600 lat polsko-tureckich stosunków dyplomatycznych


600 lat polsko-tureckich stosunków dyplomatycznych
Faculty of Political Science and Journalism
Adam Mickiewicz University
Poznań, 5 November 2014
11.00-11.10 (lecture hall 121)
Opening speech – Prof. Tadeusz Wallas
Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University
11.10-13.00 (lecture hall 121)
Session I: History & New Perspectives
Prof. Yusuf Ziya Özcan
Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Poland
Jerzy Kudyński, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Poznań
The Greater Poland and Turkey
13.00-14.00 lunch
14.00-16.00 (lecture room 43)
Session II: Political Dimension
Dr. Adam Szymański, University of Warsaw
Political Relations between Poland and Turkey after 1989
Prof. Przemysław Osiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz University
The Middle Eastern Policy of Poland and Turkey: Convergent and Divergent Aspects
Prof. Radosław Fiedler, Adam Mickiewicz University
Turkey, Poland and the Iranian Nuclear Program. Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Karol Bieniek, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Power Shaping within Political Parties – the Case of Turkey and Poland
Muzaffer Kural, the Institute for Middle East Peace Research (IMPR), Ankara
Polish-Turkish Relations During the Cold War
16.00-16.30 coffee break
16.30-18.00 (lecture room 43)
Session III: Legal, Military and Economic Dimensions
Prof. Dariusz Wybranowski, Dr. Fuad Jomma, Szczecin University
Polish-Turkish Economic Relations Under the Rule of Peace and Justice Party
Dr. Robert Czulda, University of Łódź
Poland and Turkey: Potential Cooperation in Defense Industries
Dr. Rafał Wiśniewski, Adam Mickiewicz University
Miltiary- industrial Aspects of Turkish Defence Policy
Michał Dahl, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Establishment of the Turkish Ombudsman Institution and its Specificity Against the Polish Model
*Secretary of the Conference: Prof. Przemysław Osiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz University, [email protected]