regulamin konkursu wiedzy o zjednoczonym królestwie


regulamin konkursu wiedzy o zjednoczonym królestwie
Serdecznie zapraszamy uczniów klas pierwszych i drugich II Liceum Ogólnokszta cego
im. K. I. Ga czy skiego w Olsztynie do udzia u w Konkursie Wiedzy o Zjednoczonym Królestwie
organizowanym przez nauczycielk j zyka angielskiego, mgr Dorot
asiewick . Zasady s proste, a
satysfakcja gwarantowana. Zwyci zca konkursu b dzie mia okazj kszta cenia swoich umiej tno ci na
wybranym kursie w jednej ze szkó j zykowych w Olsztynie. Na najlepszych, natomiast, czekaj nagrody
ksi kowe wydawnictwa Pearson Longman Polska, wszyscy finali ci konkursu otrzymaj dyplomy. A zatem
do dzie a.
1. W konkursie mog bra udzia uczniowie klas pierwszych i drugich II LO w Olsztynie.
2. Konkurs sk ada si z dwóch etapów. Pierwszy etap odb dzie si 7 marca 2008 (pi tek) o godzinie
8:15 w sali …..Wszyscy uczestnicy rozwi
test sk adaj cy si z 50 zamkni tych pyta , na którego
napisanie przeznaczamy 45 min.
3. Ch tni do udzia u w konkursie musz zg osi si do swoich nauczycieli j zyka angielskiego
najpó niej do 29 lutego 2008 (pi tek).
4. Do etapu drugiego przechodz uczniowie, którzy uzyskali najwy sz ilo punktów z testu,
maksymalnie 10 osób. Lista zakwalifikowanych zostanie og oszona 10 marca 2008 (poniedzia ek).
5. Drugi etap konkursu odb dzie si 17 marca 2008 (poniedzia ek)- Dzie w. Patryka, patrona Irlandii.
(Dok adna godzina rozpocz cia i sala zostan podane w pó niejszym terminie).
6. Uczniowie-finali ci indywidualnie przygotowuj si do 7-minutowej prezentacji w j zyku angielskim
na wybrane wcze niej tematy dotycz ce historii, geografii, literatury angielskiej, edukacji, konstytucji
i systemu rz dów monarchii, etykiety, ycia spo eczno-kulturalnego, nauki i techniki oraz
narodowych zwyczajów i tradycji Wielkiej Brytanii i Pó nocnej Irlandii.
7. Tematy prezentacji nale y zg osi do organizatora konkursu najpó niej do dnia 14 marca 2008
(pi tek).
8. Prezentacje finalistów b dzie ocenia a komisja konkursowa wed ug nast puj cych
kryteriów:1.p ynno wypowiedzi- fluency; 2. poprawno wypowiedzi- accuracy; 3. realizacja
zadania – task achievement; 4. innowacyjno i kreatywno – innovation and creativity; 5. wra enie
ogólne – overall impression. Z ka dej z powy szych kategorii ucze mo e otrzyma maksymalnie 5
punktów, w sumie 25 punktów za ca
9. Finalista konkursu nie mo e korzysta z pomocy dydaktycznych podczas prezentacji ( nie mo e
czyta !). Nie mo na równie przekracza podanego czasu prezentacji, jest ona wówczas przerywana.
10. By uatrakcyjni prezentacj tematu finalista mo e wykorzysta w tym celu odpowiednie przedmioty,
tzw. realia, np. plakaty, elementy ubioru osobistego, zdj cia, pami tki oraz przedmioty wykonane
asnor cznie i bezpo rednio zwi zane z prezentowanym zagadnieniem.
11. Og oszenie wyników oraz uroczyste wr czenie nagród odb dzie si po zako czeniu prezentacji
Je li w trakcie przygotowa do Konkursu pojawi si jakie w tpliwo ci lub merytoryczne problemy
zapraszam na spotkanie w dniu 19 lutego 2008 (wtorek) o godzinie 11:50 (d uga przerwa) w sali 31
lub prosz osobi cie si zg asza do organizatora konkursu.
Lista zagadnie i pyta , które pomog Ci samodzielnie przygotowa si do udzia u w
konkursie. Informacji mo na poszukiwa w nast puj cych ród ach: Internet, prasa, ksi ki,
telewizja, edukacyjne programy komputerowe, encyklopedie multimedialne oraz biblioteki.
1. What does the UK mean?
2. What parts does the UK consist of?
3. What is the name of the British flag?
4. Who is Elizabeth II and what is her role in British society?
5. What is the British currency?
6. How long in kilometres is 1 mile?
7. What is the capital of the UK?
8. How long is the Thames and how many bridges are there in London?
9. What is the population of the UK?
10. What is the capital of Wales?
11. What parts does the Buckingham Palace consist of ?
12. What is the capital of Scotland?
13. Who is the British PM and what are his main duties?
14. What is Elizabeth II’s surname?
15. Who is Margaret Thatcher what is her contribution to British political system ?
16. Who is the saint patron of Scotland?
17. What is Big Ben?
18. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
19. What is the most popular place in London to celebrate the New Year’s Eve?
20. Who is the saint patron of Wales?
21. What is the capital of England?
22. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
23. Where are the most famous British universities?
24. What is the Loch Ness famous for?
25. How many children has Elizabeth II got? What are the names of Royal children?
26. How old are the children in the UK when they start school?
27. Where in London is the British Parliament?
28. What is the national symbol of Wales?
29. What are five the most famous Shakespeare’s plays?
30. What is the flag of England?
31. What does traditional English breakfast consist of?
32. What are the names of the most famous Royal castles?
33. What is London Dungeon?
34. What is the traditional Scottish instrument?
35. Who was Guy Fawkes?
36. What is the flag of Scotland?
37. Who is the saint patron of England?
38. Where can you see real dinosaur’s bones?
39. What is ‘a kilt’ and on which occasions is it worn?
40. What is the name of the most famous London shop?
41. What is Wimbledon famous for?
42. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
43. Which British Monarch ruled for 64 years?
44. What are there at Madame Tussauds’ Museum?
45. What is the national emblem of England?
46. What form of literature does ‘Beowulf’ represent?
47. What is ‘Loch Lomond’ and where is it?
48. What are English names for the traditional Welsh dishes: Cawl cennin, Crempogs, Welsh rabbit,
Faggots, Bara brith?
49. What is ‘Wembley’ and where is it?
50. What is the national emblem of Scotland?
51. Where have all English monarchs been crowned?
52. What is Irish coffee made of?
53. What is a typical London bus called?
54. What is Soho famous for?
55. What is celebrated during The National Mod?
56. What is the name of the oldest bridge in London?
57. What is Eton?
58. How many stations has the London underground got?
59. How long is an inch?
60. What is Gatwick?
61. Where does Hadrian Wall run across and when was it built?
62. What is the Irish word for ‘whisky’?
63. How much is a pint?
64. Who is the head of the church in the UK?
65. Where does the name ‘England’ come from?
66. How old do you have to be to get a driving licence in Britain?
67. What were ancient Celtic priests called?
68. Who lives in the Beckingham Palace?
69. What is the name of the Queen’s official residence in London?
70. When and where was William Shakespeare born?
71. Where did the Beatles come from?
72. What are the titles of the main songs popularized by the Beatles?
73. What’s the address of the British Prime Minister?
74. When was The Peace Treaty between Scotland and England signed?
75. Who wrote ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’?
76. When was the Hundred Year’s war?
77. What did James Watt invent?
78. What is the London’s most famous cathedral?
79. What is celebrated during Burns Night?
80. Where are Rolls-Royce cars made?
81. Who wrote ’The Lord of the Rings’?
82. How many chambers are there in British Parliament and what are they called?
83. What is Hogmanay?
84. What is the popular name for London taxi cars?
85. What is the name of the highest mountain in Britain and what is its height?
86. What is popular name for the Welsh flag?
87. Where are the Crown Jewels kept?
88. What is the title of the British national anthem?
89. When was the Great Fire of London?
90. What do the following abbreviations stand for: IRA, MP, GP?
91. Who designed St Paul’s Cathedral?
92. What are the Queen’s favourite animals?
93. What is the second day of Christmas called in Britain?
94. Who or what were Druids?
95. Which group of languages does the English language belong to?
96. Where did the Romans build Hadrian’s Wall and how long is it?
97. What does ‘Loch’ in Scottish Celtic language mean?
98. Who was the legendary hero of English ballads who took from the rich and gave to the poor?
99. Who defeated Napoleon at Trafalgar?
100. What are the most famous British TV channels?
101. Who was the most popular British woman writer of detective novels?
102. What is the political system of the United Kingdom?
103. Which writer wrote about children working in the factories and mines?
104. What did James Scott invent?
105. What is another name for the Northern Ireland?
106. Which dynasty did Henry VII, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I belong to?
107. What is the national Scottish meal?
108. What did William Blake write?
109. How often is the Changing of the Guard?
110. What is the nickname of Queen Mary Tudor?
111. What are the names of mountain ranges in the UK?
112. Who wrote “ The Canterbury Tales”?
113. Who is the saint patron of Ireland?
114. Who has the real political power in Britain?
115. What is the name of the British Secret Service?
116. When did women in Britain get the right to vote?
117. What are the most popular British newspapers?
118. When was the Battle of Britain?
119. What is a Welsh word for meeting?
120. How do we call teachers at Oxford University?
121. What is the largest lake in England?
122. What is the name of King Arthur's sword?
123. What is a "whip" in Parliament?
124. What is the West End district famous for?
125. What is the Old Bailey?
126. What was the Magna Carta?
127. What is Burn’s Night and when is it celebrated?
128. What is ‘first footing’?
129. What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?
130. What is ‘cockney’?
131. What is the Welsh name for Wales?
132. Which coast of England is the Isle of Wright situated on?
133. How long is the Channel Tunnel?
134. What is St. David’s village in Wales famous for?
135. How many players are there in cricket game?
136. Can you add the right word: HRH means His Royal …?
137. Who was the British Prime Minister during WWII?
138. What is ‘ a shag’?
139. A “quid” is an informal name for…?
140. What is ‘Cowes Week’?
141. What does the name ‘Queen dowager’ stand for?
142. Which British cities are ports?
143. What was the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK?
144. What party does the former Prime Minister Tony Blair belong to?
145. What is the ‘Royal National Eisteddfod’?
146. When witchcraft became a crime in Scotland?
147. Which of the countries Elizabeth II is a Queen of?
148. Who wrote ‘Sense and Sensibility’?
149. When did the Industrial Revolution take place?
150. What is the Internet domain of UK?

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