

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We would like to invite you to participate in the conference “XII International
Symposium on Inorganic Biochemistry”, that will be organized between the 28th
August and 1st September 2013. This symposium is twelfth of the series of
symposia organized by the group of Professor Henryk Kozłowski.
The list of speakers who have accepted our invitation:
Plenary Speakers
Abraham Shanzer (Rehovot, Israel)
Vincent Pecoraro (Ann Arbor, USA)
Chris Orvig (Vancouver, Canada)
Takamitsu Kohzuma (Mito, Japan)
Marc Fontecave (Grenoble, France)
Key-note Speakers
Wojciech Bal (Warsaw, Poland)
Małgorzata Brindell (Kraków, Poland)
Merce Capdevilla (Barcelona, Spain)
P.R. Chetana (Bangalore, India)
Rachel Codd (Sydney, Australia)
Alicia Dominguez-Martin (Granada, Spain)
Peter Faller (Toulouse, France)
Eva Freisinger (Zurich, Switzerland)
Igor Fritsky (Kiev, Ukraine)
Carlos Geraldes (Coimbra, Portugal)
Elżbieta Gumienna-Kontecka (Wrocław, Poland)
Roland Kraemer (Heidelberg, Germany)
Joanna Lachowicz (Cagliari, Italy)
Iwona Łakomska (Toruń, Poland)
Franc Meyer (Göttingen, Germany)
Yifat Miller (Be’er-Sheva, Israel)
Anna Peacock (Birmingham, UK)
Maurizio Remelli (Ferrara, Italy)
Roland Sigel (Zurich, Switzerland)
Sarolta Timari (Debrecen, Hungary)
Paola Turano (Florence, Italy)
Maria Amelia Santos (Lisbon, Portugal)
Daniela Valensin (Siena, Italy)
Yan Voloshin (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Zyta Ziora (St Lucia, Australia)
Maria Antonietta Zoroddu (Sassari, Italy)
Fee is all inclusive. It covers all the expenses, including the
conference fee, accommodation, lunches, welcome reception,
and banquet.
• Full participant in single room: 550 EUR
• Full participant in double room: 450 EUR
• PhD Student (in double room) : 400 EUR
• Accompanying Person (in double room): 350 EUR
Registration fee without accomodation: 250 EUR
Regular registration and payment :
Late registration and payment :
Abstract submission:
Cancellation (70% refund) :
30th April 2013
30th June 2013
30th June 2013
31st July 2013
Organizing Committee
Henryk Kozłowski - chairman
Elżbieta Gumienna-Kontecka
Marek Łuczkowski
P.R. Chetana (Bangalore University)
Agnieszka Szebesczyk
Sławomir Potocki
Karolina Krzywoszyńska
Paulina Bilska
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Wrocław
F.Joliot-Curie 14
Wrocław, Poland
[email protected]