1) the dog is friendly and AFFECTION. 2) The politician


1) the dog is friendly and AFFECTION. 2) The politician
1) the dog is friendly and ______________________ AFFECTION.
2) The politician asked the newspaper for a formal __________________. APOLOGISE
3) She couldn’t climb to the top of the ladder because she was afraid of ________________. HIGH
4) The problem of ____________________ is getting more and more urgent. EMPLOY
5) I’m not going to ask for her advice because she is always ___________________. HELP
6) Janet is __________________ strong for such a small person. SURPRISE
7) Polish people are very friendly towards the foreigners and they are famous for their ___________________.
Wstaw jeden wyraz, aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.
1) If ___________ you had told me you were going to be late. I wouldn’t ______________ burnt the dinner.
2) In ___________ of his excellent qualifications, he didn’t get the job.
3) He decided to ___________ off early in the day to miss the morning traffic.
4) You may borrow my book as _____________ as you give it back on Monday.
5) When I saw Tom Cruise get off the plane I couldn’t _______________ my eyes.
1) Last month Higgins got a rise from the company. GIVEN
Last month …
2) I willl only come if you ask me to. INVITE
If ….
3) The suspect said he had nothing to do with the bank robbery. DENIED
The suspect…
4) They think we should go to the cinema. OUR
5) Please send this letter in duplicate. TWO
Please send…
6) They blamed Tom for setting the house on fire. ACCUSED
Tom …
7) Last night, by chance, I found my grandmother’s old diary. CAME
Last night I …
8) The telephone rang just as I walked through the door. SOONER
…………………………………. I walked through the door than the telephone rang.
9) The customer did not want to show the clerk his identification. REFUSED
The customer…
the clerk his identification.
10) Some people believe that women live longer than men. BELIEVED
11) Do you fancy a visit to the museum? FEEL
Do you …
to the museum?
12) ‘Who were you with last night?’ she asked Tom. OUT
She wanted to …
with the previous night.
13) They postponed the meeting until the following week. PUT
The meeting …
14) ‘I don’t mind doing the ironing,’ said Alison. OBJECTIONS
Alison said that she …
doing the ironing.
15) I can’t wait to meet you. LOOKING
I’m really …
16) John’s daughter is taller than me. TALL
I am …
John’s daughter.
Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań.
1. (Gdybym nie spóźnił się na) ____________________________________ the bus I would have arrived on
2. She (mieszka tutaj od) ______________________________________ many years.
3. (Choć ona jest w wieku) ____________________________________Sally she looks a lot younger.