i l liot
and Mu l l e r 2002, Ho dgs on et al. 2005a, b,
Pe co et al. 2005, D e á k 2007, Prach 2007).
The results of riverine vegetation analysis allow to indicate the general directions
of the environmental changes. An evolution
from communities with a high (or fluctuating) water level, often with stagnant water, to
those characteristic of less moist habitats or
of those with running water shows that the
tendency of water-level lowering or a change
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in the horizontal movement of water. This
type of change, observed in many other sites,
has mostly been brought about by agricultural drainage (Herbi ch 1994, Kucharsk i
1999, 2000, Pl it 2000, Gro otj ans et al.
2005). Other important process observed in
the valley is the aggradation (increased sediment accumulation) in the river-channel entailing an increase in Chenopodion rubri and
Bidention habitats as well as willow-poplar alluvial forests (despite a partial river-channel
regulation – Ł aj cza k 1989, 1999, Warowna
2003). Conversely, in a majority of European
rivers, channel incision prevailed, which led
to a sharp increase of riparian wood dieback (Hupp 1992, Nai man and D é c amp s
1997, Ste i ge r et al. 1998, 2005). Moreover,
the overgrowth of water bodies (mainly oxbow lakes – Fa li ńsk i 2002) is noticed that
resulted from river damming (L e yer 2006).
The dykes also affected several grassland
and forest communities but their impact was
smaller in relation to other river systems in
Europe (Tre molières et al. 1998, D e i l le r
et al. 2001, G e rgel et al. 2002, L e ye r 2004,
2005, Gl aes er and Wu lf 2009). Overall, a
part of observed vegetation changes resembles rather natural processes, characteristic of
unmodified river systems (Ward et al. 2001,
G e erling et al. 2006).
However, there is a general increase
in synanthropisation of the landscape due
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mainly to land-cover changes, but also to a
modification of plant communities that have
not changed their overall character but indeed changed in regard to both structure and
biodiversity. All the above considers the evolution of meadows into other grassland types
subject to more intensive use or processes of
degeneration of floodplain forests, susceptible to the colonization by alien species (see
R oh d e et al. 2005, D e á k 2007).
The vegetation analyses reveal significant
changes in distribution and character of protected plant communities. Nevertheless, their
general acreage has increased. Altogether, the
actual biodiversity values of the Vistula river
valley are still high compared to most lowland rivers in Western Europe (Wozni a k et
al. 2009). Natura2000 habitats have a special
place in the biodiversity preservation, that is
why they should be properly protected.
The results of the historical analysis
should encourage the process of putting under protection Molinia meadows and Nardus grasslands, common in the past but very
rare at present (Tu m i d aj ow i c z and Zub el
1978, Kucharsk i 1999). These habitats form
a sequence together with lowland hay meadows and alluvial alder-ash forests northwest
of Dęblin. Special attention should be paid
to the lower part of the floodplain (between
dikes) along the whole stretch studied. Habitats designated for protection occupy most of
this area. Both areas should be included in
the Natura 2000 network as Special Areas of
Conservation (SAC). So far, the lower floodplain between dikes is protected only in the
Gap Vistula River Valley, the south part of
the study area (PLH 060045 the Gap Vistula
River Valley in Małopolska), while a small
part of the meadows in the vicinity of Dęblin
(in the middle part of the study area) is going to be protected within SAC Podebłocie
(PLH 14_13 –
natura2000/pl/). Creation of these sites would
facilitate implementation of the proper methods of management and protection, suitable
for a given habitat (Herbich (ed.) 2004).
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