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Wersja angielska artykułu w formacie pdf
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Nauki ścisłe priorytetem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy
Artykuły na platformę CMS
The following article is of an informative character. It is addressed to students of secondary
schools – it may also constitute a revision of issues taught at middle school. Texts
and multimedia materials are to encourage the readers to responsible usage
of modern electronic devices and the possibility created by the contemporary informative world.
The main aim of the article is to encourage readers to consider problems
concerning safe usage of the Internet.
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
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Nauki ścisłe priorytetem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy
Artykuły na platformę CMS
1.) The Internet map created by OPTE Project in 2005. Today this map would by several times larger.
There is a set of conventional guidelines concerning the cultural behaviour in the Internet
which are specified by so called netiquette2, i.e. savoir-vivre or in other words etiquette. There are
a lot of rules depending on the subject or a specific virtual environment, i.e. from blogs to SMS,
forums or e-mail correspondence with a bank.
1 Classic OPTE Project Map
2Netiquette Guidelines.
of the Internet 2005
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
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Nauki ścisłe priorytetem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy
Artykuły na platformę CMS
The netiquette points demonstrated below are the set of the most common and important
Try not to use vulgarisms – there are other, also „strong” ways of exchanging arguments,
Do not spam posting links or using junk content – most people will ignore you at the
beginning of such information,
Before you write anything in the Internet, it is good to read about
the rules present in a specific place and to read FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), it is also
advisable to plan and think through your statement, especially when it is formed in a moment of
emotions (it is better to write a draft first, and edit it later),
Writing with CAPSLOCK or „PoKemOnS” is not nice, it makes reading more difficult and
results in other users’ ignorance, the writer may also not be treated seriously (it is similarly as if
somebody would constantly scream or modulate each letter in another way),
Use emoticons (so called smileys) wisely and in moderation, then you will be perceived as a
person psychologically stable, otherwise you will receive the opposite effect,
Do not use or promote contents which are illegal (remember
that the websites may be from other countries with another legal system than ours),
Do not post too large amounts of contents in one, designed for other purposes place,
upload a files/text on the website and give a link in your post (use servers for uploading files and
texts which may be found by typing such phrases as: imagehosting, filehosting),
Culture is the most important, it is advisable to imagine: in which manner I would like
others to talk to me.
Before you ask a question look for the answers in other places, i.e. through the search
engine – there is a high likelihood that somebody had already asked a similar question and
received an answer. It is good to read FAQ, look through the accessible documentation. While
asking questions without the previous search for answers you may be ignored or even laughed at
because of your laziness.
Writing a question/an answer form short statements, use language which is stylistically and
grammatically correct – it will result with the higher possibility that other Internet users will pay
attention to your statement and will respond to it.
Privacy and anonymity
People using the Internet should thoroughly consider the issues of privacy and security of
their data. It is not important for all the peolpe. Thus, the information shared previously only with
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
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Nauki ścisłe priorytetem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy
Artykuły na platformę CMS
family and friends is currently public for the whole world. Remember, though, that contemporary
privacy is the specific welfare used for guarding not only our lives, but also lives of our loved ones.
It can be checked how a user can
take away their privacy on their own because of their
http://wiemycorobisz.pl/ - everyday updated list of Facebook users who did not apply
http://pleaserobme.com/ - a website with posts from Tweeter gathering data about
users who post sensitive information concerning their living place, they take a risk of being robbed
e.g.: while they are away (about which they will also inform with a proper post)
The Internet
The Internet is an enormous market and great money. Therefore, advertisers try to get to
the possibly broadest group of recipients and manage the advertisement as accurately as possible
through personalization of the Internet users.
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
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Nauki ścisłe priorytetem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy
Artykuły na platformę CMS
Fig.2.Diagram showing relations between the provider (Przykładowa Firma), the intermediary of other Internet
services (the owner of www websites) and a recipient (the user of Internet services).
The above picture shows how Przykładowa Firma (a company) through free services earns money
by positioning its users. It would not be bad if it would not interfere in users’ privacy. Przykładowa
Firma uses cookies and contextual adverts (small files containing codes started on a website), they
monitor entries saving enough data to identify a person, and then they gather them into a base
and show a specific ad adapted to a user who was on websites of a similar subject. Even not using
the services of Przykładowa Firma the user will still be monitored by visiting the webpages
containing ads of Przykładowa Firma. In an e-mail service Przykładowa Firma applies similar
activities; moreover, it scans the private post looking for key words to adapt to the words a proper
advertisement. Fortunately, a consumer has the right to choose which advertisements they would
like to see, and when additionally it is connected with the security of personal data users have the
right to protect themselves against their possible leaks.
There are ways to maintain privacy in the Internet - these are programmes/accessories and
a user armed with patience and appropriate preventive reflexes. The simplest way is to install safe
and updated Internet browsers and a few accessories (plugins), without them browsers store a
great amount of data concerning user’s activity in the Net. Below are some examples of most
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
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Nauki ścisłe priorytetem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy
Artykuły na platformę CMS
popular browsers and additional plugins:
Mozilla Firefox3 – plugins: Adblock Plus, BetterPrivacy, Cookies Manager+, Ghostery,
HTTPS Finder
Chromium4 – plugins: Ghostery, NotScripts, KB SSL Enforcer, Vanilla Cookie Manager,
Adblock Plus
Opera5 – plugins: Ghostery, AdBlock, Redirect to HTTPS
Dooble – it does not need any plugins, it has built-in safety mechanisms facilitating privacy
The safe usage of the Internet will certainly be facilitated by the Internet engines which do
spy users,
cookies, do not limit searches to areas from which the questions arises (so called bubbling). The
connection with them is encrypted. Here are some examples:
You can check the safety of Internet engine setting visiting:
– it compares the browser uniqueness on the basis of sent to visited
webpages information about the operation system, screen resolution, installed expansions
(plugins), current time zone and date, installed font, accepted cookies, all these data are identified
by a search engine with a great accuracy.
Except for the safe browsers you can use anonymizing programmes which additionally
increase the safety. However, they should not be used for illegal activities.
Below you can find a list of free software:
10+ Best Firefox Security and Privacy Addons
The Top 8+ Security & Privacy Extensions For The Chrome Browser
Opera safe browsing
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
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Nauki ścisłe priorytetem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy
Artykuły na platformę CMS
Tor Project
Cyber Ghost
Ultra Surf
More detailed information about above mentioned programmes can be found in chapter: PC - Personal Computer:
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
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Nauki ścisłe priorytetem społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy
Artykuły na platformę CMS
1.) Andrew Lockhart. 125 sposobów na bezpieczeństwo sieci. 2007/10 wyd. Helion
2.) Piotr Waglowski. Prawo w sieci. Zarys regulacji internetu. 2005/4 wyd. Helion
3.) Michał Zalewski. Cisza w sieci. 2005/11 wyd. Helion
Internet sources:
1.) Netiquette Guidelines - http://www.rfc1855.net
2.) Netiquette in social networks - http://www.pcworld.pl/news/pdf/index/id/372401
3.) Picture: Classic OPTE Project Map of the Internet 2005„ comes from the website
https://www.fotopedia.com/wiki/Internet#%21/items and is public
on the license of Creative Commons
4.) The right to privacy as the Internet personal welfare http://vagla.pl/skrypts/prywatnosc_internet.htm
5.) The Top 8+ Security & Privacy Extensions For The Chrome Browser https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-8-security-privacy-extensions-chrome-browser
6.) 10+ Best Firefox Security and Privacy Addons https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/best-firefox-addons-for-enhancing-security-andprivacy/
7.)Opera safe Browsing - http://help.opera.com/Linux/12.00/en/private.html
8.) Google Privacy Policy - https://www.google.com/intl/pl/policies/privacy
What cannot you learn from Google and Facebook? http://biznesblog.lazarski.pl/?p=1198
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską
w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego