Literatura - Wydawnictwo KOS


Literatura - Wydawnictwo KOS
Barks Coleman and Michael Green, “Illuminated Rumi” New York:
Broadway Books, Bantam, 1996.
Bulkeley, Kelly, “Among All These Dreamers” Albany, N.Y.: State
University of New York Press, 1996.
Castaneda, Carlos, „Podróż do Ixtlan”, Rebis, Poznań.
Chuang Tsu w przekładzie Gia-Fue Feng oraz Jane English, New
York: Vintage Books, 1974.
Coxhead and Hiller, “Dreams, Visions of the Night”, London:
Thames and Hudson, 1975.
“Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying”, Boston: Wisdom
Publication (1997). „Sen, Śnienie i umieranie”, przeł. Marcjanna Góralczyk-Przychocka. Wyd. Mudra, Kraków 2001.
Eckhart, Meister, “Everything as Divine: The Wisdom of Meister
Eckhart”, przeł. Edmund Colledge i Bernard McGinn. New York:
Paulist Press 1996.
Eliade, Mircea, „Joga: nieśmiertelność i wolność”.
Evans-Wantz, red. „Tybetańska księga śmierci”.
Œnienie na jawie
Richard, “Space-Time Approach to Non Relativistic
Quantum Mechanics”, w: Reviews of Modern Physics (April 1948).
Garfield, Patricia, “The Dream Messenger: How Dreams of the
Departed Bring Healing Gifts”, New York: Simon and Schuster
Garfield, Patricia, “The Healing Power of Dreams”, New York:
Simon and Schuster 1991.
Goodbreat, Joseph, “Radical Intercourse”, Portland, Oreg.: Lao
Tse Press, 1997.
Govinda, A.B., “The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist
Philosophy”, Delhi: Nag Publishers 1975.
Griffiths, P.J., “Being Mindless; Buddhist Meditation and the
Mind-Body Problem”, La Salle, Ill.: Open Court 1986.
Guenther, H.V., “Tibetan Buddhism in Western Perspective:
Collected Articles of Herbert V. Guenther”, Delhi: Dharma
Publishing 1989.
Jung, C.G., “The Collected Works”, 2d ed., vol. 8 “The Structure
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Jung, C.G., “The Collected Works”, vol. 14 “Psychology and Alchemy”. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press. 1970. „Psychologia
a alchemia”, Wydawnictwo Wrota, Warszawa.
Kaplan-Williams, Stephen, “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming”, New York: Ballantine 1992.
Krippner, Stanley and Joseph Dillard, “Dreamworking: How to
Use Your Dreams for Creative Problem Solving”, New York:
Bearly Limited 1988.
La Berge, Stephen, “Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Being Awake
and Aware in Your Dreams”, New York: Jeremy Tarcher 1985.
Lancaster, Brian, “The Stages of Perception: Toward a Synthesis of
Cognitive Neuroscience and Buddhist Abhidhamma Tradition”,
Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4, no. 2, 1997.
Lawlor, Robert; “Voices of the First Day; Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime”. Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions International, 1991.
Mathews, John (red.), “The World Atlas of Divination”, Boston:
Bulfinch Press 1994.
Mbiti, John, “African Religions and Philosophy”, 2d ed. Reprint.
Oxford, UK: Heinemann Publishers 1997.
Mindell, Amy, „Metaumiejętności – o sztuce psychoterapii”, Warszawa, 1996.
Mindell, Amy, “Coma: A Guide for Friends and Helpers”. Portland, Oreg.: Lao Tse Press. 1999.
Mindell, Arnold, „Cienie miasta – interwencje psychologiczne
w psychiatrii”, Kraków 2000.
Mindell, Arnold, „Śpiączka – klucz do przebudzenia”, Warszawa
Mindell, Arnold, „Śniące ciało – rola ciała w odkrywaniu jaźni”,
Opole 1994
Mindell, Arnold, „Śniące ciało w związkach”, Warszawa 1992.
Mindell, Arnold, „O pracy nad samym sobą”, Warszawa 1995.
Mindell, Arnold, „Lider mistrzem sztuk walki”, Warszawa 1995.
Mindell, Arnold, “Rivers Way: The process Science fo the Dreambody”, London and Boston: Viking-Penguin-Arkana, 1984.
Mindell, Arnold, „O pracy ze śniącym ciałem”, Warszawa 1991.
Mindell Arnold, „Siedząc w ogniu”, Nuit Magique, Warszawa 1998.
Mindell, Arnold, “The Year One: Global Process Work with
Planetary Tensions”, New York and London: Viking-Penguin-Arkana, 1990.
Mindell, Arnold, “The Shaman’s Body: A New Shamanism for
Health, Relationships and Community” (San Francisco: Harper
Œnienie na jawie
Collins, 1994). „Psychologia i szamanizm”, Wydawnictwo „KOS”,
Katowice 2002.
Mindell, Arnold i Amy, „Tyłem do przodu”, Kraków 1999.
Mindell, Arnold, “Quantum Mind: The Edge Between Physics and
Psychology”. Portland, Oreg.: Lao Tse Press, 1999.
Monroe, Robert, “Journeys out of the Body: Ultimate Journey”,
New York: Doubleday 1994.
Moss, Robert, “Conscious Dreaming”, New York: Crown Trade
Paperback 1996.
Rinpoche Namkhai, “Dream Yoga and the Practice of
Natural Light”, Ithaca, N. Y.: Snow Lion 1992. „Tybetańska Joga
snu i praktyka naturalnego światła”, Wydawnictwo EJB, Kraków
Osborne, Arthur (red.), “The Teachings of Ramana Maharishi”,
Samuel Weiser, New York.
Fritz, “Gestalt Therapy Verbatim”, Moab, Utah: Real
People Press 1969.
Rawson, Philip and Leganz, Laszlo, “Tao, the Chinese Philosophy
of Time and Change”, London: Thames and Hudson 1979.
Reed, Henry, “Awakening Your Psychic Powers”, New York: St.
Martin’s Press 1996.
Rumi, “The Essential Rumi” (red. i przekł.) Coleman Barks. San
Francisco: Harper Collins 1995.
Rhys-David, C.A.F., “Buddhist Psychology: An Inquiry into the
Analysis and Theory of Mind in Pali Literature”, Boston: Wisdom Publications 1979.
Raheem, Aminah, “Process Acupresure” (Palm Beach Gardens,
gFla.: Upledger Institute, 1996).
Schwartz, Salome, nieopublikowana dysertacja doktorska; Union
Institute, Cincinnati Ohio, 1996.
Shearer, P. (przekł.), “Effortless Being: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”, London: Unwin, 1989.
Stuart, Maurine, “Subtle Sound”, Boston: Shambhala, 1995.
Tansley, David V., “Subtle Body: Essence and Shadow”, London:
Thames and Hudson 1992.
Tart, Charles, “Waking Up”, Boston: Shambhala, 1987.
Tart, Charles, “Awakening Your Psychic Powers”, New York: St.
Martin Press, 1996.
Thanissaro, Bhikkhu, “Unentangled Knowing: The Teaching of
a Thai Lay Woman”. Barre, MA: Dhamma Dana Publications,
Thera, Venerable Nynaponika, “Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist
Explorations of Counsciousness and Time”, Boston: Wisdom
Publications, 1998.
Thich Nhat Hanh, “Please Call Me by My True Names”, Berkeley,
Calif.: Parallax Press, 1993.
Thich Nhat Hanh, “The Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings”, Berkeley, Calif.: Parallax Press, 1998.
Tzy, Lao Lao, “Tao Te Ching: The Book of Meaning and Life, przeł.
Richard Wilhelm. New York: Arkana-Penguin, 1986. „Tao Te
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“The Upanishads, Breath of the Eternal”, Vedanta Press and Bookshop, 1996.
Von Franz, Marie Louise, “Time, Rhytm and Repose”, London:
Thames and Hudson 1978.
Von Franz, Marie Louise, “On Divination and Synchronicity”,
Toronto, Canada: Inner City Books 1980.
Œnienie na jawie
Walsh, Roger N., “The Spirit of Shamanism”, Los Angeles: Jeremy
Tarcher, 1990.
Walsh, Roger N., “Lucid Dreaming: Some Transpersonal Implications”, Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 24, no. 2 (1992).
Watts, Alan; “The Book or the Taboo against Knowing Who You
Are”, New York: Vintage 1972.
Williams, C., “No Hiding Place: Empowerment and Recovery of
Our Communities”, San Francisco: Harper, 1994.
Wolf, Fred Alan, “The Dreaming Universe: A Mind-Expanding
Journey into the Realm Where Psyche and Physics Meet”. New
York: Touchstone. 1995.
ben Shimon Hilevi, “Kabbalah, Tradition of Hidden
Knowledge”, London: Thames and Hudson, 1979.