Department of Art Module Aims: One of the main aims of the module


Department of Art Module Aims: One of the main aims of the module
Department of Art
Module Code:
Module Type:
Introductory requirements:
Language of Delivery:
Module supervisor:
Principal lecturer:
Number of Hours:
Number of Hours per week:
Assessment Criteria:
Points ECTS:
Education of Art /Fine Art
Bachelor’s / ‘Licentiate’
History of Art / Issues within Contemporary Art
Core module
A basic knowledge of history, literature, and philosophy
Mirosława Vierstra, MA
Mirosława Vierstra, MA
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
‘Pass’ Grade based on Lecturer Assessment End-Of-Module Exam
Module Aims:
One of the main aims of the module is to enable students to identify and use stylistic techniques, methods
and trends within the history of art to place a work of art within the appropriate period from
Impressionism to the present day. Special attention is paid to issues of convergence, divergence and
repetition as formal issues within art.
Periods / Art movements / Artists Covered:
− Impressionism, Neo-impressionism, Symbolism, the art of Young Poland, American painting from the
19th to the mid-20th centuries modern architecture, Fauvism, Expressionism in the art of the first half
of the 20th century, Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism
− Constructivism, De Stijl, Bauhaus, Surrealism, Art deco, Avant-garde, Polish art of the inter-war years,
art in totalitarian states
− figurative art from the 1940s – 1960s 1945-60s, Abstract art after World War 2, pop art, Events or
situations that are meant to be considered as art – ‘happenings’ , Minimalism, Conceptualism,
Postmodernism in art and in architecture and Polish art after World War 2
Module Outcomes:
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
− place key works of art in their appropriate period / style of art
− demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of major developments and issues in art including the
place and importance of art in a historical and cultural context
Assessment requirements:
Assessment will be based on an assignment (written coursework and a presentation / summary of same),
class participation and a written test.
Basic literature:
Durozoi, G., (red) (1998), Słownik Sztuki XX wieku, Warszawa: Arkady
Dziamski, G., (red) (1996), Od awangardy do postmodernizmu, Warszawa: Instytut Kultury
Kotula, A., Krakowski, P., (1978), Malarstwo, rzeźba, architektura, Warszawa: PWN
Richardson, T., Stangos, N., (1980), Kierunki i tendencje sztuki nowoczesnej, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe
Czartoryska, V., (1973), Od pop-artu do sztuki konceptualnej, Warszawa:
Ferrari, S., (2002), Sztuka XX wieku, Warszawa:
Kotula, A., Krakowski, P., (1985), Rzeźba współczesna, Warszawa: PWN
Kotula, A., Krakowski, P., (1973), Sztuka abstrakcyjna, Warszawa: PWN
Krakowski, P., (1984), O sztuce nowej i najnowszej, Warszawa:
Malinowski, J., (red) (1984), Co robić po kubizmie?, Kraków:
Piotrowski, P., (1999), Znaczenia modernizmu, Poznań:
Radajewski, (1987), Żywa sztuka współczesności, Wrocław:
Art Now, (2001), Sztuka przełomu tysiąclecia, Kolonia:
Sztuka świata. T. 1-8. Arkady: Warszawa
Słownik terminologiczny sztuk pięknych PWN. Wyd. V. Warszawa, 2007
Kowalska, B. Od impresjonizmu do konceptualizmu. Warszawa: Arkady, 1989
Od Maneta do Pollocka. Warszawa: Arkady, 1973
Supplementary literature:
Janicka, K., (1973), Surrealizm, Warszawa:
Juszczak, W., (1985), Postimpresjoniści, Warszawa:
Kępiński, Z., (1982), Impresjonizm, Warszawa:
Porębski, M., (1980), Kubizm, Warszawa:
Kowalczyk, I. Ciało i Władza. Warszawa, 2002

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