The King`s Singers Angielskie madrygały / E s M s


The King`s Singers Angielskie madrygały / E s M s
RZ_MFWC_10_09_19_00_Zgorzelec 350-351:01
5:20 Uhr
Seite 350
Angielskie madrygały / English Madrigals
The King's Singers
RZ_MFWC_10_09_19_00_Zgorzelec 350-351:01
15:45 Uhr
Seite 351
Środa / Wednesday
10.09.2008 godz. 19.00 / 7.00 pm
Zgorzelec Miejski Dom Kultury ul. Parkowa 1
godz. 19.00 / 7.00 pm
Angielskie madrygały / English Madrigls
Wykonawcy / Performers
The King's Singers
David Hurley kontratenor / counter-tenor
Robin Tyson kontratenor / counter-tenor
Paul Phoenix tenor / tenor
Philip Lawson baryton / baritone
Christopher Gabbitas baryton / baritone
Śr / We
Stephen Connolly bas / bass
Program koncertu / Concert programme
Madrigals from Renaissance England
Thomas Morley (1557-1602) Now is the Month of Maying
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) The Silver Swan
John Farmer (1570-1602) Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone
John Wilbye (1574-1638) Draw on, Sweet Night
Thomas Weelkes (1575-1623) As Vesta was from Latmos Hill Descending
Partsongs from the Time of Queen Victoria
Sir John Rogers (1780-1847) Hears Not my Phyllis
John William Hobbs (1799-1877) Phillis Is My Only Joy
Charles Wood (1866-1926) There Comes a New Moon
Henry David Leslie (1822-1896) Charm Me Asleep
Paradise Lost
Paul Patterson (b. 1947) Time Piece op. 16
Czas trwania koncertu / duration of the concert c. 1:00
Więcej o programie przy koncercie 8.09.2008, godz. 19.00 w Lubomierzu
For more details, see 8.09.2008, 7.00 pm in Lubomierz