Organization: Active Women Association/Stowarzyszenie Aktywne


Organization: Active Women Association/Stowarzyszenie Aktywne
Organization: Active Women Association/Stowarzyszenie Aktywne Kobiety
Project: ERASMUS + Akcja KA1
Title: Empowered Youth In Diverse World
Grant Agreement : 2015-1-PL01-KA105-014321
Project date: 2015-05-01 – 2017-05-01
Volunteers service dates: ………………………………………………………....
Receiver: Name and Surname: …………………………………………………..
E-mail :............................................................................................
bank account number: ……………………………………………………..
I declare my travel cost from ……………....…...…. to ……………..………...
on ………..……. (date), on the total amount : …………...……………..
Attached: travel documents (invoice, ticket, boarding card)
1. date/number …………………………….………
2. date/number …………………………….………
3. date/number …………………………….………
Receiving organisation:
Project: „Empowered Youth In Diverse Word” is cofinanced by European
Commission in the frame of Erasmus+Program, KA1 European Voluntary Service