Agnieszka Halemba - Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UW


Agnieszka Halemba - Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UW
Agnieszka Halemba
Published on IEiAK (
Agnieszka Halemba
Obszary zainteresowań
anthropology of religion, cognitive anthropology, legal anthropology, methodology, socialism and
post-socialism Russia, Inner Asia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Slovakia
Doświadczenie badawcze i dydaktyczne
2002 University of Cambridge
PhD in Social Anthropology:
Unity and Diversity - contemporary spiritual life of the Telengits of Ere Chui (Republic of Altai,
Russian Federation)
Supervisor Prof. Caroline Humphrey
1995 University of Warsaw
MA in Ethnology:
Procesy etniczne I świadomość narodowa wśród współczesnych Ałtajczyków [Ethnic processes and
national identity among contemporary Altaians] Supervisor Prof. Jerzy Wasilewski [1]
Work experience
October 2012 - present Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw
Associate professor
2006-2011 GWZO, Universität Leipzig
Centre for History and Culture of East/Central Europe
Researcher in a project Religious Tradition, Communism and Cultural Re-evaluation:
Transnationalism in Post-1989 East European Cultures of Remembrance
2009 – 2010 Max Planck Research Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle
Project leader:
Emotions and centralisation of religion – the case of apparitional narratives (in co-operation with the
Centre for Anthropology and Mind, University of Oxford)
2003 – 2006 Max Planck Research Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Siberian Studies Centre
2001 – 2003 University of Cambridge
Richard Carley Hunt Fellow, Wenner Gren Foundation, Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit
1996 –1997 University of Warsaw
Assistant lecturer at the Institute of Sociology
Teaching experience
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2012-present University of Warsaw, Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology
Introduction to Anthropology of Religion (taught in English);
Contemporary approaches in sociological and anthropological studies of religion (taught in English);
Monograph as an inspirations [Monografie jako inspiracja];
BA seminar [Seminarium licencjackie];
Anthropology of Christianity [Antropologia chrześcijaństwa];
Miracles, apparitions, visions [Cuda, wizje, objawienia];
Neuroanthropology and cognitive anthropology [Neuroantropologia i antropologia kognitywna];
From shaman’s perspective - shaman in perspective [Z perspektywy szaman - szaman w
Religion in contemporary world [Religia we współczesnym świecie]
Selected Debates in Social Anthropology [Wybrane debaty w antropologii społecznej], with Agnieszka
2015 University of Tomsk, Russian Federation
Contemporary approaches in sociological and anthropological studies of religion (taught in Russian)
2007 – 2009 Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Ethnologie
Contemporary approaches in anthropology of religion (taught in English);
Anthropology of Religion and Magic (taught in English);
Anthropology of Knowledge (taught in English);
Anthropology of Post-socialist Transformations (taught in English)
2003 – 2008 University of Warsaw, Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology
Knowledge, Belief and Emotion (taught in English);
Anthropology of Religion and Magic (taught in English);
Directions in contemporary anthropological studies of religion (taught in English);
Anthropology of Post-socialist Transformations (taught in English)
2001 – 2003 University of Cambridge
Supervisions for anthropology and sociology students in:
Anthropology of Development;
Post-socialist Transformations;
Cognition, Knowledge and Belief;
Nationalism and Ethnicity;
Introduction to Social Anthropology
2001 University of Tromsø
Course assistant Anthropology and Development for PhD students (main lecturer: Dr Piers Vitebsky)
1996-1997 University of Warsaw, Institute of Sociology
Classical Sociological Theory
Introduction to Social Anthropology
• Negotiating Marian Apparitions: The Politics of Religion in Transcarpathian Ukraine. New York,
Budapest: Central European University Press
• The Telengits of Southern Siberia: Landscape, Religion and Knowledge in Motion. London:
Edited Volume:
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Agnieszka Halemba
Published on IEiAK (
• (with Agnieszka Gasior and Stefan Troebst) Gebrochene Kontinuitäten. Transnationalität in den
Erinnerungskulturen Ostmitteleuropas im 20. Jahrhundert. [Broken continuities. Transnationalism in
the Cultures of Remembrance in East-Central Europe in the 20th century] Böhlau Verlag: Wien, Köln
Journal articles:
In Press
• Archiwum znalezione w garażu. [Archive that was found in a garage] Rocznik Antropologii Historii
• Inconsequential acclamations and apparitions of the Virgin Mary as transformative events. Social
• Objawienia i duchy gór – doświadczenia, instytucje i organizacje religijne. [Apparitions and the
spirits of mountains: religious experiences, institutions and organisations] Prace Etnograficzne 42.1,
• The Power and Authority of Shamans in Contemporary Altai. Shaman 22/1-2: 5-26
• Emotions and authority in religious organisations: a case of a new prayer group in contemporary
Transcarpathian Ukraine. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 21:1, 60-80.
• National, transnational or cosmopolitan heroine? Virgin Mary’s apparitions in contemporary Europe.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 34/3: 454-470
• From Dzublyk to Medjugorje: The Virgin Mary as a translational figure. Transnationalism and the
nation-state. Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, vol. 57/3: 329-345
• (with Brian Donahoe, Joachim Otto Habeck and Istvan Santha) Size and place in the construction of
indigeneity in the Russian Federation. Current Anthropology, 48/6, no. 6: 993-1020
• Virgin Mary and the border: identity politics of the Greek Catholic Church at the Ukrainian /Slovak
borderland. Sociology. Slovak Sociological Review. 40: 548-565
• What does it feel like when your religion moves under your feet? Religion, earthquakes and
national unity in the Republic of Altai. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. 133/2: 283-299
• Church - state relations and apparitions of Virgin Mary - a view from the Ukrainian-Slovak
borderland. Etnologia Polona (appeared in 2010)
• (with Brian Donahoe) Die indigenen Völker Sibiriens: Landrechte, Legalismus und Lebensstil.
[Indigenous peoples of Siberia: land rights, legal regulations and lifestyles] Zeitschrift für Ökologie
und indigene Völker, 19: 18-21
• Contemporary religious life in the Republic of Altai – the interaction of Buddhism and Shamanism,
Sibirica, vol 3, no 2: 165-182
• Kto jest Ałtajczykiem? [Who is Altaian?] Etnografia Polska ” vol. XL, 1-2: 277-306
• Katolicyzm litewski w oczach Polaków na Wileńszcyźnie. [Lithuanian Catholicism in the eyes of
Poles from Vilnius region] Polska Sztuka Ludowa, Konteksty 3/4: 68-75 (in Polish)
Book chapters:
In press
• Not Looking through a National Lens? Rusyns – Transcarpathians as an anational self-Identification
in Contemporary Ukraine In: Kleinmann, Yvonne and Achim Rabus (eds.) Aleksander Brückner
revisited. Debatten um Polen und Polentum in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Polen: Kultur - Geschichte
- Gesellschaft 1 / Poland: Culture - History - Society 1). Göttingen: Wallstein, (to be published in
• Virgin Mary, Ukraine and the underground Greek Catholic Church. In: Agnieszka Gąsior (ed.) Maria
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Agnieszka Halemba
Published on IEiAK (
in der Krise. Gesellschaftspolitische Instrumentalisierung einer religiösen Symbolfigur zur Zeit der
Konfessionalisierung und im postkommunistischen Transformationsprozess in Ostmitteleuropa
Böhlau Verlag: Wien, Köln Weimar.
• The Virgin Marys of Transcarpathia: Marian pilgrimage sites in the contemporary struggles over
ecclesiastical and national identity in the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Mukachevo. In: A. Gasior, A.
Halemba, Stefan Troebst (eds.) Gebrochene Kontinuitäten. Transnationalität in den
Erinnerungskulturen Ostmitteleuropas im 20. Jahrhundert. Böhlau Verlag: Wien, Köln Weimar.
• Czy naród jest koniecznością? O tożsamości współczesnych słowiańskojęzycznych mieszkańców
ukraińskiego Zakarpacia. [Is nation a must? On identity of contemporary Slavic-speaking inhabitants
of the Ukrainian Transcarpathia] In: eds. Łukasz Smyrski [2] and Katarzyna Waszczyńska [3]
Etnograficzne wędrówki po obszarach antropologii. DIG: Warszawa: 151-164
• Ilość ma znaczenie. O wpływie ilościowego aspektu regulacji państwowych na politykę
narodowościową wśród Ałtajczyków. [Size matters. On influence of size aspect of state regulations on
national politics among the Altaians] In: eds. B. Bossak-Herbst, M. Głowacka-Grajper i M. Kowalski
Antropologiczne inspiracje. WUW: Warszawa: 145-160
• Objawienia Matki Bożej na ukraińskim Zakarpaciu, a przemiany życia religijnego w czasach
radzieckich. [Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Transcarpathia and changes in religious life in the
Soviet times] In: eds. M. Głowacka-Grajper i R. Wyszyński 20 lat rzeczywistości poradzieckiej.
Spojrzenie socjologiczne. WUW: Warszawa: 168-177
• Three Houses of Culture in Kosh Agach: Accounting for Culture work in a Changing Political Setting.
In: Joachim Otto Habeck and Brian Donahoe (red.) Reconstructing the House of Culture: Community,
Self and the Makings of Culture in Russia and Beyond, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books:
• Polityka, teoria i metoda – czyli co tworzy współczesną antropologię. [Politics, theory and method or what makes contemporary anthropology] In: T.Buliński and M. Kairski (ed.) Teren w antropologii.
Wokół praktyki badawczej w antropologii kulturowej: namysły, problemy, propozycje, Poznań:
Wydawnictwo UAM: 111-130
• Who protects what from whom? Tourism and nature protection initiatives in the Republic of Altai.
In: Sayana Namsaraeva (ed.) Review on Siberian Studies at Max Planck Institute for Social
Anthropology. Peking: Mingzuchubanshe: 58 – 75 (in Chinese)
• Greek Catholics of Zemplin: dilemmas of contemporary pastoral care. In: Stephanie Mahieu and
Vlad Naumescu (eds) Churches In-between: Greek Catholic Churches in Postsocialist Europe, Halle
Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia, Münster: LIT Verlag: 299-318
• Religion and Conflict over Land in the Republic of Altai: Is there a Difference between Building a
Shrine and Creating a Nature Park? In: Fernanda Pirie and Toni Huber (eds) Conflict and Order in
Tibet and Inner Asia, Leiden i Boston: Brill: 135-158
• ’My wierzymy w naszą ziemię’. Religia na Ałtaju a kwestia tolerancji religijnej. [‘We believe in our
land’. Religion in Altai and a question of religious tolerance] In: Jerzy Wasilewski [1], Anna
Zadrożyńska [4] and Amanda Bruczkowska (eds) Horyzonty Antropologii Kultury, Warszawa:
Wydawnictwo DIG: 161-174
• Polozhenie buddizma v sovremennoi religioznoi zhizni Respublike Altai [Place of Buddhism in
contemporary religious life of the Republic of Altai] In: J.V.Popkov (ed.) Etno- socialnye processy v
Sibirii: tematicheskii sbornik, 6, Novosibirsk: RAN (in Russian)
• Tożsamość narodowa współczesnych Ałtajczyków. [National identity of contemporary Altaians] In:
Ewa Nowicka (ed.) Wielka Syberia małych narodów, Kraków: Nomos: 99-116
• W co będziemy wierzyć? – sytuacja religijna na Ałtaju. [What shall we believe in? Religious situation
in Altai] In: Ewa Nowicka (ed.) Wielka Syberia małych narodów, Kraków: Nomos: 117-146
Reviews, encyclopaedia entries, translations, reports:
In press
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Agnieszka Halemba
Published on IEiAK (
• Review of Agnieszka Pasieka Hierarchy and Pluralism. Living Religious Difference in Catholic
Poland. In Religion State, Society
• Review of Jeffrey S. Bennett,, When the Sun Danced: Myth, Miracles, and Modernity in Early
Twentieth-Century Portugal. H-SAE, H-Net Reviews.
• Review of Natalia Żukowska (ed). Religia v istorii i kul’ture mongoloiazycznych narodow Rossii In
Central Asian Survey, 30: 2, 304-306
• Translator of Caroline Humphrey The Unmaking of Soviet Life: Everyday Economies After Socialism
(Polish title: Koniec radzieckiego życia. Ekonomie życia codziennego po socjalizmie), Kęty:
Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki
• Book review of Juraj Buzalka Nation and religion: the politics of commemoration in South-East
Poland In Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute, 14: 677-678.
• Report for WWF Russia: Local perspectives on hunting and poaching in the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion,
available at [5]
• Telengity In: Dmitrii Funk, N. Tomilov (eds.) Tyurskie Narody Sibirii. Moscow: Nauka (in Russian)
• Bronisław Piłsudski. In: Mark Nuttall (ed.) Encyclopaedia of the Arctic, vol. 3, London: Routledge:
• Wacław Sieroszewski. In: Mark Nuttall (ed.) Encyclopaedia of the Arctic, vol. 3, London: Routledge:
Projekty badawcze
Since 2015 Research in Polish-German borderland (Gryfino-Gartz region)
2006-2011 Field research in Ukraine, Slovakia and at various European pilgrimage sites – church
politics, religious experience, memory, transnational religious networks, Virgin Mary’s apparitions
2008 Research project for WWF Russia Local perspectives on hunting and poaching in the AltaiSayan Ecoregion
2006 Field research on contemporary meanings and functions of the House of Culture in Siberia –
comparative team research
2003-2005 Field research in the Republic of Altai – legal, social and religious aspects of nature
protection, land reform, tourism
1993-2000 Field research in Altai, Tuva and Khakassia – national identity, religious transformations,
1991-1994 Field research on religious life in Podhale region in Poland
Field research on religious life and interethnic relations in Lithuania and Belorussia
Field research on interethnic relations in Carpathian Mountains, Poland
Konferencje, seminaria, wykłady gościnne
Since 2010
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Agnieszka Halemba
Published on IEiAK (
• Presentation “The moral value of dissidence: apparitions of the Virgin Mary and socialist
repressions”, 12th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore, Zagreb
• Presentation “Authority of the priests”, International Workshop Religion in the Black Sea Region,
• Presentation “From Community Cult to Religious Network: a new pilgrimage site in Transcarpathian
Ukraine – and beyond” International Conference Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces: Pilgrims, Saints
and Scholars in the Caucasus and Beyond, University of Jena
• Invited lecture “Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in contemporary Transcarpathian Ukraine negotiations and experiments”, Moscow State University (in Russian)
• Invited lecture “Virgin Mary apparitions in contemporary Ukraine. Negotiations over identity and
religious experiments”, Charles University, Prague
• Presentation “Nature Cult, State Legal Regimes and Nature Protection Initiatives in the Republic of
Altai”, workshop Inner Asian Law and Society: Religion and Justice, University of Oxford
• Presentation “Archiwum znalezione w garażu” (Archive that was found in a garage), workshop
Między etnologią a historią (Bewteen Ethnology and History), University of Warsaw
• Presentation “Suffering for and against the church – uses of martyrdom in contemporary Greek
Catholic Church in Ukrainian Transcarpathia and Galicia”, conference Memory and Religion in Central
and Eastern Europe, The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw
• Presentation “'Rusyn' as an anational self-identification in contemporary Ukrainian
Transcarpathia”, conference Brückner revisited. Diskurse um Polonität in Geschichte und
Gegenwart: Mikro- und Ma¬kroperspektiven, University of Jena
• Invited lecture „Objawienia maryjne – negocjacje i eksperymenty religijne na ukraińskim
Zakarpaciu” (Virgin Mary apparitions negotiations and religious experiments in Ukrainian
Transcarpathia), University of Warsaw
• Presentation „Objawienia i duchy gór: religia doświadczana, instytucjonalna i zorganizowana”
(Apparitions and the spirits of mountains: institutional, experiential and organisational religion), 1st
Polish Congress of Anthropology, Warsaw
• Presentation “Keeping believers within organisational frameworks”, Conference of the European
Sociological Association, Sociology of Religion Research Network, Transformations of the Sacred in
Europe and Beyond, University of Potsdam
• Presentation “Inconsequential beliefs and apparitions of the Virgin Mary as decision-events”,
conference Freedom, Creativity, and Decision: Towards an Anthropology of the Human Subject,
University of Cambridge
• Presentation “Everyday parish life and legal status of the Greek Catholic communities on the
Ukrainian-Slovak borderland”, conference of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the
Russian Academy of Science and the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), Moscow
• Presentation „Objawienia Matki Bożej na Zakarpaciu a przemiany życia religijnego w czasach
radzieckich” (Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Transcarpathia and changes in religious life in the
Soviet times), 20 years of post-Soviet reality, 9th Conference of the Institute of Sociology, University
of Warsaw
• Panel organiser: “Crisis in church? Religious authority and religious experience” 11th Conference of
the European Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Maynooth
• Presentation “Emotions and centralisation of religion – the case of apparitional narratives”
Conference Cognition, Religion and Theology, University of Oxford
• Presentation “Whose religion? Socialist and post-socialist transformations and the position of Greek
Catholic priests in Ukrainian Transcarpathia”, conference Religious Hegemony and Religious
Diversity in Eastern Europe: Postsocialism vis-à-vis the Longue Durée, Max Planck Institute for Social
Anthropology, Halle
• Presentation “Policing religious experience” VI Conference Society for Ethnology and Folklore
(SIEF), Working Group on Ethnology of Religion, Ethnographic Museum, Warsaw
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Agnieszka Halemba
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[email protected]
+48 22 55 31 657
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