Call for Entries to the CCBF 2015 Young Illustrators Competition


Call for Entries to the CCBF 2015 Young Illustrators Competition
Call for Entries to the CCBF 2015
Young Illustrators Competition
The organisers of Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair (CCBF) are honoured to
invite you to take part in the first CCBF Young Illustrators Competition. An international jury of
recognised professionals will select the best works and choose the two Illustration Grand Prix
laureates –one from Mainland China and one from overseas– among the finalists. A great showcase of the 50 best competitors will be held at 2015 at CCBF in Shanghai from 13 to 15 November.
Purpose of the competition
Illustration plays an essential role in contemporary children’s literature.
A dynamic and creative field, it has gone through significant changes over the last
decades as it constantly offers new and highly stimulating ways to trigger the children’s imagination. Deeply rooted in Asia’s graphic culture, illustration is also becoming an increasingly
popular career for a rising generation of Chinese artists, as was shown in the high-quality works
showcased at the 2014 China Young Illustration Wall –CCBF’s first curated programme for young
children’s illustrators.
Emerging artists need as many opportunities as possible to introduce themselves to the global publishing
community. CBBF therefore wishes to serve as a platform for young talents from China and beyond who wish
to enhance their career prospects or gain visibility internationally.
The Young Illustrators Competition is CCBF’s key programme designed to fulfil these objectives; contestants’
work will be assessed by an international jury and the best contestants will be exhibited on-site for three days
in a special showcase that will receive the attention of publishers, media and general public alike. An online
exhibition will also run for several months on the CCBF website.
The Young Illustrators Competition aims to creating a long-lasting community of people keen to share their
experience with artists from all over the world. By taking part in the first edition of the Young Illustrators Competition, you are contributing to building a thrilling network of creative minds devoted to children’s illustration.
Audience Profile
Art school teachers and students
Gallery owners
General public
Shanghai Press & Publications Administration
China Education Publishing & Media Group Ltd
China Universal Press& Publication Co. Ltd
Exhibition Date
13-15 November 2015
Exhibition Venue
Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Center
Competition Regulations
1. Submission deadline
4 September 2015
2. Eligibility requirements
a. Contestants from all nationalities aged 18 to 39 years old are eligible to take part in the competition.
b. Entrants shall be:
• Illustrators (professionals or amateurs), submitting unpublished works or works published in the last
two years (i.e publisher after 1 January 2013)
• Art schools submitting works by their students. Works should have been completed in the last two years
(i.e after 1 January 2013)
• Publishing houses submitting works published by their company in the last two years (i.e publisher after
1 January 2013)
c. Each contestant shall submit three illustration artworks of the same series.
d. Entered artworks should be suitable for their publishing in children’s books. There are no specific restrictions regarding the topic or techniques used to complete the artwork.
3. Entry procedure
Step One: Submit your Application Form
All entrants are requested to download and complete the application form available at
Applicants are strongly suggested to send a personal picture along with their application form in order to help
promoting their participation to the event through CCBF’s official Website and oher marketing channels.
The above documents should be sent to [email protected] (please state name and country of origin of
the applicant in the subject of the email).
Step Two: Submit your Artworks
Each contestant shall submit together three illustration artworks of the same series.
All entrants are requested to upload their digital artworks (min. resolution 300 dpi) as soon as possible after
returning their application form and picture.
Here is how to upload your digital artworks:
Contestants from other countries and regions
including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
• Send your artworks to [email protected]
through Wetransfer (
• Artworks should be named as follows:
Contestant name (publishing house or art school, if
applies)_Country of origin_Work’s title and position
in the series
e.g: Jane Do (Art Academy of the Moon)_USA_
Beautiful Home2
Entrants from Mainland China
• Enter
• Log in with the following user name and password:
Username: [email protected]
Password: ccbf2015
• Your artworks should be named as follows:
Contestant name (publishing house or art school, if
applies)_Province of origin Work’s title and position
in the series
e.g: Shu Xiaotong (Beijing Art School)_Beijing_
Beautiful Home2
4. Assessment process
All entries complying with the above eligibility criteria will be reviewed
by a jury of international illustrators, publishers and illustration specialists.
The evaluation will be held in two rounds.
In the first round, the Jury will select 50 finalists whose works will be exhibited
at the CCBF Young Illustrators Showcase. The list of selected works will be released
on 15 October 2015.
In the second round, the jury will select, among the 50 showcased finalists, the two winners
of the Young Illustration Grand Prix. The Grand Prix will have two laureates, one from Mainland China and one from overseas (including Mainland China, Hong-Kong, Macao and Taiwan).
The names of the Grand Prix laureates will be announced on 14 November at CCBF.
Notes to the assessment process:
1. No printed artworks will be accepted during the initial submission period running from 10 July to 4
2. The organisers will contact the finalists in order to notify them of the jury’s decision and collect one
print of each artwork to be shown at the CCBF Young Illustrators Competition Showcase. Prints should be in
high-resolution and should not exceed 420*594mm.
3. Prints should be sent to the Young Illustrator Competition Committee at the following address to arrive no
later than 1 November:
Attn. Christina Feng
Add.: CCBF, 15th Floor, Tower A, Ping An International Finance Center,
No. 1-3, Xinyuan South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027, China
Please mark on the envelop “Illustration Competition Artworks”
5. Awards and recognition
Young Illustrator Grand Prix
There are two Grand Prix laureates –one from Mainland China and one from overseas.
• The Chinese laureate of the Young Illustrators’ Grand Prix will be awarded a roundtrip air ticket (economy class) to attend one international book fair in Europe in 2016.
• The non-Chinese laureate of the Young Illustrators’ Grand Prix will be awarded a
round-trip air ticket (economy class) to attend the China Shanghai International
Children’s Book Fair 2016.
• The two laureates will be invited to showcase a wider selection of their works in a
special exhibition organised at CCBF 2016.
Young Illustrators Competition Showcase
• The 50 best contestants will be showcased in a special exhibition to take
place at CCBF 2015. Their works will also be exhibited on CCBF official Website.
• A Catalogue of the Young Illustrators Competition Showcase presenting the 50 best
contestants’ work and their personnal information will be released later during the year
and distributed to all the publishing houses exhibiting at CCBF.
• The artworks of contestants from Mainland China will be eligible for special awards
(up to ten nominees)
• All the participants to the showcase will receive an Honorary Certificate and will be
granted VIP entrance at CCBF,
People’s Choice Award
On 13-15 November 2015 CCBF trade and public visitors will be invited to vote on-site for their favourite
illustrator among the 50 showcased finalists. The People’s Choice Award will be held separately and independently from the Illustration Grand Prix.
The results of the People’s Choice Award vote will be released at noon on 15 November at CCBF.
By entering the competition, the entrant represents, acknowledges,
and warrants that the submitted artwork is an original work created
solely by the entrant and that it does not infringe on the copyrights
or trademarks of any person or entity. The entrant shall take the
full legal responsibility in case of copyright dispute; the organising
committee will cancel any entry that shall be object of a copyright
By submitting their application, the contestants retain the copyright of their work but allow the organisers to use their
artworks for exhibition and promotion purposes on CCBF
official website and social media, official printed materials, including flyers, poster and exhibition catalogue etc.
The organisers will not use the entered artworks for any
commercial purposes and will not yield their right on the
artworks to third parties.
The organisers retain the right to exhibit, publish and keep
the entry works and use them for all purposes stated in these
The organisers guarantee the preservation of all the entered
artworks, but cannot take any responsibility if a work is damaged
or missing during delivery; missing or damaged works will be excluded from the competition unless the illustrator could provide replacement before the exhibition date.
Please refer to the official website of the CCBF (
or contact the illustration organising committee:
Enquiries from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan:
Christina Feng, Tel: +86 10 5933 9150, E-mail: [email protected]
• Enquiries from the rest of the world:
Carolina Ballester, E-mail: [email protected]
*The organising committee reserves the right to the ultimate interpretation of these rules.
Artwork by C.Ballester