14:15 Conference opening and plenary lecture by pr


14:15 Conference opening and plenary lecture by pr
Thursday December 1st
KSIĄŻNICA PODLASKA im. Łukasza Górnickiego, ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 14A, Białystok
12:00 Registration of conference participants
13:00 – 14:15 Conference opening and plenary lecture by prof. Zbigniew Białas (University of Silesia)
Kars and the outpost stigma
14:30 – 16:00 Session 1
Chair: Anna Maria Tomczak (University of Białystok)
Chair: Grzegorz Moroz (University of Bialystok)
Bożena Kucała (Jagiellonian University)
Houses as sites of memory in Penelope Lively’s writings
Edyta Lorek-Jezińska (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
Testimonies of Absence: Trauma and Forgetting in The Buried Giant
by Kazuo Ishiguro
Blanka Blagojevic (University of Basel)
Remembering the East and West: Patrick Leigh Fermor’s Walk
across Europe
Katarzyna Więckowska (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
Ways of forgetting: cultural amnesia, postmodernism and beyond
Paweł Kaptur (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce)
Oblivion and Vengeance at the Restoration of Charles II Stuart
Aurelija Daukšaitė (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)
Individual Memory in Richard Flanagan’s Novel The Narrow Road to
the Deep North
Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:30 Session 2
Chair: Katarzyna Więckowska (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) Chair: Edyta Lorek-Jezińska (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
Anna Maria Tomczak (University of Białystok)
Remembering Marley: A Portrayal of the Reggae Superstar in
Marlon James’s A Brief History of Seven Killings
Jadwiga Uchman (University of Łódź)
Voluntary and Involuntary Memory in Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last
Anna Maria Karczewska (University of Białystok)
Remembering Pablo. Escobar refuses to be forgotten
Paulina Mirowska (University of Łódź)
Memory in Play: Sam Shepard’s Mature Work
Joanna Reiche (University of Warsaw)
Memory and Its Monsters: the Frankenstein Summer in Film
Aleksandra Kamińska (Jagiellonian University in Cracow)
Seeing, perceiving, remembering – Love and Information by Caryl
Magdalena Rewerenda (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
How Society Forgets. Casus of Konrad Swinarski and his
Performance Remains
19:30 Wine Reception at Akcent Restaurant
Friday December 2nd
9:00 – 10:00 Plenary lecture by prof. Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pędich (SWPS University of Social Sciences and
Humanities) Białystok in the Landscape of the Memory of Poland in American Literature
10:15 – 11:45 Session 3
Chair: Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pędich (SWPS University of Social
Sciences and Humanities)
Chair: Zbigniew Białas (University of Silesia)
Dagmara Drewniak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
Paweł Hamera (Pedagogical University of Cracow)
‘And yet, what would we be without memory?’ Visualizing memory in Famine Memory and the American Civil War
two Canadian graphic texts
Aleksandra Kamińska (University of Warsaw)
The Heaviest Part of My Baggage Was My Parents' History:” Postmemory in Bernice Eisenstein I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors
Anita Jarczok (University of Bielsko-Biala)
When the autobiographer becomes her own biographer – the
fallibility of memory in Su Meck’s I Forgot to Remember.
Stefan Kubiak (University of Białystok)
Childhood memories in three novels by Philip Roth, The Plot Against
America, The American Pastoral and Portnoy’s Complaint, as the core
of the protagonist’s identity
Karol Pluta (Jagiellonian University)
Memory of Krakow Podgórze of the interwar period and World War
II in the Jewish accounts
Coffee Break
12:15 – 13:45 Session 4
Chair: Weronika Łaszkiewicz (University of Białystok)
Chair: Zdzisław Głębocki (University of Białystok)
Magdalena Łapińska (University of Białystok)
Grief as a memory-related emotional response to loss in Octavia
Butler's Fledgling
Magdalena Ożarska ( Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce)
An Old Lady’s Failing Memory or a Novelist’s Trick? Frances
Burney's Ilfracombe Journal
Michał Różycki (University of Warsaw)
The Utility of History in N. K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth Trilogy
Robert Austin Batson (Fulbright Grantee at the University of Białystok)
Rewriting History in Texas Textbooks
Damian Podleśny (University of Bielsko Biała)
Recalling Reality. The problem of memory in selected Science Fiction
works of Philip K. Dick.
Tomasz Sawczuk (University of Białystok)
“I’ve been crawling up so long on your stairway to heaven”: The Rise
of the Female (Punk) Rock Memoir
Lunch Break
15:00 – 16:30 Session 5
Chair: Sylwia Borowska-Szerszun (University of Białystok)
Chair: Anna Maria Karczewska (University of Białystok)
Weronika Łaszkiewicz (University of Białystok)
Marek Pawlicki ( University of Silesia)
Parallel Worlds and Artificial History: The Case of Eames Demetrios’ Memory and imagination in the works of William Golding
Zdzisław Głębocki (University of Białystok)
Digital Memorabilia: Remembering and Forgetting in the Internet
Ewelina Feldman-Kołodziejuk (University of Białystok)
Michael Crummey's River Thieves as the rescue history of
Joanna Wildowicz (University of Białystok)
Reminiscence of the Mexican Revolution in Cormac Mccarthy’s the
Border Trilogy
Anna Dziok-Łazarecka (University of Białystok)
“I must fight, always, against forgetting” - Helen Macdonald’s journey
through grief in H is for Hawk.
16:45 Conference Closing