Subsidence depressions in Upper Silesian Coal Basin


Subsidence depressions in Upper Silesian Coal Basin
a antropogenní
sborník 2geomorfologie
ČAG, ZČU v Plzni, 2003
Subsidence depressions in Upper Silesian Coal Basin
Renata Dulias
[email protected]
University of Silesia, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Sosnowiec 41-200, Będzińska 60, Poland
Most of useful minerals are exploited from large depths using roof -collapse
method. This causes development of subsidence depressions, which are
a typical element of landscape in mining areas. In Poland they occur in all
hard coal basins and in the areas of copper and sulphur exploitation. Nowhere
else, however, was the post-mining subsidence so intensive as it is in Upper
Silesian Coal Basin. By 1995, 9.7 milliard tonnes of coal and about 4 milliard
tonnes of waste rock was exploited here, and most of post -mining voids were
not filled with filling rock. The development of subsiden ce depressions
started probably at the end of the 19 th and beginning of the 20 th centuries,
when coal production clearly increased and exploitation from larger depths
started. The period of the most intensive development of subsidence
depressions took place from the 1960s to the 1980s, when most intensive,
wasteful exploitation of coal occurred. The prospects of land subsidence from
that time were alarming – in Rybnik Coal Basin, the depth of subsidence
depressions in future was estimated to about 33 –35 m. The economic crisis
from the end of the 20 th century, liquidation of many coal mines and limits in
coal production caused considerable decrease of the prospective size
of subsidence. At present, three types of mining areas may be distinguished in
Upper Silesian Coal Basin: 1) closed down and stabilised in terms of ground
subsidence; 2) liquidated, where process of ground subsidence will be
gradually reduced; 3) active, where subsidence will occur according to its pro spects.
The mechanism of development of continuous and discontinuous
deformations is well recognised and described in geological -mining literature
(BORECKI 1980; SZPETOWSKI, 1978 and many others). In geographical
literature, the problem of ground subsidence concerns mainly hydrographical
1999 and others) and landscape aspect (MADOWICZ 2001a). There are
relatively many geomorphological works on subsidence depressions and most
of them concern their influence on fluvial processes in the Kłodnica Valley
(SZCZYPEK, WACH 1978, 1992; WACH 1987, 1991; WACH, SZCZYPEK, 1996).
One of the works contains morphological cross -sections for the area of
mining subsidence in Rybnik Plateau (MADOWICZ 2001b). The only
accessible cartographic work, which contains isolines of the subsidence for
almost the whole Upper Silesian Coal Basin is Map of transformations of the
ground surface in Katowice Province (MAPA PRZEOBRAŻEŃ…, 1982).
Because of the fact, that during the last 20 years the range and scale
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Aplikovaná a antropogenní geomorfologie
of subsidence is not always concordant with mining prospects, the updating of
this map would have a considerable cognitive importance.
The subsidence in Upper Silesian Coal Basin occurs in the area of
diversified geology: in the central and north -eastern part of the basin
subsidence depressions occur within the outcrop of Carboniferous lithologies,
in the northern and south-eastern part within the cover of Triassic rocks
(dolomites and limestones) and Quaternary sediments (sand, clay) and in the
south and west part within Miocene sediments (clay, sand) and Quaternary
sediments (clay, loess, sand). The Upper Silesian Basin is located at the
border zone of Silesian Upland and Racibórz-Oświęcim Basin, which causes
that subsidence depressions occur at different al titude levels – from 220
m a.s.l. in the Vistula Valley to over 300 m a.s.l. at Katowice Plateau,
Mikołów Upthrust and Wilkoszyn Basin. Most of the depressions are located
in the catchment area of the Odra, especially in the Kłodnica Valley,
Bielszowice Stream Valley, Bierawka Valley, Szotkówka Valley and Nacyna
Valley. In the catchment area of the Vistula River, the most intensive
subsidence occurs in the valleys of Brynica, Szarlejka, Bobrek, Bolina and
Przyrwa. Many subsidence depressions occur in the zones of watershed.
Ground subsidence has occurred in the areas of differentiated relief. The
largest differences of altitude, large inclination of slopes and the largest
density of valleys occur in the south-east part of he basin, in Rybnik Plateau.
This is a loess area, poorly wooded and with predominated occurrence of
agricultural land. Taking into account intensive processes of subsidence,
which occurs there, these features make this area extremely attractive for
geomorphological investigations. The areas opposite to Rybnik Plateau are
almost flat or slightly undulated areas in the Vistula Valley, Chrzanów
Graben, Mysłowice Basin and Przywyżynne Plateaux. The subsidence
depressions occur there both in agricultural and wooded areas. The
intermediate features of relief occur in Bytom-Katowice Plateau, where
elongated hummocks and dome-like hills are separated from each other by
distinctive and quite deep valleys. This is the area of the oldest mining in the
Silesian region – subsidence depressions occur in the area of dense building
development, wooded areas and waste land.
The subsidence process results in different effects in the relief. According
to WACH (1991), the most important effects include lowering of altitude
(Fig. 1), changes in ground surface inclination, changes in longitudinal profile
of rivers. JANKOWSKI (1986) gives examples of pseudoterraces and side
hanging valleys, which developed as a result of ground subsidence in the area
of Jastrzębie Zdrój in Rybnik Plateau. MADOWICZ (2001b) documented clear
changes in the shape and inclination of slopes in this area. MOLENDA (1999)
describes intensive headward erosion in the Bolina Valley in Katowice
Plateau, caused by lowering of the erosion baselevel as a result of ground
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Fig. 1. Changes of relief due to subsidence in Bytom-Miechowice in Bytom
Pla-teau in the period 1974-1994 in the light of topographic maps and
morphological profiles
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Fig. 2. Subsidence depressions in the area of Piekary Śląskie in Bytom
1 – topographical watersheds of: a) subsidence depressions without drainage,
b) river drainage basins; 2 – bottoms of subsidence depressions and their
height in m a.s.l. in 1994; 3 – main directions of deposit transport to
subsidence depres-sions; 4 – water reservoirs; 5 – altitude points
Subsidence depressions have considerable depths (locally exceeding 20 m)
and different location within other land forms (valley floor, slopes, summit)
(Fig. 2). Ground subsidence influences development of modern
geomorphological processes, especially fluvial and denudational, but so far
any investigations concerning detailed determination of the type, size and rate
of changes in the relief of mining areas have not been carried out. The results
of investigations on floor sediments in the depressions of different
development stage seem to be especially interesting. For most of the mining
areas there are several decade long measurement sequences of ground
subsidence. Joining these results with documented meteorological and
hydrological conditions makes it possible to determine the quality and
quantity of changes in the environment.
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Aplikovaná a antropogenní geomorfologie
BORECKI M. (Red.), 1980: Ochrona powierzchni przed szkodami górniczymi. Wyd. Śląsk
CZAJA S., 1988: Zmiany stosunków wodnych w zlewni Brynicy w wyniku gospodarczej
działalności człowieka. Geographia, Studia et dissertationes, t. 11. UŚ Katowice.
JANKOWSKI A. T., 1986: Antropogeniczne zmiany stosunków wodnych na obszarze
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geograficzne górnośląsko–ostrawskiego regionu przemysłowego. ODN IKN, WNoZ UŚ
MADOWICZ A., 2001a: Zalewiska poeksploatacyjne w Jastrzębiu Zdroju jako nowy
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MADOWICZ A., 2001b: Osiadania terenu na obszarze Jastrzębia Zdroju w latach 1974–
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MAPA PRZEOBRAŻEŃ powierzchni ziemi województwa katowickiego 1 : 50 000, WOŚ UW
Katowice 1982.
MOLENDA T., 1999: Wpływ działalności górniczej na kształtowanie stosunków wodnych
(na wybranych przykładach z Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. W: J. Pełka-Gościniak,
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przemysłowym. Materiały sympozjum polsko-czeskiego, WNoZ UŚ Sosnowiec.
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Aplikovaná a antropogenní geomorfologie
WACH J., SZCZYPEK T., 1996: Preobrazovania rel`efa mestnosti v raionakh
gornodobyvaiushchei promyshlennosti vsledstvie osedanii grunta (na primere Katovickovo
voevodstva). In: Pirozhnik I. I. (Ed.): Geograficheskie problemy prirodopolzovania
v usloviakh antropogennoi deiatelnosti. Belorusskii Gosudarstvennyi universitet,
Belorusskoe Geograficheskoe obshchestvo, Minsk.
Niecki osiadania w Górnośląskim Zagłębiu Węglowym
W Górnośląskim Zagłębiu Węglowym do 1995 roku wydobyto 9,7 mld ton węgla
i około 4 mld ton skały płonej. Większość pustek poeksploatacyjnych nie była wypełniana
podsadzką, co doprowadziło do rozwoju niecek osiadania. Formy te występują na obszarach
o zróżnicowanej budowie geologicznej, intensywności urzeźbienia, stosunkach wodnych
i użytkowaniu terenu. Można wyróżnić: niecki ustabilizowane (na nieczynnych polach
górniczych), niecki w końcowej fazie rozwoju (na obszarach likwidowanych kopalń) oraz
niecki intensywnie rozwijające się (na obszarach aktualnej i perspektywicznej eksploatacji).
Pojawienie się w krajobrazie rozległych niecek, o głębokości kilkunastu metrów i różnym
położeniu w stosunku do innych form rzeźby (dno doliny, stoki, wierzchowina), wywiera
wpływ na przebieg współczesnych procesów geomorfologicznych, głównie fluwialnych
i denudacyjnych.
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