JĘZYK ANGIELSKI grupy: 5-latki A i 5-latki B


JĘZYK ANGIELSKI grupy: 5-latki A i 5-latki B
grupy: 5-latki A i 5-latki B
 snowball – śnieżka
snowman – bałwan
buttons – guziki
hat – czapka
scarf – szalik
eyes – oczy
nose – nos
mask – maska
costume party – bal kostiumowy (karnawałowy)
balloon – balon
music – muzyka
dance – tańczyć
red – czerwony
yellow – żółty
green – zielony
blue – niebieski
orange – pomarańczowy
purple – fioletowy
morning – ranek
afternoon – popołudnie
evening – wieczór
moon – księżyc
town – miasto
village – wieś
house – dom
bed – łóżko
cat – kot
dog – pies
shop – sklep
post office – poczta
hospital – szpital
queen – królowa
red bus – czerwony autobus
flag – flaga
Let’s dance – Tańczmy
I love you – Kocham Cię
Give me …, please – Podaj mi …, proszę
Where do you live? – Gdzie mieszkasz?
I live in the town – Mieszkam w mieście
I live in the village – Mieszkam na wsi
I’m A Little Snowman Song
Piosenka, którą potrafimy śpiewać.
I'm a little snowman, look at me.
These are my buttons, 1 2 3.
These are my eyes and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr...it's cold!
Skidamarink Song
Piosenka, którą potrafimy śpiewać.
Skidamarink a dink a dink.
Skidamarink a doo. I love you.
I love you in the morning.
And in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening.
And underneath the moon.
Skidamarink a dink a dink.
Skidamarink a doo. I love you.
Freeze Dance
Piosenka, której nie śpiewamy, lecz przy której tańczymy utrwalając zwrot: Let’s dance (Tańczmy).
Let’s dance everybody do the disco x2
Let’s dance everybody do the disco and freeze
Let’s dance everybody do the monkey x2
Let’s dance everybody and freeze
Let’s dance everybody do the twist, twist x2
Let’s dance everybody do the twist, twist and freeze
Let’s dance everybody do the disco
Let’s dance everybody do the monkey
Let’s dance everybody do the twist, twist and freeze
Let’s dance everybody do the shake, shake
Let’s dance everybody do the shake, shake and freeze
Let’s dance everybody do the cha cha
Let’s dance everybody and freeze
Let’s dance everybody do the shake, shake
Let’s dance everybody and freeze
Let’s dance everybody do the cha cha and freeze
Let’s dance everybody do the hip hop
Let’s dance everybody do the hip hop and freeze x2
Make a snowball, make a snowball.
Throw it now, throw it now.
Red town
In the red, red town
Was a red, red house
In the red, red house
Was a red, red bed
In the red, red bed
Was a red, red cat
And that is that.
Blue village
In the blue, blue village
Was a blue, blue house
In the blue, blue house
Was a blue, blue bed
In the blue, blue bed
Was a blue, blue dog
And that is that.
I am walking around my town
I am walking around my town
In my town is big shop
Please, go there 123
I am walking around my town
In my town is big hospital
Please, go there 123
I am walking around my town
In my town is post office
Please, go there 123